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An immersive virtual reality (IVR) system was used to investigate allocentric spatial memory in a patient (PR) who had selective hippocampal damage, and also in patients who had undergone unilateral temporal lobectomies (17 right TL and 19 left TL), their performance compared against normal control groups. A human analogue of the Olton [Olton (1979). Hippocampus, space, and memory. Behavioural Brain Science, 2, 315] spatial maze was developed, consisting of a virtual room, a central virtual circular table and an array of radially arranged up-turned 'shells.' The participant had to search these shells in turn in order to find a blue 'cube' that would then 'move' to another location and so on, until all the shells had been target locations. Within-search errors could be made when the participants returned to a previously visited location during a search, and between-search errors when they revisited previously successful, but now incorrect locations. PR made significantly more between-search errors than his control group, but showed no increase in within-search errors. The right TL group showed a similar pattern of impairment, but the left TL group showed no impairment. This finding implicates the right hippocampal formation in spatial memory functioning in a scenario in which the visual environment was controlled so as to eliminate extraneous visual cues.  相似文献   

The predictive relationships between an array of cognitive process and intellectual ability variables and text- and word-recall performance were examined. A sample of 584 men and women from 3 age groups (19-36, 55-69, and 70-86 years) completed a battery of 23 tasks marking 2 latent criterion variables and 10 latent predictor variables. The results indicated that (a) individual differences in process and ability variables predict performance on text and word recall, accounting for approximately half of the variance; (b) the pattern of predictors is quite similar for text and word recall; (c) age-related differences in text and word recall can be substantially accounted for by individual differences in constituent abilities, particularly indicators of verbal speed and working memory; and (d) there is some evidence to suggest that the pattern of ability-performance relationships varies across age, but such interactions appear to be relatively small.  相似文献   

Skin conductance responses were examined bilaterally in a group of 14 normal subjects. Twelve of them were right-handed and two were left-handed. All right-handed subjects exhibited asymmetry in skin conductance level and in skin conductance response during verbal-numerical and visual-imagery tasks. With the visual activity, larger responses were found in the left hand, while during the verbal task, larger responses were recorded from the right hand. The results were interpreted as evidence of hemispheric asymmetry of the electrodermal activity orienting response control mechanisms. More ipsilateral control for the right hand is predicted.  相似文献   

In humans, impaired recognition memory following lesions thought to be limited to the hippocampal region has been demonstrated for a wide variety of tasks. However, the importance of the human hippocampus for olfactory recognition memory has scarcely been explored. We evaluated the ability of memory-impaired patients with damage thought to be limited to the hippocampal region to recognize a list of odors. The patients were significantly impaired after a retention delay of 1 h. Olfactory sensitivity was intact. This finding is in agreement with earlier reports that rats with hippocampal lesions exhibited memory impairment on an odor delayed nonmatching to sample task (after 30 min and 1 h) and that patients with damage thought to be limited to the hippocampal region were impaired on an odor span memory task. Olfactory recognition memory, similar to recognition memory in other sensory modalities, depends on the integrity of the hippocampal region.  相似文献   

In a double-blind crossover design, either 30 mg of the noncompetitive NMDA-receptor antagonist memantine or a placebo was administered to 40 healthy male volunteers. Twenty line drawings of objects and 20 photographs of unfamiliar faces were presented on a computer screen. After a retention interval of 80 min, the participants' task was to select the original objects and faces from a set of 80 items. Results were analyzed applying a signal-detection-theory approach. Recognition performance for objects was significantly impaired under memantine as compared to placebo, whereas performance on face recognition was not affected. Findings support the notion of differential effects of NMDA-receptor antagonists on memory functions in humans.  相似文献   

