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采用视觉追踪技术,探讨自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)儿童面孔加工的同龄偏向效应。实验1选取19名ASD儿童和23名生理年龄匹配的普通儿童(typically developing, TD)为被试,通过自由观看同龄和异龄中性面孔,探讨ASD儿童是否存在面孔加工的同龄偏向效应;实验2选取22名ASD儿童和生理年龄匹配的25名TD儿童,通过自由观看快乐、愤怒和恐惧面孔,探讨情绪对ASD儿童面孔加工同龄偏向的影响。结果发现,(1)ASD儿童对同龄中性面孔的注视时间显著大于异龄中性面孔;(2)ASD儿童在愤怒和恐惧情绪下对同龄面孔的注视时间显著大于异龄面孔,而在快乐情绪下同龄和异龄的注视时间则无显著差异。这表明ASD儿童对面孔的注视加工存在同龄偏向效应,且受情绪的影响。  相似文献   

采用眼动追踪技术,通过变化社交人数操纵场景的社会性内容,比较自闭症谱系障碍儿童(ASD)和普通儿童(TD)对真实社交场景注意模式的差异。结果发现:(1)ASD儿童对社交场景的总注视时间和平均注视时间少于TD儿童;(2)随着社交场景中人数的增加,ASD儿童和TD儿童一样,对面孔、身体和嘴部的注视时间比和注视次数比逐渐降低;(3)相对于TD儿童,ASD儿童对社交场景中面孔、身体、眼部、嘴部等社会信息区域的注视加工更少,但对前景和背景等非社会信息区域的注视加工更多。整个研究表明,社交人数变化对ASD儿童和TD儿童社交场景注意模式的影响一致,但ASD儿童对社交场景的具体社会性信息的视觉加工上仍表现出特异性。  相似文献   

为了探讨场景年龄特征对ASD儿童场景注视模式的影响,选取14名自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童和19名与其智力年龄匹配的正常发育(TD)儿童为被试,在被试对儿童场景和成人场景图片进行自由观看的同时记录其眼动。结果发现,ASD儿童对全图、面部、眼部和嘴部的访问均显著少于TD儿童,对背景区域的访问显著大于TD儿童;ASD和TD儿童对面部和身体的访问时间比都显著大于前景与背景兴趣区;ASD儿童对儿童场景中面部、眼部和嘴部兴趣区的访问时间比大于成人场景,而TD儿童则相反;两组儿童都表现出对儿童场景中背景的偏好。结果表明,在场景注视中,ASD与TD儿童具有相似的社会性注意倾向,对社会性信息给予更多注视,但ASD儿童表现更弱;场景的年龄特征会影响ASD儿童与TD儿童的场景注视模式,相对于成人场景,ASD儿童更偏向于注视儿童场景中的面孔和背景。  相似文献   

林云强 《心理科学》2014,37(2):349-356
以30名自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童为被试,通过环境图片视觉搜索方式,借助Tobii X120眼动仪记录被试的注视时间和注视次数探讨ASD儿童威胁知觉的特点。结果发现:(1)相比于非威胁目标,ASD儿童对威胁目标对象存在知觉优势,其威胁知觉受刺激类型及矩阵大小的影响。(2)ASD儿童对于全威胁刺激(蛇)的负性图片存在注意固着现象,表现在对全威胁刺激环境图片的注视时间显著增加。(3)眼动技术能够有效地应用于部分ASD儿童的威胁知觉研究。  相似文献   

为了考察背景性质对ASD者搜索面孔的影响,设计两个眼动实验任务,要求14名7~10岁ASD儿童和20名同年龄正常儿童观看图片。实验一采用将面孔嵌入风景图片中引起语义不一致的刺激;实验二采用含有面孔的无意义背景乱序图片刺激。结果发现:(1)面孔与背景语义不一致并不能促进ASD儿童对面孔的搜索;(2)乱序背景对ASD儿童面孔搜索与加工没有产生干扰作用,但使正常儿童的搜索时间变长;(3)一旦觉察到面孔后,ASD儿童对面孔的注视时间少于正常儿童。表明正常儿童对面孔的搜索与加工受背景性质的影响,而ASD儿童不受背景性质的影响;一旦发现面孔,ASD儿童的注意维持较短,但面孔加工模式与正常儿童相似。  相似文献   

