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《管子》的生态哲学思想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文论述了《管子》的生态哲学,认为:《管子》把天地人看作是一个以“道”根据和调节机制的和谐平衡的有机整体系统,认为天地生态系统遵循着基本的生态法则,阐述了“人与天调”、“天人相因”的内在统一的生态存在论和实践观。《管子》以“道为物要”的生态价值观为基础,把自然现象道德化,把人类的道德推广到自然万物,提出“德润万物”生态伦理命题。《管子》从人与自然内在统一的观点,揭示了自然现象的属性与人的能力品质的内在一致性。《管子》主张遵循天人感应之“时德”的农业生态伦理与政治生态伦理。《管子》把生态伦理法律化、行政伦理化。  相似文献   

《管子》生态伦理思想具有丰富而深刻的内涵,“天人相分”与“天人合一”的天人观,“道为物要”与“德润万物”的伦理观,“人君天地”与“人与天调”的实践观。其深刻的精神理念对我们今天的生态文明建设具有重要的借鉴意义。这些启示我们应从强化生态意识、加强生态制度建设、实施行为生态化建设、坚持生态化修养建设等方面加强生态文明建设。  相似文献   

老子论教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
米靖 《中国道教》2001,(6):28-31
老子是道家学派的创始人,其教育思想丰富而富有辩证法,是中国古代教育思想的一大渊源。 一、论教育与人、教育与社会 老子将“道”改造成为一个特定的哲学范畴,认为道是世界万物的本原。他说:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。”(《老子·第四十二章》,以下凡引《老子》只注章数)道“渊兮,似万物之宗”(《第七章》)。不仅如此,老子认为这个“万物恃之以生”的道又是世界万物发展、变化、灭亡莫不遵循的规律和法则。老子把道与天、地、人并为宇宙中的“四大”,并且认为四者的关系是“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”(《…  相似文献   

管仲学派在哲学、政治、经济、伦理等方面,形成了带有自己的特色的理论体系,对中国社会、中华民族的思想文化的发展有着特殊的贡献。本文仅就其伦理思想与同对期的儒、墨、道等家作一比较,以求得管仲学派纶理思想的特色之所在。一、注重道德与物质生活的联系  相似文献   

<正>《太平经》作为早期道教经典,其"恶杀好生"、"敬天法地"、"万物各自有宜"、"和谐共生"的思想可以在生态文明建设中起到积极的作用。恶杀好生《太平经》把生喻为天地之德,把道德与天地相配,旨在说明道兴则万物生。"道者,天也,阳也,主生;德者,地也,阴也,主养。万物多不能生,即知天道伤矣;其有不生者,即知天克有绝者矣。一物不生一统绝,多则多绝,少则少绝,随物多少,以知天统伤。夫道兴者主生,万物  相似文献   

儒家虽然总体上强调天人合一,却并不否定天人相分,而是把两者辩证统一起来;而且,儒家的天人相分与天人合一共同为促进天人和谐、生态责任提供了精神支撑。在漫长的发展演变过程中,儒学建构了天人相分的生态责任伦理根据、天人合一的生态责任伦理前提、仁民爱物的生态责任伦理情感、取予有度的生态责任伦理行为和天人相参的生态责任伦理追求在内的生态责任伦理义理结构。  相似文献   

管仲是我国春秋前期著名的政治家和思想家,他和他的学派的政治伦理思想颇具特色,可以说是我国古代思想史上政治思想和伦理思想密切结合的典范。管仲学派的思想体系表明,他们所说的政治是具有伦理色彩的政治,而他们所说的伦理是为政治统治服务的伦理。这种政治与伦理的密切结合,实际上也是整个中国古代传统思想的共性,只是在管仲学派中反映得特别明显罢了。这种状况,固然决定于中国古代社会家族宗法制度与君主专制统治制度相结合的社会基础,也是与这一学派的创始人管仲长期从政的经历密切相关的。管仲于周庄王十二年(公元前685年)始相齐桓公,执政至周襄王七年(公元前645年)他去在止。管仲的主要功业,就是《史记·管晏列传》所记载的:“管仲既用,任政于齐,齐桓公以霸,九合诸侯,一匡  相似文献   

正在中国,早在春秋时期的道家学派就致力于对人与自然关系的思索,并提出了一系列尊重和保护自然的思想,其主张天人合一、道法自然,倡导知常知和、欲望适度,强调按自然规律来处理人与万物的关系。生态伦理学兴起于20世纪,是一门以"生态伦理"或"生态道德"为研究对象的应用伦理学,但追溯起来,其思想理念却历史悠久、源远流长。在中国,早在春秋时期的道家学派就致力于对人与自然关系的思索,并提出了一系列尊重和保护自然的思想,其主张天人  相似文献   

