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情绪测量方法的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谢晶  方平  姜媛 《心理科学》2011,34(2):488-493
当代情绪理论认为情绪反应包括生理唤醒、行为反应、面部行为或姿势、以及主观体验等成分。随着时代进步和科技发展,对其的测量也日趋细化,主要包括自我报告法、自主神经系统测量、惊跳反应测量、脑测量及行为测量等方法。大量情绪研究的证据表明,情绪反应的测量多是通过情绪维度(如效价、唤醒度)和基本情绪状态(如,悲伤、恐惧、愤怒)两种方式组织起来的,不同的情绪测量方法对不同的组织方式敏感。未来的情绪测量的标准是多元的,其测量方法的确立是以特定的情绪问题为基础的。  相似文献   

行为学习双系统模型认为行为习得涉及两个系统:目标导向学习系统与习惯学习系统,前者是对行为反应与结果之间的联结进行动态加工的学习系统,与尾状核、腹内侧前额叶皮质、眶额叶皮质相关;后者是对刺激-反应关系自动化加工的学习系统,与壳核、辅助运动区相关。这两种行为学习系统的研究范式主要有结果贬值范式和偶然性降低范式。大量研究发现强迫症、自闭症、成瘾等心理、精神疾病均表现出目标导向学习系统与习惯学习系统缺损,且这种缺损在患病不同阶段呈现动态变化过程。  相似文献   

内隐态度实验研究:加工水平与黄,白,黑情感态度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘素珍  赵华 《心理科学》1997,20(5):418-422
研究使用肯定词和否定词分别与黄、白、黑三字搭配的实验卡片。随机抽取医学院本科生34名,采用2种加工水平×3种测量目标的混合设计来考察态度情感特征的无意识性。结果发现:1)加工水平对被试的自我报告和线索提取有不同的影响,即自我报告受加工水平影响,线索提取不受加工水平影响,发生实验性分离;2)加工水平对被试态度的实验性分离也有不同影响,即概念加工下出现高度分离,数据加工下则低度分离,3)经过改造的语义线索法是测量内除态度的有效方法。  相似文献   

自我控制是人们克服冲动、习惯或自动化的反应,有意识地掌控自己行为方向的能力。自我控制的力量模型认为自我控制的执行会消耗有限的心理能量。力量模型的证据主要来自冲动行为、人际交互以及决策和判断等领域的研究,影响自我控制力量的因素包括人格和个体差异、情绪和动机以及自我控制训练等。自我损耗与疲劳感的区别、动机和信念在自我损耗中的作用以及力量模型的应用价值等是未来研究值得关注的问题。  相似文献   

王林  时勘  赵杨 《心理科学》2014,37(4):875-879
执行意向是指个体以行动目标为导向,通过连接情景线索和目标导向反应,建立行为意向和实际行为之间联系的中介变量。通过梳理执行意向的概念、心理联系及应用研究,发现执行意向主要与行为意向、自我协调、合作性、计划提醒、自觉性、人格等变量产生心理联系;形成执行意向的人具有克服困难,达到既定目标的积极心理状态。然而,执行意向并不总是发挥其积极效应,其与具体情景、个体差异性等有关。最后,文章从四个方面对今后研究的热点与方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

自我控制是人们克服冲动、习惯或自动化反应,有意识地掌控自己行为的能力。在人类的进化过程中,自我控制能力的出现使得人们走出了荒蛮时代,使人类在物种进化的大军中脱颖而出。对于自我控制的研究目前最有代表性的理论分别是自我控制资源模型和自我控制的双系统模型。这两种模型从不同的角度对自我控制进行了阐述和研究,两者的角度虽然不同,但通过对两种理论的解读可以发现两者之间存在着密不可分的联系,这可以帮助我们更为深入了理解自我控制的内涵机制。  相似文献   

