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原军超 《法音》2012,(12):38-42
美国肯·威尔伯是当代著名的超个人心理学家和理论心理学家, 他的意识理论对超个人心理学产生重要影响,并成为该领域的理论基础,其甚至被称为"意识领域的爱因斯坦",而整合心理学的提出则在更大范围的汲取了东西方的心理学、哲学和宗教的理论成果, 形成一套层次分明互相交涉的统一体系。人本心理学被称为行为主义和弗洛伊德心理学之外的"第三种力量"。超个人心理学则被称为继人本心理学之后的 "第四种力量"[1]。肯·威尔伯的工作主要以创造一个以心理学、神秘主义、现代主义、经验科学、系统论连贯为整体的"意识的完整理论"为主。  相似文献   

两种人本心理学的辩论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文沿着JohnRowan(1989)提出是否有两种人本心理学这一问题 ,追溯了人本心理学内部分歧的由来 ,即罗洛·梅与罗杰斯在 2 0世纪 80年代初有关人性问题的争论 ,以及 1986年罗洛·梅对超个人心理学的批评。文章着重介绍了维尔伯 (KenWilber)对这一领域的分歧所做的全面分析 ,指出了两种人本心理学在一些基本问题上的不同立场。这两种心理学就是以罗洛·梅为代表的存在主义取向的人本心理学和以马斯洛、罗杰斯、维尔伯为代表的从自我实现走向自我超越的人本心理学  相似文献   

海德格尔哲学和佛教哲学具有一定的相似处。海德格尔哲学把存在解释为显隐二重性。存在是"使……显现",但是自身不显现。存在只能以间接的方式例如此在的领会、时间、语言、历史等来显现。缘起性空是佛教的核心思想。缘起是显现,性空是不显现的。本文重点分析了小乘佛教的十二缘起论、大乘中观宗和如来藏系的缘起性空论。最后,本文对两者的异同进行了分析。海德格尔哲学和佛教哲学的相似性只是术语上的,两者在实质性的性质和目的方面是不同的。佛教是一种人生哲学,追求的是人生的完善和幸福。海德格尔哲学则是一种政治历史文化哲学,其目的是克服现代性的弊端,为欧洲找到新的出路。  相似文献   

吴增定 《世界哲学》2009,(6):116-121
当代"实践哲学"的复兴是一个很重要的思想现象,而它的源头正是海德格尔早年关于希腊哲学、尤其是关于亚里士多德的一系列讲座。但是,海德格尔本人却并没有走上实践哲学的道路。相反,他在根本上否定了实践哲学的可能性。在后期,他更是否定了哲学本身的可能性。总体来看,海德格尔对哲学的看法同他对希腊哲学的解释密切相关。鉴于此,本文的主要任务是讨论海德格尔关于希腊哲学的具体看法,并希望藉此对哲学的起源、历史和当下可能性等相关问题做一些力所能及的澄清。  相似文献   

科学实践哲学发展述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴彤 《哲学动态》2005,(5):40-43
一科学实践哲学兴起的研究背景及其重要意义 当代哲学对实践的关注已是不争的事实.在海德格尔和维特根斯坦那里,实践概念具有重要意义.但以往科学哲学,如逻辑主义科学哲学将理论理性和实践理性截然分开,认为对理论理生的逻辑分析是理解科学理性的惟一途径,并把实践理性归入伦理学、社会学、心理学等其他学科.后来历史主义科学哲学家在否定逻辑主义方向的前提下,未能将理论理性和实践理性重新整合,从而对科学理生不可避免地采取了怀疑主义态度,使得传统科学哲学研究日渐衰落.  相似文献   

超个人心理学是20世纪60年代末至70年代初在美国兴起的一种心理学流派,是关于个人及其超越的心理学,被称为心理学的第四势力。本文对超个人心理学的历史、背景渊源、主要理论及治疗都做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