The ability to store and manipulate online information may be enhanced by an inner speech mechanism that draws upon motor brain regions. Neural correlates of this mechanism were examined using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Sixteen participants completed two conditions of a verbal working memory task. In both conditions, participants viewed one or two target letters. In the “storage” condition, these targets were held in mind across a delay. Then a probe letter was presented, and participants indicated by button press whether the probe matched the targets. In the “manipulation” condition, participants identified new targets by thinking two alphabetical letters forward of each original target (e.g., f → h). Participants subsequently indicated whether the probe matched the newly derived targets. Brain activity during the storage and manipulation conditions was examined specifically during the delay phase in order to directly compare manipulation versus storage processes. Activations that were common to both conditions, yet disproportionately greater with manipulation, were observed in the left inferior frontal cortex, premotor cortex, and anterior insula, bilaterally in the parietal lobes and superior cerebellum, and in the right inferior cerebellum. This network shares substrates with overt speech and may represent an inner speech pathway that increases activity with greater working memory demands. Additionally, an inverse correlation was observed between manipulation-related brain activity (on correct trials) and test accuracy in the left premotor cortex, anterior insula, and bilateral superior cerebellum. This inverse relationship may represent intensification of inner speech as one struggles to maintain performance levels.  相似文献   

Reduced autobiographical memory specificity (AMS) is an important cognitive marker in depression that is typically measured with the Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT; Williams & Broadbent, 1986). The AMT is widely used, but the over-reliance on a single methodology for assessing AMS is a limitation in the field. The current study investigated memory narratives as an alternative measure of AMS in an undergraduate student sample selected for being high or low on a measure of depressive symptoms (N=55). We employed a multi-method design to compare narrative- and AMT-based measures of AMS. Participants generated personally significant self-defining memory narratives, and also completed two versions of the AMT (with and without instructions to retrieve specific memories). Greater AMS in self-defining memory narratives correlated with greater AMS in performance on both versions of the AMT in the full sample, and the patterns of relationships between the different AMS measures were generally similar in low and high dysphoric participants. Furthermore, AMS in self-defining memory narratives was prospectively associated with depressive symptom levels. Specifically, greater AMS in self-defining memory narratives predicted fewer depressive symptoms at a 10-week follow-up over and above baseline symptom levels. Implications for future research and clinical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Diurnal time courses in psychomotor performance and waking EEG frequencies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The present study examined the similarities between the diurnal time courses in the waking EEG activity and the psychomotor performance. The aim was to verify if some ongoing changes in the excitability of the cortical nerve cells across the daytime could facilitate the sensorimotor processing. EEG recordings and performance results for the Four Choice Reaction Time Test (FCRTT) were obtained every two hours, from morning to late evening period, in 8 young normal subjects (21.3 +/- 0.5 years). ANOVAs were used to verify the presence of diurnal variations in the two measures. Nonparametric correlations were obtained to test the similarity between the changes across the day in the two measures. Three EEG frequency bands (delta, sigma, and beta1) and the reaction time measures varied across the daytime. The changes in the sigma (12.00-13.75 Hz) and the beta1 (14.00-19.75 Hz) bands were similar to the diurnal variations in the reaction time measures. It is suggested that the changes in the sigma and the beta1 bands may facilitate the processing of the sensorimotor treatment.  相似文献   

Reconsolidation of declarative memory in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The reconsolidation hypothesis states that a consolidated memory could again become unstable and susceptible to facilitation or impairment for a discrete period of time after a reminder presentation. The phenomenon has been demonstrated in very diverse species and types of memory, including the human procedural memory of a motor skill task but not the human declarative one. Here we provide evidence for both consolidation and reconsolidation in a paired-associate learning (i.e., learning an association between a cue syllable and the respective response syllable). Subjects were given two training sessions with a 24-h interval on distinct verbal material, and afterward, they received at testing two successive retrievals corresponding to the first and second learning, respectively. Two main results are noted. First, the first acquired memory was impaired when a reminder was presented 5 min before the second training (reconsolidation), and also when the second training was given 5 min instead of 24 h after the first one (consolidation). Second, the first retrieval proved to influence negatively on the later one (the retrieval-induced forgetting [RIF] effect), and we used the absence of this RIF effect as a very indicator of the target memory impairment. We consider the demonstration of reconsolidation in human declarative memory as backing the universality of this phenomenon and having potential clinical relevance. On the other hand, we discuss the possibility of using the human declarative memory as a model to address several key topics of the reconsolidation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Conventional lesion methods have shown that damage to the rodent hippocampus can impair previously acquired spatial memory in tasks such as the water maze. In contrast, work with reversible lesion methods using a different spatial task has found remote memory to be spared. To determine whether the finding of spared remote spatial memory depends on the lesion method, we reversibly inactivated the hippocampus with lidocaine either immediately (0-DAY) or 1 mo (30-DAY) after training in a water maze. For both the 0-DAY and 30-DAY retention tests, rats that received lidocaine infusions exhibited impaired performance. In addition, when the 0-DAY group was retested 2 d later, (when the drug was no longer active), the effect was reversed. That is, rats that had previously received lidocaine performed as well as control rats did. These findings indicate that the rodent hippocampus is important for both recent and remote spatial memory, as assessed in the water maze. What determines whether remote spatial memory is preserved or impaired following disruption of hippocampal function appears to be the type of task used to assess spatial memory, not the method used to disrupt the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Young and elderly subjects performed a series of activities that varied in the duration of their performances (45 s, 90 s, and 180 s). Duration was found to have a negligible effect on the subsequent recall of the activities and on the magnitude of the age deficit in recall. Operationalization of the program for performing an activity seems essential for establishing a memory trace of that activity's performance, but the duration of performing that activity seems to yield no further enhancement of that trace.  相似文献   

