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焦虑与注意偏向的研究是近年来情绪与认知领域的热点。为探讨特质焦虑个体的注意偏向特点及其返回抑制能力是否受不同线索的调节, 采用特质焦虑量表筛选高特质焦虑大学生29名, 低特质焦虑大学生28名完成线索-靶子任务。要求被试在提示线索消失后, 对位置进行快而准地辨别反应, 分别探索中性和情绪性提示线索下被试的返回抑制。结果发现:(1)在中性线索条件下, 高焦虑个体平均反应时慢于低焦虑个体。(2) 在情绪线索条件下, 高焦虑个体在负性线索下的反应时小于在正性线索下的反应时; 高、低焦虑个体在各种SOA条件下均出现了返回抑制, 但各组返回抑制量受到情绪线索的调节:在正性情绪线索条件下, 两组返回抑制量没有显著差异; 在负性情绪线索下, 高焦虑个体返回抑制量显著小于低焦虑个体。这表明, (1)焦虑个体的注意偏向受到刺激信息的影响:只对负性情绪线索出现注意警觉; (2)只有在涉及负性情绪信息时高、低焦虑个体返回抑制能力才有差异, 高焦虑个体存在对负性情绪线索的抑制困难。  相似文献   

行动经济理论认为个体对物理环境的感知与其具备的资源有关,而焦虑与资源不足有关。基于此,本研究通过3个实验来探讨3种不同性质的焦虑对重量感知判断的影响。实验1通过身体姿势诱发焦虑,结果发现同放松的身体姿势相比,焦虑的身体姿势能诱发出焦虑且此姿势下个体会认为背包的重量更重。实验2通过具有压力性的外部任务诱发焦虑,结果显示同奇偶判断任务相比,心算任务能诱发出明显的焦虑且此任务下个体将背包的重量判断为更重。实验3探讨特质焦虑的影响,结果发现高特质焦虑个体同低特质焦虑者相比会认为背包的重量更重。本研究表明焦虑会影响个体对物体物理属性的感知。  相似文献   

预期焦虑是由于对未发生结果的负性投射造成的焦虑情绪。本文比较了被试在不同预期焦虑水平下观看愉快、中性及恐惧面孔时的行为和脑电数据。发现在高预期焦虑水平下,恐惧面孔诱发的N170波幅显著大于低预期焦虑水平,而愉快和中性面孔在两种水平下诱发的波幅差异不显著;且预期焦虑水平对恐惧面孔诱发的N170波幅的调节强度与个体的特质焦虑得分显著相关。这些结果表明,预期焦虑水平会影响面孔表情加工,且不同情绪面孔受到的影响不同。我们推测,预期焦虑水平会通过影响杏仁核等脑区的激活来调节颞上回对恐惧面孔的加工。  相似文献   

社交焦虑个体对于不同威胁信息的注意偏向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钱铭怡  王慈欣  刘兴华 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1296-1299
目的:研究社交焦虑个体对不同类型词语的注意偏向。方法:被试41名,采用情绪Stroop范式,研究词与非词不同比例条件下高低社交焦虑个体对不同类型词(被关注词、被评价词、躯体威胁性词、中性词和非词)的注意偏向。结果:在词和非词比例高的条件下,高社交焦虑组在负性评价词和受他人关注词上的Stroop效应显著大于低社交焦虑组。结论:高社交焦虑个体对负性评价和他人关注的词语存在注意偏向。  相似文献   

为探讨高特质焦虑者在前注意阶段对情绪刺激的加工模式以明确其情绪偏向性特点, 本研究采用偏差-标准反转Oddball范式探讨了特质焦虑对面部表情前注意加工的影响。结果发现: 对于低特质焦虑组, 悲伤面孔所诱发的早期EMMN显著大于快乐面孔, 而对于高特质焦虑组, 快乐和悲伤面孔所诱发的早期EMMN差异不显著。并且, 高特质焦虑组的快乐面孔EMMN波幅显著大于低特质焦虑组。结果表明, 人格特质是影响面部表情前注意加工的重要因素。不同于普通被试, 高特质焦虑者在前注意阶段对快乐和悲伤面孔存在相类似的加工模式, 可能难以有效区分快乐和悲伤情绪面孔。  相似文献   

