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A social justice orientation for counseling is appealing to many but appears to some to violate counselor neutrality and respect for client freedom and rights. Confusion about neutrality and advocacy in the counseling field seems to reflect confused assumptions and values in the wider culture. As a result, counseling is guided more by a disguised ideology of liberal individualism than an objective theory or value‐neutral principles. The authors suggest that a hermeneutic, dialogical framework for counseling has the potential to resolve much of this confusion and to refine and broaden a social justice approach in needed ways.  相似文献   

This discussion focuses on the contributions of Drs. Loew and Richman, both children of Holocaust survivors and hidden children in the Holocaust, and the transformation of their traumatic experiences of loss and disconnection through sculpture and memoir writing. The influence of the analyst's disclosure of his or her personal self exploration on clinical work is also explored.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

A format for organizing case notes is presented that could increase counselor trainees' case conceptualization skills. The STIPS format of case note writing consists of 5 major sections, including documenting clients' current Signs and symptoms, Topics discussed in counseling, counseling Interventions used, clients' Progress and counselors' continuing plan for treatment, and finally, any Special issues of importance regarding clients (e.g., suicidality). The structure and design of this STIPS format is intended to enhance trainees' ability to acquire relevant facts about clients, better understand clients' presenting problems, better monitor counseling processes, and better evaluate and adjust treatment interventions.  相似文献   

偶翻<白居易集>,有五言诗<梦仙>一首,读来颇发人深省.白氏诗风浅易通俗,<梦仙>明白如话:  相似文献   

Ethical guidelines of the 4 major professional associations representing counselors and psychotherapists are reviewed. To help clarify thinking about writing up clinical cases, 3 kinds of cases are described. The author concludes that the current guidelines for clinician‐authors in writing about clients for publication or presentation are contradictory and conflicting. The use of composite clinical case material is discussed as having a number of advantages over disguise or consent when writing about clients. Presented are guidelines for developing composite clinical cases and an example of how to use them effectively.  相似文献   

Lewis M. Terman's letters to the parents of 42 boys with childhood IQs greater than 170 were examined and contrasted with those sent to parents of 42 boys with IQs between 135 and 159. Parents of boys with very high IQs were more frequently advised to restrain academic acceleration and to encourage mixing with agemates. The author places this advice in its historical context, suggests that the social needs of many highly intelligent children can best be satisfied in peer groups consisting of children of similar ability and interests, and concludes with a brief discussion of current options for jointly facilitating social and intellectual development.  相似文献   


The conclusions given in the three parts of the case study are arrived at independently from each other. The comparison of the results and the theoretical inferences of the procedures involved are to be the subject of discussion in a later issue.  相似文献   

This article presents the clinical case of a 38-year-old man with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). “William” reports longstanding excessive and uncontrollable worry about a number of daily life events, including minor matters, his family, their health, and work. In addition, he endorses chronic symptoms of restlessness and irritability, muscle tension, concentration difficulties, and sleep disturbance. In an attempt to cope with his worries, William engages in excessive information and reassurance seeking, particularly with respect to decision making, and he often double-checks even minor tasks. In addition, he engages in procrastination, and avoids spontaneous or unplanned events. Although William describes himself as a born worrier, his GAD symptoms became noticeably problematic over the last several years, subsequent to an increasing number of stressors. Comorbid conditions as well as predisposing and precipitating factors are described in addition to the specific symptom presentation.  相似文献   

病例报告属于描述性研究方法,是通过记录非同寻常的临床现象,可能揭示新病种、特殊机制、新疗法等,为临床工作经验介绍、总结的初步形式。在医学科学探索的历程中,病例报告拥有特殊的地位和曾经的辉煌,目前仍是医学研究的一种重要体裁。"一个好的病例报告就是一个有教育意义的好故事",一个不同寻常的现象,可能是一个新的病种、一个特殊的机制或一种特殊的组织病变或生理功能紊乱所致。一篇好的病例报告为临床医生和科研工作者提供直接生动的第一手临床资料,能促进临床医生和医学生热爱临床工作,养成面对难题、独立思考、追根朔源、发现与解决问题的能力,值得重视。  相似文献   

TSGF临床应用的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肿瘤相关物质联合检测试剂盒 (TSGF)是福建新大陆生物技术有限公司 ,立足国内 ,借助外国先进技术 ,研制成功的我国首例检字号一类新药 ,是目前我国惟一有独立知识产权的检验试剂 ,国家火炬计划项目之一。目前 ,该试剂已在全国广泛应用。许多省市已作为干部保健必查项目 ,肿瘤医院已作为肿瘤早期诊断及评价临床效果的重要指标 ,显示出了广泛的应用前景。1 肿瘤防治的困惑与出路人所共知 ,人类在征服肿瘤的过程中 ,早已认识到要征服肿瘤 ,首先应该从 4个方面入手 :一是肿瘤是什么病 ;二是肿瘤的病因是什么 ;三是肿瘤是怎么样形成的 ;四是…  相似文献   

This article discusses how to use the SOAP (subjective, objective, assessment, and plan) note format to provide clear and concise documentation of the client's continuum of care. Not only does this format allow for thorough documentation, but it also assists the counselor in representing client concerns in a holistic framework, thus permitting practitioners, paraprofessionals, and case managers to better understand the concerns and needs of the client. Whereas counselors working in certain settings (e.g., public funded institutions) are likely to find various recommendations in the article easy to incorporate into their current practice, the authors believe the recommendations are relevant to a wide array of settings.  相似文献   

基于长期的肿瘤科临床见闻,笔者提出许多慢性病复杂的临床症状背后,可能存在心身互动机制;且研究已经明确,心身存在着共轭关系.因此,临床应具备心身相关思想,对慢性病及其症状,从人心身整体性做出考量;心身相关性症状的表现是错综且多样化的;对临床难以解释症状,主张从心身相关角度切入,常可帮助解开谜团;同时,处置时还应心身兼顾地进行干预;这样,既可反证诊断正确与否,又可帮助改善症状.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe and illustrate through a hypothetical case example how visual journaling, a form of expressive arts counseling, can be adapted for use in individual counseling. Counselors may consider using visual journaling as a counseling intervention when working with clients who may not have words for what they are feeling or experiencing, and for clients who tend to be very analytical. Visual journaling can be a way to bypass the intellect and give clients another way to access their experience.  相似文献   


This paper uses concepts from discourse analysis to understand the meaning making functions of narrative in clinical treatment and to describe the interactive processes through which these functions are achieved. “Negotiative” and “heuristic” narrative processes are described as they occur in ordinary conversation. The relevance of these concepts to clinical practice is then explored using case material.  相似文献   

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