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引用本文:杨伟民, 尤吾兵. 2011. 医学精神样态的嬗变与医学人文品格——以黑格尔《精神现象学》为方法论的分析. 医学与哲学, 32(1A): 5-7,19.
作者姓名:杨伟民  尤吾兵
作者单位:1. 郑州大学第一附属医院 河南郑州 450052;; 2. 安徽中医学院医药经济管理学院 安徽合肥 230038
摘    要:医学作为一种"技术"样态在现实社会中遭受诸多指责,医学精神的合理样态分析具有理论和现实意义以及教育价值。以黑格尔《精神现象学》为方法论资源可以分界出医学精神样态在伦理世界、教化世界和道德世界中分别表征为朴素关怀性医学、技术工具性医学与生态和谐性医学三种样态。将医学技术工具性与医学人文关怀本性有机结合的生态和谐性样态是完整的医学精神样态,应作为医学人文教育的核心价值与合理理念。

关 键 词:医学精神样态   朴素关怀性医学   技术工具性医学   生态和谐性医学   医学人文教育

Evolution of Medicine Spirit Modus and Character of Medical Humanity: Analysis on Taking Hegel's Spirit Phenomenology As Methodology
YANG Wei-min, YOU Wu-bing. 2011. Evolution of Medicine Spirit Modus and Character of Medical Humanity: Analysis on Taking Hegel's Spirit Phenomenology As Methodology. Medicine & Philosophy, 32(1A): 5-7,19.
Authors:YANG Wei-min  YOU Wu-bing
Affiliation:Department of Neurology, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China
Abstract:Reasonable modus analysis of medicine spirit contains both theory and practical significance, as well educating and teaching value, thence the medicine which is taken as one technology modus suffers many accusations in present society. Modus of medicine spirit can be distinguished three appearance states, such as naive solicitude medicine, technical utilizable medicine, as well as ecological concordance medicine which embody in ethical world, in education enlighten world, as well as in moral world correspondingly based on the methodology resource of Hegel's Spirit Phenomenology. It is ecological concordance medicine modus which combines technical utilizable quality of medicine and humanity solicitude nature of medicine organically that should be the medicine spirit modus which we purse actively, as also be taken as core value and reasonable idea of medical science humanity education.
Keywords:modus of medicine spirit  naive solicitude medicine  technical utilizable medicine  ecological concordance medicine  education of medical humanity
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