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引用本文:马振玲,杨仲乐. 视觉感觉记忆信息在模式识别中的作用[J]. 心理科学, 2004, 27(3): 624-627
作者姓名:马振玲  杨仲乐
摘    要:该研究设计了新的实验方法进行了两项全部报告实验和两项抽样模式识别实验,考察视觉感觉记忆(visual sensorymemory,VSM)信息在模式识别中的作用。结果发现,在限定利用短时记忆(shor-term memory,STM)信息的抽样模式识别作业中,识别出的模式与转换到短时记忆的模式在数量上无显著性差别,而在短时记忆和感觉记忆信息都可能利用的识别作业中,虽然转换到短时记忆的模式数量并未增加,但识别出的模式比转换到短时记忆的模式数量增加了1倍(P<0.001)。这表明,未能转换到短时记忆的感觉记忆信息可被直接用于模式识别。

关 键 词:视觉感觉记忆  模式识别  短时记忆  感觉记忆信息

The Role of Visual Sensory Memory Information in Pattern Recognition
Ma Zhenling,Yang Zhongle. The Role of Visual Sensory Memory Information in Pattern Recognition[J]. Psychological Science, 2004, 27(3): 624-627
Authors:Ma Zhenling  Yang Zhongle
Abstract:Little is known about the role of visual sensory memory (VSM) in complicated information processing. The purpose of the study was to investigate if VSM information could be used directly in pattern recognition. Two sets of experiments were designed. The results revealed that the amount of information recognized while STM information could be used only was the same as the amount of information transferred into STM, but the amount of information recognized while both VSM and STM could be used was significantly more than the amount of information transferred into STM even though the amount of information transferred into STM was not increased. These findings suggested that VSM information could be used directly in pattern recognition.
Keywords:visual sensory memory   pattern recognition   short-term memory
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