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王阳  温忠麟  付媛姝 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1961-1969
常用的结构方程模型拟合指数存在一定局限, 如χ 2以传统零假设为目标假设, 无法验证模型, 而RMSEA和CFI等描述性的拟合指数不具备推断统计性质, 等效性检验有效弥补了这些问题。首先说明等效性检验如何评价单个模型的拟合, 并解释其与零假设检验的不同, 然后介绍等效性检验如何分析测量不变性, 接着用实证数据展示了等效性检验在单个模型评价和测量不变性检验中的效果, 并与传统模型评价方法比较。  相似文献   

目的:修订中文版正念教学量表并检验其在中国教师群体中的信效度。方法:使用样本1(n1=302)进行项目分析探索性因素分析; 样本2(n2=185)进行验证性因素分析; 使用样本1和2检验量表的跨组测量不变性,并考察效标效度; 样本3(n3=30)进行重测信度检验。结果:中文版正念教学量表为二因子结构,包括个体内正念和人际间正念两个分量表,具有良好的结构效度、效标效度及信度。且该量表在小学、初中及高中教师中达到部分测量强等值。结论:该量表适宜在我国中小学教师群体中使用。  相似文献   

近年来,网络欺负现象逐渐成为网络心理学研究的热点问题。青少年网络欺负的发生率约为60.8%,且每年都在呈增长的趋势,这对青少年正常的学习生活造成了严重的影响。故本研究主要探讨儿童期心理虐待对青少年网络欺负的影响,以及领悟社会支持和性别起到的调节作用。本研究以447名青少年作为被试(男生205人,女生242人,被试年龄范围为11~17岁,平均年龄为14.17±1.35岁),采用儿童期心理虐待量表、网络欺负问卷及领悟社会支持量表进行调查。运用SPSS 22.0及AMOS 21.0统计软件进行数据处理,Harman单因素法表明,本研究不存在严重的共同方法偏差问题。研究结果表明:(1)儿童期心理虐待与领悟社会支持呈显著负相关(r=-.14,p<.01),儿童期心理虐待与青少年网络欺负呈显著正相关(r=.44,p<.01),领悟社会支持与青少年网络欺负呈显著负相关(r=-.15,p<.01);(2)结构方程模型显示,模型各指标均达到了临界值(χ^2/df=2.67,GFI=.90,TLI=.91,CFI=.92,RMSEA=.07);(3)儿童期心理虐待对青少年网络欺负具有显著的正向预测作用(β=.21,p<.01),领悟社会支持对青少年网络欺负具有显著的负向预测作用(β=-.11,p<.05),同时,儿童期心理虐待与领悟社会支持的交互项对青少年网络欺负具有显著的负向预测作用显著(β=-.19,p<.01),简单斜率检验表明,对于低领悟社会支持水平的青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负有显著的正向预测作用(β=.54,p<.001);对于高低领悟社会支持水平的青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负的预测作用不显著(β=-.17,p>.05);(4)儿童期心理虐待与性别的交互项对青少年网络欺负具有显著的正向预测作用(β=.28,p<.001),简单斜率检验表明,对于男青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负有显著的正向预测作用(β=.54,p<.001);对于女青少年,儿童期心理虐待对网络欺负的预测作用不显著(β=.13,p>.05);由此可说明,儿童期心理虐待是青少年网络欺负出现的助推机制,而领悟社会支持和性别是青少年网络欺负出现的抑制机制,它可以弱化儿童期心理虐待对青少年网络欺负造成的创伤。  相似文献   

教师的眼神注视是在视频学习中重要但易被忽视的元素。以往理论存在两种对立的观点:其中准社会交往理论和社会代理理论支持教师的眼神注视促进学习; 而基于多媒体学习认知理论与认知负荷理论认为教师的眼神注视会阻碍学习效果。通过汇总以往实证研究得出如下结论:首先, 教师的眼神注视对学习效果具有小的促进效应, 即教师的眼神注视能够促进学习者的保持成绩(d保持 = 0.41)和迁移成绩(d迁移 = 0.39); 其次, 在主观体验上, 教师的眼神注视对准社会交往也具有小的促进效应(d准社会交往 = 0.35), 而教师的眼神注视对认知负荷影响十分微弱(d认知负荷 = -0.02); 最后, 在对学习材料的注意加工上, 教师的眼神注视总体上影响比较微弱(d注视时间 = 0.06, d首次注视时间 = -0.15)。未来研究需要对不同注视类型、先前知识经验、学习材料性质以及认知神经方法进一步探究。  相似文献   

