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Some meanings of "nothing" are delineated according to their acquisition, confluence, and transformation in the course of the child's development of drives, the ego, and object relations. This sketch is illustrated mainly from King Lear.  相似文献   

试从"反哺"与"接力"看中西亲子关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“反哺”和“接力”分别是中西方家庭中处理养老问题的两种不同模式,模式的区别也反映了中西方亲子关系的差异。导致这种差异的原因主要是中西方所处的社会发展阶段不同、中西方伦理价值观念的冲突等四个方面所致。在代际亲子观念的东西文化交流过程中,我们既要继续发扬我国尊老爱幼的优良传统,又要吸取西方重视代际亲子关系平等的合理因素,建立一个不分年龄、人人共享的和谐社会。  相似文献   


In Martin Stanton's 1990 monograph Sandor Ferenczi: Reconsidering Active Intervention , one of six exegetical chapters was titled "Teratoma", using Ferenczi's own word for malformations of (psychic) development. Since then, there has been a tendency in the larger Ferenczi literature to use "teratoma" as a metaphor, leading to the creation of many odd readings and contexts for this very specific, medical, anatomic term. When Stanton becomes expansive in viewing the teratoma as a "transitional object" which "negotiates a relationship between the growth of ideal-ego ideas in oneself and the outside 'influence' of inner systems of thought" (p. 176), he is entering the play-space that opened between Ferenczi and Groddeck during the 20s as Ferenczi's relationship with Freud became increasingly constricted. What this misses is that Ferenczi was a physician, as was Groddeck. For all their fanciful explorations of mind and body relatedness, for both Ferenczi and Groddeck there would be a shared background of certain basic terminology. In that medical terminology, "teratoma" refers to variable numbers of primordial germ cells in the embryo, which in the course of development become displaced, sequestered and grotesquely overgrown; they can never become the tissues they were meant to be. Their potential is forever squandered. "Monsters" they may be; "doubles" they may seem; but they are utterly non-viable. In his metaphorical application of the term "teratoma" to the natural history of (psychic) trauma, Ferenczi proposes a biological and psychological isomorphism that is both clinically illuminating and intuitively prophetic of the course of treatment of trauma, which he was discovering. Clinical and literary material are used to explore the gap between the anatomic teratoma and the psychic teratoma.  相似文献   

Some patients with serious mental illness appear to respond violently to the same delusional content throughout the course of their illness. Anecdotal, empirical, and theoretical evidence is presented establishing the premise of "stereotypic" delusional offending. A method for measuring the similarity of two delusions separated in time also is presented. An empirical focus on stereotypic delusional offending may help identify more accurately persons at risk for violence and those at risk for becoming targets of violence. It also may provide a better understanding of successful treatment of outpatient violence and conceivably could inform the ongoing debate on involuntary outpatient commitment laws. Among the major issues of this debate in the United States are the potential benefits of a forced medication provision. One rationale for such a provision may be found in the treatment response of seriously mentally ill outpatients whose violent behavior appears inescapably tied to their persistent or recurrent delusions.  相似文献   

This brief clinical note is an attempt to clarify Freud's remarks regarding the significance of real occurrences of the "dream within a dream". There is affirmation of the reality of an actual event in the manifest dream (the "tickling" in adolescence). Certain representations regarding real events are alluded to in the manifest dream and are confirmed by the latent dream thoughts (the underlying homosexual theme involving the patient's mother and herself). Within the ongoing transference neurosis, a new understanding led this patient to experience intense sexual affects which were recalled for the first time during the course of an analytic session. The analyst's attention to this "dream within a dream" led to a facilitating active interpretation of the repressed sexual feelings. At the same time it was possible to observe a developmental arrest which had interfered with the consolidation of the patient's adolescent maturation begin to be undone by interpretation. The process of disengaging the patient from her unconscious bond with her mother (the undoing of the negative oedipal involvement) had been set in motion. The "dream within a dream" seems to represent a special defensive effort of the dream work to encapsulate the memory of one or more related actual events and the intense affects associated with them--affects whose pressure for discharge threaten to arouse the sleeper. The form the dream assumes is related to its hidden sexual origins and engages the active participation of both patient and analyst.  相似文献   

证的概念包括证据与诊断两方面的含义,诊断是证据在头脑中的意识反应,两者不能割舍.用有形无形、客观主观来统一证的理论内涵,认为无形之证是有形之证的意识概括,两者总是在不同层次、不同角度达到统一.  相似文献   

西医院校中医学教学远期效果的强化途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据教学认知结构理论,突出"学科结构"教学,引导学生将所学的知识按照知识结构的形式构建个人的认知结构,有助于今后信息的检索和提取从而获得长期记一忆.突出"医疗特色"教学,使学生明晰中医理论发生发展的脉络本质,并与其它医学相比较凸显中医特色.使学生不仅对中医产生正确的认知和情感,而且记忆长久,从而使教学远期效果的实现成为可能.  相似文献   

