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本研究采用不同线索强度(强/弱)的中文词对, 选取大学生被试126人, 考察了不同学习方式(重学/测试)在不同时间间隔(5分钟/2天)最终自由回忆测试成绩上的差异。结果发现:在强线索强度词对上, 学习方式主效应显著, 测试条件的回忆成绩在5分钟以及2天后均高于重学条件;而在弱线索强度词对上, 学习方式与间隔时间交互作用显著, 5分钟时重学条件与测试条件的记忆成绩差异不显著, 而2天后测试条件的记忆成绩却显著高于重学条件。结果表明词对的线索强度能够调节测试对不同时间间隔记忆保持的促进作用, 支持了精细提取假设。  相似文献   

提取练习比建构概念图更有利于记忆保持和迁移的研究结果尚存在争议。依据认知负荷的3个成分,设计两个实验探究前期知识水平与策略复杂性对以上两种学习策略有效性的影响。结果表明:(1)前期知识水平的主效应不显著,但是与学习策略之间存在交互作用:在提取练习策略条件下,高前期知识水平的被试与低前期知识水平的被试在记忆保持和迁移上的正确率没有显著差异,但是在建构概念图策略条件下,高前期知识水平的被试在记忆保持和迁移上的正确率显著地高于低前期知识水平的被试;(2)当降低概念图的难度后,被试使用建构部分概念图策略产生的认知负荷与使用提取练习策略相比显著降低,并且其在学习阶段学习到的知识量显著地高于使用提取练习策略的结果,但是在最终测试上,其记忆保持与迁移的正确率与使用提取练习策略并没有显著差异,策略的复杂性增加了学习者的额外负荷,但是对策略有效性的发挥却不具有决定性影响。以上结果说明提取练习策略之所以比建构概念图策略更具优势,不是因为其策略本身更易掌握,而是因为其与建构概念图策略相比不受学习者前期知识水平的影响。这意味着认知负荷理论可以很好地解释提取练习在记忆保持与迁移中产生优势效应的内部机制,并进一步证实提取练习与精细编码不同,具有独特的加工机制。  相似文献   

研究采用提取练习效应研究的经典范式,通过比较学习材料的线索强度对不同学习策略效果的影响来探讨提取练习效应的内部机制。结果发现:(1)当最终测试为线索回忆时,线索强度与学习策略交互作用显著,强线索条件下两组成绩差异不显著,弱线索条件下提取练习组显著高于精细加工组;(2)当最终测试为再认测验时,线索强度与学习策略在虚报率和目标词再认反应时上交互作用显著,精细加工组在弱线索条件下的虚报率显著高于强线索条件,在强弱线索条件下的目标词再认反应时差异不显著;提取练习条件组在强弱线索条件下的虚报率差异不显著,在强弱线索条件下的目标词再认反应时差异边缘显著,弱线索条件下反应时要比强线索条件下更长。上述结果表明材料的线索强度是区分提取练习与精细加工的重要变量,揭示了提取练习的内部加工机制不同于精细加工,反驳了精细提取假设,支持情景语境假设。  相似文献   

提取练习效应揭示了提取对记忆保持的关键意义;学习时间分配的有关研究表明提取练习效应的大小可能与材料难度有关。两个实验探讨了提取时间与材料难度对提取练习效应的影响:实验1采用2(提取时间:短,长)×2(材料难度:容易,困难)的混合设计,5分钟后测查记忆保持水平。实验2采用类似设计,将最终测试间隔延长至24小时。结果发现,⑴ 延长提取时间均提高了记忆成绩和记忆保持率。⑵ 即时测试条件下,提取时间较短时,不同难度材料的记忆成绩差异不显著;提取时间较长时,困难材料的记忆成绩高于容易材料;困难材料的记忆保持率在不同提取时间下均高于容易材料。⑶ 延迟测试条件下,无论提取时间长短,困难材料的记忆成绩及保持率均高于容易材料。研究表明,延长提取时间对提取练习效应的影响受材料难度的调节;情境背景和必要难度是解释该调节作用的可能理论框架。  相似文献   

提取练习效应是指在学习与最终测验之间,等长时间的提取练习与重复学习相比,前者更能促进长时记忆的保持,也称为测试效应。大量研究表明提取测试是一种高效的学习策略,师生却对此认识不足,认为测试只是检测学习效果的评估工具,并不能改变或促进学习。本文主要从提取练习促进学习的认知神经加工机制、提取练习在实践应用中的特点、提高提取练习效应的方法及其在教学实践中的局限四方面梳理了相关研究,为提取练习广泛应用于教学实践提供支持,同时也为师生正确高效利用这一策略提供了参考,使学生获得更高效和持久的学习。  相似文献   

研究使用提取诱发遗忘范式,在提取练习和最终测试间插入午睡(1小时)或等长时段的分心任务,通过比较午睡组和非午睡组的记忆成绩来探测午睡对提取诱发遗忘现象的影响。结果发现:(1)午睡组的Rp-项目正确率显著低于Nrp项目,出现了提取诱发遗忘效应;Rp+项目的正确率则显著高于Nrp项目,出现提取练习效应;(2)非午睡组的Rp-项目正确率和Nrp项目的正确率差异不显著,说明提取练习阶段后间隔一小时就不能观测到提取诱发遗忘现象。研究结果表明一小时的午睡巩固了提取诱发遗忘现象,首次从短期睡眠的角度支持了情景抑制假说。  相似文献   

