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Neither acculturation nor gender were found to significantly relate to Asian-American willingness to see a counselor for either a personal or an academic problem. Participants were more willing to see a counselor for an academic problem than for a personal problem.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of career counseling on a juvenile offender population (N = 22). Results indicated the intervention produced significantly higher levels of career maturity and self‐efficacy for the treatment group compared with a control group.  相似文献   

The integration of attachment theory with social cognitive career theory provided a clear and comprehensive theoretical framework for this study. Results from structural equation modeling indicated that perceived support and career barriers mediated the relationship between attachment and efficacy in students (N = 486). Participants who were more securely attached perceived greater social supports and fewer career barriers and had higher efficacy in both academic and career domains. Theoretical, practice, and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores how an environmental factor (i.e., a perceived open climate) shapes lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) employees' job satisfaction and job anxiety through the mediating role of self‐concealment. It also investigates the moderating role of self‐acceptance. Results from 315 LGB employees supported the conclusion that a perceived open climate for minority sexuality increased job satisfaction and decreased job anxiety. The open climate–job anxiety relationship was mediated by self‐concealment, and both stages of this mediation process were moderated by self‐acceptance. These findings offer useful insights for counselors and managers to help LGB individuals improve their workplace psychological experiences.  相似文献   

This article presents 2 theories useful to school counselors: self‐efficacy and family systems. The author advocates the use of a family‐sensitive model when counseling individuals that recognizes and respects the individual's membership in a family culture. Self‐efficacy and family systems interventions for academic and career development are demonstrated in the hope that individual identities in relation to family identities will be strengthened so that youth can access family legacies as they consider their academic and career options.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between self‐efficacy and self‐rated abilities in conjunction with adjustment and academic performance with a diverse sample of 271 undergraduate college students with majors in the liberal arts. Significant positive associations between and among the constructs in different combinations were found. The discussion focuses on the theoretical and practice implications of the results and offers suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

For the past 20 years counselors have used computer‐based career information systems to assist clients with career planning and job hunting. Much of the same this information is now available on the Internet and can be accessed without the aid of a counselor. Such developments are likely to have a major impact on employment counseling practices. This article outlines selected Web‐assisted counseling issues that are likely to affect counselors over the next few years and summarizes the career services currently available on the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

This article addresses current psychosocial issues facing women in career transition and the implications of those issues for career counselors. Specifically, psychosocial developmental trajectories, the roles of family and relationships, the importance of underlying physical and mental health issues, and sociocultural and contextual stressors are relevant for women in the midst of career change. The author discusses how career counselors can prepare for this complexity and addresses clients' current economic and social milieus. A checklist is provided to aid the career counselor in addressing the multiple issues that a new client brings to the 1st counseling encounter.  相似文献   

A total of 120 master's‐level counseling students were given the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale and the Counselor Self‐Estimate Inventory. Significance was found for all 3 hypotheses: (a) nonnative English‐speaking students have significantly more language anxiety than native English‐speaking students, (b) nonnative English‐speaking students’ language anxiety was negatively correlated with counseling self‐efficacy, and (c) native English‐ and nonnative English‐speaking students significantly differed in their perceptions of counseling self‐efficacy. Se administraron la Escala de Ansiedad en Clase de Lengua Extranjera y el Inventario de Autoestimación de Consejeros a un total de 120 estudiantes de máster en consejería. Se encontró significación para las 3 hipótesis siguientes: (a) los estudiantes cuya lengua nativa no es el inglés sufren un nivel considerablemente más alto de ansiedad a causa del idioma que los hablantes nativos de inglés, (b) la ansiedad a causa del idioma de los estudiantes cuya lengua nativa no es el inglés mostró una correlación negativa con la autoeficacia en consejería y (c) los grupos de estudiantes nativos y no nativos en inglés mostraron diferencias significativas en sus percepciones de autoeficacia en consejería.  相似文献   

The importance of a college degree is underscored by higher unemployment rates of individuals who have not completed college (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014 ). Academic and career self‐efficacy influence students' completion of college, and 1st‐generation college students and those under financial strain may experience decreased self‐efficacy (Wohlgemuth et al., 2007 ). Participants in this study (N = 383) were college students at a 4‐year university. Results from a 2 × 3 multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant function analysis revealed significant differences in academic and career self‐efficacy based on financial stress, but not generational status.  相似文献   

The authors introduce the integral model of the self‐system and, using that model, describe the dynamics of healthy growth and the development of psychogenic pathology. Self‐identification is described as “sliding” in nature, and stage theories for self‐related lines are outlined to help clinicians understand the characteristics of each stage the self may slide into. The authors outline K. Wilber's (2000a) metaphor of ladder, climber, and view to describe both healthy development and the development of pathology. Constructs of translation and transformation are described in the context of ladder, climber, view, and the authors conclude by summarizing clinical approaches to problems in translation.  相似文献   

One reason people falsely confess is to protect the true perpetrator. The current study examined whether relationship closeness influences people's self‐reported willingness to falsely take the blame. Utilizing theoretical work from the prosocial area, three potential mediators were investigated. Participants (N = 131) were randomly assigned to think of either a close or a casual friend and then read one of two scenarios that described a minor offense committed by the friend. Participants' willingness to take the blame was assessed, as well as their perceptions of reciprocity, feelings of empathy, and distress concerns related to their relationship with the offending friend. Results showed that, in both scenarios, participants more often took the blame in the close friend condition than in the casual friend condition. Reciprocity and empathy each uniquely and independently mediated relationship closeness, whereas distress concerns did not. Differences in the two scenarios, which describe different offenses, are discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article reviews the available literature on career issues facing gay men, identifies potentially crucial issues confronting practicing career counselors, and suggests how to work with gay men regarding career issues. Suggestions for future research are also presented.  相似文献   

