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6~10岁儿童道德移情特点的研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
常宇秋  岑国桢 《心理科学》2003,26(2):219-223
道德移情是近期日益受重视和研究的一种重要情感形式。本研究以6、8、10岁的176名儿童为样本,参照M.L Hoffiman关于道德移情的理论观点,运用个别交谈法以道德情境故事为材料探究了儿童的道德移情特点。结果表明:我国6-10岁儿童面临道德情境时作出的道德移情反应随年龄的增长而提高;他们对集体的道德移情反应强于对个人的道德移情反应;他们对声誉损害的道德移情反应最强、其次是对人身伤害的、最后是对财物损坏的;他们在相同感、内疚感、气愤感诸不同情感上的移情反应与Hoffman的设想既有相同点,也有不同处。  相似文献   

李丹  李燕  宗爱东  丁月增 《心理科学》2005,28(4):961-964
1引言 在儿童早期的社会发展中,社会情绪及其相应的社会行为发展最为关键。由社会动因驱使的人际互动行为,如爱抚、安全、舒适等需要的满足将导致社会情绪状态的重组和发展。在诸多的社会情绪中,移情能力的发展对于幼儿来说尤为重要。移情是对另一个人产生同感的情感反应(Hoffman,2003),它是一种复杂的情绪沟通能力,是在条件反射基础上,在人际互动过程中,通过模仿、强化逐渐形成的。  相似文献   

问卷调查了775名小学四、五、六年级儿童的移情和道德认同对于道德脱离的影响及道德脱离对其社会行为的作用。结果表明,儿童的移情和道德认同均对儿童的道德脱离有显著的负向影响;儿童的道德脱离对于攻击性行为具有显著的正向关系,与亲社会行为则是显著的负向关系。  相似文献   

李晓明  傅小兰  王新超 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1429-1434
摘 要 本研究将一种重要的道德情绪--移情引入问题权变模型中,以探讨移情因素在道德强度对企业道德决策影响中的作用。本研究基于情景研究法,随机选取256名MBA学生为被试,要求被试基于所提供情景中假想参与者的行为,回答随后测量道德决策(道德识别、道德判断和道德意图)、移情反应、主观道德强度及移情特质的问题。结果发现,1)移情反应在道德强度对企业道德决策的影响中具有中介作用;2)移情关怀特质会通过影响主观道德强度和移情反应而作用于企业道德决策;3)结果大小、社会舆论和效应可能性对道德判断和道德意图的影响机制各有特点。  相似文献   

小学生对不同类型情感的移情水平发展的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以245名小学生为被试,考察了小学生对不同类型情感的移情水平及发展特点。结果表明:(1)随着年级的升高,小学生对喜怒哀惧四种情感的移情水平都表现出下降趋势,四、五年级是下降的最显着时期。(2)随着年级的升高,对恐惧、愤怒情感的移情水平下降最快;对悲哀情感的移情水平下降较慢。(3)小学生在四种情感的移情水平上都不存在性别差异。(4)对不同类型情感的移情水平之间存在着中低度相关。  相似文献   

情感主义德性伦理学:一种当代的进路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当代德性伦理学的哲学思潮中,较之于学者们普遍重视的亚里士多德的理性主义传统,相对受到忽视的休谟的情感主义传统反倒更有可能为我们提供一种德性伦理学在当代复兴的思想源泉,在与儒家德性论会通的语境之下尤其如此.当代道德发展心理学的研究印证了休谟的移情观念,而这一移情观念又可以用来对道义论进行一种情感主义的辩护,即一种建基于移情观念的当代情感主义德性伦理学.  相似文献   

城乡小学生移情发展的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
吴晓红 《心理科学》1993,16(1):53-56
一、引言移情是指个体由他人的情绪、情感状态引起的并与之一致性的情绪、情感体验,是一种替代性情绪、情感反应能力。它包括认知和情感两个因素,而情感因素又有两个方面:同情感,与利他的助人行为有关;自我感受,与自利的助人行为有关。本研究旨在从移情的情感因素入手,了解小学生移情情感方面的发展趋势及其结构变化,并考察是否存在男女差异及城镇乡的地区差异,以便为探索我国儿童亲社会行为的发展积累资料,为有的放矢地对儿童进行品德教育提供心理学依据。  相似文献   

现代心理学特别是现代儿童道德发展的理论揭示了道德情感在儿童道德发展中的重要作用,并为我们如何培养儿童的道德情感提供了心理学依据。 所谓情感,就是人的需要是否得到满足所引起的一种内心体验。而道德情感则是伴随道德认识产生的对事物及社会生活喜好、厌恶的情绪体验。它是决定人们对事物的态度和行为的重要因素。正如列宁所说:“没有‘人的感情’,就从来没有也不可能有人对于真理的追求”(《列宁全集》,第2卷,第255页)。具体说来,道德情感在儿童道德发展中的作用主要表现在以下几个方面: 道德情感是道德行为的动力。皮亚杰的儿童道  相似文献   

