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Establishing Functional Classes In A Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) With A Two-item Sequential-Responding Procedure
Authors:Tomonaga M
Abstract:A 9-year-old female chimpanzee was trained on a two-item sequential-responding task. Attempts were made with successive-reversal training to establish functional classes. In Experiment 1, the subject was exposed to between-session successive-reversal training in which one of two pairs of stimuli was reversed, and transfer of reversal responding to the other pair was tested with nonreinforcement probe trials. She did not show transfer during the course of reversals. Stimulus control established in the original training was maintained on nonreinforcement probe trials. In Experiment 2, within-session reversals were introduced. She showed transfer from the initially reversed pair to the other. The results were consistent with Vaughan's (1988) results with pigeons on successive discriminations, which indicated the formation of functional classes. In Experiment 3, crossover and wild-card tests were conducted to clarify the stimulus control of sequential responding. The results suggested that the sequential responding was controlled only by the first stimulus of each pair. To establish control by both first and second stimuli, trial-unique stimuli or wild cards were substituted for one of the items of the lists in Experiment 4. Further transfer tests, in which stimuli for the two new pairs appeared, were also given to the subject. She successfully responded to these two merged lists and reversed the order as the result of reversal training.
Keywords:functional classes  sequential responding  successive-reversal training  stimulus control  screen touch  chimpanzee
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