为探究自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童在不同眼睛注视方向下对面孔情绪的识别能力及视线加工特征,研究选取ASD儿童和普通儿童各17名为被试。结果发现,ASD儿童识别面孔情绪的正确率显著低于普通儿童,而对高兴情绪识别的正确率最高;ASD儿童识别面孔情绪的反应时不受眼睛注视方向影响,而普通儿童表现出对正视面孔情绪更快的识别速度。研究认为,ASD儿童的情绪识别能力偏低,受情绪类型影响显著,且在面孔情绪识别过程中,可能存在一定的视线加工障碍或缺少对眼部线索的关注。  相似文献   

张微  周兵平  臧玲  莫书亮 《心理学报》2015,47(10):1223-1234
采用工作记忆任务和视觉搜索任务相结合的双任务范式, 探讨网络成瘾倾向者在视觉工作记忆引导下的注意捕获。实验1考察了单一分心刺激视场中分心刺激的性质对网络成瘾倾向者选择性注意的影响, 实验2通过控制匹配试验出现的概率来诱发不同的抑制动机, 探讨多分心刺激视场中两种抑制动机下网络成瘾倾向者的注意表现。结果发现:(1)无论在单一分心刺激还是多分心刺激视场中, 网络成瘾倾向被试的目标搜索反应时均显著短于正常组被试, 且两组的搜索正确率没有差异。(2)在单一分心刺激视场中, 无论是与工作记忆项目匹配还是不匹配的分心刺激都会捕获正常组被试的注意, 但不会捕获网络成瘾倾向被试的注意。(3)在多分心刺激视场中, 当抑制动机水平较低时, 两组被试均对匹配分心物产生注意捕获效应, 且网络成瘾倾向被试受工作记忆引导的注意捕获效应小于正常组被试; 当抑制动机较高时, 两组被试均对匹配分心物产生注意抑制效应, 且没有差异。研究结果表明, 面对非网络相关视觉刺激时, 网络成瘾倾向者受工作记忆引导的注意捕获效应小于正常组, 并表现出了知觉加工上的优势。  相似文献   

吴捷  苏娟 《心理科学》2019,(2):329-334
本研究通过增加组成图片的图形数量和改变目标图形的特征,考察老年人和大学生在比较视觉搜索任务中的眼动特点和图形特征加工的优先性。结果表明与青年人相比,老年人在比较视觉搜索过程中总注视时间和注视次数增加,平均眼跳幅度减少,对目标刺激的注视时间增加。老年人和青年人在目标刺激的注视过程中都表现出图形维度数量的优先性,即表现为颜色和形状都不同的目标刺激注视时间最短,颜色不同和形状不同的目标刺激在注视时间上差异不显著。说明老年人在比较视觉搜索过程中存在认知老化,在图形特征加工的优先性上结果和青年人一致,以上结果与年龄和研究任务有关。  相似文献   

视网膜上物象对应的外在注视点之间的距离, 即双眼注视点间距(distance of binoculars point of regard, DBPR)在自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)个体上存在异常的表现, 而ASD个体伴随较高的斜视发病率, 可能会对其双眼注视点间距产生影响。研究采用正弦曲线平滑追踪任务范式, 探索视觉正常的ASD儿童在动态刺激加工过程中DBPR的鉴别意义。结果发现, ASD儿童DBPR过大且具有跨任务类型的稳定性, 且与斜视无关。DBPR在大振幅、快速度的条件下具有优良的鉴别力, 并与自闭症行为量表总分以及感知觉维度显著正相关。结果表明, 双眼注视点间距具有良好的鉴别价值。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录法,控制词汇视觉复杂性和词频变量,考察词汇视觉特征和语言学特征对汉语搜索阅读的影响。让被试完成简单和复杂搜索任务,结果发现在首次注视时间、凝视时间和跳读率上,复杂性变量主效应显著;词频变量主效应不显著。结果表明:不同任务难度条件下,词汇视觉复杂性影响汉语搜索阅读,词频不影响汉语搜索阅读。汉语搜索阅读对文本的加工可能没有达到词汇语言学水平,而是通过视觉匹配完成搜索阅读。  相似文献   