Perceptual grouping is the process by which elements in the visual image are aggregated into larger and more complex structures, i.e., "objects." This paper reports a study of the spatial factors and time-course of the development of objects over the course of the first few hundred milliseconds of visual processing. The methodology uses the now well-established idea of an "object benefit" for certain kinds of tasks (here, faster within-object than between-objects probe comparisons) to test what the visual system in fact treats as an object at each point during processing. The study tested line segment pairs in a wide variety of spatial configurations at a range of exposure times, in each case measuring the strength of perceptual grouping as reflected in the magnitude of the object benefit. Factors tested included nonaccidental properties such as collinearity, cotermination, and parallelism; contour relatability; Gestalt factors such as symmetry and skew symmetry, and several others, all tested at fine (25 msec) time-slices over the course of processing. The data provide detailed information about the comparative strength of these factors in inducing grouping at each point in processing. The result is a vivid picture of the chronology of object formation, as objects progressively coalesce, with fully bound visual objects completed by about 200 msec of processing.  相似文献   

This paper will describe an experimental community project aimed at "well families". The program was designed to be preventive by providing service to families before their problems escalated into crisis proportions. It emphasized an educational rather than treatment bias; this orientation forced us to expand concepts, experiment with new techniques, and re-evaluate our ideas on how families change. Of particular importance to us was the emphasis on behavioral change rather than intellectual insight. In the course of this work, family sculpting came to be an increasingly valuable tool.  相似文献   

Debates about commodification in bioethics frequently appeal to Kant's famous second formulation of the categorical imperative, the formula requiring us to treat the rational (human) being as "an end in itself" and "never as a means only." In the course of her own treatment of commodification, Margaret Jane Radin observes that Kant's application of this formula "does not generate noncontroversial particular consequences." This is so, I argue, because Kant offers three different--and largely incompatible--interpretations of the formula. One focuses on the obligation to preserve rational willing; the second stresses respect for human (physical) dignity and integrity; the third views respect for others as "ends in themselves" as primarily involving a willingness to govern one's conduct by a procedure of impartial co-legislation. Only the third of these interpretations, I conclude, offers a reasonable and coherent approach to moral judgment about the limits of commodification.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old girl's daily life is a vivid testimony to the hardships the Korean high school student is faced with. She leaves home for school at 7 A. M., taking two lunch bags, one for supper, with her. After regular classes end at 5 P.M., she attends the "autonomous study classes" studying by herself until 10 P.M. The exhausted young girl returns home at about 10:30 P.M. and gets to bed around midnight at the earliest. Under the current system, this will be her life for three years. Of course, there is no guarantee she will be able to enter the university she wants. She has no family life, except for Sundays, and they hardly ever see each other, let alone get together at the dining table for dinner. People call this "ipsi chiok," entrance examination hell. ["High School Students Deprived of Spring," 1996, p. 13].  相似文献   

Our 51-year old patient developed low back pain and an increase of tonus mainly in the left limb and trunk muscles. Microscopic examination of the muscles and electronmicroscopic examination of the sural nerve and that of the gastronemic muscle did not show any specific deviation. On the basis of spontaneous activity observed during EMG examination, protracted motor activity of great amplitude when moved passively, as well as characteristic clinical symptoms and the disease process Stiff-man syndrome was diagnosed. Considering literature data, we tried applying diazepam (Seduxen and Rivotril)-presumably increasing the praesynaptic inhibition and affecting the reticular system of the brain stem-, as well as GABA medicaments (Lioresal and Depakine) increasing synaptic transport. By giving Seduxen, Rivotril and Baclofen simultaneously a lasting remission of symptoms could be reached. Applying Depakine in combination with the above medicines proved ineffective, presumably because of synergetic side effects.  相似文献   

B Nitzschke 《Psyche》1990,44(9):788-825
Bertha Pappenheim, Breuer's famous patient "Anna O.," was a socially engaged, successful, Jewish women's rights advocate. The details of her biography presented here are not as well known--especially the subsequent course of her illness and treatment and her struggle against prostitution and the white slave trade, the latter carried on with special fascination. All of these show that "Anna O." left Breuer's treatment far from cured and that Bertha was entangled in a lifelong daughter-father conflict.  相似文献   

