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精神病态是一种个体表现在人际关系、情感、生活方式和反社会特质等方面的人格障碍, 与非精神病态者相比, 精神病态者更容易违反社会规则和法律, 表现出更加残忍和极端的侵犯模式, 犯罪的起始年龄更早, 犯罪活动更为广泛和多样, 累犯率非常高。国外关于精神病态罪犯脑机制的ERP研究表明精神病态罪犯注意朝向、语义和情感加工以及对错误加工的后期阶段存在缺陷。MRI和fMRI的研究表明, 大脑结构异常以及额叶-边缘系统回路活动异常与精神病态行为有关。  相似文献   

以中国罪犯为被试,对Hare精神病态量表进行修订,并在此基础上进一步探讨罪犯精神病态的影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)修订的Hare精神病态量表具有良好的信度和效度;(2)年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况和犯罪次数是影响罪犯精神病态得分的重要因素。20-29岁年龄组罪犯精神病态的得分显著高于30-38岁年龄组;文化程度高的罪犯精神病态的得分显著低于文化程度低的罪犯,大专以上文化程度的罪犯精神病态得分最低;未婚罪犯精神病态的得分显著高于已婚和离异的罪犯;累犯精神病态的得分显著高于初犯。  相似文献   

现有的攻击性行为研究表明:个人因素中的自我同一性危机、人格、人际交往障碍、生物因素和性心理对攻击性行为有一定的预测作用;家庭因素中的教养方式、家庭环境特征、家庭结构以及社会因素中的媒体暴力、挫折与压力等因素对攻击性行为都存在影响。而目前攻击性行为的研究不足多在于关注于单因素研究,较少关注综合成因、内在规律、作用机制。未来的研究趋势可以选择从研究综合成因方面入手。  相似文献   

精神病态作为暴力犯罪、累犯和青少年犯罪的重要预测变量, 在临床心理学和司法领域受到了广泛重视。三元精神病态模型通过大胆、卑劣和去抑制三个维度对精神病态进行了操作化定义, 反映了精神病态在神经生物学维度上存在的认知情感加工缺陷。其中, 低威胁敏感性是精神病态大胆的主要病因学基础; 而执行功能受损, 尤其是注意调节缺陷则导致了精神病态的去抑制倾向; 而与情绪识别存在联系的共情缺陷可能是卑劣的深层原因。未来研究中仍需关注精神病态的概念化问题, 以及不同精神病态特质之间是否存在共同的潜在病因学基础, 探索精神病态特质在生命早期阶段的体现从而进行及时有效的干预。  相似文献   

为了解精神病态罪犯可能存在的执行功能缺陷及其是否受冲动性影响,研究采用精神病态检核表(PCL-R)筛选出30名精神病态组被试和30名非精神病态组被试,通过爱荷华赌博任务(IGT)和河内塔任务(TOH)对两组被试执行功能的特点进行分析,并结合冲动性量表(BIS-11)对其冲动性进行测量。研究发现精神病态组的冲动性显著高于控制组;精神病态组选择高风险的不利牌显著多于对照组,即对惩罚不敏感;精神病态组在河内塔任务中的错误次数及所消耗时间都显著高于控制组;冲动性水平与两任务得分均无显著相关。结果表明,精神病态暴力犯在与前额叶相关的执行功能上存在缺陷,并与个体的高冲动性无关。  相似文献   

家庭教养方式对儿童社会化发展影响的研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
家庭教养方式是指父母对子女抚养教育过程中所表现出来的相对稳定的行为方式,是父母各种教养行为的特征概括.家庭教养方式是儿童社会化的重要因素,受到国内外心理学家的重视,也是亲子关系领域中研究最早、最富有成果的一个方面.该文综述了中外心理学家在儿童社会化研究中对家庭教养方式研究的重要成果,文章从家庭教养方式对儿童社会化影响的历史发展视角,对20世纪国内外学者探讨该领域的发展变化时所采用的研究方法进行分析,揭示了家庭教养方式对儿童社会化影响的理论发展的阶段性和连续性的特点,表明研究思路逐渐出现生态化的趋势,揭示了研究方法的不断进步,表现出综合化、现代化和实用化的最新特点.  相似文献   

家庭因素对大学生心理健康的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以问卷调查的方式试图对父母婚姻状况、家庭子女数、父母的文化及工作单位等家庭因素对大学生心理健康状况的影响进行量化的研究.通过对北京某大学6165份有效数据的分析,结果表明家庭的多种因素对大学生的心理健康产生了显著的影响.  相似文献   

家庭因素与青少年犯罪的关系研究述评   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
随着犯罪理论(如社会控制理论、依恋理论、社会学习理论和问题行为理论)的不断发展,家庭因素与青少年犯罪关系的研究重点已由最初的家庭结构变量(如家庭完整性、家庭经济状况)逐渐扩展并聚焦在家庭功能变量(如家庭气氛、亲子依恋和亲子沟通等)和家庭成员行为变量(如教养方式、父母监控等)。近年来该研究领域开始深入探讨青少年认知过程在教养方式与青少年犯罪之间所起的中介作用,以及儿童青少年的人格、社区环境、神经生物学等变量与家庭因素的交互作用。最后本文总结了该领域研究的最新趋势和以往研究的不足  相似文献   