选取大学生为被试,采用两因素混合实验设计,以预期按键反应作为知觉运动学习任务.在运动学习任务中,设置了集中练习和分散练习两种练习方式以及三个练习一测试组块.通过分析不同练习方式和练习-测试组块对练习成绩、测试成绩以及元认知监测的影响,考察运动知觉学习的背景干扰效应、练习伴随低估效应以及元认知监测的依据.结果发现: (1)缩短练习与测试之间的时间间隔,经典的背景干扰效应没有出现; (2)在知觉运动学习的多组块练习过程中.元认知监测准确性没有出现练习伴随低估效应; (3)集中练习组更多地以当前的练习成绩作为依据进行预测,从而导致了对预测的高估.  相似文献   

马小凤  李甜甜  贾瑞红  魏婕 《心理学报》2022,54(12):1433-1442
空间路线信息学习中的前向测试效应及其机制有待检验。研究以虚拟背景下的住宅小区为实验材料, 要求被试学习同一场景4个方向的路线信息(实验1)以及4个不同场景(实验2)的路线信息。结果表明, 在路线1~3的测试中, 同一场景下路线信息相似性高, “隔离”干扰的难度大, 在测试过程中的干扰率高于不同场景的路线信息。在路线4的测试中, 两个实验中测试组的回忆正确率均显著高于重学组, 干扰率则显著低于重学组, 出现了前向测试效应。这些发现表明, 测试可以通过“隔离”来自先前学习信息的前摄干扰来增强后续空间信息的学习。研究结果揭示了空间路线学习中的前向测试效应及其机制, 支持前摄抑制减少理论, 证实了前向测试效应在生活中具有广阔的应用性。  相似文献   

实验采用重学—分离设计 ,分别用知觉辨认和再认测验作为内隐、外显测量的测验方法 ,比较重学—启动测验的结果与重学—再认的结果 ,发现 :重学和间接测量的结合能有效地揭示内隐记忆的叠加现象 ;一次重学能使知觉启动测验的成绩产生明显的叠加效应 ;高意识水平学习后 ,低意识水平的重复学习不能改变外显测验成绩持续下降的趋势。  相似文献   

提取练习效应的研究揭示了提取在记忆保持中的重要性,新近研究表明RPE的产生是编码和提取共同作用的结果。本研究通过两个实验考察编码与提取时长对RPE的影响。实验1采用2(编码时长:3秒,10秒)×2(提取时长:8秒,13秒)的被试间设计,考察即时测试(5分钟后)条件下的RPE。实验2将最终测试的时间间隔延长至24小时。结果发现,延长编码时间有利于提高即时测试下的记忆成绩及记忆保持率,但这一优势随测试间隔延长而消失;延长提取时间在即时和延迟测试下均导致了更高的记忆成绩和记忆保持率。研究表明,编码时长对RPE的影响与测试间隔有关,提取时长是影响RPE的关键因素。  相似文献   

Experiment 1 compared the effectiveness of retrieval practice, the keyword mnemonic and rote rehearsal for learning foreign language vocabulary. Both mnemonic methods produced similar recall and were superior to rote rehearsal. In Experiment 2, participants learned German vocabulary using keywords, retrieval practice or their own method. Retrieval practice and keyword‐based recall were similar and superior to self‐directed study. In Experiment 3, participants studied using keywords, retrieval practice, a combination or an elaboration strategy. Criterion testing occurred immediately and after a week. For receptive learning, retrieval practice and keywords were equally beneficial but for productive learning, retrieval practice was more effective. Combining strategies produced mixed results with significant benefits only for receptive learning in the delayed test. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Two experiments with college students investigated the effectiveness of the 3R (read-recite-review) strategy for learning from educational texts. The 3R strategy was compared with rereading and note-taking study strategies using free-recall, multiple-choice, and short-answer inference tests immediately after study and after a 1-week delay. In Experiments 1 and 2, 3R improved immediate and delayed free recall of fact-based passages, relative to the rereading and note-taking strategies. In Experiment 2 , which used longer, more complex passages on engineering topics, performance on multiple-choice and problem-solving items was better in the 3R than in the rereading condition, and was equivalent in the 3R and note-taking conditions, though 3R took less study time than note taking. An inherent advantage of 3R relative to other testing methods for improving learning is that 3R is under the learner's control. These results indicate that it is also an efficacious study technique that capitalizes on the mnemonic potency of retrieval and feedback.  相似文献   

运用事件相关电位技术,探讨提取练习和精细加工在不同线索强度上的加工方式有何不同。结果显示:强线索词对下,二者的相继记忆效应未出现显著性的分离,出现500-700ms额叶、中央分布的模式;弱线索词对下,二者的相继记忆效应出现分离,提取条件500-700ms,700-1000ms观察到与晚期顶叶成分相似的相继记忆效应,精细加工下并没有。结果表明:提取强线索词时个体的加工方式与精细加工类似,提取弱线索词时与精细加工不同,支持情境背景理论。  相似文献   