合作与利己是利益冲突情境中个体的基本行为模式。在理性假设所主导的框架下,利己行为被看作是人类的本能反应。然而,近期的观点指出,人类的合作本质上是一种自动化的行为反应。无意识、认知能力、自我损耗以及神经科学等领域的理论和研究支持像合作这样复杂的社会行为可以自动地激活。未来研究除了需要继续揭示行为自动化的结果是利己还是利他之外,还需要确定社会合作自动化产生的机制与条件。  相似文献   

心理控制源与自我监控在预测中的交互作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李峰  张德  张宇莲 《心理学报》1992,25(3):39-44
Rotter的社会学习理论认为“行为是特定情境下期望和强化价值的函数”,本研究假设自我监控作为强化价值的一种测量,在预测对情境压力的反应中,与控制源存在交互作用。结果显示,在问卷描述的四种情境中,控制源x自我监控的交互作用存在(在一种情境中达到统计上的显著水平),具体表现为,控制源对低自我监控者对情境压力的反应的预测,比对高自我监控者的预测更为有效。  相似文献   

程一智  吴寅  李红 《心理科学进展》2019,27(6):1044-1057
心理学、神经科学和行为经济学中许多研究一致认为, 人的行为由双重学习系统控制, 分别是反射性系统和反思性系统。前者是自动化的习惯系统, 反应快速, 不需要消耗认知资源, 后者是反应较为缓慢的认知系统, 需要消耗更多认知资源, 但也更加灵活, 可以有效应对外界环境的变化。这两种学习系统并行存在而又相互竞争, 共同影响人的心理和行为。究竟是哪种学习系统对人的特定行为起着主导作用, 又有哪些因素导致该系统对行为的支配, 是近年来普遍受到关注的问题。过去研究者们采用导航学习、概率分类学习或工具性学习及其计算模型, 从行为和大脑层面探讨双重学习系统在急性和慢性应激下的变化。通过回顾和分析这些研究, 我们总结出应激导致个体向习惯行为转变的生理机制, 即去甲肾上腺素和糖皮质激素在杏仁核的参与下与受体结合协同作用于双系统相关的脑区, 并从该角度出发重新梳理和解释毒品成瘾的形成。未来需要重点关注个体基因差异与应激影响学习的关系, 并采用多种研究手段以更好地揭示其背后的神经和内分泌机制。  相似文献   

引导社会成员重塑日常良好行为习惯是增强公共政策有效性的重要路径和切入点, 洞悉并把握行为习惯的形成机制对具体培养策略的制定和实施大有裨益。行为习惯是指通过高频重复的奖励习得, 在记忆中形成的情境与反应之间的内隐联结。作为一种特殊的内隐记忆系统, 行为习惯具有自动化、情境线索依赖性、对当前奖励低敏感性等特征。行为习惯的形成机制包含两个独立且共发的习得机制, 即联结习得机制和奖励习得机制。在日常良好行为习惯的形成初期, 目标引导着个体对行为价值的习得。在培养社会成员日常良好行为习惯的过程中, 应将情境线索的稳定性、高频行为的低认知重复以及奖励的合理设置, 作为公共政策助推社会成员养成日常良好行为习惯的三大核心策略。未来的研究方向应着力于加强习惯研究的学科视阈融合, 更新行为习惯领域的研究范式, 重置公共设施以提升有益行为的易达性, 以及引入商业模式以共促社会成员日常良好行为习惯的重塑。  相似文献   

