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Research suggests that religion and spirituality generally correlate positively with various aspects of mental health, although mediators remain unclear. We explored whether attachment to God is a unique predictor above and beyond other key religious variables within a Jewish sample. Given the religion-as-culture perspective suggesting that Judaism can be characterized as primarily focused on behavior versus internal mental experiences, we expected that attachment to God would be less relevant to Jewish mental health. Surprisingly, attachment emerged as the strongest predictor of mental health among both more traditional Orthodox Jewish participants and less traditional non-Orthodox Jews. Although additional cross-cultural research is clearly needed, our results suggest that even in more behaviorally focused religious cultures, attachment to God is a key mediator of the protective effects of religion and spirituality.  相似文献   

Some previous literature suggests that young children perceive in an integral, holistic fashion stimuli that older children perceive in a separable, dimensionalized mode. A prediction from a strong form of this position is that younger children actually may perform more rapidly a speeded classification task that requires “condensation” than a task that requires “filtering” (if the similarity relations among the wholes favor the former task). Older children should be able to take advantage of the simple unidimensional basis of the filtering task and thus accomplish it much more rapidly than the condensation task. The results are only partially in accord with the predictions. Kindergarteners (5 years of age), on size-and-brightness stimuli, show no speed advantage on either task, while second (8 years) and fifth (11 years) graders clearly show more rapid filtering. Therefore, the developmental hypothesis is in need of some revision and elaboration. Some stimuli are less separable for younger than for older children, but even five year olds can access their dimensional structure under some conditions.  相似文献   

Many practitioners fear that applicants will fake if they are asked to fill out a personality test. Although this fear has inspired much research, it remains unknown what applicants think when they fill out a questionnaire. Thus, we conducted a qualitative interview study that was guided by grounded theory principles. We interviewed (a) real applicants directly after filling out a personality test; (b) real applicants who had filled out a personality test in their past job hunt; (c) hypothetical job applicants whom we asked to imagine being an applicant and to fill out a personality test; and (d) hypothetical applicants who had much experience with personality tests. Theoretical saturation was achieved after interviewing 23 people. A content analysis showed that much is going on in applicants' minds – that which is typically subsumed under the expression ‘faking’ actually consists of many facets. In particular, participants assumed that the interpretation of their responses could be based on (a) the consistency of their responses; (b) the endorsement of middle versus extreme answers; and (c) a certain profile, and these assumptions resulted in corresponding self‐presentation strategies. However, these strategies were not used by all participants. Some answered honestly, for different reasons ranging from honesty as a personality trait to the (false) belief that test administrators can catch fakers. All in all, this study questions whether measuring mean changes in classical faking studies captures all important facets.  相似文献   

It is believed a proven fact that variables in social and personality psychology match to normal distribution with its single peak. Multiple peaks are explained by independent variables. However, after a comprehensive data analysis of more than 8.000 patients and on the basis of a bio-psycho-social model with 27 scales, we arrived at the conclusion that normal distribution and the psychometric error theory cannot withstand critical analysis in large samples. Beyond the “truth” that is proved by distribution-dependent statistical inferences, there exists another “truth” that is denied by the empirical doctrine. This “truth” is influenced by compensatory belief systems and explains paradoxes in quality of life research. We hypothesize that items, referred to life risks are micro-stressors, triggering self-regulatory processes as a humanly inherent response, deeply anchored in human evolution. Especially when exposed to threatening experiences, self-focused attention generates amplified multimodal distributions and subverts the methodological premises by an ambivalence-bias between thrill and threat, hopes and fears, pleasure and pain, success and failure, etc. In this article we want to focus attention to the incommensurability between test theoretical axioms and the way people usually respond to self-focused items. We discuss basic distribution patterns and approach to an evolutionary theory of fluctuation of validity.
Michael SchwarzEmail:

Michael Schwarz   (53) is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with experiences in different areas of medical rehabilitation, organizational psychology, and quality management. Since 1992 he is employee in a gastroenterological rehabilitation clinic of Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (German Federal Pension Fund). His cumulated practical experience is more than 20.000 hours of psychological and psychotherapeutic sessions. In his doctoral dissertation he investigated methodological issues resulting from the bio-psycho-social diagnostics of subjective health.  相似文献   