This study reports evidence that patients with schizophrenia demonstrate a slowing of working memory (WM) consolidation, which is the process of transforming transient perceptual representations into durable WM representations. Sixteen schizophrenia patients and 16 healthy control participants performed a task measuring the visual WM consolidation rate in a change-detection paradigm. A target display containing 3 colored squares was followed by a variable delay of 17-483 ms, a pattern mask, and then a test stimulus. This pattern mask does not interfere with perception but disrupts WM consolidation. Control participants reached no-mask performance by 250 ms, indicating completed WM consolidation, whereas patients failed to reach no-mask performance by 483 ms. Slowed consolidation may play an important and largely unrecognized role in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2010,72(3):215-222
This study of infant declarative memory concurrently examined brain-electrical activity and deferred imitation performance in 10-month-old infants. Continuous electroencephalogram (EEG) measures were collected throughout the activity-matched baseline, encoding (modeling) and retrieval (delayed test) phases of a within-subjects deferred imitation task. Infants were divided into two memory performance groups based on the exhibition of ordered-recall after a 24-h delay. Whereas no group differences were found in EEG collected during encoding, performance-group differences in EEG were present during retrieval. Infants who successfully displayed ordered-recall showed a pattern of increasing EEG from baseline to task at anterior temporal scalp locations, whereas infants showing no ordered-recall displayed no changes in EEG from baseline to task. These findings are discussed with respect to the biobehavioral developments underlying declarative memory abilities.  相似文献   

This study of infant declarative memory concurrently examined brain-electrical activity and deferred imitation performance in 10-month-old infants. Continuous electroencephalogram (EEG) measures were collected throughout the activity-matched baseline, encoding (modeling) and retrieval (delayed test) phases of a within-subjects deferred imitation task. Infants were divided into two memory performance groups based on the exhibition of ordered-recall after a 24-h delay. Whereas no group differences were found in EEG collected during encoding, performance-group differences in EEG were present during retrieval. Infants who successfully displayed ordered-recall showed a pattern of increasing EEG from baseline to task at anterior temporal scalp locations, whereas infants showing no ordered-recall displayed no changes in EEG from baseline to task. These findings are discussed with respect to the biobehavioral developments underlying declarative memory abilities.  相似文献   

In a recent study, rats with hippocampal lesions performed as well as did unoperated rats on an olfactory memory span task, performing ~80% correct even when the span length reached 24 odors. This finding seems potentially at odds with demonstrations that memory-impaired patients typically fail tasks in which large amounts of information must be retained. Accordingly, we have assessed recognition memory span performance for line drawings of objects, designs, and odors in amnesic patients with damage thought to be limited to the hippocampal region. The patients were impaired on all three tasks. We consider possible explanations for the difference between the findings for humans and rats, including the fact that olfactory function is particularly well-developed in rodents.  相似文献   

