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Effect size and power in assessing moderating effects of categorical variables using multiple regression: a 30-year review
Authors:Aguinis Herman  Beaty James C  Boik Robert J  Pierce Charles A
Affiliation:The Business School, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO 80217, USA. herman.aguinis@cudenver.edu
The authors conducted a 30-year review (1969-1998) of the size of moderating effects of categorical variables as assessed using multiple regression. The median observed effect size (f(2)) is only .002, but 72% of the moderator tests reviewed had power of .80 or greater to detect a targeted effect conventionally defined as small. Results suggest the need to minimize the influence of artifacts that produce a downward bias in the observed effect size and put into question the use of conventional definitions of moderating effect sizes. As long as an effect has a meaningful impact, the authors advise researchers to conduct a power analysis and plan future research designs on the basis of smaller and more realistic targeted effect sizes.
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