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关注晚期癌症患者的生活质量   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
在强调整体医学的今天,在肿瘤治疗尚未出现理想疗效的前提下,肿瘤治疗目标应遵循生存率与生活质量(QOL)并重的原则。在诊治晚期癌症患者过程中不仅要关心他们的生存期,更要关心他们的生活质量。在诊治过程中要根据他们独特的心理和生理特征给予全方位关怀,减轻痛苦、维持生命质量和保证他们应有的人格尊严。  相似文献   

在强调整体医学的今天,在肿瘤治疗尚未出现理想疗效的前提下,肿瘤治疗目标应遵循生存率与生活质量(QOL)并重的原则.在诊治晚期癌症患者过程中不仅要关心他们的生存期,更要关心他们的生活质量.在诊治过程中要根据他们独特的心理和生理特征给予全方位关怀,减轻痛苦、维持生命质量和保证他们应有的人格尊严.  相似文献   

华莉 《社会心理科学》2000,(2):114-114,120
教师在日常教学过程中,要随时了解学生的心理状态,采取有效措施,及时帮助他们解决心理问题,使他们的自信心和适应能力得到增强,心理发展水平得到提高。  相似文献   

华莉 《社会心理科学》2000,(1):114-114,120
教师在日常教学过程中,要随时了解学生的心理状态,采取有效措施,及时帮助他们解决心理问题,使他们的自信心和适应能力得到增强.心理发展水平得到提高。  相似文献   

在我们对特殊儿童的心理咨询过程中,看到许多关心自己孩子个性特征的父母,他们很想知道自己孩子的个性品质,以求安排合理的育儿方式方法。这里笔者需要向成人解释的一点是,我们现今对心理个性大多采用两种看法推出四种型态,您对自己关心的孩子最为了解,不妨对孩子性格表现作出这样四种分类,并与心理学者共识,从而准确把握孩子的性格信息。  相似文献   

正在中职教育过程中,学校在开展专业技能教育的同时,还要针对他们生理和心理发展情况开展心理健康教育,促进他们的心理健康发展。在对学生进行心理教育和引导时,教师不仅要开展心理教学课程,让学生掌握心理健康知识,还要开设心理咨询室,在教师的引导下缓解心理压力,让他们健康快乐地成长。一、结合学生的实际情况开展教学,保证教学的有效性在开展中职心理健康教育时,教师要根据学生的实际情况开展心  相似文献   

随着现代医学模式的转化和男科学诊治技术的发展,在男科临床工作中应该注重树立人文关怀理念和强化人性化服务意识.实施人文关怀的方法包括:重视心理应激,应用心理疗法;关注患者生活,有效预防疾病;营造人文环境,提供人性化服务;遵循最优化原则,做到适度医疗;关心老年人健康,关注社会特殊群体.在男科临床工作中应提高人文关怀的自觉性.  相似文献   

男科临床工作中的人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代医学模式的转化和男科学诊治技术的发展,在男科临床工作中应该注重树立人文关怀理念和强化人性化服务意识。实施人文关怀的方法包括:重视心理应激,应用心理疗法;关注患者生活,有效预防疾病;营造人文环境,提供人性化服务;遵循最优化原则,做到适度医疗;关心老年人健康,关注社会特殊群体。在男科临床工作中应提高人文关怀的自觉性。  相似文献   

儿童牙病诊疗中的人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对儿童心理特点和引起儿童牙科畏惧症原因的分析,提出儿童牙病治疗过程中人文关怀的措施,体现在诊疗环境的改善,无痛技术的应用,患儿诊疗前、中、后的心理干预以及医务人员综合能力和素质的培养等方面,将对患儿身心健康的关爱,渗透于口腔疾病诊治的全过程。  相似文献   

一个班集体、一所学校总是存在后进生群体,这个群体具有一定的特殊性。其特殊性主要表现在,他们有突出的个性心理特征,存在较为严重的心理问题。思想表现落后,学习成绩差,情绪不稳定。这种情况在中学后进生群体中,表现得最明显、最突出、最集中。在长期的教育教学中,在大量的调查研究中发现,后进生具有明显的10大心理问题。一、失宠心理学生成为后进生并非天生的或命中注定,他们原来同样得到家长的喜欢,老师的关心与呵护。他们具有优等生的各种品质,由于各种因素的影响,才被认为是后进生。进入后进生的行列,一种失宠心理油然而生。他们总觉…  相似文献   

MDCT诊断大肠癌的价值较高。随着医学的发展,医学模式的转变,越来越要求医生在诊断及治疗疾病的同时,从患者心理及社会角度体现人文关怀。完成整个大肠癌的检查及诊断过程需要医生及患者与家属的共同努力,医生在此过程中,不仅要对患者的疾病关注,而且还要体现对患者的心理健康与生命的关怀,社会角色的理解。  相似文献   

随着医学的进步,医学模式的转变,越来越提倡医学对人们心理和社会因素的关怀。同时随着产前诊断技术和超声诊断技术的迅速发展和日臻完善,以及社会、经济的发展和变革,也越来越重视对孕妇及家属的人文关怀。胎儿产前超声诊断中的人文关怀不仅是对人的关怀,也是对技术、对心理健康、对生命的关怀。  相似文献   