ObjectivesHabit has been an undervalued concept in the behavioral sciences during the past few decades. One reason may be that habit has been equated with behavioral frequency. This leaves out an important characteristic of habits, i.e., the fact that repeated behavior may acquire a degree of automaticity. The present study aimed to demonstrate that exercising habit can be reliably measured, can empirically be distinguished from past frequency of exercising, and can thus be adopted as a meaningful criterion.Design and methodsA longitudinal study was conducted with two measurements one month apart among 111 students. Intentions to exercise, perceived behavioral control of exercising, past exercising frequency, and exercising habit were assessed at both measurements through an internet-based questionnaire. Exercising habit was assessed by the Self-Report Habit Index [Verplanken & Orbell (2003). Reflections on past behaviour: A self-report index of habit strength. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 1313–1330]), which breaks down the habit concept in the subjective experience of repetition and automaticity.ResultsThe results showed that exercising habit can be reliably measured, is stable over time, and can be distinguished from mere exercising frequency.ConclusionsIn addition to frequency of behavior, measuring habit provides information about the way behavior is executed. An important element of exercising behavior is the decision to go exercise. It is argued that the habit concept is therefore particularly relevant for the initiation of and adherence to exercising. Implications of distinguishing behavioral frequency and habit for interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

We argue that habit is a psychological construct, rather than simply past behavioral frequency. In 4 studies, a 12‐item index of habit strength (the Self‐Report Habit Index, SRHI) was developed on the basis of features of habit; that is, a history of repetition, automaticity (lack of control and awareness, efficiency), and expressing identity. High internal and test‐retest reliabilities were found. The SRHI correlated strongly with past behavioral frequency and the response frequency measure of habit (Verplanken, Aarts, van Knippenberg, & van Knippenberg, 1994). The index discriminated between behaviors varying in frequency, and also between daily vs. weekly habits. The SRHI may be useful as a dependent variable, or to determine or monitor habit strength without measuring behavioral frequency.  相似文献   

A new look at habits and the habit-goal interface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wood W  Neal DT 《Psychological review》2007,114(4):843-863
The present model outlines the mechanisms underlying habitual control of responding and the ways in which habits interface with goals. Habits emerge from the gradual learning of associations between responses and the features of performance contexts that have historically covaried with them (e.g., physical settings, preceding actions). Once a habit is formed, perception of contexts triggers the associated response without a mediating goal. Nonetheless, habits interface with goals. Constraining this interface, habit associations accrue slowly and do not shift appreciably with current goal states or infrequent counterhabitual responses. Given these constraints, goals can (a) direct habits by motivating repetition that leads to habit formation and by promoting exposure to cues that trigger habits, (b) be inferred from habits, and (c) interact with habits in ways that preserve the learned habit associations. Finally, the authors outline the implications of the model for habit change, especially for the self-regulation of habit cuing.  相似文献   

Habits as knowledge structures: automaticity in goal-directed behavior   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This study tested the idea of habits as a form of goal-directed automatic behavior. Expanding on the idea that habits are mentally represented as associations between goals and actions, it was proposed that goals are capable of activating the habitual action. More specific, when habits are established (e.g., frequent cycling to the university), the very activation of the goal to act (e.g., having to attend lectures at the university) automatically evokes the habitual response (e.g., bicycle). Indeed, it was tested and confirmed that, when behavior is habitual, behavioral responses are activated automatically. In addition, the results of 3 experiments indicated that (a) the automaticity in habits is conditional on the presence of an active goal (cf. goal-dependent automaticity; J. A. Bargh, 1989), supporting the idea that habits are mentally represented as goal-action links, and (b) the formation of implementation intentions (i.e., the creation of a strong mental link between a goal and action) may simulate goal-directed automaticity in habits.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study, conducted in Bochum, Germany, involving 160 participants. Two research interests were combined in our study. The first aim was to integrate habit into the process of normative decision making to predict environmentally relevant behavior. Two approaches of implementing habits are analyzed and discussed. Both conceptualizing habitual and normative influences on behavior as excluding paths and integrating habit into the process of normative decision making are illustrated by data. With our approach, we intended to initialize a discussion about the consideration of habits in the context of normative decisions. The second aim was to develop and test different modifications of Verplanken's (Verplanken, Aarts, van Knippenberg, & van Knippenberg, 1994) response frequency measure (RFM) to improve the operational ization of habit. The modified forms of RFM were not more appropriate than the unmodified form. Therefore, we suggest using the unmodified RFM until there is an improved form available.  相似文献   