通过对572名连续4~16个月高强度军事训练的军人进行SCL-90测评, 研究慢性军事应激条件下军人海马形态、认知、心理特质和特质应对方式的变化特征。将其中l7例焦虑因子分≥3分者(焦虑或伴焦虑)设为研究组(A), 并以匹配法设对照组(B)。检测两组军人血皮质醇, 并用MRI观察海马形态、检测简单和复杂认知作业功能、以STAI测评状态-特质焦虑及以CCSQ测评应对方式, 探讨两组对应变化。研究结果显示:(1)血皮质醇:A、B组均高于正常水平, 有差异显著, A组显著高于B组。(2)海马形态:A组与B组MRI海马形态标准化后, A组海马形态显著萎缩, 与B组相比有显著性差异, 但各组每个同体的左右两侧之间相比无显著性差异。(3)认知作业功能:A组简单认知作业成绩与B组无显著差异, 但复杂认知作业成绩与B组相比有显著性差异。(4)状态-特质焦虑:A组的状态焦虑、特质焦虑分别与B组和常模比较均有显著变化, B组与常模相比状态焦虑变化显著, 特质焦虑变化不显著。(5)应对方式:A组积极应对方式平均值低于B组和常模并有显著性差异, B组高于常模; A组消极应对方式平均值高于B组和常模且有非常显著性差异, B组与常模无显著改变。结论 在慢性军事应激条件下, 特质焦虑个体的海马形态出现双侧萎缩, 复杂认知功能下降, 更易发生状态焦虑, 行为取向表现出积极应对方式降低、消极应对方式增加。  相似文献   

高特质焦虑个体常表现出对威胁性刺激的选择性注意偏向的特点。然而其潜在的神经机制目前仍不清楚。通过记录高、低特质焦虑者各17名进行情绪加工时的ERP,比较了两组个体在选择性注意偏向发生的时间进程和相关的神经反应的差异。结果发现,高特质焦虑者诱发出更大的N1,进一步发现恐惧图片比中性图片诱发更大的N1;而低特质焦虑者诱发了更大的N2,特质焦虑得分越低, N2波幅越大。结果初步说明高特质焦虑者加工早期对恐惧图片分配了较多的注意资源,并且其抑制执行功能可能受损;而低特质焦虑者较晚开始区分恐惧图片和中性图片。这些结果提供了支持认知-动机模型的新证据。  相似文献   

采用简版负性评价恐惧量表和青少年社交焦虑量表对627名高中生进行施测,筛选出社交焦虑高分组和低分组,运用外部情感西蒙任务(Extrinsic Affective Simon Task, EAST)测量两组被试对自我和对他人的态度,探讨高、低社交焦虑者的内隐自尊特性。结果表明,高、低社交焦虑者存在截然不同的内隐“自我-他人”态度。具体表现在:(1)高、低社交焦虑者均有显著积极的内隐自尊;低社交焦虑者有显著消极的内隐“他尊”,而高社交焦虑者的消极内隐“他尊”并不显著;(2)高社交焦虑者的积极内隐自尊和消极内隐“他尊”均显著弱于低社交焦虑者,高社交焦虑者的自我偏爱程度较弱。研究表明,社交焦虑个体的内隐自尊特性是:相对低的内隐自尊(对自己积极不足)、相对高的内隐“他尊”(不消极看待他人),可能正是这种削弱的自我偏爱倾向,才是其核心症结。  相似文献   

该研究采用后掩蔽范式,将自信心评定法与心理物理学的方法相结合,测得了高、低特质焦虑水平个体的6种基本表情(愤怒、厌恶、恐惧、高兴、悲伤、惊讶)的觉知阈限,并进行了比较。结果发现:在恐惧表情条件下,高特质焦虑个体的觉知阈限显著小于低特质焦虑个体的,在其他表情条件下,高、低特质焦虑个体的觉知阈限没有显著差异;在低特质焦虑组,愤怒表情的觉知阈限显著大于厌恶、恐惧和高兴的,恐惧和高兴表情的觉知阈限显著小于愤怒、悲伤和惊讶的。在高特质焦虑组,愤怒表情的觉知阈限显著大于厌恶、恐惧和高兴的,高兴表情的觉知阈限小于愤怒、悲伤和惊讶的,恐惧表情的觉知阈限显著小于其他表情的;女性的觉知阈限显著小于男性的。因此,较低特质焦虑水平的个体,高特质焦虑水平的个体觉知恐惧表情的能力更强;面部表情觉知存在性别差异,女性的觉知能力较男性更强。  相似文献   

