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Preliminary thoughts on the neurobiology of innate unconscious structures and the psychodynamics of language acquisition
Authors:Susan Mizen
Affiliation:, Exeter, UK
Abstract:This paper builds upon Britton's recent writing on ‘models in the mind’, in which he gives an account of preverbal metaphoric structures based on object relations (Britton 2015). These correspond with Jung's theory of innate unconscious structures. These innate models are considered alongside current linguistic theory following Chomsky and post‐Chomskyan views about language acquisition. Neuroscience evidence linking language and abstract thinking with structures involved in tool use are presented. The implications of these findings, and our understanding of the relational context within which language, metaphor and abstract thought are acquired, will be discussed along with the failures of symbolization and verbal communication common amongst those with severe narcissistic disorders.
Keywords:Chomsky  linguistic theory  narcissism  neuroscience  symbolization  thé  orie linguistique  neuroscience  Chomsky  symbolisation  traumatisme, pré  verbal  linguistische Theorie  Neurowissenschaft  Chomsky  Symbolisierung  Trauma  prä  verbal  teoria linguistica  neuroscienze  Chomsky  simbolizzazione  trauma  preverbale  л  и  н  г  в  и  с  т  и  ч  е  с  к  а  я   т  е  о  р  и  я    н  е  й  р  о  н  а  у  к  а    Х  о  м  с  к  и  й    с  и  м  в  о  л  и  з  а  ц  и  я    т  р  а  в  м  а    д  о  в  е  р  б  а  л  ь  н  ы  й    teorí  a lingü  í  stica  neurociencia  Chomsky  simbolizació  n  trauma  pre‐verbal                                                  
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