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整容不如整心。容貌即便整好了,也只是一时的美,万一手术不成功.则身心受损,遗憾无穷。整心,把心灵的烦恼搞定了,你就会成为世界上最可爱的人,同时也是最快乐的人。  相似文献   

“我们不是炒作,不是心血来潮,而是要把足球当成一个事业去做”,释延鲁强调,“要做就得做好”。  相似文献   

很多人感觉,烧的香越多,佛陀越会保佑你,其实不是这个样子的。——心澄法师呼吁大家在去寺庙的时候,摈弃“烧高香”的陋习,他说,作为僧人其实非常提倡大家一炷清香来拜佛的行为。  相似文献   

现代科学的有关研究成果,似乎证实了宗教和神秘主义在很久以前所揭示和阐发的东西。但由于科学本质上只提供受造物的信息,故其本身并不创造一种世界观,也不可能成为一种新的宗教。  相似文献   

选自《Science and Religion:Are They Compatible?》,保罗·库尔兹(PaulKurtz)主编,2003年由普罗米修斯出版社(Prometheus Books)出版,导言第一部分。为使读者更易理解文章内容编译者自加了小标题。“上帝创造了独立的灵魂”这一神学教条,成了宗教反对堕胎、出生控制和人工受精等医学科学的基本理由科学与宗教是协调的吗?或者说,他们有必要冲突吗?他们的关系长期被争论着;而且,从科学与宗教两大阵营利益的历史来看,它们之间的冲突程度也一直发生着不同程度的变化。1.科学带来社会巨变,却被指称占了宗教的领地虽然,古代希腊与罗马培育了…  相似文献   

2006年12月12~13日,中国无神论学会召开了近50人的学术研讨会,主题是“科学与宗教”,有十几位专家学者作了发言,内容涉及了科学与宗教的本质及其相互关系;科学与宗教世界观和认识论、方法论上的对立冲突;科学与宗教关系问题在社会、哲学、历史、文化、教育等方面的影响等等。专家学者或从基本事实,或从理论渊源,或从  相似文献   

对FOK的线索熟悉性假说的重新检验   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
罗劲  林仲贤 《心理学报》1998,31(3):241-247
本研究的主要目标的,在于对FOK的线索熟悉性假说进行重新检验。研究发现:如果采用1*2设计而不是原来的1*4设计并且增大处理间的对比力度的话,就可以观察到某些原来不能被观察到的关键性差异,而这些差异是FOK的线索熟悉性假说不能解释的。  相似文献   

在世界各地有很多人都等待着对世纪的来临,正在筹备欢迎新的千禧年。这是千载一时的机会,可遇而不可求,难怪众人都这样雀跃与兴奋,期待着一个新的开始,希望它能够带来平安与幸福的生活;同时,亦准备接受一个已知而又未知的将来,凭着信心勇往向前。所谓已知是因为一如俗语所说“太阳之下没有新的事物”,有的只是新发明和新发现而已,我们每天都要吃食物,而做食品的材料并不是新的,可是每年都有不少食物的新产品,这便是已知而又未知的一个例证。另一个例证是我们知道每天都要吃食物,可是却不知道来年有什么可以吃,或是我们的健康…  相似文献   

从医学看巫术、宗教与科学的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学是巫术、宗教、科学三者联系最多的门类,巫术在我国-始终盛行。近20年有所抬头 ,其原因非常复杂。区别巫术与宗教、巫术与科学,是减少巫术危害最基本的方法。就此问题进行了深入阐述。  相似文献   

科学与宗教合作的危险探求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宗教与科学正在联手探寻自然界的真相吗?事实并非如此。当今有神学界的基金会支持这样的研究。这样的研究很难称得上客观公允。此外,“宗教教义”(Religio)这一古老词汇也常被今人误读。本文通过考察概念的流变发现,区分科学与宗教是探究真理的两个不同途径的努力,其本质仍是中世纪宗教概念的延续与复兴。中世纪发展起来的宗教概念是将超自然和科学相融合,来阐明世界和人类的种种论述。如果放弃使用“宗教”这个术语,取而代之以“超自然主义”的说法,也许就能澄清目前的争议。  相似文献   

Our innate capacity for voice is with us from the beginnings of life. The concept of voice is a complex issue rooted in the core of the self. Once we become aware of ourselves, we realize our capacity for self-expression. Self-expression is part of the cooperative network of communication between the self and others as we share emotions, thoughts, and ideas. Voice facilitates a connection between the world of one individual and the world of another. The purpose of this article was to explore and discover the processes, influences, attitudes and beliefs that affect a woman's ability to define her menopausal voice. A woman's voice expresses her knowledge, set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices in the form of language. Voice becomes a manifestation of the essence of self, and when listened to, breaks the silence of non-existence. A menopausal woman's voice is the voice that expresses the entirety of her existence at that particular stage in life. Post-menopausal women were asked to define their menopausal voices. They were interviewed in depth and their information was collected through semi-structured interviews. This approach used a qualitative methodology with a focus on meaning of their voices rather than measurement. The format was narrative research using life stories and thematic analysis. As a result, five themes: The Voice of Wisdom, The Voice of Aging, The Voice of relationship, The Voice of Spirit, and the Voice of Knowledge emerged after analyzing the women's stories. Each theme represents the complexities that influenced the participants’ competence to ascribe meaning to their voices. This article identifies the meanings that menopausal women associated with the concept of voice and how it changed during menopause.  相似文献   

