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Confirmatory factor analysis of the group environment questionnaire with co-acting sports
Authors:Sullivan Philip J  Short Sandra E  Cramer Kenneth M
Affiliation:Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Windsor. psulliva@arnie.pec.brocku.ca
Abstract:To assess whether the Group Environment Questionnaire is applicable to athletes in co-acting sports such as track and field, the factor structure of the Group Environment Questionnaire among a heterogeneous sample of 199 co-acting team sport athletes was investigated. A confirmatory factor analysis did not support the hypothesized four-factor model. A subsequent exploratory factor analysis yielded two independent factors that had no interpretable pattern of the four Group Environment Questionnaire factors within them. While this finding requires replication and confirmation, the four-factor model of the Group Environment Questionnaire does not appear to be as valid for co-acting sports as for interacting sports.
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