目的:修订矛盾年龄偏见量表(the Ambivalent Ageism Scale,AAS),并在中国大学生群体中进行信、效度检验。方法:对1182名大学生施测AAS中文翻译版,探索并验证其因子结构,分析信、效度和测量等值性。其中347人还完成老化知识量表(FAQ)和容纳他人量表(AOS),用以检验AAS中文版的校标关联效度。另有74人在4周后重测AAS中文版。结果:AAS中文修订版包含认知帮助/保护、不想要的帮助和敌意年龄偏见三因子,总量表和各维度的Cronbach's α系数依次为0.83、0.80、0.85、0.76,重测信度依次为0.78、0.62、0.78、0.71。AAS中文修订版及各维度与FAQ和AOS负相关(r=-0.23~-0.48,ps<0.001)。验证因素分析表明AAS中文修订版的拟合良好(χ2/df=3.51,CFI=0.96,TLI=0.94,RMSEA=0.07,SRMR=0.05)。且该量表跨性别形态、弱等值、部分强等值和部分严格测量等值成立。结论:修订后的矛盾年龄偏见量表(AAS)中文版的信、效度良好,具备跨性别的测量部分等值性,可以用于测量中国大学生的矛盾年龄偏见。  相似文献   

本文的工作是在D.M.Gabbay的一篇论文《超模态逻辑理论:在模态逻辑中的模转换》基础上所做的,主要是将他的两类满足关系扩充到n+1种满足关系,然后在此基础上得到两类一般性的逻辑类K[TnK]和K[TKn],其中n≥1。我们得到了一些更为一般性的结论:(1)逻辑类K[TnK]的定理模式是:对任意n≥1,□j+(n+1)kp→□i+(n+1)kp,其中0≤in]的定理模式是:□1+(n+1)kp→□(n+1)kp,其中b≥1。不过,□j+(n+1)kp→□i+(n+1)kp,其中0≤in]的定理模式,因此,(3)每一个逻辑K[TnK]都是相应的逻辑K[TKn]的真扩张,其中n≥1;(4)必然化规则在两类逻辑K[TnK]和K[TKn]中都不成立,但是,这样的规则成立,即如果A分别是两类逻辑K[TnK]和K[TKn]的定理,那么对于任意n≥1,□n+1A也分别是逻辑类K[TnK]和K[TKn]的定理;(5)等值替换规则在逻辑类K[TnK]和K[TKn]下都不封闭;此外,(6)我们将D.M.Gabbay的从超模态逻辑到正规模态逻辑K的两类翻译τ0和τ1扩充到n+1类翻译τ01,…,τn。在超模态逻辑K[TnK]和K[TKn]与正规模态逻辑K之间,我们找到了点模型满足对应理论,即对任意的超模态逻辑公式α,在某个世界ω上为真,当且仅当,在正规模态逻辑K中τi(α)在世界ω上也为真。其中τi(α)是公式α从超模态逻辑到正规模态逻辑K的翻译。  相似文献   

根据Fan范式编写实验材料,以眼动仪为工具,选取40名大学生为被试探讨不同Fan范式下工作记忆对记忆提取的影响。结果表明:工作记忆容量低的条件下,目标项与干扰项的错误率存在显著差异(F=3.72,p<0.05),不同地点Fan等级的反应时存在非常显著差异(F=5.55,p=0.00)以及注视点数存在显著差异(F=3.50,p<0.05)。工作记忆容量的大小对记忆提取的结果有影响,眼动能够有效反映记忆提取的过程,实验支持独立因素眼动模型。  相似文献   

考察父母行为控制、心理控制与社会创造力间的关系、以及自我肯定、自我贬低在其中的中介作用,采用小学生社会创造力测验,父母控制量表和自尊量表对540名5、6年级学生进行研究。结果发现:(1)父母行为控制正向预测社会创造力(γ=0.18),心理控制负向预测社会创造力(γ=-0.28);(2)行为控制通过自我肯定的完全中介作用影响社会创造力(中介效应值为0.09),心理控制则通过自我贬低的部分中介作用影响社会创造力(中介效应值为0.05),模型的总解释率R2=0.20。  相似文献   