It is widely held that episodic retrieval can recruit two processes: a threshold context retrieval process (recollection) and a continuous signal strength process (familiarity). Conversely the processes recruited during semantic retrieval are less well specified. We developed a semantic task analogous to single-item episodic recognition to interrogate semantic recognition receiver-operating characteristics (ROCs) for a marker of a threshold retrieval process. We fitted observed ROC points to three signal detection models: two models typically used in episodic recognition (unequal variance and dual-process signal detection models) and a novel dual-process recollect-to-reject (DP-RR) signal detection model that allows a threshold recollection process to aid both target identification and lure rejection. Given the nature of most semantic questions, we anticipated the DP-RR model would best fit the semantic task data. Experiment 1 (506 participants) provided evidence for a threshold retrieval process in semantic memory, with overall best fits to the DP-RR model. Experiment 2 (316 participants) found within-subjects estimates of episodic and semantic threshold retrieval to be uncorrelated. Our findings add weight to the proposal that semantic and episodic memory are served by similar dual-process retrieval systems, though the relationship between the two threshold processes needs to be more fully elucidated.  相似文献   

The existence of handedness differences in the retrieval of episodic memories is well-documented, but virtually all have been obtained under conditions of intentional learning. Two experiments are reported that extend the presence of such handedness differences to memory retrieval under conditions of incidental learning. Experiment 1 used Craik and Tulving’s (1975) classic levels-of-processing paradigm and obtained handedness differences under incidental and intentional conditions of deep processing, but not under conditions of shallow incidental processing. Experiment 2 looked at incidental memory for distracter items from a recognition memory task and again found a mixed-handed advantage. Results are discussed in terms of the relation between interhemispheric interaction, levels of processing, and episodic memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Cowan R  Carney DP 《Cognition》2006,100(2):B1-B9
The exceptionality of the skills of calendrical savants and the role of practice were investigated. Experiment 1 compared four autistic calendrical savants to Professor Conway, a distinguished mathematician with calendrical skills. Professor Conway answered questions over a greater range of years but some savants knew more calendrical regularities. Experiment 2 studied the development of a calendrical savant's ability to answer date questions for very remote future years. He started by making written calculations and progressed to mental calculation. His variation in response time for remote dates was similar to that for near dates. The findings are consistent with the view that calendrical savants develop their skills through practice.  相似文献   

Three experiments were aimed at adapting retrieval practice techniques that are effective with college students to work with elementary school children. Children participated in their classrooms and completed activities with educational texts selected from the school curriculum. In Experiment 1, when children were asked to freely recall the texts, they recalled very little of the material (about 10%) and showed almost no improvement after rereading. In another condition that involved creating concept maps, the children produced only about 20% of the ideas on their maps, even though they viewed the texts during the entire activity. Experiments 2 and 3 explored ways to provide support during retrieval activities. In Experiment 2, children were very successful at retrieving knowledge on concept maps that were partially completed. In Experiment 3, a question map activity, where questions were displayed in a relational map format, was effective for guiding retrieval practice and improving learning relative to repeated studying. The results demonstrate the importance of examining strategies that work with college students with young children in educational settings using authentic materials. The results also highlight the need for guided retrieval practice in young children.  相似文献   

Answering multiple-choice questions improves access to otherwise difficult-to-retrieve knowledge tested by those questions. Here, I examine whether multiple-choice questions can also improve accessibility to related knowledge that is not explicitly tested. In two experiments, participants first answered challenging general knowledge (trivia) multiple-choice questions containing competitive incorrect alternatives and then took a final cued-recall test with those previously tested questions and new related questions for which a previously incorrect answer was the correct answer. In Experiment 1, participants correctly answered related questions more often and faster when they had taken a multiple-choice test than when they had not. In Experiment 2, I showed that the more accurate and faster responses were not simply a result of previous exposure to those alternatives. These findings have practical implications for potential benefits of multiple-choice testing and implications for the processes that occur when individuals answer multiple-choice questions.  相似文献   

Although prior research has examined predictions of memory performance under conditions of interference at encoding, predictions of memory performance have not been examined for interference introduced via cues at retrieval. This was investigated in the present study by exposing participants to a random subset of to-be-recalled items just prior to retrieval (part-set cuing) and then eliciting an overall prediction of memory performance. Across three experiments, participants in part-set cuing conditions recalled proportionally fewer items than did participants who were not exposed to any cues. However, participants were unable to predict the detrimental effect of part-set cues on memory performance in either a semantic (Experiment 1) or an episodic (Experiment 2) memory task. Predictions were better calibrated after practice with part-set cuing, and there was evidence that prior experience with part-set cuing transferred to predictions made for a different part-set cuing task (Experiment 3). This suggests that only under some conditions are participants sensitive to the diminished accessibility of memories wrought by part-set cues and illustrates situations in which participants are or are not aware of variables at retrieval that influence memory performance.  相似文献   

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