认知控制是一项高级的认知能力,是个体执行功能的一部分。包括认知控制在内的执行功能缺陷被认为是自闭谱系障碍的主要原因之一。本研究基于双重认知控制模型,通过非社会性和社会性两个领域的任务比较了自闭谱系障碍儿童(ASD)与正常发展儿童(TD)的认知控制能力的差异。结果发现:(1)ASD儿童在非社会性领域的认知控制上不存在缺陷,ASD儿童在社会性领域的认知控制上仅表现出了主动性认知控制缺陷,不存在反应性认知控制缺陷;(2)ASD儿童的主动性控制并不像TD儿童一样出现两个领域的加工分化,他们没有像TD儿童一样,表现出社会性领域的主动性控制的优势;(3)社会性领域的主动性控制和反应性控制可以显著从负正两个方向上预测自闭症状的严重程度。本研究认为,可以把ASD看成是一种主动性的社会认知控制缺陷。社会性领域的认知控制指标可为ASD的诊断与训练提供重要参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated the possibility that enhanced memory for rejected distractor locations underlies the superior visual search skills exhibited by individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We compared the performance of 21 children with ASD and 21 age‐ and IQ‐matched typically developing (TD) children in a standard static search task and a dynamic search task, in which targets and distractors randomly changed locations every 500 ms, precluding the use of memory in search. Children with ASD exhibited overall faster reaction time (RT) relative to TD children, and showed no disruption in search efficiency in the dynamic condition, discounting the possibility that memory for rejected distractors augments their visual search abilities. Analyses of RT x set size functions showed no group differences in slopes but lower intercepts for the ASD group in both static and dynamic search, suggesting that the ASD advantage derived from non‐search processes, such as an enhanced ability to discriminate between targets and distractors at the locus of attention. Eye‐movement analyses revealed that the ASD and TD groups were similar in the number and spatial distribution of fixations across the search array, but that fixation duration was significantly shorter among children with ASD. Lower intercepts in static search were related to increased symptom severity in children with ASD. In summary, ASD search superiority did not derive from differences in the manner in which individuals with ASD deployed their attention while searching, but from anomalously enhanced perception of stimulus features, which was in turn positively associated with autism symptom severity.  相似文献   

We examined eye-movement latencies to a target that appeared during visual fixation of a stationary stimulus, a moving stimulus, or an extrafoveal stimulus. The stimulus at fixation was turned off either before target onset (gap condition) or after target onset (overlap condition). Consistent with previous research, saccadic latencies were shorter in gap conditions than they were in overlap conditions (the gap effect). In Experiment 1, a gap effect was observed for vergence eye movements. In Experiment 2, a gap effect was observed for saccades directed at a target that appeared during visual pursuit of a moving stimulus. In Experiment 3, a gap effect was observed for saccades directed at a target that appeared during extrafoveal fixation. The present results extend reports of the gap effect for saccadic shifts during visual fixation to (a) vergence shifts during visual fixation, (b) saccadic shifts during smooth visual pursuit, and (c) saccadic shifts during extrafoveal fixation. The present findings are discussed with respect to the incompatible goals of fixation-locking and fixation-shifting oculomotor responses.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is often associated with a detail-oriented perception and overselective attention in visual tasks, such as visual search and crowding. These results were obtained manipulating exclusively the spatial properties of the stimuli: few is known about the spatio-temporal dynamics of visual processing in ASD. In this study we employed an attentional masking (AM) paradigm comparing children with ASD and IQ-matched typically developing (TD) controls. The AM effect refers to an impaired identification of a target followed by a competitive masking object at different proximities in space and time. We found that ASD and TD groups did not differ in the AM effect provoked by the competitive object displayed in the same position of the target. In contrast, children with ASD showed a deeper and prolonged interference than the TD group when the masking object was displayed in the lateral position. These psychophysical results suggest that the inefficient attentional selection in ASD depends on the spatio-temporal interaction between competitive visual objects. These evidence are discussed in the light of the ASD altered neural connectivity hypothesis and the reentrant theory of perception.  相似文献   

Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) often present atypical auditory perception. Previous work has reported both enhanced low-level pitch discrimination and superior abilities to detect local pitch structure on higher-level melodic tasks in ASD. However, it is unclear how low and high levels of auditory perception are related in ASD or typical development (TD), or how this relationship might change across development and stimulus presentation rates. To these aims, in the present study, children with ASD and TD were tested on a low-level pitch direction discrimination task and a high-level melodic global-local task. Groups performed similarly on both of these auditory tasks. Moreover, individual differences in low-level pitch direction ability predicted performance on the higher-level global-local task, with a stronger relationship in ASD. Age did not affect the relationship between low-level and high-level pitch performance in either ASD or TD. However, there was a more positive effect of age on the high-level global-local task performance in TD than ASD. Finally, there was no effect of stimulus rate on the relationship between low-level and high-level pitch performance in either group. These findings provide a better understanding of how perception is associated across levels of processing in ASD versus TD. This work helps to better understand individual differences in auditory perception and to refine ASD phenotypes.  相似文献   