考试应付与相关因素的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究运用测量的方法考察了 1 0 0个大学生考试前后的应付方式以及人格、社会支持等因素对应付方式选择的影响作用。结果发现 ,考试应付与情景变化、人格特点和社会支持等因素有关。其中自尊、外向和低精神质人格特点与解决问题指向应付方式使用相关 ,低掩饰性与悲观人格特点与幻想、发泄、否认的消极应付方式使用相关。社会支持在应付中是一种重要的辅助资源 ,缺乏社会支持资源 ,考试过程中倾向于使用自闭的消极应付方式 ,社会支持资源丰富 ,则倾向于使用寻求社会支持的积极应付方式。  相似文献   

5—7岁幼儿的同伴关系、社会行为与其母亲教养方式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
万明钢  王亚鹏  王舟 《心理科学》2001,24(5):621-622
家庭是儿童社会化的最早执行者和基本执行者,它对儿童社会性发展有着极为重要的影响。在影响儿童社会性发展的家庭诸因素中,父母教养方式是其中最主要的因素之一。这也是近三十年来父母教养方式一直受到儿童心理学重点研究的一个主要原因。有些研究发现,儿童的消极行为与母亲教养行为的消极倾向具有密切的内在关系。而在影响儿童同伴关系的诸因素中.一般认为儿童青少年的行为特征和社会认知是影响同伴关系的主要因素。  相似文献   

Psychopathy is a personality construct defined by lack of empathy, impulsivity, grandiosity, callous and manipulative interpersonal interactions, and the tendency to engage in socially deviant behavior. Psychopathy has been associated with aggression, recidivism, and other behaviors harmful to others. Individuals high in psychopathy have been thought to be notoriously difficult to treat. Many scholars have suggested that considering mechanisms of dysfunction in psychological difficulties will lead to the development of more effective and efficacious treatments. Fearlessness, lack of empathy, and response modulation difficulties have commonly been discussed as mechanisms of dysfunction in psychopathy. The current review provides a brief overview of examinations of these mechanisms of dysfunction in psychopathy, comments on research methodology, and provides suggestions for remedying potential pitfalls.  相似文献   

Psychopathy is one of the most studied personality disorders, in terms of the negative impact that the behaviors associated with this disorder — particularly, the criminal behavior — have in the community where the individual lives. The aim of this article is to present a comprehensive literature review on psychopathy, focusing some difficulties related to its concept, assessment, and intervention. Here, psychopathy is presented as a construct resulting from decades of clinical and empirical research, and whose dimensional nature justifies the possibility of assessing the general population. Studies indicate that psychopathy is manifested in a number of behaviors resulting from biological and personality factors related to a series of family history and environmental factors. We emphasize the need for more empirical research on psychopathy in the general population in Portugal, regarding the development and adaptation of measures of the construct.  相似文献   

Current knowledge about the validity of the psychopathy syndrome in youth is limited largely to studies relying on parent-teacher rating scales or slight modifications of adult measures. Recently, the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV) was designed for use with adolescents. However, most studies that have used this measure examined incarcerated males and addressed only validity criteria related to antisocial behavior. We investigated the generality and construct validity of the psychopathy syndrome in an adolescent sample by assessing 115 adolescent males on probation with the PCL:YV. Reliability of measurement was high. PCL:YV ratings predicted not only antisocial behaviour but also other indices of childhood psychopathology, interpersonal behaviors associated with adult psychopathy, and a lack of attachment to parents. These findings suggest that the PCL:YV identifies a syndrome in adolescence consistent with theory and research on adult males.  相似文献   

Juvenile psychopathy is becoming an increasingly important construct for clinicians and those in the judicial system alike. The importance of understanding not only the concept of juvenile psychopathy, but also the sociocultural determinants and risk factors is important for treatment and predictive purposes. A literature review of several social, demographic, and cultural factors that may contribute to the development of juvenile psychopathy was conducted. These factors are race, culture and ethnicity, gender, trauma, family, community influence, and peer influence. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Much of the research on psychopathy has treated it as a unitary construct operationalized by total scores on one (or more) measures. More recent studies on the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) suggest the existence of two distinct facets of psychopathy with unique external correlates. Here, the authors report reanalyses of two offender data sets that included scores on the PPI along with various theoretically relevant criterion variables. Consistent with hypotheses, the two PPI factors showed convergent and discriminant relations with criterion measures, many of which would otherwise have been obscured when relying on PPI total scores. These results highlight the importance of examining facets of psychopathy as well as total scores.  相似文献   