助人意向、助人方式与移情反应关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
李丹  姜企华 《心理科学》2002,25(1):111-112
1 引言  大量的研究表明 ,移情增加了助人和其它的亲社会行为(Batson ,1991,Eisenberg&Miller ,1987,1989) ,个体成熟的认知角色承担能力和情绪移情能力使人更有可能理解他人的需要 ,并对他人的需要做出反应 (Eisenberg Berg&Mussen ,1978) ,移情关心主要以一种融为一体 (oneness)的情绪标志影响助人 (Cialdini,1997)。另据Batson等人的研究 ,人们对于需要帮助的人通常会产生两种不同的情绪反应 :个人悲伤的情感和移情情感。移情的情感唤起利他动机 ,个人的悲伤诱发了利…  相似文献   

采用失望礼物研究范式考察心理理论与幼儿白谎行为的关系,及认知移情和情绪移情在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)幼儿的白谎行为发生率、心理理论、认知移情和情绪移情能力随年龄的增长而提高;(2)控制年龄与言语能力后,幼儿的心理理论与认知移情呈显著正相关、与白谎行为也呈显著正相关,且认知移情与白谎行为呈显著正相关;(3)幼儿的认知移情在心理理论和白谎行为间起部分中介的作用。结果表明:幼儿的心理理论可直接影响其白谎行为,也可通过认知移情的中介作用间接影响其白谎行为。  相似文献   


This paper reconsiders Heather Battaly’s argument that empathy is not a virtue. Like Battaly, I argue that empathy is a disposition that includes elements of virtue acquisition, but is not in itself a virtue in the Aristotelian sense. Unlike Battaly, however, I propose a distinction between care and respect. Drawing on Darwall’s view of recognition respect as well as on phenomenologically inspired views of empathy, I argue that respect can be regarded as the moral feeling that is distinctive of empathy. In my view, the feeling of respect towards another’s situated experience grants epistemic dignity, which is the recognition of the intrinsic significance of subjective experience. By way of conclusion, I suggest that the relation between empathy and respect can be relevant for an account of vulnerability that is not opposed to autonomy.  相似文献   

使用追踪设计,以68对母婴为被试,探讨母亲养育质量、陪伴时间影响儿童共情发展的机制。在婴儿期(9、14个月)评估母亲将心比心并调查母亲每周陪伴婴儿的总时间与母亲参与的互动时间;在儿童5岁时,采用“陌生人假装受伤情境”范式测查儿童共情。结果发现:(1)婴儿期母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够正向预测5岁时儿童的行为共情,而对情绪共情与认知共情的预测则受到婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间的调节:母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测陪伴总时间短的儿童的情绪共情与母亲陪伴总时间长的儿童的认知共情;(2)婴儿期母亲不协同的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测儿童5岁时的认知共情;(3)婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间能够显著正向预测5岁时儿童的情绪共情。  相似文献   

We examine how loneliness moderates the effect of empathy on moral identity: the extent to which being a moral person is important to an individual's identity. Results of four studies show that only lonely people have increased moral identity when they have high (vs. low) empathy; empathy does not reliably increase moral identity for nonlonely people. We demonstrate these effects with psychological measures of moral identity as well as with downstream moral behaviors in various consumer settings. Our findings are consistent with the motivation theory of loneliness and empathy: Lonely people are capable, but are not motivated to empathize.  相似文献   

The current studies examined the relationship between the penchant to daydream about helping others and prosocial traits and behaviour. We reasoned that fantasising about prosocial acts should be positively associated with a more prosocial disposition and real behaviour. Across both studies, the findings suggest that people who exhibit prosocial characteristics (e.g., empathic concern, fantasy/fictional empathy, moral reasoning) are more likely to fantasise about prosocial behaviour, and these characteristics are reliably associated with increased helping behaviours. From Study 1, the correlational results showed that people higher in agreeableness exhibited a stronger tendency to engage in prosocial fantasising, and empathy, in part, mediated the relationship. The experimental results from Study 2 conceptually support those from Study 1; when prompted to fantasise about prosocial behaviour, those higher in agreeableness and openness to experience engaged in more helping behaviour, whereas in a control condition, no helping differences emerged. Finding that empathic concern was most consistently related to daydreaming is consistent with the theory in that people are more intrinsically motivated to promote other's welfare at a personal cost when they feel empathy. Engaging in prosocial fantasising may increase empathy, which in turn, may enhance one's prosocial disposition and increase one's helping behaviour.  相似文献   


