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身体拥有感错觉以多通道的感官整合为基础, 包括视觉-触觉、视觉-本体感觉、触觉-本体感觉、视觉-内感受的整合等。来自实验室急性痛以及慢性痛的大量结果表明拥有感错觉可产生镇痛作用。身体部位尺寸大小、肢体透明度等相关影响因素也逐渐得到揭示。拥有感错觉影响疼痛的机制与身体表征的改变有关, 该过程可能涉及“身体网络”与“疼痛网络”间的连接, 其中后顶叶皮层可能有重要作用。未来研究应更为深入地探索拥有感错觉范式以考察不同因素对疼痛的影响; 在现有多感官整合的范式中重视内感受的作用; 考察拥有感错觉改变疼痛的认知神经机制; 区分急、慢性痛条件下以及不同慢性痛类型中拥有感错觉对疼痛的不同影响。  相似文献   

我国医学哲学以西方意识哲学作为元哲学并藉此建构了医学哲学的理论体系。在意识哲学的言说中,没有为身体感受留下空间。身体哲学关注身体本身和身体感受,更具有适合作为医学哲学之元哲学的学术身份和地位。身体范畴是标志生命体整体存在的最基本的、最深刻的医学哲学范畴。健康和疾病的一般问题本质上是属于身体哲学场域的话语,病患感受是患者身份的标志,对身体感受的诉求是患者的基本表征。身体健康与身体感受的一般问题是医学哲学研究的基本问题。  相似文献   

心理咨询和治疗离不开对自我的关注, 精神分析、行为疗法和认知疗法对自我的关注局限于认知或行为层面, 而新兴的正念疗法填补了对自我身体和感受层面关注的空白。具身认知和具身自我实验, 以及认知神经科学研究也证明了身体、感知觉和认知情绪的密切关系, 及其与自我的息息相关。本文在整合已有心理疗法和实验研究的基础上, 提出一种整体观的自我结构, 即自我是理性(符号机能、认知情绪)、感性(非符号机能、感知觉)、身体(生理机能)的综合体, 缺一不可。  相似文献   

张静  李恒威 《心理科学》2016,39(2):299-304
自我识别是人类自我觉知的行为标记。传统方法认为稳定的自我表征是自我识别的基础。随着对橡胶手错觉及一系列自我表征和自我识别错觉的揭示,这一能让人将外部客体感知为自身一部分的错觉研究使得我们能够以多感官整合的方式来研究自我表征和自我识别。拥有感和自主感被认为是我们进行自我识别的两类基本体验,本文对一系列橡胶手错觉范式研究的系统回顾表明,拥有感和自主感会发生改变,这说明人的自我表征是可变的和可塑的。  相似文献   

张静  陈巍 《心理科学》2021,(1):30-36
具身认知观念试图强调心智是根植于身体的,身体经验会对认知过程产生重要影响。但对于心智与身体的对话是如何进行的?身体通过何种渠道如何影响心智?等问题困扰着具身认知的支持者。传统的具身认知研究遭遇可重复性危机,身体状态改变影响高级认知的结论受到质疑。近年来,越来越多的证据表明内感受与身体表征、具身情绪以及社会认知等存在着密切的联系,因而内感受很有可能在身体加工和高级认知过程中起着重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

张静  陈巍 《心理学报》2016,(8):933-945
身体意象是个体在意识层面对与身体有关的知觉、态度及信念,它的稳定性与可塑性一直存在争论。本研究使用方位追踪仪、数据手套及投影仪,通过2个实验考查虚拟手错觉中距离参照系对身体拥有感的影响。实验1在虚拟环境中采用经典橡胶手错觉的变式,考察同步性和虚拟手位置对拥有感的影响;实验2引入距离参照系,考察在不同参照条件下被试对同一个位置的虚拟手在不同同步情况下的拥有感错觉。研究结果发现:(1)无论是同步性还是距离都会对虚拟手错觉中的拥有感产生影响,即同步比不同步条件下、距离近比距离远条件下拥有感显著;(2)不同的距离参照系对同一位置的拥有感体验影响差异显著,先近后远的呈现方式会减弱错觉而先远后近的呈现方式则会加强错觉。这一发现与身体拥有感是受稳定的身体意象调节的假设并不一致。  相似文献   

