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以康奈尔情绪DRM词表为主要实验材料, 使用简化的联合再认范式(DRM范式的变式), 结合多项式加工树建模的统计手段, 对34名年轻人(23 ± 2岁)和28名老年人(68 ± 5岁)的再认记忆进行比较, 以考察不同年龄组中情绪效价对错误记忆的作用机制。结果发现材料的情绪效价对错误记忆的影响存在显著年龄差异:(1) 积极情绪能够有效降低老年人的错误记忆, 其作用机制为积极情绪增强了老年人的字面痕迹而减弱了要点痕迹提取; (2) 消极情绪能够有效地降低年轻人的错误记忆, 其作用机制为消极情绪使年轻人反应偏向降低, 但不影响其记忆痕迹的提取。结果表明, 简化的联合再认范式下, 情绪效价对错误记忆的效应存在明显的年龄差异:老年人表现出积极情绪降低错误记忆的积极偏向; 年轻人表现出消极情绪降低错误记忆的消极偏向; 情绪效应对错误记忆的认知机制存在年龄差异。  相似文献   

20世纪, 许多心理学家从“厄运与苦难”视角研究人晚年遭遇的身体、认知和情绪衰老, 但是近年的理论与实证研究从“老化悖论”——老年人情绪加工的积极效应——视角挑战这一“定论”。积极效应指老年人认知加工过程中比年轻人更偏好正性而非负性材料的现象。第二代社会情绪选择理论包括积极效应理论、认知控制假说和强弱整合模型3个关于认知和情绪功能年龄差异的理论模型, 特别强调了认知控制在老年人积极情绪加工中的潜在作用, 而自动化加工与控制性加工的区分则取决于注意资源配置。因此, 认知控制在老年人对积极情绪的注意加工中起重要作用。此外, 注意偏向的时间进程也是影响老年人情绪注意中积极效应的关键因素。最后, 综合以往研究构建出认知控制对老年人积极效应发生作用的注意阶段模型。未来研究可从中国老年人情绪注意加工模式、不同认知控制子成分的作用机制、提高研究生态学效度和注意的治疗品质几个方面继续探索。  相似文献   

青少年负性情绪信息记忆偏向的情绪弹性和性别效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨情绪弹性和性别变量对青少年再认记忆负性情绪信息的影响,该实验采用再认记忆测验范式,以49名青少年为被试,以负性情绪图片为实验材料,考察了不同情绪弹性和性别的青少年再认负性情绪图片时的错误率差异。结果发现,情绪弹性对再认记忆负性情绪图片的主效应显著,统计效力明显。性别对再认记忆负性情绪图片的主效应显著,统计效力明显。情绪弹性与性别在再认记忆上的交互作用不显著。这说明青少年负性情绪信息加工过程中产生的记忆偏向效应受情绪弹性和性别因素的影响。  相似文献   

目的:研究采用“学习-测试”范式,通过3个实验探讨积极社会情绪反馈对注意捕获的影响。方法:实验1,在学习阶段做出反应后,分别给予积极情绪和中性情绪反馈,探讨积极情绪和中性情绪捕获注意的情况;实验2,学习阶段做出反应后,没有任何情绪反馈;实验3,改变学习阶段积极情绪和中性情绪反馈图片出现的频率,探讨图片出现频率对注意捕获的影响。结果:(1)与中性情绪相比,积极情绪捕获了较多注意(实验1);(2)无情绪反馈时,经过多次练习的刺激作为干扰刺激也捕获到了注意(实验2);(3)积极情绪影响刺激注意优先性的过程还受到积极情绪图片出现频率的影响(实验3)。结论:积极情绪捕获注意的机制中,也有自上而下目标驱动的机制在起作用;情绪图片出现的频率也会影响社社会情绪对注意的捕获。  相似文献   

为了比较研究老年人的情绪对其认知效率和偏向的影响,随机选取25名正常老年人完成两项实验。一个为情绪STROOP实验,记录被试命名阈下呈现情绪图片(积极、消极和中性表情的人脸图片)后的颜色块的反应时;一个为情绪启动实验,同样呈现情绪图片后紧跟的是人的后脑勺图片,记录被试对后脑勺图片人物的表情猜测。结果发现,相对于中性情绪图片条件,老年人将跟在哭表情图片后的人物更多的猜测为哭;但是只有男性老年人的认知反应时因情绪图片条件而异:消极情绪图片延迟反应,积极情绪图片促进反应。  相似文献   