The current research tests whether empathy—sharing others’ emotions—and humanitarianism—recognizing the moral worth of all people—each predict moral responsiveness toward others but in ways that favor in-groups and out-groups, respectively. In Studies 1 and 2, empathy and humanitarianism differentially predicted preferential moral concern for in-groups and out-groups. In Study 3, humanitarianism predicted lower in-group-targeted prosociality and greater out-group prosociality. In Study 4, empathy and humanitarianism predicted perceived moral obligation to in-groups and out-groups respectively. In Study 5, out-group obligation mediated between humanitarianism and allocations to out-group charities, and in-group obligation mediated between empathy and one of two in-group charities. In sum, empathy and humanitarianism are associated with preferential morality via group-based obligation, suggesting that morality could be extended by altering empathy, humanitarianism, or group processes.  相似文献   

Although empathy is arguably an important factor to consider in moral education, the concept itself has consistently stood on tenuous ground. In this essay, I claim that our adherence to ontological dualism and discrete subjectivity have problematized our comprehension of empathy. I propose that our understanding is limited by our understanding of selfhood. If the self were defined as intersubjective, along the lines of Merleau-Ponty, then empathy’s ambiguities would dissipate. After reconceptualizing empathy in light of intersubjectivity, I call for pedagogical relations that are aligned with developmental research, which provides further support for adhering to an alternative conception of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

The study was designed to examine the structure and correlates of a measure of prosocial moral reasoning in a sample of young and middle-aged adolescents. Participants were 1,556 students (53% male, M age = 13.12 years, SD = 0.87) from Valencia, Spain, who completed paper-and-pencil measures of prosocial moral reasoning (PROM), empathy, prosocial behaviours, and aggression. As expected, a series of confirmatory factor and structural equation modelling analyses revealed a four-factor solution of the PROM to have the best fit (as compared to alternative models) among Spanish youth (across gender and grade). Moreover, higher level and other-oriented forms of prosocial moral reasoning were generally positively related to empathy and prosocial behaviours, and negatively related to aggression. In contrast, generally, lower level and self-focused modes of prosocial moral reasoning were negatively related to such prosocial tendencies, and positively related to aggression. Discussion focuses on the usefulness of the PROM, its relations to theoretically relevant correlates, and its usefulness to study the development and universality of prosocial moral development.  相似文献   

Empathy, group norms and children's ethnic attitudes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two minimal group studies (Ns = 150, 123) examined the impact of emotional empathy on the ethnic attitudes of 5 to 12-year old white Anglo-Australian children. Study 1 evaluated the relationship between empathy and attitudes towards a same (Anglo-Australian) versus different ethnicity (Pacific Islander) outgroup. A significant empathy × outgroup ethnicity interaction revealed that empathy was unrelated to the children's liking for the same ethnicity outgroup, but that liking for the different ethnicity outgroup increased as empathy increased. Study 2 examined the influence of empathy on attitudes towards the different ethnicity outgroup when the ingroup had a norm of inclusion versus exclusion. A significant empathy × group norm interaction revealed that empathy was unrelated to liking when the ingroup had a norm of exclusion, but that liking for the different ethnicity outgroup increased when the ingroup had a norm of inclusion. Implications of the findings for promoting children's positive attitudes to ethnic minority groups are discussed.  相似文献   

采用图片故事和情境实验,对3到9岁儿童移情指向性的发展及不同语言提示对助人行为的作用进行了探讨。研究表明,3~5岁幼儿自我指向的个人悲伤体验占优势,5岁以后他人指向的移情担心开始超过个人悲伤而占优势;他人关注组的助人行为优于自我关注组和控制组,自我关注组和控制组前后测成绩差异不显著,他人关注组后测成绩优于前测成绩。  相似文献   


Empathy has been taken to play a crucial role in ethics at least since the Scottish Enlightenment. More recently, a revival of moral sentimentalism and empirical research on moral behavior has prompted a renewed interest in empathy and related concepts and on their contribution to moral reasoning and to moral behavior. Furthermore, empathy has recently entered our public discourse as having the power to ameliorate our social and political interactions with others.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent to which such a role can be actually granted. Before focusing on a positive assessment, I will delve into a few problems our ordinary concept of empathy and our commonsensical way of conceiving its connection to ethics will need to face. Specifically, I will show how an exaggerated reliance on the ordinary concept of empathy could lead to an underestimation of its biases and potential limitations (§ 2), how a naïve conception of its connection to morality can overlook relevant counterexamples (§ 3) and lead to forms of reductionism (§ 4). Overcoming this possible shortsightedness would pave the way for arguing in favor of an important – though not sufficient and possible neither necessary – role for empathy in ethics (§ 5).  相似文献   

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