A clinical and theoretical study is presented of the effects of physical defects on character structure, especially on its narcissistic aspects. The basic thesis of this paper is that there are two differentiable responses to awareness of a physical disability: various forms of denial, and a clinging to narcissistic overgratifications as a compensation for negative feelings about the self. The first response, of overusing denial, is universal, and of course leaves its mark on a person's character. However, only the second sort of response, of clinging to overgratifications, leads to the character type of the "exception" (Freud 1916). The distinction between moral ideals, embodied in the ego ideal narrowly defined, and nonmoral ideals, embodied especially in the wishful self-image, is presented as a useful tool in understanding various psychological effects of physical disabilities.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that heavy alcohol use and alcohol dependence (AD) tend to increase in adolescence and emerging adulthood and then show a large decline in the late 20s, a phenomenon called maturing out. This decline has been explained as an effect of "role incompatibility" in which involvement in new roles and activities interferes with a heavy drinking lifestyle. However, maturing out has been conceived mostly as a decrease in offset, with little attention paid to reductions in new onset or recurrence across decades of life. Moreover, although role incompatibility processes have been studied with young samples, little is known about the effect of life transitions (e.g., marriage, parenthood, changes in employment status) on AD later in life and whether similar effects are observed. Using longitudinal data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a nationally representative epidemiologic survey, we examined the patterns of stability and change in AD across the life span and the differential effect of life transitions on AD across different age strata. Results showed that persistence of AD tended to increase with age, although not dramatically, and that onset and recurrence tended to decrease with age. Moreover, the effects of life transitions on the course of AD varied across the life span and were different for men and women. These results indicate that life transitions differentially affect the patterns of stability and change in younger versus older people, have a different impact for men and women, and highlight the need to consider the unique aspects of each stage of adult development on the course of AD.  相似文献   

Major depression is frequently characterized by recurrent episodes over the life course. First lifetime episodes of depression, however, are typically more strongly associated with major life stress than are successive recurrences. A key theoretical issue involves how the role of major life stress changes from an initial episode over subsequent recurrences. The primary conceptual framework for research on life stress and recurrence of depression is the "kindling" hypothesis (R. M. Post, 1992). Despite the strengths of the kindling hypothesis, a review of the research literature reveals inconsistencies and confusion about life stress and its implications for the recurrence of depression. Adopting a life stress perspective, the authors introduce 3 major themes that resolve the inconsistencies in the current literature. They integrate these themes and extrapolate the ideas with available data to develop a preliminary framework for evaluating competing explanatory models and to guide research on life stress and the recurrence of depression.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of irrelevant information on the multidimensional "same"--"different" task. Subjects were instructed to compare two geometric figures with respect to certain attributes but to ignore other attributes in making the "same"--"different" decision. The irrelevant attributes were chosen in such a way that they could not easily be ignored to see how the existence of irrelevant differences would affect the comparison process. As expected, the overall latencies were longer than is usually found in tasks with no irrelevant differences. However, the nature of the comparison process appeared unchanged. The usual finding of a "fast-same" phenomenon persisted even when irrelevant information was present. The similarity of the results in this task to results in the "same"--"different" task with no irrelevant features supports the idea that the same comparison mechanism is used whether or not irrelevant differences are present in the stimulus pairs. The results suggest a more general-purpose comparison mechanism than is usually included in models of this task. Two-process models of visual comparisons are thus ruled out entirely. A modified version of Krueger's noisy-operator theory does appear consistent with the results.  相似文献   

Terrorism Between "Syndrome" and "Tool"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Two psychological views of terrorism are described, approaching it as a "syndrome" and as a "tool" respectively. Research thus far found little support for the syndrome view. The heterogeneity of terrorism's users is consistent with the tool view, affording an analysis of terrorism in terms of goal–means psychology.  相似文献   

"情"与"智"概念的相关研究及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了国内外关于“情”与“智”的研究成果,指出,“情”与“智”是相互依赖,相互整合的关系。“智”对“情”有一定的决定作用,合理控制利用“情”也有利于“智”的发挥。处理两者之间的关系应该用整体论的思想进行考察,把二者有效地结合起来,合而为一,这样才能达到整体大于部分之和的功效,才能实现布鲁姆所提倡的教学目标。  相似文献   

This study examines the recent rash of official reports done by governmental agencies in Western Europe to guide policy development in those societies. Particular attention is given to reports in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, and Italy, and to the changes in such reports that have occurred, perhaps because of the influence of scholarly critiques offered for some of the earlier reports. The reports are divided into "Type I" and "Type II" reports, with the former being thorough-going in their anti-cult orientation, and the latter reports being more moderate in tone, with some attention paid to scholarship on new religions. However, the major thesis of the study is supported, as an examination of both types of reports reveals that they incorporate "brainwashing" and "mind control" imagery imported from the United States, even though such theories have been largely discounted within the United States. Use of such theories leads directly to some questionable policy recommendations, as demonstrated in the reports. Reasons for the spread of "brainwashing" ideas to Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

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