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引用本文:刘耀中,郭力平. 元记忆监测与人格特征相互关系的实验研究[J]. 心理科学, 2000, 23(1): 20-23
作者姓名:刘耀中  郭力平
作者单位:1. 湛江师范学院教科所,524048
2. 华东师范大学心理系,200062
摘    要:运用RJR标准程序,考察了元记忆监测与两种人格维度(内外向以及情绪性)的关系,结果表明:元记忆监测水平受到了人格自身优势倾向性及其行为定向性的影响,人格的内外向特点和情绪稳定性特点直接制约着元记忆监测的准确性和稳定性。据此认为元记忆能力的度量和开发,应充分考虑人格因素的影响。

关 键 词:元记忆 FOK判断 JOC 人格维度

The Relationship Between Metamemory Judgment and Personality
Liu Yaozhong. The Relationship Between Metamemory Judgment and Personality[J]. Psychological Science, 2000, 23(1): 20-23
Authors:Liu Yaozhong
Abstract:Employing the standard procedure of RJR (recall judgment -- recognition), an experiment was designed to examine the relationship of metamemory judgements and two personality dimensions (extraversion and neuroticism ). The result showed: the personality tendency and its behavior orientation had effects on the performances of metamemory judgememt. The introversion/ extraversion and stability/instability characteristics of personality had direct impacts on the predictive accuracy and stability of metamemory judgment. Therefore, personality factors should be fully reckoned with in the measurement and exploitation of metamemory ability.
Keywords:metamemory   personality   FOK( feeling - of - knowing) judgnents.
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