中华传统文化中的儒佛道,蕴涵着丰富的生态文明的思想智慧。儒家仁爱为本的生态思想,以成人成己、中正和谐、天人合一为追求的目标,"天地人一体同仁"充分体现出儒家"仁民而爱物"的社会伦理与生态伦理相融的人文精神。道家道教自然和谐共生的生态智慧,提倡"因天地之自然",以实现"人与天合","神与道合"。"天地人一体同道"表达了与天地自然和谐相处的理念和追求,形成了与儒家从人伦推及人与自然不同的思维路径与生态文化特色。中国佛教圆融慈悲的生态精神,以缘起论阐发了心与物、理与事、天地与人之间的圆融互具、相即相融的整体关系,提倡对万物众生的慈爱和悲悯,丰富发展了佛教的生态思想和哲学智慧。基于共同的价值追求,儒佛道分别从人的本性、道法自然、缘起净心出发,异辙同归地指向了天地人的同体与和谐共存。三家相异互补的生态思想,既是当代生态文明建设的重要文化资源,也为当代生态文明建设提供了借鉴和启迪。  相似文献   

当先秦诸子大都以人的理解为中心去看待人与自然万物的存在方式,认为万物只是相对于人来说才具有存在的价值和意义时,庄子站在古典存在论的立场上提出了含有生态审美智慧的“万物一齐”观,即“休乎天钧”的生态和谐理念、“为是不用而寓诸庸”的生态价值观念、“万物与我为一”的生态共生气象。其“万物一齐”的生态审美观所蕴涵的万物平等共生、放弃自我中心、无用之用等观念有助于当代的生态伦理和生态实践建设。  相似文献   

天·地·人──谈《易传》的生态哲学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《易传》把天地自然界看成是有生命的存在,而人的生命正来自于这个自然界。自然界不仅是人的生命存在的根源,也是人的生命意义和价值的根源。人在获得自然所提供的一切生存条件的同时,更要“裁成”“辅佐”自然界完成其生命意义,才能实现人与自然的和谐相处,达到“天人合一”的最高境界。  相似文献   

《文言传》为何以“文言”名篇,历代学者论述各异。陈鼓应“文”本于“天地之文”的观点颇有启发性,但过于简略。“天地之文”是“文言”之“文”取义所本。《易》中有天地之文,亦有人文。天地之文即天地生物、成物之象,人文是圣王法天牧民,使天地生机昌茂、万有和谐有序之象。《文言传》以“文德”贯通天地之文与人文、天地之道与人道。“文德”即易道生生之德,其所反映的深层精神品质即“仁”。乾坤二卦作为生生之本,最为集中地体现了生生之易道、天人贯通之“文德”,故阐释乾坤二卦德义之辞题曰“文言”。  相似文献   

As a pair of important categories in traditional Chinese culture, “ming 命 (destiny or decrees)” and “tian ming 天命 (heavenly ordinances)” mainly refer to the constraints placed on human beings. Both originated from “ling 令 (decrees),” which evolved from “wang ling 王令 (royal decrees)” into “tian ling 天令 (heavenly decrees),” and then became “ming” from a throne because of the decisive role of “heavenly decrees” over a throne. “Ming” and “tian ming” have different definitions: “Ming” represented the limits Heaven placed on the natural lives of human beings and was an objective force that men could not direct, but was embodied in human beings as their “destiny”; “Tian ming” reflected the moral ideals of human beings in their self-identification; It originated in man but had to be verified by Heaven, and it was therefore the true ordinance that Heaven placed on human beings. “Ming” and “tian ming” are two perspectives on the traditional relationship between Heaven and human beings, and at the same time Confucians and Daoists placed different emphasis on them. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Zhongguo zhexueshi 中国哲学史 (History of Chinese Philosophy), 2007, (4): 11–21  相似文献   

Philip J. Ivanhoe 《Dao》2007,6(3):211-220
Contrary to what several prominent scholars contend, a number of important early Confucians ground their ethical claims by appealing to the authority of tian, Heaven, insisting that Heaven endows human beings with a distinctive ethical nature and at times acts in the world. This essay describes the nature of such appeals in two early Confucian texts: the Lunyu (Analects) and Mengzi (Mencius). It locates this account within a larger narrative that begins with some of the earliest conceptions of a supreme deity in China. The essay concludes by noting some similarities and differences between these early Confucian accounts and more familiar views commonly shared by monotheists.  相似文献   