Current eye movement data analysis methods rely on defining areas of interest (AOIs). Due to the fact that AOIs are created and modified manually, variances in their size, shape, and location are unavoidable. These variances affect not only the consistency of the AOI definitions, but also the validity of the eye movement analyses based on the AOIs. To reduce the variances in AOI creation and modification and achieve a procedure to process eye movement data with high precision and efficiency, we propose a template-based eye movement data analysis method. Using a linear transformation algorithm, this method registers the eye movement data from each individual stimulus to a template. Thus, users only need to create one set of AOIs for the template in order to analyze eye movement data, rather than creating a unique set of AOIs for all individual stimuli. This change greatly reduces the error caused by the variance from manually created AOIs and boosts the efficiency of the data analysis. Furthermore, this method can help researchers prepare eye movement data for some advanced analysis approaches, such as iMap. We have developed software (iTemplate) with a graphic user interface to make this analysis method available to researchers.  相似文献   


Evidence suggests that socially relevant information, such as self-referential information, leads to perceptual prioritization that is considered to be similar to prioritization based on physical stimulus salience. The current study used an oculomotor visual search paradigm to investigate whether self-prioritization affects visual selection early in time, akin to physical salience, or later in time, where it would relate to processing of top-down strategies. We report three experiments. Prior to each experiment, observers first performed a manual line-label matching task where they were asked to form associations between two orientation lines (right-tilted and left-tilted) and two labels (“you” and “stranger”). Participants then had to make a speeded eye-movement to one of the two lines without any task instructions (Experiment 1), to a dot probe target located on one of the two lines (Experiment 2), or to the line that was validly cued by its associated label (Experiment 3). We replicate previous findings with the manual stimulus-matching task. However, we did not find any evidence for increased salience of the self-relevant “you” stimulus during visual search, nor did we observe any self-prioritization due to later goal-driven or strategic processing. We argue that self-prioritization does not affect overt visual selection. The results suggest that the effects found in the manual matching task are unlikely to reflect self-prioritization during perceptual processing but might rather act on higher-level processing related to recognition or decision-making.  相似文献   

Empirical data regarding the extent of face recognition abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is inconsistent. Here, 27 ASD and 47 typically developing (TD) children completed an immediate two-alternative forced-choice identity matching task. We contrasted recognition of own- and other-race faces, and, counter to prediction, we found a typical advantage for recognizing own- over other-race faces in both the ASD and TD groups. In addition, ASD and TD groups responded similarly to stimulus manipulations (use of identical or different photographs for identity matching and cropping stimuli to remove hair information). However, age-standardized scores varied widely within the ASD sample, and a subgroup of ASD participants with impaired face recognition did not exhibit a significant own-race recognition advantage. An explanation regarding early experience with faces is considered, and implications for research of individual variation within ASD are discussed.  相似文献   

Empirical data regarding the extent of face recognition abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is inconsistent. Here, 27 ASD and 47 typically developing (TD) children completed an immediate two-alternative forced-choice identity matching task. We contrasted recognition of own- and other-race faces, and, counter to prediction, we found a typical advantage for recognizing own- over other-race faces in both the ASD and TD groups. In addition, ASD and TD groups responded similarly to stimulus manipulations (use of identical or different photographs for identity matching and cropping stimuli to remove hair information). However, age-standardized scores varied widely within the ASD sample, and a subgroup of ASD participants with impaired face recognition did not exhibit a significant own-race recognition advantage. An explanation regarding early experience with faces is considered, and implications for research of individual variation within ASD are discussed.  相似文献   

The allocation of overt visual attention is investigated in a multi-task and dynamical situation: driving. The Expectancy–Value model of attention allocation stipulates that visual exploration depends on the expectancy and the value of the task-related information available in each Area Of Interest (AOI). We consider the approach to an intersection as a multi-task situation where two subtasks are involved: vehicle control and interactions with other drivers. Each of these subtasks is associated with some specific visual information present in the associated AOIs: the driver’s lane and the intersecting road at the intersection. An experiment was conducted in a driving simulator, coupled with a head-mounted eye-tracker. The intersecting road’s AOI’s Expectancy was manipulated with the traffic density, and its Value was manipulated with the priority rule before the intersection (stop, yield, and priority). The distribution of visual attention and the dynamics of visual exploration were analyzed on 20 participants, taking into account the dwell time in the AOIs associated to the driving subtasks, and the gaze transitions between the AOIs. The results suggest that visual attention to intersecting roads varied with the priority rule, and impacted the visual attention associated with the vehicle control subtask. In addition, a quantitative model was used to improve the understanding of the Expectancy and Value factors. The comparison of the data with the model’s predictions enables quantifying the observed differences between the experimental factors. Finally, the results associated with the traffic density are discussed in relation to the nature of the relevant information while approaching the intersection.  相似文献   

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