In the Scandinavian welfare context, the emphasis on cooperation between public authorities and the nonprofit sector continues to be a central institutional characteristic. But to what extent have the new Muslim congregations adapted to the Scandinavian tradition of organizational cooperation, and what circumstances—internal or external to these organizations—promote or disrupt the development of such cooperation? This study is based on a nationwide survey of local Muslim congregations in Sweden (n = 105). No support was found for the widespread notion that European Muslim congregations tend to exist as separate enclaves. The powerful discursive emphasis on organizational cooperation in Scandinavia creates vital opportunity structures, but local variations in demographic and socioeconomic conditions also seem to have an impact. Among internal factors that influence willingness to cooperate is not least the degree of ethnic heterogeneity; openness to different Muslim traditions—a precondition for a multiethnic congregation—is seen to correspond to a greater openness to the wider society.  相似文献   

The claim that lexical access for visual words is mandatorily mediated by their phonological codes was investigated. Ninety-six subjects performed timed naming responses to pictures while instructed to ignore printed words superimposed on the pictures. Distractor words were either semantically related to the picture label or were homophones of a word semantically related to the picture name. On the basis of the claim that homophones initially activate multiple semantic codes, we hypothesized that the homophone and semantic distractors would yield comparable interference. Picture-word stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was varied between subjects as 0 or +100 msec. For an SOA of 0 msec, semantic interference, but no effect from the homophones, was obtained. For an SOA of +100 msec, no effect was obtained in either condition. In combination, these findings indicate a limited role of phonological codes in visual lexical access. It is suggested that the role of phonology in written word identification may vary dependent on procedure and utility to the task.  相似文献   

This paper reviews epidemiologic studies employing religion as an independent construct, and finds that most epidemiologists have an extremely limited appreciation of religion. After a historical overview of empirical religion and health research, some theoretical considerations are offered, followed by clarification of several operational and methodological issues. Next, well over 200 studies are reviewed from nine health-related areas: cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, colitis and enteritis, general health status, general mortality, cancer of the uterine corpus and cervix, all other non-uterine cancers, morbidity and mortality in the clergy, and cancer in India. Finally, an agenda for further research is proposed.  相似文献   

The present study examined nearly 1,000 tips recorded for two taxicabs, two hair salons, and two restaurants. In each of the six cases, amount of tip increased linearly as a function of the amount of the bill. Contrary to standard microeconomic theory, there was a magnitude effect in that as the amount of the bill increased, the percent tip tended to decrease. The present results extend the findings of Chapman and Winquist (1998), obtained using hypothetical scenarios, to real-world tipping behavior. Chapman and Winquist argued that a magnitude effect in tipping reflects the shape of the utility function for money. We suggest, however, that the magnitude effect may be the mathematical consequence of replotting the fundamental relationship between tip and bill amounts in terms of percent tip, given that the observed linear relation between tip and bill amounts has a positive intercept. We suggest further that the positive intercept arises because a tip represents a judgment as to what constitutes a fair or equitable wage, and part of what constitutes a fair wage is independent of the amount of the bill, reflecting compensation for simply being there when needed. The present account implies that different explanations may be needed for magnitude effects observed in different domains.  相似文献   

As medical care continues to move outside the hospitals, clients with spiritual needs are more often to be found in clinics and doctors' offices than inpatient settings. Chaplains in partnership with physicians can contribute to healing in outpatient centers. A study of one group of clinic patients indicates that an outpatient setting may be a better place to address spiritual needs than a hospital setting. Pastoral interventions are acceptable to many clients, who according to statistics are already using alternative therapies to augment traditional medical care. Paul A. Mandziuk, M. Div., a priest of the Missionaries of La Salette, is a chaplain at Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center in St. Louis, MO, and serves on the leadership council of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.  相似文献   

Thomas Pogge answers the question if the capability approach can be justified with a firm ‘no’. Amongst others, he ridicules capability theorists for demanding compensation for each and every possible natural difference between people, including hair types. Not only does Pogge, so this paper argues, misconstrue the difference between the capability approach and Rawlsian resourcism. Even worse: he is actually implicitly relying on the idea of capabilities in his defence of the latter. According to him the resourcist holds that the institutional order should not be biased towards the average person or the needs of some. Yet, as his own case of blind people and traffic lights can illustrate, whether or not this is the case is impossible to assess without resorting to some concept like people’s capabilities. Secondly, it is argued that the real issue at stake is not at all the best metric of justice—primary goods or capabilities—but rather the scope of theories of justice. On the surface the difference of opinion seems to be how to deal with so-called “personal heterogeneities”, yet the discussed case of interpersonal differences in metabolism and communal land-use choices hints at something else; Whereas Pogge insists that questions of justice only concern the institutional structure of society, many capability theorists support the inclusion of culture and social practices as possible sources of injustice. Unfortunately Pogge does not properly acknowledge this, as right from the start of his paper he frames the debate between both approaches in terms of institutions only.  相似文献   