翻译与修订个体相对剥夺感问卷(Personal Relative Deprivation Scale,PRDS),并在大学生群体中进行了信效度检验。探索性因子分析结果显示,原问卷中两个反向计分的项目在主因子载荷很低,删除这两个项目后的PRDS-3各项目鉴别力良好; 探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析均显示PRDS-3符合单维度结构; PRDS-3重测信度为0.89,在不同样本间的内部一致性系数为0.77-0.81; PRDS-3得分与相对剥夺感、经济相对剥夺感、焦虑、压力、抑郁、攻击性等效标具有中高程度的相关关系(r>0.4,p<0.01)。PRDS-3得分与社会比较倾向的能力维度显著相关(r=0.46,p<0.01),且能部分地中介能力社会比较倾向对物质主义和生活满意度的影响。综上,可以认为,中文版PRDS-3信效度指标良好,符合测量学要求,可作为相对剥夺感的评估工具。  相似文献   

为检验中文版乌特勒支恋家症量表在大学生群体中的信效度,使用样本1(n=1071),进行信效度检验与测量等值性,使用样本2(n=177,连续5期)检验跨时点的纵向测量等值性。结果表明中文版乌特勒支恋家症量表为五因子结构,包含想家、孤独、想念朋友、适应困难和关于家庭的沉思5个维度,具有良好的信效度、效标效度与测量等值性。意味该量表适合在我国大学生群体中使用,并能够用于跨性别、年级以及时点的相关研究。  相似文献   

The fourteen-factor Processes of Change Scale for Sun Protection assesses behavioral and experiential strategies that underlie the process of sun protection acquisition and maintenance. Variations of this measure have been used effectively in several randomized sun protection trials, both for evaluation and as a basis for intervention. However, there are no published studies, to date, that evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale. The present study evaluated factorial invariance and scale reliability in a national sample (N = 1360) of adults involved in a Transtheoretical model tailored intervention for exercise and sun protection, at baseline. Invariance testing ranged from least to most restrictive: Configural Invariance (constraints only factor structure and zero loadings); Pattern Identity Invariance (equal factor loadings across target groups); and Strong Factorial Invariance (equal factor loadings and measurement errors). Multi-sample structural equation modeling tested the invariance of the measurement model across seven subgroups: age, education, ethnicity, gender, race, skin tone, and Stage of Change for Sun Protection. Strong factorial invariance was found across all subgroups. Internal consistency coefficient Alpha and factor rho reliability, respectively, were .83 and .80 for behavioral processes, .91 and .89 for experiential processes, and .93 and .91 for the global scale. These results provide strong empirical evidence that the scale is consistent, has internal validity and can be used in research interventions with population-based adult samples.  相似文献   

张政华  韩梅  张放  李卫君 《心理学报》2020,52(7):847-860
本研究采用ERP技术, 考察音乐训练组和对照组完成诗句押韵判断任务时, 在绝句末对韵律信息(含声调和韵母两个维度)的整合加工过程。结果发现, 在100~300 ms, 仅音乐训练组在声调/韵母合适条件下, 对韵母/声调的一致性进行深入分析, 并诱发了更大的正波; 在韵母违反条件下, 声调违反相比声调合适诱发了更小的正波。在300~750 ms, 两组被试均在绝句末对诗句内出现的韵母和声调违反进行整合分析并诱发了广泛分布的负波。不过, 对照组仅在声调/韵母合适条件下进行, 而音乐训练组则在声调/韵母违反条件下完成此过程。综上, 音乐训练组和对照组均会在诗句末完成押韵信息的整合加工, 但是音乐训练组对韵律信息(尤其是声调)的加工更敏感和快速, 并且对不同类型的违反有更精细的差异性反应  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Physical activity (PA) research applying the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) to examine group differences and/or change over time requires preliminary evidence of factorial validity and invariance. The current study examined the factorial validity and longitudinal invariance of TTM constructs recently revised for PA. METHOD: Participants from an ethnically diverse sample in Hawaii (N=700) completed questionnaires capturing each TTM construct. RESULTS: Factorial validity was confirmed for each construct using confirmatory factor analysis with full-information maximum likelihood. Longitudinal invariance was evidenced across a shorter (3-month) and longer (6-month) time period via nested model comparisons. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaires for each validated TTM construct are provided, and can now be generalized across similar subgroups and time points. Further validation of the provided measures is suggested in additional populations and across extended time points.  相似文献   

