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Disentangling the influence of attachment anxiety and attachment security in consumer formation of attachments to brands
Authors:Michael Proksch  Franziska Bethge
Affiliation:1. A&F Marketing—Consumer Psychology, Wilhelm‐Seelig‐Platz 6/7 24098, , Kiel, Germany;2. Westring 346, , 24118 Kiel Germany
This research investigates the formation of consumer attachments to brands contingent upon their attachment anxiety and security. An experiment utilizes a consumer sample and real brands across four product categories (apparel, body care, consumer electronics, and soft drinks) to test the relations between consumer–brand identification and brand attachment dependent on attachment anxiety and attachment security. Consistent with previous research, the findings initially confirm that consumer–brand identification relates positively to brand attachment. Prior work is extended, however, by demonstrating that attachment anxiety has a strong influence on this relationship by moderating the effect of consumer–brand identification on brand attachment but only under low attachment security and with women. Implications relate to attachment research and brand management. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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