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The Tennessee Self-concept Scale was orally administered to 27 mothers with mental retardation and self-administered to 95 mothers whose children attended daycare in the areas in which the former mothers lived. Analyses showed that the mothers with mental retardation scored significantly lower on all subscales. Where 72% of the comparison group scored above a recommended cut-off indicative of a positive self-concept, only 33% of the mothers with mental retardation did. Comparisons of the 27 mothers with mental retardation (18 with positive versus 9 with negative self-concepts) on personal, child, family, and other background variables suggested different relationships for the two groups. Cross-validation of the present work and studies of the actual childcare of these latter two groups of mothers are needed.  相似文献   

Epilepsy and mental retardation, two relatively common childhood conditions, are both associated with a wide range of behavioral disorders. This article reviews the behavioral disturbances found in children with epilepsy, mental retardation, and both conditions. The behavioral disturbances found in children with epilepsy are associated with seizure-related, cognitive, developmental, and psychosocial factors. Although children with mental retardation also demonstrate a broad spectrum of behavioral disturbances, children with specific mental retardation syndromes have better-defined patterns of psychopathology. The presence of epilepsy and mental retardation seems to increase the severity of psychopathology. Further studies are needed, however, to define better the interaction of these two conditions and how they impact the behavior of children.  相似文献   

The speeded performance on simple mental addition problems of 6- and 7-year-old children with and without mild mental retardation is modeled from a person perspective and an item perspective. On the person side, it was found that a single cognitive dimension spanned the performance differences between the two ability groups. However, a discontinuity, or "jump," was observed in the performance of the normal ability group on the easier items. On the item side, the addition problems were almost perfectly ordered in difficulty according to their problem size. Differences in difficulty were explained by factors related to the difficulty of executing nonretrieval strategies. All findings were interpreted within the framework of Siegler's (e.g., R. S. Siegler & C. Shipley, 1995) model of children's strategy choices in arithmetic. Models from item response theory were used to test the hypotheses.  相似文献   

The authors explored the basis of the self-concepts of young children from impoverished villages high in the mountains of Nepal by having them respond to the How I See Myself questionnaire (A. Juhasz, 1985). The participants were 101 children, 7 to 14 years old, from the Sherpa and Tamang ethnic groups. The results provide evidence for questioning the appropriateness of the content of Western self-esteem instruments for such children. The authors argue that items about satisfying basic physical needs may be most appropriate for assessing the self-esteem of such children.  相似文献   

Functional analyses were used to assess the effects of environmental consequences on occurrences of repetitive vocal behavior that had been diagnosed as chronic vocal tics in two adolescent males with mental retardation. The functional analyses indicated that one participant's tics were sensitive to positive reinforcement in the form of caregiver attention, while the second participant's tics occurred independent of social consequences. The results are discussed in terms of using functional analysis methodology during assessment, diagnosis, and treatment selection for suspected tics. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An adolescent with severe retardation was observed during participation in several vocational tasks. The vocational tasks were comprised of repeating sequences of work-related responses. Across two experiments, conditions that are typical in the training of vocational tasks in special education and adult vocational programs were manipulated and the effects of these conditions on rates of vocational sequences completed and rates of stereotypic behavior were assessed. In Experiments 1 and 2, the adolescent was reinforced with a food item following the completion of vocational sequences under two alternating reinforcement contingencies. Under one contingency, the adolescent performed with frequent errors and under the other, often performed without errors. In Experiment 3, the adolescent participated with another student in a different vocational task on alternating days and in an alternating sequence of work conditions in each task. In one condition, both adolescents had vocational materials nearly continuously present and the teacher prompted and reinforced both adolescents as needed. In the other condition, the vocational materials were presented to the adolescents on an alternating basis, and the teacher prompted and reinforced first one and then the other. Across both experiments, increased competence reflected as high rate, error free, and consistent vocational performances were associated with low rates of stereotypic behavior when compared to conditions with less competent performances, and with leisure periods in Experiment 3. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Siblings of children with mental retardation may be at greater risk for adjustment problems because of family stress related to the needs of the child with mental retardation. Family dimensions were investigated to determine their relationship to sibling adjustment. Adjustment of 12 siblings of children with mental retardation was examined in relationship to family dimensions. These relationships were compared to those for children from families without a disabled child. For both groups, self concept was positively associated with family cohesion, and social competence was positively associated with family promotion of independence. For only the siblings of the mentally retarded children, family conflict was inversely related to social competence, and family organization was positively related to sibling self concept. Our results suggest that family conflict and disorganization appear to have a more negative effect in families with a child with mental retardation.  相似文献   

Thirty-four children (ages 6–12 years) with moderate to borderline mental retardation were studied in a laboratory classroom setting to determine whether children identified as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on the basis of Conners Questionnaires differed in classroom behavior. Half of the children scored 15 or greater on both the Parent and Teacher Conners; the remaining children scored 11 or less. All were participants in a Saturday Education Program serving children with mental retardation. Direct observation of the laboratory classroom documented significant differences between groups on measures of on-task behavior and fidgetiness, especially during situations where little direct teacher feedback or supervision was available. Saturday Education Program staff, while blind as to group designation, rated the two groups as differing significantly on all scales of two standardized behavior problem checklists. Checklists by parents and teachers appear to be valid measures of classroom behavior of children with moderate to borderline mental retardation.This research was supported by a grant to the first author from the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, grant No. 1R29HD26186-01A1. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the staff of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh's Saturday Education Program: Nancy Hall, Aimee Hart, Phyllis Loeffler, Robin Nelson, Christina Poljak, Kelley Sacco, Sarah Stewart, and Mary Zuberbuehler.  相似文献   