We propose that seeking mental health care in an environment with heightened stigma may combine elements of both psychological and moral courage. Interviews of 32 active duty US Army personnel about their process of seeking current mental health care were analyzed for themes of voluntary action, personal risk, and noble or worthwhile goals (benefits). Risks and benefits were divided into internal risks and benefits, characteristic of psychological courage; and external risks and benefits, characteristic of moral courage. Concerns about external risks were themes in all narratives, while concerns about internal risks were themes in only about half of narratives. Both internal and external benefits of treatment were themes in approximately three-quarters of the narratives, whereas doubts about internal (but not external) benefits were also expressed at a similar rate. Thus, participants described an act of blended courage, with social risks of moral courage taken for wellness goals of psychological courage.  相似文献   

Undue influence of shape or weight on self-evaluation--referred to as overvaluation--is a core feature across eating disorders, but is not a diagnostic requirement for binge-eating disorder (BED). This study examined overvaluation of shape/weight in ethnically diverse obese patients with BED seeking treatment in primary care. Participants were a consecutive series of 142 (105 female and 37 male) participants with BED; 43% were Caucasian, 37% were African-American, 13% were Hispanic-American, and 7% were of "other" ethnicity. Participants categorized with overvaluation (N=97; 68%) versus without clinical overvaluation (N=45; 32%) did not differ significantly in ethnicity/race, age, gender, body mass index, or binge-eating frequency. The overvaluation group had significantly greater levels of eating disorder psychopathology, poorer psychological functioning (higher depression, lower self-esteem), and greater anxiety disorder co-morbidity than the group who did not overvalue their shape/weight. The greater eating disorder and psychological disturbance levels in the overvaluation group relative to the non-overvaluation group persisted after controlling for psychiatric co-morbidity. Our findings, based on an ethnically diverse series of patients seeking treatment in general primary care settings, are consistent with findings from specialist clinics and suggest that overvaluation does not simply reflect concerns commensurate with being obese or with frequency of binge-eating, but is strongly associated with heightened eating-related psychopathology and psychological distress. Overvaluation of shape/weight warrants consideration as a diagnostic specifier for BED as it provides important information about severity.  相似文献   

Ahmed  Arif 《Topoi》2020,39(2):245-256

The best justification of time-discounting is roughly that it is rational to care less about your more distant future because there is less of you around to have it. I argue that the standard version of this argument, which treats both psychological continuity and psychological connectedness as reasons to care about your future, can only rationalize an irrational—because exploitable—form of future discounting.


The long-standing divide between research and practice in clinical psychology has received increased attention in view of the development of evidence-based interventions and practice and public interest, oversight, and management of psychological services. The gap has been reflected in concerns from those in practice about the applicability of findings from psychotherapy research as a guide to clinical work and concerns from those in research about how clinical work is conducted. Research and practice are united in their commitment to providing the best of psychological knowledge and methods to improve the quality of patient care. This article highlights issues in the research- practice debate as a backdrop for rapprochement. Suggestions are made for changes and shifts in emphases in psychotherapy research and clinical practice. The changes are designed to ensure that both research and practice contribute to our knowledge base and provide information that can be used more readily to improve patient care and, in the process, reduce the perceived and real hiatus between research and practice.  相似文献   

Objective To develop a self-report questionnaire to measure the beliefs of Arabic primary care patients about the causes of their physical symptoms; to use this to quantify the beliefs of patients consulting their general practitioners (GPs) in Saudi Arabia; and to test whether patients with psychological problems differ from others in their beliefs, particularly religious and supernatural beliefs. Methods Consecutive patients (N = 224) completed a specially developed aetiological beliefs’ questionnaire. Patients were divided into two groups (cases and non-cases of emotional disorder) according to the GHQ-12. Results Religious and supernatural aspects of culture colour patients’ symptom beliefs: that their symptoms were a test or punishment from Allah’ was the most common belief. Even in non-cases, around half the patients also endorsed nerves and stress as a cause of their physical symptoms. Cases were more likely than non-cases to endorse items related to both religious and psychological factors. Conclusion There is no support for the view that Saudi Arabian patients explain symptoms supernaturally as a way of denying psychological factors. GPs and health professionals in Saudi primary care need to understand what patients believe to be the cause of their problems and to appreciate that religious and psychological beliefs are both very common. GPs should address psychological beliefs and concerns even with those patients who present physical symptoms.  相似文献   

Headache is the most common neurological symptom presenting to general practitioners (GPs). Identifying factors predicting outcome in patients consulting their GPs for headache may help GPs with prognosis and choose management strategies which would improve patient care. We followed up a cohort of patients receiving standard medical care, recruited from 18 general practices in the South Thames region of England, approximately 9 months after their initial participation in the study. Of the baseline sample (N=255), 134 provided both full baseline and follow-up data on measures of interest. We determined associations between patients' follow-up scores on the Headache Impact Test-6 and baseline characteristics (including headache impact and frequency scores, mood, attributions about psychological/medical causes of their headaches, satisfaction with GP care and illness perceptions). Greater impact and stronger beliefs about the negative consequences of headaches at baseline were the strongest predictors of poor outcome at follow-up.  相似文献   

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