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Metacognition refers to the ability to discriminate between one’s own correct and incorrect decisions. The neurobiological underpinnings of metacognition have mainly been studied in perceptual decision-making. Here we investigated whether differences in brain structure predict individual variability in metacognitive sensitivity for visuomotor performance. Participants had to draw straight trajectories toward visual targets, which could unpredictably deviate around detection threshold, report such deviations when detected, and rate their confidence level for such reports. Structural brain MRI analyses revealed that larger gray-matter volume (GMV) in the left middle occipital gyrus, left medial parietal cortex, and right postcentral gyrus predicted higher deviation detection sensitivity. By contrast, larger GMV in the right prefrontal cortex but also right anterior insula and right fusiform gyrus predicted higher metacognitive sensitivity. These results extend past research by linking metacognitive sensitivity for visuomotor behavior to brain areas involved in action agency (insula), executive control (prefrontal cortex) and vision (fusiform).  相似文献   
刘潞潞  卢家楣  和美  周建设  肖晶  罗劲 《心理学报》2017,(11):1414-1427
运用功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)技术探索了乐学英语的大学生在对中、英文材料的学习、记忆及成绩反馈过程中的情绪和脑活动特征。结果发现,被试学习英文较之学习中文积极情绪更少且伴随更强的前部脑岛的激活;但当他们获得关于英文成绩的正反馈时,中脑奖赏区的激活却明显高于获得中文成绩正反馈时的情形,且中脑激活与英语乐学呈正相关。这说明乐学是"苦中作乐",人们虽在学习时并未体验到更多快乐,但其成功却带来了更大的心理奖赏。  相似文献   
Theoretically, stimuli can be related to the self as subject (“I”) or object (“ME”) of experience. This event-related brain potential (ERP) study investigated whether listening to personal and possessive pronouns elicits different modes of self-processing regarding time-course and neural sources. Going beyond previous research, first (1PP) and second person (2PP) pronouns were included to determine the specificity of self-processing. Participants listened passively to German pronouns while the electroencephalogram was recorded. Modulation of ERPs revealed a processing advantage for the 2PP personal pronoun “du” (“you”) already in early time windows. Regarding possessive pronouns, N1 amplitudes indicated increased attention orientation to the 1PP pronoun “mein” (“my”), whereas during later time windows, processing of 1PP and 2PP possessive pronouns did not differ but differed from the third person pronoun “sein” (“his”). ERP source imaging suggests that primary sensory brain regions (auditory cortex), the insula and cortical midline structures are differentially involved into these two processing modes. The results support the idea of distinct self-processing modes (“I” and “ME”) and confirm their dynamic nature. Moreover, they demonstrate that on a neural level neither “I” or “ME” are invariantly tied to the first person, in line with the hypothesis that self-processing is relational and context-dependent.  相似文献   
社会决策中的公平准则一直受到广泛的关注,经济学家和心理学家们分别从动机和认知的角度对这个课题进行了深入探索.在这些工作中,最为突出的是“均等”,“互惠”和“情绪”三个模型的提出.均等和互惠模型试图从动机角度理解个体的公平行为,而情绪模型则更强调个体在公平决策中的认知和情绪的加工过程.近年来脑成像的研究也为这些模型提供了相应的支持,其中与公平准则最密切的脑区是脑岛和背外侧前额叶:前者一般被认为是反映了个体面对不公平待遇时的负性情绪体验;而后者主要负责决策过程中的抑制控制.但这些脑区具体的功能还存在很多争议,反映了不同理论模型对特定脑区功能的不同理解.未来研究应注意三个模型之间的相互补充,以及加强多模态的脑指标的运用,并注重相关脑区的整体性,此外,公平决策行为中的个体差异,以及社会情境对其的影响也应受到重视.  相似文献   
基于概念隐喻理论的视角,大量行为与神经层面上的研究都揭示了温度与社会情感之间的隐喻关联有着更深层次的心理意义.“隐喻一致性效应”与“隐喻补偿效应”被用来阐述温度-社会情感隐喻的作用机制.而个体早期经验的不断“架构”构成了对这一隐喻形成的解释.此外,神经层面的研究也发现,脑岛可能是物理温度向社会情感隐喻映射的神经基础.未来的研究需从完善研究方法、深化作用机制、从发展的角度探索形成机制的研究以及注重温度-社会情感隐喻研究的应用拓展等几个方面着手.  相似文献   
大量研究采用最后通牒博弈发现人们愿意牺牲自身利益来维护公平,普遍具有不公平厌恶倾向。本文基于行为博弈任务对个体处于不同角色时的公平行为,从神经学层面做出新的解释,并对现存理论模型做了梳理。脑成像的研究发现,公平行为的相关脑区主要有负责情绪加工的脑岛和与认知控制相关的背外侧前额叶,内侧眶额皮层。前脑岛激活越大,个体拒绝不公平方案的可能性越大,而腹外侧前额叶可以调节前脑岛的活动,使个体采取更理性的方式,接受不公平分配方案。另外,睾酮素和催产素作为神经调节的激素,可以对公平行为起到调节作用,睾酮素通过抑制内侧眶额皮层的激活,增加对不公平方案的拒绝率,相反,催产素可以降低个体对于不公平方案的拒绝率,并增加个体的公平行为。  相似文献   
Subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain stimulation (DBS) has recently advanced our understanding of the major role played by this basal ganglion in human emotion. Research indicates that STN DBS can induce modifications in all components of emotion, and neuroimaging studies have shown that the metabolic modifications correlated with these emotional disturbances following surgery are both task‐ and sensory input‐dependent. Nevertheless, to date, these modifications have not been confirmed for all emotional components, notably subjective emotional experience, or feelings. To identify the neural network underlying the modification of feelings following STN DBS, we assessed 16 patients with Parkinson's disease before and after surgery, using both subjective assessments of emotional experience and 18[F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18FDG‐PET). The patients viewed six film excerpts intended to elicit happy, angry, fearful, sad, disgusted, and neutral feelings, and they self‐rated the intensity of these feelings. After DBS, there was a significant reduction in the intensity of the disgust feeling. Correlations were observed between decreased disgust experience and cerebral glucose metabolism (FDG uptake) in the bilateral pre‐frontal cortices (orbitofrontal, dorsolateral, and inferior frontal gyri), bilateral insula, and right cerebellum. We suggest that the STN contributes to the synchronization process underlying the emergence of feelings.  相似文献   
吃辣产生灼痛感, 却成为享乐。纯粹接触效应、良性自虐说等可诠释食辣的原因。食辣与感觉寻求、冒险、奖励敏感度、攻击和易怒的特质和心理状态密切相关。具身隐喻理论认为食辣的心理效应可能具身于身体的生理体验之中。食辣的脑基础涉及脑岛的岛短回和下丘脑, 但尚未发现更高级功能脑区的激活。未来研究可进一步挖掘食辣的心理根源, 深入探究食辣心理效应的具身隐喻机制和脑机制, 并开展食辣心理在感官营销和饮食文化营销领域的应用。  相似文献   
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