基于智慧的德才一体理论,编制包含良好品德和聪明才智二因子的整合智慧量表,以方便取样抽取中国大陆892名青年,检验其信效度。总量表的Cronbach's α和组合信度分别为0.89和0.94。四周后重测信度为0.85。验证性因素分析发现,量表的结构效度良好,CFI=0.91,IFI=0.91,TLI=0.90,RMSEA=0.07,SRMR=0.08,也具有良好的聚合效度和区分效度。与自我评估智慧量表、三维智慧量表、开放性和心理幸福感的相关分别为0.79、0.36、0.32和0.46,与生活满意度的相关不显著(p>0.05)。这说明整合智慧量表具有良好的信效度,是测量中国青年智慧的有效工具。  相似文献   

颜色范畴知觉究竟是语言的还是知觉的, 或两者交互引起的认知冲突所致仍在探究与争议之中。本研究采用色觉疲劳和语义饱和操作分别独立地改变知觉或语义加工, 观察二者对颜色范畴知觉效应的即时影响, 以期探究语言和知觉对颜色范畴的作用。结果显示, 色觉疲劳操作导致范畴间颜色辨别反应时减少, 颜色范畴效应增强。语义饱和操作导致被饱和颜色词所属的范畴内颜色辨别反应时增加, 颜色范畴效应增强。说明单独改变知觉或语义加工能力均能影响CCP效应, 支持了语言标签对比模型, 即语言与知觉的交互作用引起颜色范畴知觉的观点。  相似文献   

In this study were examined differences in attentional style of athletes engaged in two open skill sports requiring high reactivity (karate and volleyball) in groups with high or low experience. 42 healthy men, 24 volleyball players, 12 of High Experience (first division Italian League players whose M age was 28 yr. (SD=5) and 12 of Low Experience (prejunior Italian team athletes whose M age was 19 yr. (SD= 2). and 18 karateka, 9 of High Experience (3rd and 4th dan black belt athletes whose M age was 31 yr., SD=5) and 9 of Low Experience (1st and 2nd dan black belt karateka whose M age was 32 yr., SD=5). Tests involved different types of attention: Alert, Go/No-Go, Divided Attention, and Working Memory. For each one, the reaction time (RT), variability, change in RT, and number of errors were analysed. Karateka of High Experience reacted faster than those of Low Experience on the simple RT test, Alert (M RT: 204 vs 237 msec., p< .01), while on the Divided Attention test, the High Experience subjects performed more poorly and committed more errors (M errors: 4.89 vs 1.44, p <.003). Young volleyball players of Low Experience reacted faster than colleagues of High Experience on the Alert (M RT: 187 vs 210 msec., p<.01) and Divided Attention tests (M RT: 590 vs 688 msec., p<.001) but committed more errors (Divided Attention test, M errors: 6.50 vs 3.08, p<.007). For the Divided Attention and Working Memory tests, correlations were positive among errors, RT, and RT variability but only for volleyball athletes of High Experience, suggesting they showed higher attention and stability in complex reactions than the group with Low Experience. No significant correlations were noted for either group of karateka on complex reactions. Results suggested that the attentional resources were engaged in different ways in the two groups of athletes and, in each group, there were differences between persons of High and Low Experience.  相似文献   

