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Performance of a referred sample on the Stanford-Binet IV and the K-ABC
Authors:Barbara A. Rothlisberg

David E. McIntosh


Ball State University, USA

Oklahoma State University, USA

Abstract:The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fourth Edition (SBIV) and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) were administered to a sample of 40 referred children. Since both scales were purportedly designed to measure the theoretical view of intelligence proposed by Horn and Cattell (i.e., fluid and crystallized ability) it was deemed appropriate to evaluate the degree to which the subscales of the instruments were related. Correlation coefficients computed between the two tests were strong, suggesting consistency in the underlying global construct being measured; however, no compelling evidence supporting the theoretical structure of the two scales was apparent, raising questions as to the feasibility of using the fluid-crystallized model to describe subscale differences.
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