Two seemingly unrelated characteristics of psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy may be better understood when juxtaposed. First, countertransference in psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy holds particularly strong intensity. Second, format decisions are central to couple psychotherapy. The use of conjoint and concurrent formats, or variations thereof, has been key in the historical development of couple psychotherapy and remains an area of much debate. Some couple psychotherapists use the format of couple psychotherapy flexibly, using variations of conjoint or concurrent couple psychotherapy, while others adhere strictly to working conjointly. Decisions regarding whether to undertake concurrent or conjoint therapy are not generally linked to countertransference; this article demonstrates that reading decisions regarding format through consideration of countertransference offers a needed perspective for the therapist. Case studies published by psychoanalytic couple therapists are analysed through this prism to demonstrate that changing the format may serve to dilute countertransference. One particular manifestation of countertransference, linked to oedipal dynamics, is explored: countertransferential intensity for couple psychotherapists potentially relates to being faced with their internal parental couple and their unresolved Oedipal strivings. Possible unconscious motivations to change the format of couple psychotherapy need to be carefully considered, as format changes may mask an avoidance of bearing the countertransference.  相似文献   

Eight-year-old British children were found to be less accurate at rejecting pseudohomophones than ordinary nonwords in a lexical decision task, but 8-year-old New Zealand children did not show this effect. A subsequent homophone decision task showed that this difference was not due to the New Zealand children being unable to distinguish pseudohomophones from other nonwords. The New Zealand children, however, were less accurate than the British children in pronouncing the pseudohomophones they had identified. It was argued that the British children tended to sound out the items before making a choice in the lexical decision task, which gave salience to phonological rather than visual information, resulting in increased errors to the pseudohomophones. It was concluded that where the British children showed this dependency on use of phonological information it was a product of the teaching approach they had experienced.  相似文献   

Until his death in 1986, Isma'il al‐Faruqi was an active Muslim participant in the field of Muslim‐Christian dialogue. This article begins by outlining his many contributions to this subject and continues with an analysis of these sources. Al‐Faruqi understood the development of Christianity to be a corruption of the original teaching of Jesus which was instead preserved faithfully by Islam. He believed that Christains have hindered constructive dialogue through their involvement in mission and Orientalism. His primary basis for an academic dialogue was reason, yet this actually led to an affirmation of Islam. He regarded ethics to be the more appropriate area for discussion. The assessment here finds that al‐Faruqi essentially required Christians to abandon their Christian heritage in favour of the principles of a rationalistic Islam. Nevertheless, he may be commended for his commitment to dialogue and his ultimate vision of inter‐religious unity.  相似文献   

Castles A  Coltheart M 《Cognition》2004,91(1):77-111
In this review, we re-assess the evidence that phonological awareness represents a skill specific to spoken language that precedes and directly influences the process of reading acquisition. Longitudinal and experimental training studies are examined in detail, as these are considered most appropriate for exploring a causal hypothesis of this nature. A particular focus of our analysis is the degree to which studies to date have controlled for existing literacy skills in their participants and the influence that these skills might have on performance on phonological awareness tasks. We conclude that no study has provided unequivocal evidence that there is a causal link from competence in phonological awareness to success in reading and spelling acquisition. However, we believe that such a study is possible and outline some ideas for its design and implementation.  相似文献   

What is the effect of a word's higher frequency neighbors on its identification time? According to activation-based models of word identification (J. Grainger & A. M. Jacobs, 1996; J. L. McClelland & D. E. Rumelhart, 1981), words with higher frequency neighbors will be processed more slowly than words without higher frequency neighbors because of the lexical competition mechanism embodied in these models. Although a critical prediction of these models, this inhibitory neighborhood frequency effect has been elusive in studies that have used English stimuli. In the present experiments, the effect of higher frequency neighbors was examined in the lexical decision task and when participants were reading sentences while their eye movements were monitored. Results suggest that higher frequency neighbors have little, if any, effect on the identification of English words. The implications for activation-based models of word identification are discussed.  相似文献   

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