Despite evidence showing that bisexual individuals may be at greater risk for mental health issues than lesbian and gay individuals, they are often combined into a single group, with lesbian and gay individuals the actual focus of the research. This study aims to address this gap in the literature among US Veterans. Using data collected from a multicity purposive sample (N = 4,493), logistic regression was used to analyze whether the following groups differ in current posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression: (a) bisexual (n = 101) vs. heterosexual Veterans (n = 4,271); (b) bisexual vs. lesbian/gay Veterans (n = 121); (c) lesbian/gay vs. heterosexual Veterans; and (d) combined group of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB; n = 222) vs. heterosexual Veterans. Controlling for significant covariates, bisexual Veterans had 2.5 times the risk of severe depression (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.34–4.67; p = 0.004) and 2.3 times the odds of PTSD (95% CI = 1.40–3.77; p = 0.001) relative to heterosexual Veterans. Bisexual Veterans had 3 times the risk of severe depression (95% CI = 1.22–7.44; p = 0.017) and 1.9 times the risk of PTSD (95% CI = 1.02–3.70; p = 0.045) compared to lesbian/gay Veterans. Lesbian/gay Veterans had no significant difference in risk for depression compared to heterosexual Veterans. However, the combined group of LGB Veterans had 1.6 times the odds of PTSD (95% CI = 1.12–2.15; p = 0.008) compared to heterosexual Veterans. These findings suggest that past research showing mental health disparities between LGB and heterosexual individuals may be driven by the inclusion of bisexual individuals. Research should assess bisexual individuals as a distinct group, and future studies should explore factors leading to depression and PTSD among bisexual Veterans.  相似文献   

目的:对正念养育量表进行中文版修订并在母亲群体中检验其信效度。方法:采用正念养育量表对中国内地803名儿童的母亲进行测试,弗莱堡正念调查表(FMI)作为效标,两周后随机抽取126人进行重测。结果:探索性因素分析结果得到6个因子,分别为充分倾听、同情孩子、养育中的非评判性接纳、养育关系中的自我调控、对孩子的情绪觉知、对自我的情绪觉知,累积方差贡献率为55.89%。验证性因子分析表明数据拟合较好(SymbolcA@2/df=2.25,CFI=0.92,TLI=0.90,RMSEA=0.05,90%CI [0.045,0.056],SRMR=0.06)。总量表及6因子的Cronbach’s α系数为0.88,0.77、0.77、0.70、0.66、0.59、0.62; 总量表及6因子的重测信度为0.83,0.85、0.86、0.82、0.78、0.61、0.71; 总量表、各分量表与FMI的相关系数范围为0.29~0.56(均p<0.001)。结论:中文修订版正念养育量表信效度良好,可用于评估母亲的正念养育水平。  相似文献   

A gap in the conceptual development of the work experience construct was addressed by creating a framework specifying two dimensions along which work experience measures can vary. The dimensions of measurement mode (amount, time, and type) and level of specificity (task, job, organizational) formed nine separate categories of measures of work experience. The usefulness of the conceptual framework was tested by conducting a meta-analytic review of the existing literature on work experience using the dimensions in the framework as potential moderators of the experience-performance relationship. Results of the meta-analysis ( N = 25,911; K = 44) revealed an estimated population correlation of 27 between experience and performance after correcting for sampling error and criterion unreliability. In addition, the results showed that amount ( M = .43) and task-level ( M = .41) measures of work experience had the highest correlations with measures of job performance. In addition, work experience had the highest correlations with hard (e.g. work samples) as opposed to soft (e.g. ratings) measures of job performance ( M = .39 vs. M = .24). Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The subjects consisted of two. matched, extremely aggressive (experimental = ExG and control = CoG) groups of twelve 8–year-old boys. and of one criterion group (CrG) of extrovert, well-controlled boys. Video-tape recording of behaviour was used both in pretest (T1) and post-test (T2). Between T1 and T2 the ExG was submitted to simulation exercises of 8 lessons given in a period of four weeks. The exercises consisted in social problem solutions on the purely cognitive (imaginary and symbolic) level and in role-playing (behavioral level). The hypothesis was that the combination of cognitive training and observational learning with the aim of making children realise alternatives to aggression in coping with thwarting situations and their after-effects. would influence individuals with strong aggressive habits to abandon theiraggressive reactions in favour of more constructive behaviour. As to aggression, the results supported the hypothesis. For constructive behaviour, (1) the ExG maintained the samelevel of control of social behaviour in T1 and T2, while a significant drop occurred in the GoC, and (2) the strategies of problem solution improved significantly in the ExG. In T2, the behaviour of the ExG resembled more closely that of the CoG than the behaviour of the CrG, as hypothesized.  相似文献   

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