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A generalization of Kristof's theorem on the trace of certain matrix products
Authors:Jos M. F. Ten Berge
Affiliation:1. Subfaculteit Psychologie R.U. Groningen, Grote Markt 32, 9712 HV, Groningen, The Netherlands
Abstract:Kristof has derived a theorem on the maximum and minimum of the trace of matrix products of the form (X_1 hat Gamma _1 X_2 hat Gamma _2 cdots X_n hat Gamma _n) where the matrices (hat Gamma _i) are diagonal and fixed and theX i vary unrestrictedly and independently over the set of orthonormal matrices. The theorem is a useful tool in deriving maxima and minima of matrix trace functions subject to orthogonality constraints. The present paper contains a generalization of Kristof's theorem to the case where theX i are merely required to be submatrices of orthonormal matrices and to have a specified maximum rank. The generalized theorem contains the Schwarz inequality as a special case. Various examples from the psychometric literature, illustrating the practical use of the generalized theorem, are discussed.
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