Employee silence impedes sustainable organizational development, and it can conceal harm for internal and external stakeholders. Established approaches to overcoming silence in organizations draw on the assumption that employees withhold their views based on deliberate elaborations on the effectiveness and risks they associate with voice. Our research aims at complementing these approaches. Applying an information processing approach to culture and using implicit voice theories (IVTs; i.e., taken-for-granted beliefs about when and why speaking up at work is risky or inappropriate) as an example, we introduce a model proposing ways through which shared implicit knowledge structures emerge in teams and organizations, and how they affect motives to remain silent. We examine parts of the model with a sample of 696 employees nested in 129 teams and 67 organizations. Our findings show that IVTs can be shared at the team and organizational level, that shared IVTs explain variance in silence motives above and beyond perceptions of organizational climate and manager openness at the team and organization level, and that IVTs function as a mediator between team manager openness and silence motives. In sum, our findings point at shared IVTs as a way to conceptualize underlying basic assumptions of cultures of silence.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s there has been a continuing interest in how people recognise familiar faces (Bruce, 1979 Bruce, V. 1979. Searching for politicians: An information processing approach to face recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 31: 373395. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Ellis, 1975 Ellis, H.D. 1975. Recognising faces. British Journal of Psychology, 66: 409426. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This work has complemented investigations of how unfamiliar faces are processed and the findings from these two strands of research have given rise to accounts that propose qualitatively different forms of representation for familiar and unfamiliar faces. Evidence to suggest that we process familiar and unfamiliar faces in different ways is available from cognitive neuropsychology, brain scanning, and psychophysics. However, in this review we focus on the evidence, available from experimental investigations of how people recognise faces, for different types of representation existing for each type of face. Factors affecting recognition are evaluated in terms of how they apply to familiar and unfamiliar faces and categorised according to the nature of their impact. In the final section this evidence, along with recent advances in the field, is used to explore the way in which unfamiliar faces may become familiar and the factors that may be important for the development of familiar face representations.  相似文献   

Research in face recognition has largely been divided between those projects concerned with front-end image processing and those projects concerned with memory for familiar people. These perceptual and cognitive programmes of research have proceeded in parallel, with only limited mutual influence. In this paper we present a model of human face recognition which combines both a perceptual and a cognitive component. The perceptual front-end is based on principal components analysis of face images, and the cognitive back-end is based on a simple interactive activation and competition architecture. We demonstrate that this model has a much wider predictive range than either perceptual or cognitive models alone, and we show that this type of combination is necessary in order to analyse some important effects in human face recognition. In sum, the model takes varying images of “known” faces and delivers information about these people.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between general intelligence g and temperament, highly intelligent 10-year-old children (N = 151) were compared with classmates of the same gender and socio-economic status but of average intelligence (N = 134). The two ability groups were administered the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT) during home visits. The parents and teachers rated the temperament of the children. The results showed a consistent pattern: highly intelligent children are more task-oriented, e.g. less distractible and more controlled than their average counterparts. In the MFFT, gifted children not only gave a higher percentage of correct answers, but also showed longer (!) reaction times.  相似文献   

Due to the benefits of voice and creativity on organizations’ effectiveness, scholars have tried to understand the reasons why employees engage in voice and creativity and determine the antecedents of these behaviors, including the role of personality. Previous literature, however, has shown inconsistent results about the effect of personality on voice and creativity. Addressing these inconsistencies, the authors use a meta-analytic approach to examine these relationships and to test potential boundary conditions that might exist in these relationships. This study also seeks to provide empirical support for the previous theoretical claims of similarity between voice and creativity. Clarifying these points, the results of this meta-analysis showed that Openness to Experience, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness are good predictors of creativity and voice. The findings also reveal similar directions and magnitudes of effects sizes in most of the relationships between the Big Five, voice, and creativity, which appears to support the similarities between voice and creativity. The moderation results provide further information about the role of gender differences, the sample type (student/employee sample), and the source of rating (self/other reporting) in these relationships.  相似文献   

Although parents frequently instruct children not to lie, children often observe lie‐telling within the family environment. To date, no empirical research has examined children's spontaneous lie‐telling to different lie‐recipients. The current study examined children's spontaneous deceptive behaviour to parents and unfamiliar adults. In Experiment 1 (N = 98), children's (ages 6–9) antisocial lies to a parent or an unfamiliar adult were examined using a modified Temptation Resistance Paradigm. In Experiment 2, (N = 99) children's (ages 6–9) prosocial lies to a parent versus an unfamiliar adult were examined using the Disappointing Gift Paradigm. Results indicate that, across different types of lies, children are more likely to lie to an unfamiliar adult than to a parent. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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