王杰 《周易研究》2005,(1):58-67
本文对<易传>之成书及学派归属问题得出自己的结论后,从人类社会演进图式与"三材之道"、<易传>与理想人格塑造、<易传>与主体价值的实现三个层面对<易传>儒道结合的政治思想特征做了深入剖析,指出<易传>思想是以儒家思想为基本价值观,在吸收和借鉴道家思想及阴阳家思想的基础上,把它们与儒家思想结合起来,为儒家思想注入了新的思想内容,在更高层次上建构了儒家的天道观和人道观,从而达到为儒家思想寻求形而上价值依据的目的.  相似文献   

储华谷<周易参同契>注运用<周易>的卦爻象和"河洛之说"来解释道教内丹修炼的原理,提出了"药之与物,二八河图.五贼运火,皇极洛书.法象羲<易>,按爻摘符"的道教易学思想;认为<易>的"河洛之说"及"卦爻之象"揭示了天、地、人三才之道,这对于道教内丹修炼来说,具有重要的指导意义;此注用<周易>"河图"、"洛书"等理论,对道教内丹学中最重要的药物、鼎炉、火候等问题进行了说明,强调内丹术要循天地自然之道而行,法天地人三才之道才可以论还丹,并以<易>理来统摄天、地、人三才之道,从而增强了道教内丹术的理论性和系统性,为将道教内丹术转为道教内丹学做出了贡献.  相似文献   

Marc Bekoff 《Zygon》2003,38(4):911-941
Abstract. I emphasize the importance of broadening behavioral, ecological, and conservation science into a more integrative, interdisciplinary, socially responsible, compassionate, spiritual, and holistic endeavor. I stress the significance of studies of animal behavior, especially ethological research concerned with animal emotions in which individuals are named and recognized for their own personalities, for helping us to learn not only about the nonhuman animal beings with whom we share Earth but also about who we are and our place in nature. We are best understood in relationship with others. To this end I develop the notions of “minding animals” and “deep ethology.” Animals are sources of wisdom, a way of knowing. We are all citizens of Earth, members of a global community in which intimate reciprocal and beneficent peaceful relationships are mandatory. A world without cruelty and with boundless compassion, respect, grace, humility, spirituality, and love would be a better world in which to live. We have compelling responsibilities for making Earth a better and more peaceful habitat for all beings. It is essential that we do better than our ancestors. We must reflect and step lightly as we “redecorate” nature. Time is not on our side. I plead for the development of heartfelt and holistic science that allows for joy and play. Science need not be suspicious of things it cannot fully understand. We must not avert our eyes or other senses from the eyes and voices of other beings who urgently need our uncompromising and unconditional aid and love. We can do much more than we have done for animals and the Earth.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Heaven, Earth, and Man in the Book of Changes , by Hellmut Wilhelm
Paul Yun-ming Jiang, The Search for Mind: Ch en Pai-sha. Philosopher-Poet  相似文献   

Wang Yangming argues that the life state of a virtuous person is “forming one body with Heaven, Earth and the myriad things.” For instance, in watching a child fall into a well, he cannot help feeling alarmed and commiserate; In observing the pitiful cries and frightened appearance of animals, he cannot help feeling “unable to bear” their suffering; In seeing plants destroyed or tiles shattered, he cannot help but feel pity and regret and so forth. At the same time, he also stresses that there is a natural order of values with the help of which a human being deals with the myriad things, namely the natural principles of order within the realm of liang zhi. From a practical perspective, Yangming integrated these two aspects into a spontaneously psychological self-consciousness and an intuition of judgment and choice. Under its direction and instruction, human beings cannot only generally care for the myriad things, but also make reasonable use of them. Therefore, the significant reference to “the natural principles of order within the realm of liang zhi” involves the harmony between nature and human beings from life state to ecological consciousness. __________ Translated from Tranjin Shehui Kexue 天津社会科学 (Tianjin Social Sciences), 2004 (6) by Wu Min, Proofread by Xu Xiangdong & Wu Fei  相似文献   

Tu Weiming 《Dao》2007,6(2):115-124
By focusing on the Confucian ideal of forming one body with Heaven, Earth, and myriad things, I argue that the distinctive feature of Chinese cosmology is not the absence of cosmogonist concerns, but faith in the interconnectedness of all modalities of being as the result of the continuous creativity of the cosmic process.  相似文献   

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