幼儿对不同的情绪面孔图片存在不同的注意偏向,考察情绪效价与面孔类型对幼儿无意视盲的影响,可以帮助我们进一步认识幼儿对情绪面孔的注意偏向。本研究采用静态无意视盲的实验范式,通过2(面孔类型:符号化卡通、真人)×2(情绪效价:积极、消极)被试间完全随机设计,考察了111名幼儿(62.5±3.6个月,男生60名)在无意注意条件下对不同情绪效价和不同类型面孔的觉察情况。结果表明:(1)幼儿对积极情绪面孔的觉察率显著高于消极情绪面孔;(2)符号化卡通面孔与真人面孔的整体觉察率不存在显著差异;(3)积极情绪面孔中符号化卡通面孔的觉察率高于真人面孔。综上,情绪效价对无意视盲的影响会基于面孔类型的不同而不同,幼儿对卡通积极情绪面孔有更显著的注意偏向。  相似文献   

幼儿对不同的情绪面孔图片存在不同的注意偏向,考察情绪效价与面孔类型对幼儿无意视盲的影响,可以帮助我们进一步认识幼儿对情绪面孔的注意偏向。本研究采用静态无意视盲的实验范式,通过2(面孔类型:符号化卡通、真人)×2(情绪效价:积极、消极)被试间完全随机设计,考察了111名幼儿(62.5±3.6个月,男生60名)在无意注意条件下对不同情绪效价和不同类型面孔的觉察情况。结果表明:(1)幼儿对积极情绪面孔的觉察率显著高于消极情绪面孔;(2)符号化卡通面孔与真人面孔的整体觉察率不存在显著差异;(3)积极情绪面孔中符号化卡通面孔的觉察率高于真人面孔。综上,情绪效价对无意视盲的影响会基于面孔类型的不同而不同,幼儿对卡通积极情绪面孔有更显著的注意偏向。  相似文献   

以情绪性的类别图片为实验材料,使用改进后的简化联合再认范式,结合多项式加工树建模的统计手段,对28名老年人(67.95±4.70岁)和29名年轻人(22.60±2.74岁)情绪错误记忆的产生机制进行考察。结果发现,在行为层面,消极情绪增加年轻人和老年人的错误“记得”,而积极情绪只增加老年人的错误“记得”,老年人错误记忆的积极效应体现在更多地报告自己生动鲜明地“记得”未曾发生过的积极事件。在认知机制层面,虚假回想是导致老年人错误记忆出现积极效应的关键认知过程。相比年轻人,积极情绪会独特地增加老年人的虚假回想,进而增加错误“记得”的发生概率。  相似文献   

一系列研究结果被认为反映了积极情绪促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向。然而,由于所使用的范式不能分离对积极刺激的注意投入偏向和抽离偏向,这些研究结果也可能反映了积极情绪促进从积极刺激抽离注意更少的偏向。本研究采用音乐聆听和事件回忆唤起被试的积极或中性情绪,随后要求被试完成点探测范式的变式任务,通过中性-中性条件与一致条件的反应时之差测量投入偏向,以及不一致条件与中性-中性条件的反应时之差测量抽离偏向,探讨积极情绪究竟促进投入偏向,还是促进抽离偏向。结果表明:(1)相比中性组,积极情绪组并没有表现出更大的中性-中性条件和一致条件的反应时之差。这说明,积极情绪没有促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向;(2)相比中性情绪组,积极情绪组的不一致条件与中性-中性条件的反应时之差更大。这说明,积极情绪促进从积极刺激抽离注意更少的偏向。由此,积极情绪并不促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向,而是促进对积极刺激的抽离偏向。  相似文献   

基于信号检测论的框架, 考察不同的情绪效价以及时间间隔如何交互影响老年人在图片再认任务中的辨别力(d′)和判断标准(β), 进而影响其错误记忆。以21名老年人(女性14名)为被试, 平均年龄67.17 ± 5.03岁。根据中国老年人对国际情绪图片库(International Affective Picture System, IAPS)中图片评定的情绪参数, 选出积极、消极和中性图片各60张作为学习材料。另选积极、消极和中性图片各30张作为每次再认测验的干扰材料, 并且两次再认测验的干扰材料不同。短时间隔条件让老年人在图片记忆编码半个小时后完成对图片的再认测验; 长时间隔条件则为在三周后完成对图片的再认测验。结果发现: 1)在短时间隔条件下, β和d′共同影响虚报率; 而在长时间隔条件下, 只有β影响虚报率, d′不影响虚报率; 2)无论是在短时还是长时间隔条件下, 积极图片与消极图片的判别力d′都没有显著差别; 3)在短时间隔条件下, 老年人对消极图片的β更低、虚报率更高; 在长时间隔条件下, 老年人对积极图片的β更低、虚报率更高。研究结果表明: 老年人的错误记忆受判别力d′和判断标准β的影响。情绪效价通过作用于老年人的反应倾向(判断标准β)、而非记忆质量(判别力d′)来影响其错误记忆。时间间隔可以调节情绪效价对老年人判断标准β和错误记忆的作用, 使之随时间发生反转。老年人的“积极效应”在错误记忆中可能表现为随着时间的流逝, 老年人更愿意将积极信息报告为经历或学习过的信息。  相似文献   