Computer assisted instruction (CAI) was used for improving the efficiency of simple addition (single-digit without carrying) computation in three children with mental retardation. The training program, conducted on a portable personal computer, consisted of demonstrations and repetitive practices on simple addition presented in a vertical format. A number of behavioral instruction techniques such as direct feedback, corrective demonstration, verbal association, and token reinforcement were also included. To evaluate the effects of the CAI package, a multiple-baseline across subjects design with followup was employed. Results showed that performances of children improved with training and were maintained at 1-week, 4-week, and 12-week followups. Generalization of the learned skills was evident when children were assessed on a paper-and-pencil addition test in a vertical format. The skills were also transferable, with initial prompting, to a computerized addition test in a horizontal format. These findings reaffirmed the applicability of CAI and behavioral techniques for teaching math skills to children with mental retardation.  相似文献   

This article assesses the state of the literature on word-attack skills and phonological awareness (PA) in individuals with mental retardation, in light of progress towards the development of effective teaching procedures. The literature contains promising findings. Studies have shown PA to be correlated with word-attack skills in individuals with mental retardation, as has been shown conclusively in typically developing children. This suggests that instruction in PA would facilitate the acquisition of word-attack skills in individuals with mental retardation, as it does with typically developing children. As of yet, however, very few experimental studies designed to demonstrate effective teaching procedures for PA and word-attack skills have been published. This research field might evolve most effectively and efficiently by following a two-step research program. First, test new teaching procedures in a series of small-N studies, each study incorporating modifications of teaching procedures based on the results of the previous study. Once procedures prove effective at this level, the resources necessary to pursue large-scale studies can be used to their best advantage.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of conditioned reinforcement on children's choice between reliable (100%) and unreliable (50%) reinforcement under various stimulus conditions in a concurrent-chains procedure. The study was conducted across three experiments. Experiments 1 and 2 were conducted under conditions similar to basic laboratory work and consisted of participants selecting from one of two black boxes (placed on a table) that were correlated with different reinforcement schedules. In Experiment 3, we assessed a participant's preference for unreliable reinforcement during conditions in which the target responses were aggression and mands. Results of the three experiments showed that the participants preferred unreliable reinforcement under certain conditions. Findings are discussed regarding the role of specific stimuli (i.e., items correlated with a reinforcement schedule, adult reactions) as conditioned reinforcers and how they may influence children's preference for a response (e.g., aggression, self-injury) that produces reinforcement on a leaner schedule than a socially desirable response (e.g., mands).  相似文献   

Investigated the abilities of children with mental retardation to remember the details of a personally experienced event. A simulated health check was administered to 20 children with mental retardation and 40 normally developing children, half matched on mental age (MA) and half matched on chronological age (CA) with the children with mental retardation. The children's memory was assessed immediately after the health check and 6 weeks later. Overall, the children with mental retardation accurately recalled the health check features, provided detail, and resisted misleading questions about features that did not occur. The group with mental retardation performed similarly to the MA matches on virtually all of the memory variables. The children with mental retardation performed worse than the CA matches on most of the memory variables, although they were able to recall a similar number of features. The findings are discussed in terms of the ability of children with mental retardation to provide accurate testimony.  相似文献   

This literature review describes the physical activity behavior of adults with mental retardation consistent with the U.S. Surgeon General's recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on 5 or more days per week. The proportion of participants achieving this criterion ranges from 17.5 to 33%. These data are likely to be generous estimates of activity as individuals included in physical activity studies to date have been relatively young and healthy volunteers with mild to moderate limitations. Major sources of physical activity were walking and cycling for transport, chores and work, dancing, and Special Olympics. There is a pressing need to conduct studies using appropriately powered representative samples and to validate measures that assess physical activity less directly; including methodologies in which proxy respondents are used. Accurate information about existing patterns of behavior will enhance the development of effective strategies to promote physical activity among persons with mental retardation.  相似文献   

Conclusion This has been an attempt to show how the parents of the mentally retarded inspired me to take a second look at my theological views, to show the method I used, and to give a few instances out of many in which my theological views have been affected. If space had allowed, it would have been good to show how this human predicament can cast new light on our theological thinking about grace, redemption, and many other categories. On the other hand, each of us has a chance to pursue in depth any single doctrine, using the added perspective of this particular crisis situation.Each of us has the original theological perspective which we had before beginning our pastoral involvements with the mentally retarded and their families. Then, as we focus on this human situation we become aware of an added theological perspective that helps us to take a second look from a different viewpoint. We then find our original view has been reinforced, modified, or enlarged. It is my feeling that a pastor who becomes involved with these particular persons-who need his services very much—will find a golden opportunity to grow theologically.If any of us feel we know all we need to know about God and life and man, this would be a good time to become involved in a pastoral way with a mentally retarded person and his family and get to know them well.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record -  相似文献   

In order to cope with the diagnosis of mental illness in a family member, siblings may be forced to adjust their roles in the family. Taking into account the crucial role that some siblings play in caregiving for the mentally ill especially when the parents are no longer available, it is imperative to develop awareness of their unique needs and address them. Thirty‐three adult siblings of people diagnosed with a mental disorder completed the Role Behaviour Inventory (RBI) and a general questionnaire including open‐ended questions regarding the roles they played in their families of origin. Findings from the inventory and general questionnaire suggest that the well siblings score higher on two roles, the Hero and Lost Child, and lower on the Mascot and Scapegoat roles relative to a comparison group (N = 33). Being a sibling caregiver emerged as a risk factor to assume certain dysfunctional roles in the family. Implications for future research and therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

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