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The essay combines a specific and a more general theme. In attacking ‘the doctrine of the sanctity of human life’ Singer takes himself thereby to be opposing the conviction that human life has special value. I argue that this conviction goes deep in our lives in many ways that do not depend on what Singer identifies as central to that ‘doctrine’, and that his attack therefore misses its main target. I argue more generally that Singer’s own moral philosophy affords only an impoverished and distorted sense of the value of human life and human beings. In purporting to dig below the supposedly illusion–ridden surface of our thinking about value, Singer in fact often leads us away from the robust terrain of our lived experience into rhetorical, and sometimes brutal, fantasy.  相似文献   


A sample of 389 individuals completed a death anxiety scale and a series of items that measured self-reported religious practices and beliefs. Those lowest in religious practices and beliefs were significantly higher in death anxiety. Contrary to some prior research, depth of belief had a stronger negative association with death anxiety than did religious activities. Strongest relationships had to do with concepts of life after death. The oldest respondents reported the least death anxiety.  相似文献   

This paper examines a central aspect of the relations between duration and quality of life by considering the moral right to voluntary euthanasia, and some aspects of the moral case for a legal right to euthanasia. Would widespread acceptance of a right to voluntary euthanasia lead to widespread changes in attitudes to life and death? Many of its advocates deny that, seeing it as a narrow right enabling people to avoid ending their life in great pain or total dependence, or a vegetative state. I argue that the right cannot cogently be conceived as a narrow right, confined to very limited circumstances. It is based on the value of having the normative power to choose the time and manner of one's death. Its recognition will be accompanied by far reaching changes in culture and attitudes, and these changes will enrich people's life by enabling them to integrate their death as part of their lives.  相似文献   

生命自主:当代生命伦理学的终极价值追求   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 生命自主的含义人的生命 ,首先表现为一种自然存在形式和物质复合体 ,也就是指人的自然生命。但是 ,人之为人 ,不在于他有自然生命 ,而在于他还有着特定的人格 ,在于他的“价值生命”。“价值生命”作为对自然生命的否定 ,是人的自为之有的存在状态。在生命的类化过程中 ,人扬弃的是自然生命的自在性 ,超越的是生命的内在性和主观性 ,获得的是一个新的以意识自觉为前提的个体性的生命 ,即价值生命的创生。按照马克思的说法 ,“动物和它的生命活动是直接同一的。人则使自己的生命活动本身变成自己的意志和意识的对象。正是这一有意识的生…  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the influence of social categories on mock juror judgments of wrongful death compensatory damages. The research also examined whether these cues—decedent race, parental status, age, and socioeconomic status—differentially affected noneconomic and economic awards and, further, the extent to which jurors' distributive justice concerns could explain the findings. Results revealed a decedent's parental status to consistently impact noneconomic awards; whereas his parental status, age, and socioeconomic status all consistently affected economic awards. Decedent race did not inform participants' judgments. These results were in close alignment with the values participants expressed (Study 2) regarding the use of social categories in compensatory damage awards. Overall, the pattern of findings supports a distributive justice account.  相似文献   

关于生与死的思考铸就了人类哲学的恢弘与博大。中国古代哲学中关于生死之论,不乏智者和睿者,其中道家先哲们以“万物皆一”的开阔视野看待生死,超越了一时一事、一得一失,确立了极具特色的超越死亡、生死存亡一体的生死哲学。并以其丰富的理论内容,深刻的思想内涵,脱俗的不凡见解和独特的美学意境,为中国乃至世界生死哲学理论宝库书写了不可或缺的一笔,对后世产生了极其深远的影响。  相似文献   

Theologies of death by Karl Rahner and Eberhard Jungel are closely analyzed to test the hypothesis that the coherence of Christian theological anthropology depends on holding in dialectical balance the implications of three distinct ways in which God relates to humankind (as creator, as redeemer and as eschatological consummator) held in dialectical equipoise. Connections are shown between Rahner's focus on creation/consummation (subordinating the redemption-relation) and his unintended undercutting of sola gratia ; and between Jungel's focus on creation/redemption (subordinating consummation) and his evacuating the ontological status of the creature. Four positive morals are drawn for doing anthropology.  相似文献   

