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引用本文:丁毅,纪婷婷,陈旭. 利他惩罚的发生机制及其神经基础[J]. 心理发展与教育, 2012, 28(6): 658-664
作者姓名:丁毅  纪婷婷  陈旭
作者单位:西南大学心理学部, 西南大学心理健康教育研究中心, 重庆400715
摘    要:利他惩罚是指个体为惩罚违反社会规范的人而自愿个人支付成本,它在人类合作演化过程中扮演着重要的作用。"认知控制"与"情绪满足"被用来阐述利他惩罚的产生机制。而神经层面的研究也发现,利他惩罚主要涉及以背外侧前额叶皮层为主的基于规则的系统和包括纹状体、内侧前额叶皮层以及脑岛等脑区在内的情绪驱动系统。此外,5-羟色胺、多巴胺等神经递质可能是利他惩罚行为发生的神经生化基础。未来研究除了需进一步深入探讨与整合利他惩罚的发生机制、神经机制、基因机制以外,还应注重利他惩罚在自然情境下的研究。

关 键 词:利他惩罚  认知控制  情绪满足  神经基础  

The Formation Mechanism of Altruistic Punishment and Its Neural Mechanism
DING Yi,JI Ting-ting,CHEN Xu. The Formation Mechanism of Altruistic Punishment and Its Neural Mechanism[J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2012, 28(6): 658-664
Authors:DING Yi  JI Ting-ting  CHEN Xu
Affiliation:Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University; Research Center of Mental Health Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
Abstract:Altruistic punishment is a behaviour in which individuals punish defectors at a cost to themselves.It plays an important role in the evolution of human cooperation.Cognition control and emotional gratification are used to illustrate the formation mechanism of altruistic punishment.In addition,altruistic punishment may be governed by multiple independent neural systems:a rule-based system based in DLPFC and an emotion-driven system including the mPFC,insula and striatum.Future researches on altruistic punishment should focus on the following aspects,such as deepening our understanding of its formation mechanisms and neural mechanisms,exploring the genetic bases of altruistic punishment and at last carrying out natural research.
Keywords:altruistic punishment  cognitive control  emotional gratification  neural mechanism  
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