施动感作为最小自我中的重要成分,指个体通过控制自己的行为对外部世界产生影响的体验。根据所处意识水平的不同,现有研究中多将施动感区分为无意识层面的施动体验和意识层面的施动判断,研究者分别通过内隐和外显的不同研究范式探究这两种成分的作用机制及相互联系。比较器模型、浅表性心因理论和整合理论是当前该领域的核心理论,其中整合理论得到了近年来较多研究的支持。目前的研究在施动感异常及其影响因素方面取得了诸多成果。未来应进一步关注社会情景中施动感的变化、施动感的发展、跨通道的施动感研究,施动感与拥有感的关系,以及施动感的脑机制问题。  相似文献   

采用4个研究探究了权力感对调节定向的影响。研究1通过测量被试的特质性权力感和特质性调节定向初步探索权力感水平与调节定向的关系。研究2和研究3分别通过外显角色扮演和故事回忆法来探究状态性权力感对调节定向目标表征和策略选择的影响。研究4采用身体姿势法启动权力感,进一步探究在内隐层面权力感对调节定向的影响。结果发现,高权力感个体更倾向于促进定向;而低权力感个体更倾向于预防定向,并且排除了其中可能的无关变量(情绪)的影响。本研究有助于更好地理解和整合现有的权力感研究结果,并能预测更多未知的权力感效应。  相似文献   

资质过剩感, 是指个体感知的自己拥有超过工作所要求的教育水平、经验、知识、技能以及能力。员工感到资质过剩是组织中普遍存在的现象, 并逐渐成为组织行为研究中的热点话题。资质过剩感对员工的认知感受、情绪体验, 工作态度、行为和绩效, 以及身心健康等均存在一定的负面影响, 影响强度及性质取决于员工个人特征及所处情境特征。除负面影响外, 资质过剩感对员工主动行为、角色内绩效、创新绩效等还存在一定积极影响, 以及正U型、倒U型的非线性效应。人力资本理论、人-岗匹配理论、相对剥夺理论、公平理论、心理契约理论和资源保存理论等是解释资质过剩感消极影响的主要理论, 自我分类理论、自我验证理论和自我调节理论是解释其积极影响的主要理论。未来可以从开发本土量表、扩展跨层次研究、丰富和整合研究视角、探究动态效应等方面推动资质过剩感的研究。  相似文献   

橡胶手错觉是一种能将非自我的肢体感知为自我的肢体的反应。继发现橡胶手错觉现象后,研究者通过操纵自变量以及观测不同的因变量,得到了大量新的研究结果。橡胶手错觉的出现与强度受到时间、空间和手姿势的影响。橡胶手错觉的产生机制为单纯的多感觉整合或多感觉整合与身体表征共同作用的结果。未来研究侧重于被试取样、研究策略以及医学领域中瘫痪患者的认知神经康复和截肢病人的假肢控制方面。  相似文献   

By grounding the self in the body, experimental psychology has taken the body as the starting point for a science of the self. One fundamental dimension of the bodily self is the sense of body ownership that refers to the special perceptual status of one’s own body, the feeling that “my body” belongs to me. The primary aim of this review article is to highlight recent advances in the study of body ownership and our understanding of the underlying neurocognitive processes in three ways. I first consider how the sense of body ownership has been investigated and elucidated in the context of multisensory integration. Beyond exteroception, recent studies have considered how this exteroceptively driven sense of body ownership can be linked to the other side of embodiment, that of the unobservable, yet felt, interoceptive body, suggesting that these two sides of embodiment interact to provide a unifying bodily self. Lastly, the multisensorial understanding of the self has been shown to have implications for our understanding of social relationships, especially in the context of self–other boundaries. Taken together, these three research strands motivate a unified model of the self inspired by current predictive coding models.  相似文献   

Research on bodily awareness has focused on body illusions with an aim to explore the possible dissociation of our bodily awareness from our own body. It has provided insights into how our sensory modalities shape our sense of embodiment, and it has raised important questions regarding the malleability of our sense of ownership over our own body. The issue, however, is that this research fails to consider an important distinction in how we experience our body. There are indeed two ways in which we can be aware of our body: via observational awareness, which involves attending to the body as an object, and via non-observational awareness, where the body is given as the subject of experience and does not involve attention. The research to date has focused on the former—observational bodily awareness—and has left the latter—non-observational bodily awareness—in the dark. This is detrimental to ever formulating a complete account of how we are aware of our body. It is understandable, however, because of the inherent problem in studying non-observational bodily awareness: how would you instruct subjects to report on their unattended bodily awareness? In view to resolving this problem, I propose here a working hypothesis on the basis of research on interoception and the rubber hand illusion, and on the effect of meditation on awareness and attention. This working hypothesis can show us a way to begin studying non-observational bodily awareness, and finally build a complete theory of bodily awareness.  相似文献   