Emotional events tend to be remembered better than nonemotional events. We investigated this phenomenon by measuring two event-related potential (ERP) effects: the emotion effect (more positive ERPs for pleasant or unpleasant stimuli than for neutral stimuli) and the subsequent memory effect (more positive ERPs for subsequently remembered items than for subsequently forgotten items). ERPs were measured while subjects rated the emotional content of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral pictures. As was expected, subsequent recall was better for pleasant and unpleasant pictures than for neutral pictures. The emotion effect was sensitive to arousal in parietal electrodes and to both arousal and valence in frontocentral electrodes. The subsequent memory effect at centroparietal electrodes was greater for emotional pictures than for neutral pictures during an early epoch (400-600 msec). This result suggests that emotional information has privileged access to processing resources, possibly leading to better memory formation.  相似文献   

Age-related differences in memory monitoring appear when people learn emotional words. Namely, younger adults’ judgments of learning (JOLs) are higher for positive than neutral words, whereas older adults’ JOLs do not discriminate between positive versus neutral words. In two experiments, we evaluated whether this age-related difference extends to learning positive versus neutral pictures. We also evaluated the contribution of two dimensions of emotion that may impact younger and older adults’ JOLs: valence and arousal. Younger and older adults studied pictures that were positive or neutral and either high or low in arousal. Participants made immediate JOLs and completed memory tests. In both experiments, the magnitude of older adults’ JOLs was influenced by emotion, and both younger and older adults demonstrated an emotional salience effect on JOLs. As important, the magnitude of participants’ JOLs was influenced by valence, and not arousal. Emotional salience effects were also evident on participants’ free recall, and older adults recalled as many pictures as did younger adults. Taken together, these data suggest that older adults do not have a monitoring deficit when learning positive (vs. neutral) pictures and that emotional salience effects on younger and older adults’ JOLs are produced more by valence than by arousal.  相似文献   

Emotional stimuli have been shown to elicit increased perceptual processing and attentional allocation. The late positive potential (LPP) is a sustained P300-like component of the event-related potential that is enhanced after the presentation of pleasant and unpleasant pictures as compared with neutral pictures. In this study, the LPP was measured using dense array electroencephalograph both before and after pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant images to examine the time course of attentional allocation toward emotional stimuli. Results from 17 participants confirmed that the LPP was larger after emotional than neutral images and that this effect persisted for 800 ms after pleasant picture offset and at least 1,000 ms after unpleasant picture offset. The persistence of increased attention after unpleasant compared to pleasant stimuli is consistent with the existence of a negativity bias. Overall, these results indicate that attentional capture of emotion continues well beyond picture presentation and that this can be measured with the LPP. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated age-related differences in recognition memory for emotional and neutral pictures. Younger and older participants were asked to rate pictures according to their emotional valence, arousal, and visual complexity. Two weeks later they had to recognise these pictures and the states of awareness associated with memory were assessed with the "remember/know/guess" paradigm. We found that, although the influence of emotion on recognition accuracy (as assessed by d') was similar in both age groups, the tendency for positive and negative pictures to create a rich recollective experience was weaker in older adults. In addition, "remember" responses were more often based on a recollection of emotional reactions in older than in younger participants. We suggest that the elderly tend to focus on their feelings when confronted with emotional pictures, which could have impaired their memory for the contextual information associated with these stimuli.  相似文献   

This study investigated age-related differences in recognition memory for emotional and neutral pictures. Younger and older participants were asked to rate pictures according to their emotional valence, arousal, and visual complexity. Two weeks later they had to recognise these pictures and the states of awareness associated with memory were assessed with the “remember/know/guess” paradigm. We found that, although the influence of emotion on recognition accuracy (as assessed by d′) was similar in both age groups, the tendency for positive and negative pictures to create a rich recollective experience was weaker in older adults. In addition, “remember” responses were more often based on a recollection of emotional reactions in older than in younger participants. We suggest that the elderly tend to focus on their feelings when confronted with emotional pictures, which could have impaired their memory for the contextual information associated with these stimuli.  相似文献   