We investigated the reciprocal associations between academic self‐enhancement and key indicators of intra‐ and interpersonal adjustment as well as the role of self‐esteem as a mediator. This longitudinal study involved three assessments in a sample of 709 German children and adolescents (Mage = 11.83; 54% female) over the course of one academic year. We assessed self‐reported subjective well‐being as an indicator of intrapersonal adjustment and peer‐reported popularity as an indicator of interpersonal adjustment. We computed cross‐lagged and longitudinal mediational analyses. Academic self‐enhancement prospectively predicted high subsequent well‐being and popularity. Vice versa, well‐being and popularity prospectively predicted high subsequent levels of self‐enhancement. High self‐esteem mediated the longitudinal associations between self‐enhancement and well‐being in both directions, but not the links between self‐enhancement and popularity. Self‐enhancement and adjustment are bidirectionally linked: Self‐enhancement entails intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits; at the same time, adjustment in both domains fosters self‐enhancement. In terms of intrapersonal, but not interpersonal adjustment, self‐esteem seems to serve as a linchpin, accounting for all longitudinal associations. Furthermore, we present evidence indicating that self‐enhancement indicators that are based on difference scores (instead of residuals) are problematic and might have led to negatively biased results in the literature.  相似文献   

The issue of patterns of educational disengagement for Indigenous Australian students has long been of considerable concern within Indigenous education research. Although there is an expanding research base identifying factors that may increase (or decrease) the risk of disengagement for Indigenous students, little acknowledgement has been given to international research highlighting how stigma and discrimination may be associated with student disengagement and the resiliency factors that may nullify these associations. Utilising a sample of 1,376 (305 Indigenous; 1,071 non‐Indigenous) students from five New South Wales high schools in Australia, this study sought to examine the influence of academic self‐concept and two culturally sensitive constructs—specifically, perceived multiculturation (perceived cultural respect) and racial discrimination—on two disengagement‐orientated outcomes: affective disengagement and self‐sabotaging behaviour (behavioural disengagement) for both Indigenous and non‐Indigenous students. The findings showed relatively consistent direct and positive effects of academic self‐concept and direct negative effect of teacher racism for both groups of students. An interaction effect (discrimination × multiculturation) for the Indigenous students only was also identified, which suggested that the negative effects of racial discrimination on self‐sabotaging behaviour are exacerbated when the Indigenous students perceived higher levels of cultural respect from others. Overall, while these findings suggest that promoting higher levels of inter‐cultural respect may be beneficial for Indigenous and non‐Indigenous alike (e.g., culturally inclusive programmes), such positive perceptions may put Indigenous students at greater risk if the impact of racism is not also addressed. The implications of these findings suggest that cultural safety must be framed both in promoting the positive (cultural respect) and in eliminating the negative (racism).  相似文献   

This study investigated how people's beliefs regarding their vocational abilities (i.e., career decision self‐efficacy) are associated with their perceived academic control, self‐liking, and self‐competence. It also assessed the relevance of these 4 types of self‐beliefs for personal job optimism among 268 Croatian college students. Results indicated that participants' career decision self‐efficacy and perceptions of their chances of finding jobs nationwide were significant predictors of personal job optimism. Furthermore, the influences of self‐competence and perceived academic control on personal job optimism were mediated by career decision self‐efficacy. These results extend previous research and may be informative for vocational guidance interventions.  相似文献   

The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption and unemployment worldwide, threatening to become both a financial and a humanitarian crisis. Prolonged labor market recession and an acute rise of unemployment are expected. The main question for career counselors will be how to provide effective career counseling to unemployed people in the post‐COVID‐19 world, where they may face many other unemployment‐related problems. In this article, we suggest application of a holistic intervention model of career counseling for unemployed people that was designed to address the consequences of the acute financial recession in Greece.  相似文献   

The authors explored the extent to which Asian American college women's perceived stigma about counseling mediated the relationship between their adherence to Asian cultural values and intentions to seek counseling. Participants, 201 Asian American college women (age range = 18–24 years), completed measures of Asian cultural values, perceived stigma regarding counseling, and intentions to seek counseling, along with a demographic questionnaire. Asian cultural values were positively correlated with perceived counseling stigma; both Asian cultural values and social stigma were negatively correlated with intentions to seek counseling. The main analysis showed that perceived counseling stigma partially mediated the relationship between participants' Asian cultural values and intentions to seek counseling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore potential gender differences in the mediating effect of career search self‐efficacy between 2 dimensions of perfectionism (adaptive and maladaptive) and the perception of career barriers. A total of 279 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics undergraduate students participated in the study. Among men, but not women, career search self‐efficacy mediated the relationships between both dimensions of perfectionism and the perception of career barriers. Implications for counselors and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of ethical considerations related to counseling clients who engage in self‐injurious behaviors. Ethical issues concerning client welfare, counselor competence, countertransference, referral and consultation, informed consent, and duty to protect are discussed in relation to the American Counseling Association's (1995) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Implications and recommendations for counselors who work with clients who self‐injure are provided.  相似文献   

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