How does Descartes characterize the peculiar way in which each of us is aware of our bodies? I argue that Descartes recognizes a sense of bodily ownership, such that the body sensorily appears to be one's own in bodily awareness. This sensory appearance of ownership is ubiquitous, for Descartes, in that bodily awareness always confers a sense of ownership. This appearance is confused, in so far as bodily awareness simultaneously represents the subject as identical to, partially composed by, and united to her body, without distinguishing these relations. Finally, the appearance of ownership is grounded in multiple other ways in which the body sensorily appears: namely, in the fact that the body appears to be inescapable, modified by bodily sensations, and an object of special concern.  相似文献   

Humans experience a unified self that integrates our mental lives and physical bodies, but many studies focus on isolated domains of self-knowledge. We tested the hypothesis that knowledge of one’s mind and body are related by examining metamemory and interoception. We evaluated two dimensions of metamemory and interoception: subjective beliefs and the accuracy of those beliefs compared to objective criteria. We first demonstrated, in two studies, that metamemory beliefs were positively correlated with interoceptive beliefs, and this was not due to domain-general confidence. Finally, we showed that individuals with better metamemory accuracy also had better interoceptive accuracy. Taken together, these findings suggest a common mechanism subserving knowledge of our cognitive and bodily states.  相似文献   

It has been robustly demonstrated using the ultimatum game (UG) that individuals frequently reject unfair financial offers even if this results in a personal cost. One influential hypothesis for these rejections is that they reflect an emotional reaction to unfairness that overrides purely economic decision processes. In the present study, we examined whether the interplay between bodily responses, bodily regulation, and bodily perception ("interoception") contributes to emotionally driven rejection behavior on the UG. Offering support for bodily feedback theories, interoceptive accuracy moderated the relationship between changes in electrodermal activity to proposals and the behavioral rejection of such offers. Larger electrodermal responses to rejected relative to accepted offers predicted greater rejection in those with accurate interoception but were unrelated to rejection in those with poor interoception. Although cardiovascular responses during the offer period were unrelated to rejection rates, greater resting heart rate variability (linked to trait emotion regulation capacity) predicted reduced rejection rates of offers. These findings help clarify individual differences in reactions to perceived unfairness, support previous emotion regulation deficit accounts of rejection behavior, and suggest that the perception and regulation of bodily based emotional biasing signals ("gut feelings") partly shape financial decision making on the UG.  相似文献   

In certain startling neurological and psychiatric conditions, what is ordinarily most intimate and familiar to us—our own body—can feel alien. For instance, in cases of somatoparaphrenia subjects misattribute their body parts to others, while in cases of depersonalization subjects feel estranged from their bodies. These ownership disorders thus appear to consist in a loss of any feeling of bodily ownership, the felt sense we have of our bodies as our own. Against this interpretation of ownership disorders, I defend Sufficiency, the thesis that every experience of bodily awareness suffices for a feeling of bodily ownership. Since Sufficiency conflicts with a face-value interpretation of these ownership disorders, the burden is on me to explain away the apparent tension. To do so, I identify and correct what I believe to be the fundamental mistake in the extant literature on the feeling of bodily ownership, namely the tendency to treat the notion of a feeling of bodily ownership as a single psychological construct. Instead, I distinguish the feeling of minimal ownership, the first-personal character of bodily awareness, from the feeling of affective ownership, the distinctive type of felt concern we have for our bodies. I motivate this distinction by raising the disownership puzzle, the fact that subjects suffering from ownership disorders display an ambiguous set of symptoms, arguing the distinction I draw between minimal and affective ownership is just what is required to resolve the puzzle.  相似文献   

Theories proposing that how one thinks and feels is influenced by feedback from the body remain controversial. A central but untested prediction of many of these proposals is that how well individuals can perceive subtle bodily changes (interoception) determines the strength of the relationship between bodily reactions and cognitive-affective processing. In Study 1, we demonstrated that the more accurately participants could track their heartbeat, the stronger the observed link between their heart rate reactions and their subjective arousal (but not valence) ratings of emotional images. In Study 2, we found that increasing interoception ability either helped or hindered adaptive intuitive decision making, depending on whether the anticipatory bodily signals generated favored advantageous or disadvantageous choices. These findings identify both the generation and the perception of bodily responses as pivotal sources of variability in emotion experience and intuition, and offer strong supporting evidence for bodily feedback theories, suggesting that cognitive-affective processing does in significant part relate to "following the heart."  相似文献   

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