Two persons responded in the same session in separate cubicles, but under a single schedule of reinforcement. Each time reinforcement was programmed, only the first response to occur, that is, the response of only one of the subjects, was reinforced. “Competitive” behavior that developed under these conditions was examined in three experiments. In Experiment 1 subjects responded under fixed-interval (FI) 30-s, 60-s, and 90-s schedules of reinforcement. Under the competition condition, relative to baseline conditions, the response rates were higher and the pattern was “break-and-run.” In Experiment 2, subjects were exposed first to a conventional FI schedule and then to an FI competition schedule. Next, they were trained to respond under either a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) or fixed-ratio (FR) schedule, and finally, the initial FI competition condition was reinstated. In this second exposure to the FI competition procedure, DRL subjects responded at lower rates than were emitted during the initial exposure to that condition and FR subjects responded at higher rates. For all subjects, however, responding gradually returned to the break-and-run pattern that had occurred during the first FI competition condition. Experiment 3 assessed potential variables contributing to the effects of the competitive FI contingencies during Experiments 1 and 2. Subjects were exposed to FI schedules where (a) probability of reinforcement at completion of each fixed interval was varied, or (b) a limited hold was in effect for reinforcement. Only under the limited hold was responding similar to that observed in previous experiments.  相似文献   

情节记忆是个体对特定时间,特定地点所经历的特定事件的记忆.主观报告情节记忆下降是主观记忆减退老年人最典型的表现.与健康对照组老年人相比, 主观记忆减退老年人情节记忆下降的速率更快, 罹患老年性痴呆的风险更高, 但其情节记忆加工的脑机制尚不明确.前人研究提示, 主观记忆减退老年人在外在记忆行为尚未出现损伤的情况下, 其大脑情节记忆相关脑区的神经活动已经出现异常.探究主观记忆减退的记忆神经环路关键节点和路径的异常, 揭示神经环路在老年痴呆发生发展中的变化规律, 对深入理解老年痴呆的发病机制有重要的科学意义.同时, 主观记忆减退老年人作为特殊的记忆损伤群体, 对其神经环路的深入探究, 也必将为揭示人类记忆的神经机制做出独特的贡献.  相似文献   

Procedural and declarative memory systems are postulated to interact in either a synergistic or a competitive manner, and memory consolidation appears to be a highly critical stage for this process. However, the precise cellular mechanisms subserving these interactions remain unknown. To investigate this issue, 24-h retention performances were examined in mice given post-training intrahippocampal injections of forskolin (FK) aiming at stimulating hippocampal adenylyl cyclases (ACs). The injection was given at different time points over a period of 9 h following acquisition in either an appetitive bar-pressing task or water-maze tasks challenging respectively "response memory" and "place memory." Retention testing (24 h) showed that FK injection altered memory formation only when given within a 3- to 6-h time window after acquisition but yielded opposite memory effects as a function of task demands. Retention of the spatial task was impaired, whereas retention of both the cued-response in the water maze and the rewarded bar-press response were improved. Intrahippocampal injections of FK produced an increase in pCREB immunoreactivity, which was strictly limited to the hippocampus and lasted less than 2 h, suggesting that early effects (0-2 h) of FK-induced cAMP/CREB activation can be distinguished from late effects (3-6 h). These results delineate a consolidation period during which specific cAMP levels in the hippocampus play a crucial role in enhancing memory processes mediated by other brain regions (e.g., dorsal or ventral striatum) while eliminating interference by the formation of hippocampus-dependent memory.  相似文献   

Ample evidence in animals and humans supports the noradrenergic modulation in the formation of emotional memory. However, in humans the effects of stress on emotional memory are traditionally investigated by declarative memory tests (e.g., recall, recognition) for non-associative emotional stimuli (e.g., stories, pictures). Given that anxiety disorders are thought to originate from associative learning processes and are characterized by distressing emotional responses, the existing literature seems to be inconclusive for the understanding of these disorders. Here, we tested whether noradrenaline strengthens the emotional expression of associative fear memory by using a differential fear conditioning procedure in humans. Stimulation of the noradrenergic system by the administration of yohimbine HCl (20 mg) during memory formation did not directly augment the differential startle fear response 48 h later. Yet, the other retention tests uncovered that the administration of yohimbine HCl contrary to placebo pill extensively delayed the process of extinction learning and generated a superior recovery of fear (i.e., reinstatement and reacquisition). Conversely, the yohimbine HCl manipulation did not affect the skin conductance responding and the US expectancy ratings, emphasizing the concept of multiple memory systems. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration in humans that increased noradrenaline release during or shortly after a stressful event strengthens the formation of associative fear memory traces. The present findings suggest that noradrenaline may play an important role in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

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