The present study examined the applicability of the PCL:YV items to a sample of detained adolescent girls. Item response theory (IRT) was used to analyze test and item functioning of the PCL:YV. Examination of IRT trace lines indicated that the items most discriminating of the underlying construct of psychopathy included "callousness and a lack of empathy", "conning and manipulation", and "a grandiose sense of self-worth". Results from the analyses also demonstrated that the items least discriminating in this sample, or least useful for identifying psychopathy, included "poor anger control", "shallow affect", or engaging in a "serious violation of conditional release". Consistent with previous research (Cooke & Michie, 1997; Hare, 2003), interpersonal and affective components of psychopathy provided more information than behavioral features. Moreover, although previous research has also found affective features to provide the most information in past studies, it was interpersonal features of psychopathy in this case, followed by affective features, that provided greater levels of information. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Psychopathy is characterized by deficits in empathy and violation of the rights of others. Recent data link psychopathy-based lack of empathy to deficits in emotion recognition (ER), in particular fear and sadness. However, questions remain about emotions like anger and disgust and some studies even report a positive relationship between psychopathy and ER. Notably, the overwhelming majority of these studies have been conducted only with men, and studies in the general population suggest that women have better ER than men. To our knowledge, only two small studies have explicitly examined ER and psychopathy among women and they did find deficits in anger and disgust recognition. Therefore, mixed findings about ER and psychopathy may be due to gender differences that need to be clarified. This study aimed at bridging this gap using a large sample of 129 male (49 %) and 132 female (51 %) participants who completed psychopathy self-reports, and a computerized facial ER task. Among women there were deficits and advantages in ER: High social dominance and lack of anxiety traits were related to decreased fear and anger recognition respectively. Traits characterized by impulsiveness and rebelliousness were associated with better disgust and anger recognition respectively. For men, psychopathic traits characterized by ruthless manipulation of others, as well as lack of fear, were related to deficits recognizing anger. These results suggest that among women some psychopathic traits may confer an advantage in ER and give impetus for studies examining gender differences in the neurobiological substrates and manifestation of the syndrome.  相似文献   

Research on psychopathy has been hindered by persisting difficulties and controversies regarding its assessment. The primary goals of this set of studies were to (a) develop, and initiate the construct validation of, a self-report measure that assesses the major personality traits of psychopathy in noncriminal populations and (b) clarify the nature of these traits via an exploratory approach to test construction. This measure, the Psychopathic Personality inventory (PPI), was developed by writing items to assess a large number of personality domains relevant to psychopathy and performing successive item-level factor analyses and revisions on three undergraduate samples. The PPI total score and its eight subscales were found to possess satisfactory internal consistency and test-retest reliability. In four studies with undergraduates, the PPI and its subscales exhibited a promising pattern of convergent and discriminant validity with self-report, psychiatric interview, observer rating, and family history data. In addition, the PPI total score demonstrated incremental validity relative to several commonly used self-report psychopathy-related measures. Future construct validational studies, unresolved conceptual issues regarding the assessment of psychopathy, and potential research uses of the PPI are outlined.  相似文献   

This study compared the findings from a sample of non-criminals with high and low psychopathy levels to published findings with criminal psychopaths and non-psychopaths. Congruent to findings with criminal psychopaths, participants with high psychopathy traits (High-P) compared to those with low psychopathy traits (Low-P) performed significantly worse on the Iowa Gambling Task, a task sensitive to orbital frontal cortex dysfunction. Moreover, the High-P group also evidenced a lack of empathy, a hallmark feature of psychopathy. These findings could not be explained by differences in estimated IQ or performance on a task sensitive to an executive functioning deficit. The discussion focuses on possible differences between non-criminal and criminal psychopaths, concluding criminal psychopaths manifest more extreme degrees of the interpersonal-affective and antisocial features of psychopathy.  相似文献   

This study investigated the 6-year stability and predictive validity of adolescent psychopathy features during the transition to young adulthood. It represents one of the longest outcome studies of youth psychopathy to date, and therefore addresses a primary criticism of the research area (i.e., lack of demonstrated associations between child and adult psychopathy features). Recruited participants were 475 males enrolled in the Minnesota Twin and Family Study who had completed a research-based measure of psychopathy features consisting of separate emotional detachment (or affective) and antisocial tendencies (or behavioral) subscales. These psychopathy features and various externalizing symptoms (i.e., conduct problems, impulsivity, and substance use disorder) were assessed through rating scales and structured diagnostic interview at an intake assessment (ages 16-18) and 6-year follow-up. Consistent with prediction, adolescent psychopathy features displayed moderate stability across the transition from adolescence to adulthood [intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) = 0.40-0.41]. The antisocial tendencies subscale was uniquely related to most externalizing symptoms both in adolescence and in adulthood, whereas the emotional detachment subscale showed appropriate discriminant validity in its lack of association with externalizing symptoms. These findings suggest that psychopathy features are relatively stable from adolescence to adulthood and provide possible insights into the development and maintenance of externalizing difficulties during the adult transition.  相似文献   

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