研究采用句子整理任务诱发自动化情绪调节策略,特里尔社会应激测试模拟应激过程,以探讨认知重评和表达抑制对不同特质焦虑倾向大学生在应激状态下的影响。结果发现,自动化认知重评和表达抑制能获得适应性生理反应。自动化情绪调节策略适用于不同特质焦虑倾向的个体。特质焦虑对个体应激反应的影响主要体现在情绪体验上,高焦虑特质个体更易体验到焦虑情绪。但个体在压力性任务中的生理反应和行为表现不受特质焦虑因素的影响。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of awareness on selective attention for masked and unmasked verbal threat material using a computerised version of the emotional Stroop. Participants were assigned to the high trait anxious (HTA) and low trait anxious (LTA) groups on the basis of questionnaire scores, and state anxiety was manipulated within participants through the threat of electric shock. To investigate the effects of awareness on responses to threat, the mode of exposure was blocked such that half the participants received masked trials before the unmasked trials, whereas the other half received the reverse order. The results revealed that there was no difference between the HTA and LTA groups in responses to threat for those who received the masked trials before the unmasked trials. However, when unmasked trials were presented before the masked trials HTA individuals were significantly slower to respond to both masked and unmasked threat words compared to the LTA group, and these effects were not further modified by participants' state anxiety status. The results are discussed in terms of the automatic nature of threat processing in anxiety.  相似文献   

We investigated selective attention for masked and unmasked, threat, and positively valenced words, in high trait anxious (HTA) and low trait anxious (LTA) individuals using the emotional Stroop colour‐naming task. State anxiety was varied within participants through the threat of electric shock. To investigate whether the sequencing of the state anxiety manipulation affected colour‐naming latencies, the ordering of the shock threat and shock safe conditions was counterbalanced across participants. The results indicated that the ordering of the state anxiety manipulation moderated masked and unmasked threat bias effects. Specifically, relative to LTA individuals, HTA individuals showed a threat interference effect, but this effect was limited to those who performed under the threat of shock in the later stages of the experiment. Irrespective of exposure mode and state anxiety status, all individuals showed interference for threat in the early stages of the experiment, relative to a threat facilitation effect in the later stages of the experiment. For the unmasked trials alone, the data also revealed a significant threat interference effect for the HTA group relative to the LTA group in the shock threat condition, and this effect was evident irrespective of shock threat order. The results are discussed with respect to the automatic nature of emotional processing in anxiety.  相似文献   

Cognitive studies about anxiety suggest that the interplay between automatic and strategic biases in attention to threat is related to the persistence of fear. In the present study, the time-course of attention to pictures with varying threat levels was investigated in high trait anxious (HTA, n=21) and low trait anxious (LTA, n=22) students. In a visual probe detection task, high and mild threat pictures were presented at three durations: 100, 500, and 1250 ms. Results indicated that all individuals attended to the high threat pictures for the 100 ms condition. Differential responding between HTA and LTA individuals was found for the 500 ms condition: only HTA individuals showed an attentional bias for mild threatening stimuli. For the 1250 ms condition, the HTA individuals attended away from high and mild threat pictures. The observed pattern of differential attention to threatening pictures may explain the persistence of fear in HTA individuals.  相似文献   

高焦虑特质的注意偏向特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高鹏程  黄敏儿 《心理学报》2008,40(3):307-318
采用“同中选异任务”范式,通过两个实验,检测了高、低焦虑特质在平静和焦虑状态下的注意敏感性和锁定特点。发现高焦虑特质对威胁信息并非特别敏感,而是一旦注意了,则锁定其中,难以摆脱。低焦虑特质则对快乐信息更敏感,而且更容易锁定其中,给予了更多的关注。研究推测,较高的状态焦虑,较容易产生紧张和焦虑,与高焦虑特质对威胁信息较强的注意锁定特点有密切关系  相似文献   

基于注意控制理论,采用反向眼跳范式,邀请48名运动员参加2项实验,考察竞赛特质焦虑对抑制功能的干扰效应。实验1(25人)为单因素组间设计,探讨竞赛特质焦虑对加工效能和操作成绩的影响。结果发现,竞赛特质焦虑提高眼跳方向错误率,不影响眼跳潜伏期,部分支持竞赛特质焦虑降低加工效能的假设;竞赛特质焦虑不影响按键准确率,支持竞赛特质焦虑不影响操作成绩的假设。实验2(23人)为两因素混合设计,在压力情境下探讨竞赛特质焦虑对加工效能和操作成绩的影响。结果发现,无论是在压力还是非压力情境下,竞赛特质焦虑均提高眼跳方向错误率,延长眼跳潜伏期,但不影响按键准确率,支持压力下竞赛特质焦虑降低加工效能而对操作成绩影响效果不明显的假设。综合2项实验,竞赛特质焦虑干扰抑制功能表现为降低抑制功能的加工效能但对操作成绩的影响效果不明显。本研究提示,注意控制理论适用于解释竞技运动领域焦虑与操作表现的关系。  相似文献   

