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Boundary and analytic attitude: reflections on a summer holiday break
Authors:Susanna Wright
Abstract:The effect of a boundary in analytic work at the summer holiday break is discussed in relation to archetypal experiences of exclusion, loss and limitation. Some attempts by patients to mitigate an analyst's act of separation are reviewed as enactments, and in particular the meanings of a gift made by one patient. Analytic attitude towards enactment from within different schools of practice is sketched, with reference to the effect on the analyst of departing from the received practice of their own allegiance. A theory is adumbrated that the discomfort of ‘contravening the rules’ has a useful effect in sparking the analyst into consciousness, with greater attention to salient features in an individual case. Interpretation as an enactment is briefly considered, along with the possible effects of containing the discomfort of a patient's enactment in contrast to confronting it with interpretation.
Keywords:Boundary  analytic attitude  holiday break  enactment  interpretation  gift  Limite  attitude analytique  pause analytique due aux congé  s d'é      agir  interpré  tation  cadeau  Grenze  analytische Haltung  Urlaubspause  Agieren  Deutung  Geschenk  Confini  atteggiamento analitico  pausa delle vacanze  agito  interpretazione  regalo  г  р  а  н  и  ц  ы    а  н  а  л  и  т  и  ч  е  с  к  а  я   у  с  т  а  н  о  в  к  а    о  т  п  у  с  к    р  а  з  ы  г  р  ы  в  а  н  и  е    и  н  т  е  р  п  р  е  т  а  ц  и  я  . п  о  д  а  р  о  к      mite  actitud analí  tica  pausa vacacional  puesta en acto  interpretació  n  regalo                                                  
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