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引用本文:罗良,林崇德,刘兆敏,吕勇,李会杰. 客体工作记忆任务中大脑皮层活动的记忆负荷效应[J]. 心理学报, 2006, 38(6): 805-814. DOI:  
作者姓名:罗良  林崇德  刘兆敏  吕勇  李会杰
作者单位:1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所,北京,100875
2. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所,北京,100875;北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,北京,100875
3. 首都师范大学教科院心理系,北京,100037
4. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究中心,天津,300074
摘    要:利用128导事件相关电位技术,采用延迟匹配任务的实验范式,测查了20名正常被试完成不同负荷客体任务时的皮层慢电位(slow cortical potentials,简称sp成分),实验发现:背侧前额叶在刺激呈现后的700ms到1400ms出现记忆负荷效应,高负荷任务诱发的sp成分显著负于低负荷任务;低负荷任务诱发的sp成分在左前额区(500~1800ms)、左前额-中央区(700~1800ms)、左中央-顶叶区(1000~1400s和1800~4800ms)、右前额区(1800~4800ms)和右前额-中央区(1400~4800ms)显著负于高负荷任务,出现记忆负荷效应,但这种负荷效应在左右大脑半球所反映的心理意义可能不同

关 键 词:客体工作记忆  记忆负荷效应  皮层慢电位(sp成分)  事件相关电

Effects of Memory Load of Brain Activation in Object Working Memory Task
Luo Liang,Lin Chongde,Liu Zhaomin,Lü Yong,Li Huijie. Effects of Memory Load of Brain Activation in Object Working Memory Task[J]. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2006, 38(6): 805-814. DOI:  
Authors:Luo Liang  Lin Chongde  Liu Zhaomin  Lü Yong  Li Huijie
Affiliation:Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Abstract:Introduction.Since the mid-1990s,psychologists and cognitive neuroscientists have been investigating in the area of object working memory and have gained valuable insights into the field.However,many issues and problems still need research attention.For example,there are different views concerning the dynamic change pattern of brain activation and the brain(mechanism) in object working memory tasks,and how the pattern of brain activation in high-load object working memory tasks differs from that in low-load tasks.The present study aimed to make use of the spatial-temporal properties of ERP slow waves to examine the pattern of brain activation when object information with different memory load was recoded and retained in WM. Method.Twenty volunteers(13 female and 7 male,mean age = 20.75 years) participated in the present study.None of the subjects had prior experience with the experimental task and all of the subjects were right-handed with either normal or corrected-to-normal vision.A delayed matching task was adopted.In each trial,a cue was presented on the center of the screen for 400ms,followed by a 400ms blank screen,and finally the to-be-memorized objects were displayed for 1800ms.Two(low-load condition) or four(high-load condition) objects were presented.After an inter-stimulus interval of 3000ms,the probe stimulus was presented for 1600ms.Participants had to respond within 1600ms and were instructed to respond as quickly and accurately as possible.EEG was recorded using 123 Ag/AgCl electrodes(positioned according to the international 10~20 system).The resulting ERPs time locked from the onset of the target stimulus to the probe stimulus were computed for each participant at all recording sites.Each condition was computed separately.Repeated-measures ANOVA was performed. Results and Conclusion.The results showed that slow cortical potentials of the high-memory-load task were more negative than that of the low-memory-load task in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(the effect was found between 700 to 1400ms after the display of the stimulus),and that slow cortical potentials of the low-memory-load task were more negative than that of the high-memory-load task in the left frontal(500~1800ms),left fronto-central(700~1800ms),left centro-parietal(1000~1800ms and 1800~4800ms),right frontal(1800~4800ms),and right fronto-central(1400~4800ms) regions.These results suggest that(1) the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(DLPFC) may be responsible for the maintenance and rehearsal of object information and(2) the effects of memory load may be different for the two hemispheres.
Keywords:object working memory  effects of memory load  slow cortical potentials  event related potentials.
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