Research has indicated that highly trait-anxious (HTA) individuals exhibit a specific deficit in filtering threat-related distractors from visual–spatial working memory (WM). Prior demonstrations of impaired inhibition control in HTA individuals have mainly focused on tasks that required the inhibition of prepotent response tendencies. Studies on the suppression of emotionally neutral distractors from WM in trait anxiety have also been minimal. In this article, we present a study on the manifestation of general inefficient filtering of neutral distractors during visual–spatial WM maintenance stages in HTA individuals. Female participants performed a visual–spatial WM task while event-related potentials were recorded. They were made to remember the orientations of red rectangles within half of the screen and to ignore all salient green rectangles. As predicted, no significant main effect of group and no interaction between group and condition were found in the N2pc component, suggesting that group differences did not manifest in the initial process of object individuation. During the subsequent WM maintenance phase, HTA individuals were highly inefficient at filtering the irrelevant items from WM, as reflected not only by parallel late contralateral delay activity (CDA; 450 to 900 ms) amplitudes for the distractor condition and the four red items, but also by a smaller filtering efficiency score in the HTA group than in the low-trait-anxiety group. Extending previous studies, our findings verify a general filtering impairment in HTA individuals for task-irrelevant salient distractors during a WM maintenance phase.  相似文献   

There is a wealth of evidence demonstrating enhanced attention to threat in high trait anxious individuals (HTA) compared with low trait anxious individuals (LTA). In two experiments, we investigated whether this attentional bias is related to facilitated attentional engagement to threat or difficulties disengaging attention from threat. HTA and LTA undergraduates performed a modified exogenous cueing task, in which the location of a target was correctly or incorrectly cued by neutral, highly and mildly threatening pictures. Results indicate that at 100 ms picture presentation, HTA individuals more strongly engaged their attention with and showed impaired disengagement from highly threatening pictures than LTA individuals. In addition, HTA individuals showed a stronger tendency to attentional avoidance of threat at the 200 and 500 ms picture presentation. These data provide evidence for differential patterns of anxiety-related biases in attentive processing of threat at early versus later stages of information processing.  相似文献   


It is unknown whether high-trait anxiety (HTA) individuals show facilitated attention or impaired attentional disengagement. In the present study, we have manipulated emotion and task relevance to explore the temporal dynamic of attentional bias in an HTA group via emotional attentional blink (EAB) and emotion-induced blindness (EIB). The results showed that the attentional blink effect was greater in the negative compared to neutral condition. When emotional stimulation was task-irrelevant at lag6, this enhanced effect was only present for the HTA group, indicating impaired attentional disengagement. However, when emotional stimulation was task-relevant at lag4, the enhanced attentional blink was absent for HTA but still present for LTA until lag8, suggesting facilitated attention for HTA. Thus, task relevancy of emotional distractor appears to influence attention biases in HTA individuals. In addition, individual characteristics modulate the magnitude and time window of the attentional blink in the context of EIB and EAB tasks.  相似文献   

廖全明  张莉 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1291-1295
采用加工分离程序,以不同性价图片为实验材料,考察了特质焦虑、启动焦虑和非焦虑三种焦虑类型对图片信息意识提取和无意识提取的影响,结果表明:(1)不同焦虑类型对图像信息的意识提取和无意识提取均有影响,其中特质焦虑对图像的无意识提取更敏感,非焦虑状态对意识提取更敏感;(2)特质焦虑明显促进了负性图片的意识和无意识提取且干扰了正性图片的提取,启动焦虑促进了对负性图片的意识提取。  相似文献   


The study investigated how attention to negative (threatening) and positive social-evaluative words is affected by social anxiety, trait anxiety and the expectation of social threat. High and low socially anxious individuals carried out a modified dot-probe task either while expecting to give a speech or under non-threatening conditions. High socially anxious individuals showed no significant attentional bias towards or away from social-evaluative words. This result significantly contrasted with an identical design that showed avoidance of emotional faces in high socially anxious participants drawn from the same population (Mansell et al ., 1999). Participants who expected to give a speech showed less attentional avoidance of negative and positive social-evaluative words. High trait anxiety was associated with selective attention to negative relative to positive social-evaluative words, consistent with earlier findings of attention to threat cues in high trait-anxious individuals. Implications for designing attention tasks and attentional bias across different dimensions of anxiety are discussed.  相似文献   

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