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An isolation effect in serial memory for spatial information
Abstract:This paper reports the first demonstration of an isolation effect or von Restorff effect (von Restorff, 1933 von Restorff, H. 1933. Uber die Wirkung von Bereichsbildungen im Spurenfeld [On the effect of spheres formations in the trace field]. Psychologische Forschung, 18: 299342. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) in the context of a spatial-memory task: Short-term serial recall was enhanced for both the location and the serial position of one red dot presented amongst a sequence of otherwise black dots. When the serial position of the isolate was fixed, the spatial isolation effect only emerged when participants received a control block of trials before the block of isolation trials (Experiment 1). However, when the serial position of the isolate was varied across isolation trials, an isolation effect was still produced regardless of condition order (Experiment 2). It is suggested that both temporal grouping strategies and greater item-specific processing may have contributed to the enhanced retention of the isolate.
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