This article examines the personal and archetypal aspects of images from six dreams that occurred during the illness and after the death of the dreamer's sister. It connects the dream images to the unresolved issues in the relationship between siblings and to the dreamer's own reflections on typology. It also explores the larger questions concerning the psychological process of grief, the common occurrence of synchronistic events related to death and loss, and includes Jung's comments on life and death. Finally, the article suggests solutions to our very human fears of death and encourages the development of our capacity to discover a personal mythology, a working sacred story, of “the beyond” or “life” after death.  相似文献   

The American Journal of Psychoanalysis - Psychoanalytic therapy is not supposed to cure man from death, nor to help him forget about it. It is supposed to deal with the soul, and it is up to the...  相似文献   

Black families traditionally print photographs, poems, songs and sayings in funeral programs as a tribute to the deceased. These artistic expressions, which are part of the black funeral tradition, communicate a theology of death and the afterlife. Yet, the contributions of black, feminist, womanist and pastoral theologies are conventionally ignored in the development of theologies of death. This essay explores the practical implications of using elements of these theologies—black, feminist, womanist and pastoral—to effectively minister to a person with fears, doubts, and questions, and who is facing death. These theologies reveal that death is not the enemy of the dying person who taps into the power of the Incarnation—the “erotic power” housed in human flesh that overcomes and triumphs over death.  相似文献   

The philosophical argument between Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus can be summarised in their conflicting accounts of skiing and swimming. For Sartre skiing exemplifies the struggle of existence and the angst of the alienated ego. For Camus, swimming represents some glimmering of collective harmony, the possibility of transcendence. Sartre's thinking is inflected by quantum theory and the ‘steady state’, whereas Camus is more of a wave theorist, with a lingering nostalgia for the ‘primeval atom’ and a fondness for peak experiences. Put together their separate ways of analysing consciousness suggest a two-phase account of cognition.  相似文献   


Thoughts of mortality sometimes bring on a crisis in confidence in the meaning in one's life. One expression of this collapse is the midlife crisis. In a recent article, Kieran Setiya argues that if one can value activities as opposed to accomplishments as the primary goods in one's life then one might avoid the midlife crisis. I argue that Setiya's advice, rather than safeguarding the meaning in one's life, substitutes for it something else, a kind of happiness. I use Susan Wolf's concept of meaning in order to make this case. Wolf has not written much about the importance of death, but I argue that her account of meaning shares essential features with the theories developed by Jean-Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger. Sartre argues that death is an unqualified harm, while Heidegger argues that there is meaning in life only because we are mortal. I conclude by showing how Heidegger's theory of mortality underwrites accounts of meaning like those found in Wolf.  相似文献   

An existential psychodynamic theory is presented based on Ernest Becker's claim that self-esteem and cultural worldviews function to ameliorate the anxiety associated with the uniquely human awareness of vulnerability and mortality. Psychological equanimity is hypothesized to require (1) a shared set of beliefs about reality that imbues the universe with stability, meaning, and permanence; (2) standards by which individuals can judge themselves to be of value; and (3) promises of safety and the transcendence of death to those who meet the standards of value. An empirical research program in support of this theory is then described, and the personal and interpersonal implications of these ideas are briefly considered.  相似文献   

In Humanity’s End: Why We Should Reject Radical Enhancement, Nicholas Agar presents a novel argument against the prospect of radical life-extension. Agar’s argument hinges on the claim that extended lifespans will result in people’s lives being dominated by the fear of death. Here we examine this claim and the surrounding issues in Agar’s discussion. We argue, firstly, that Agar’s view rests on empirically dubious assumptions about human rationality and attitudes to risk, and secondly, that even if those assumptions are granted, the fears that Agar adverts to are unlikely to dominate people’s lives if and when radical life-extension is made possible. Further, we claim that the structure of the decision-making process around life-extension is unlikely to be the way that it would have to be in order for Agar’s claims about fear of death to make sense. Finally, we argue that Agar is implicitly committed to a narrow conception of human value. In response, we suggest that the pursuit of life-extension can itself be seen as an expression of certain important aspects of our distinctively human nature.  相似文献   

郑晓江 《学海》2006,(2):146-153
周敦颐的生死哲学主要由二部分构成,第一是生死态度:“今死矣,命也!”第二,生死观:“原始反终,故知死生之说”。周敦颐构筑了儒学之形上本体,又以阴阳五行之理贯之“天人”。这不仅为儒者之积极入世、道德践履的人生观奠定了坚实的基础,更从本根上确立了儒式的生死观。本文从对周敦颐生死思想的探讨进而对儒家的生死哲学进行反省,以期推动对中国哲学的思想探讨的深入。  相似文献   

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