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Null's the word: A comparison of memory quality for intensely negative and positive events
Authors:Theodore E. A. Waters  Jennifer G. Bohanek  Kelly Marin  Robyn Fivush
Affiliation:1. Department of Psychology , Emory University , Atlanta , GA , USA tewater@emory.edu;3. Department of Psychological Sciences , University of Missouri Columbia , Columbia , MO , USA;4. Department of Psychology , Manhattan College , New York , USA;5. Department of Psychology , Emory University , Atlanta , GA , USA
Abstract:Research comparing memories of traumatic and positive events has produced inconsistent results. Complicating the issue, researchers employ a variety of measures (e.g., narrative or questionnaire) that make comparison across studies difficult. Further, this research has been criticised for lacking adequate statistical controls (Sotgiu & Mormont, 2008). Our study employed both narrative and questionnaire methodologies and compared memories for highly negative and positive events while controlling for retention interval, intensity of the event, and word count in the narrative measures. A total of 108 racially diverse college undergraduates wrote narratives and completed the Memory Characteristics Questionnaire about the most negative and the most positive event they had experienced, and memories were assessed for narrative coherence, language indicative of cognition, insight and sensory experience, subjective ratings of clarity, sensory detail, contextual detail, temporal detail, and the inclusion of thoughts and feelings. Results indicate no differences between memories for highly negative and positive events when retention interval and emotional intensity are controlled.
Keywords:Autobiographical memory  Emotion  Valence  Memory quality  Trauma
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