People from Asian cultures are more influenced by context in their visual processing than people from Western cultures. In this study, we examined how these cultural differences in context processing affect how people interpret facial emotions. We found that younger Koreans were more influenced than younger Americans by emotional background pictures when rating the emotion of a central face, especially those younger Koreans with low self-rated stress. In contrast, among older adults, neither Koreans nor Americans showed significant influences of context in their face emotion ratings. These findings suggest that cultural differences in reliance on context to interpret others' emotions depend on perceptual integration processes that decline with age, leading to fewer cultural differences in perception among older adults than among younger adults. Furthermore, when asked to recall the background pictures, younger participants recalled more negative pictures than positive pictures, whereas older participants recalled similar numbers of positive and negative pictures. These age differences in the valence of memory were consistent across culture.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to determine the extent to which pleasant and unpleasant emotional states impact the initiation of forward gait. Participants initiated gait and walked for several steps following the presentation of low arousing pleasant, high arousing pleasant, low arousing unpleasant, high arousing unpleasant, and neutral pictures. Reaction time, displacement, and velocity of the center of pressure (COP) trajectory, and length and velocity of the first and second steps were calculated. Exposure to the highly arousing unpleasant pictures reduced reaction times compared to all other affective conditions. Compared to the low arousing unpleasant pictures, exposure to the high and low arousing pleasant pictures increased the displacement of the COP movement during the anticipatory postural adjustment phase of gait initiation. Additionally, exposure to the low arousing pleasant pictures increased the velocity of the COP movement during the anticipatory postural adjustment phase, compared to the high and low arousing unpleasant pictures. Exposure to the high and low arousing pleasant pictures increased the velocity of the first step relative to the low arousing unpleasant pictures. These findings demonstrate that highly arousing unpleasant emotional states accelerate the initial motor response, but pleasant emotional states generally facilitate the initiation of forward gait due to the approach-oriented directional salience of the movement. These findings extend the scope of the motivational direction hypothesis by demonstrating the effects of emotional reactivity on the initiation of gait.  相似文献   

Memory for affective events plays an important role in determining people’s behavior and well-being. Its determinants are far from being completely understood. We investigated how recognition memory for affective pictures depends on pictures’ motivational significance (valence and arousal), complexity (figure-ground compositions vs. scenes), and social content (pictures with people vs. without people) and on observers’ age and gender. Younger, middle-aged, and older adults viewed 84 pictures depicting real-life situations. After a break, the participants viewed 72 pictures, half of which had been viewed previously and half of which were novel, and were asked to endorse whether each picture was novel or had been presented previously. Hits, false alarms, and overall performance (discrimination accuracy) were our dependent variables. The main findings were that, across participants, recognition memory was better for unpleasant than pleasant pictures and for pictures depicting people than pictures without people. Low-arousal pictures were more accurately recognized than high-arousal pictures, and this effect was significantly larger among middle-aged and older adults than younger adults. Recognition memory worsened across adulthood, and this decline was steeper among men than women. Middle-aged and older women outperformed their male counterparts. This study suggests that how well we are able to successfully discriminate previously seen pictorial stimuli from novel stimuli depends on several pictures’ properties related to their motivational significance and content, and on observer’s age and gender.  相似文献   

Cognitive strategies such as reappraisal reduce the intensity of negative experience and brain activity that is sensitive to emotional salience. The time course of reappraisal-related neural modulation remains unclear, and it is unknown whether the electrocortical response to emotional stimuli is sensitive to reappraisal. Event-related brain potentials were recorded first while participants passively viewed pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral pictures, and then during an emotion regulation block in which participants were instructed to attend to or reappraise unpleasant pictures. The late positive potential (LPP) was enhanced for pleasant and unpleasant pictures in the passive viewing block, and reappraisal resulted in a reliably reduced LPP—a protracted modulation that began 200 msec after stimulus onset. The degree of LPP modulation was positively related to reductions in the self-reported emotional intensity that followed emotion regulation instructions. These results indicate that reappraisal modulates early electrocortical activity that is related to emotional salience, and that the LPP is a useful tool for studying emotion regulation.  相似文献   

Older adults, compared to younger adults, are more likely to attend to pleasant situations and avoid unpleasant ones. Yet, it is unclear whether such a phenomenon may be generalized to musical emotions. In this study, we investigated whether there is an age-related difference in how musical emotions are experienced and how positive and negative music influences attention performances in a target identification task. Thirty-one young and twenty-eight older adults were presented with 40 musical excerpts conveying happiness, peacefulness, sadness, and threat. While listening to music, participants were asked to rate their feelings and monitor each excerpt for the occurrence of an auditory target. Compared to younger adults, older adults reported experiencing weaker emotional activation when listening to threatening music and showed higher level of liking for happy music. Correct reaction times (RTs) for target identification were longer for threatening than for happy music in older adults but not in younger adults. This suggests that older adults benefit from a positive musical context and can regulate emotion elicited by negative music by decreasing attention towards it (and therefore towards the auditory target).  相似文献   

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