Negative body image thinking can be broken down into cognitive content (body dissatisfaction thoughts) and the way such thoughts occur. The present study focused on negative body image thinking as mental habit, i.e., the degree to which such thinking occurs frequently and automatically [Verplanken, Friborg, Wang, Trafimow, & Woolf, 2007]. In a sample of 250 adolescents (age 12-15) it was found that negative body image thinking habit uniquely accounted for variance in self-esteem and eating disturbance propensity over and above body image dissatisfaction. Considering negative body image thinking as a mental habit contributes to a deeper understanding of body dissatisfaction in adolescents, and may have implications for interventions to deal with such attitudes and their potentially harmful consequences.  相似文献   

Extending existing theory in social and environmental psychology, we develop a model to study important predictors of water consumption behavior. Overall results provide support for the predictive ability of stimuli (e.g., environmental awareness), reasoned processes (e.g., personal involvement), unreasoned processes (e.g., habits), and situational factors (e.g., income) on water consumption behavior. Findings indicate that households with lower water usage display greater awareness of water conservation issues, are more highly involved in the decision to use water, and tend to form habits associated with lower usage levels. Furthermore, the results are consistent with past research that attitudes toward water usage appear to be poor predictors of water consumption behavior. After controlling for situational factors (e.g., household size), the findings substantiate the role of personal involvement and habit formation in explaining water consumption, lending further support to the adaptation and development of repeated behavior models in environmental psychology.  相似文献   

What are the psychological mechanisms that trigger habits in daily life? Two studies reveal that strong habits are influenced by context cues associated with past performance (e.g., locations) but are relatively unaffected by current goals. Specifically, performance contexts—but not goals—automatically triggered strongly habitual behaviors in memory (Experiment 1) and triggered overt habit performance (Experiment 2). Nonetheless, habits sometimes appear to be linked to goals because people self-perceive their habits to be guided by goals. Furthermore, habits of moderate strength are automatically influenced by goals, yielding a curvilinear, U-shaped relation between habit strength and actual goal influence. Thus, research that taps self-perceptions or moderately strong habits may find habits to be linked to goals.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(3):474-487
The aim of the present study was to test predictions derived from the habit-goal framework of depressive rumination and investigate its relevance to cognitive reactivity—another well-known vulnerability factor to depression. Formerly depressed (FD; n = 20) and never depressed (ND; n = 22) participants completed self-report measures of rumination, cognitive reactivity, and habitual characteristics of rumination (e.g., lack of awareness, control, intent). A standard mood-induction task was also used to measure cognitive reactivity and an outcome-devaluation task to measure general habit vs. goal-directed behavior control. Habitual characteristics of ruminative thoughts were greater in the FD group and were related to depressive brooding and cognitive reactivity, but not reflective pondering. Reliance on habit on the outcome-devaluation task was strongly correlated with number of depression episodes, although group differences were not observed in general habit vs. goal-directed control. Habitual characteristics of rumination (e.g., greater automaticity) may explain reactivity and persistence of negative thoughts in depression. Habitual behavior control may contribute to inflexible responding and vulnerability for depression episodes.  相似文献   

The nature of the attitude-behavior relation was investigated by use of structural equation models in a cross-lagged panel design. The theory of reasoned action and an augmented version of the theory, which included the frequency and recency of past behavior as covariates, were tested. Respondents were 254 undergraduates who provided behavioral and psychological reactions over two points in time to two kinds of goal-directed behaviors: event-planned goals (i.e., trying to lose weight) and event-triggered goals (i.e., initiating a conversation with an attractive stranger). The findings show that the theory of reasoned action as classically formulated explains trying to lose weight well but initiating a conversation poorly. Further, the introduction of frequency and recency effects brings into question predictions under the theory of reasoned action. Theoretical implications of the results are discussed. A weighted least squares method is applied to the asymptotic covariance matrix based on appropriate polychoric and tetrachoric correlations. Variates are assumed measured on only ordinal scales.  相似文献   

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