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Pre-stressor cognitive control is related to intrusive cognition of a stressful film
Authors:Wessel Ineke  Overwijk Sippie  Verwoerd Johan  de Vrieze Nienke
Affiliation:Department of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, University of Groningen, Grote Kruisstraat 2-1, 9712 TS Groningen, The Netherlands. J.P.Wessel@rug.nl
It has been suggested that relatively weak cognitive control existing prior to a stressful event may be associated with intrusive memories of that stressor afterwards. We explored this in two analog studies employing unselected participants who saw an emotional film fragment and completed behavioral (i.e., color-naming interference [CNI]) and self-report indices of intrusions. Prior to film presentation, several cognitive control tests were administered. Study 1 showed that better updating/monitoring was linked to less CNI from negative film-related words. However, better updating/monitoring was associated with more diary reports of intrusive memories. Study 2 showed that a better resistance to pro-active interference (PI) predicted less self-reported film-related intrusive cognition after 24h. However, after this delay, both self-reported intrusions and CNI were not related to updating/monitoring. Taken together, the results suggest that a specific pre-existing cognitive control function (i.e., resistance to PI) may be involved in the regulation of post-stressor intrusive memory phenomena.
Keywords:Intrusive memories   Pro-active interference   Cognitive control   Trauma film paradigm   Color-naming interference
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