向整合的超个人心理学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
超个人心理学是20世纪60年代末在美国兴起的一种心理学流派。它认为个体能够通过对自我潜能的发掘,通过对意识状态的扩充,达到超越自我,超越时空的所谓超个人状态。本文追溯了超个人心理学产生的历史渊源,阐释了其基本理论框架和研究特点,从历史与现实、理论与实验相结合的角度探讨了这一学派的一些最新研究成果,如转换的意识状态,意识谱理论,沉思的研究与训练,揭示了当代西方心理学正在走向整合的新趋向。  相似文献   

对我国许多哲学爱好者来说,海德格尔哲学的唯心主义性质似乎已成定论,但我们认为,海德格尔哲学的理论前提、哲学工作的出发点是一般唯物主义论题。为了说明这一看法的依据,本文首先介绍海德格尔早期(1912年)对外部世界现实性的辩护文章的内容;然后介绍海德格尔在《存在与时间》构思写作期间对他的哲学前提的表述;最后指明,他的具有唯物主义哲学前提的思想为什么会被人们误认为是唯心主义。在这一工作开始之前,我们首先扼要申明一下,这里所讲的“一般唯物主义”是在什么意义上说的。在我国哲学语汇中唯物主义是依据列宁《唯物主义…  相似文献   

京都学派哲学家田边元乃海德格尔的实存哲学在日本的接受与转化之肇始者。田边元经由消化黑格尔的辩证法及批判西田几多郎的场所论,来建构出自己以"种的逻辑"为中心的哲学体系。在此过程中,海德格尔的哲学扮演着推进者的角色。相对于道元的时间性存在具有宗教体证的现实论向度,田边元的时间性存在明显停留在哲学信仰的层面,而海德格尔的时间性存在则充满了解释学现象学或此在生存论的观念论维度。道元与田边元的宗教哲学在超越论的辩证性格上,和海德格尔的实存哲学有一线之隔,但田边元与海德格尔的存在哲学在观念论的分析性格上,和道元的现实哲学(真实哲学)之间则有着一道巨大的鸿沟。  相似文献   

教练心理学是一门发掘人的潜力、促进个人身心健康和职业发展的心理科学。作为心理学领域一个新兴的分支学科,教练心理学已受到越来越多国际学者的关注和研究。本文旨在系统地介绍教练心理学的理论发展与研究现状,包括其概念与起源、哲学基础与原理、主要流派,以及教练心理学在管理、教育、个人发展、竞技运动等领域的实证研究和应用,并提出了未来的研究方向,为教练心理学的理论与应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This theoretical paper argues that there are only three ways of relating to clients in therapy: the instrumental, the authentic, and the transpersonal. The transpersonal approach is explained by means of examples, and also by reference to the work of Ken Wilber. As with other approaches to therapy, the transpersonal way requires a form of Being (the state of consciousness necessary), a way of Doing (the actual techniques and methods used), and a form of Knowing (the theory of what is being done). All three of these are explained, and particular attention paid to the question of intuition.  相似文献   

Despite his disavowal of the 'transpersonalist' label, Ken Wilber remains the leading figure in the still evolving and ever-controversial field of transpersonal psychology. He has provided transpersonal psychology, seen by many in the academic community as a fringe discipline at best, with at least some degree of scholarly respect and philosophical and scientific legitimacy. Although Wilber's work has been the object of much criticism from fellow transpersonalists, little effort has been made to assess the value of his work from outside the transpersonalist community. This paper is an attempt to provide a 'non-transpersonalist' assessment. As a starting point, we will accept the reality, validity, and value of the transpersonal religious experiences that are the foundation of Wilber's work. However, in subjecting his thought to a philosophical and theological analysis, we suggest that his positions are seriously flawed. Specifically, we identify an ambiguous and inconsistent definition of 'God'; a flawed epistemology that privileges non-dualism without adequate justification; and faulty and selective use of textual sources to support his positions. Secondary issues include contradictory positions regarding the presence of a personal element in the divine nature, de-valuation of the individual self, and inadequate emphasis on the moral component of spiritual development.  相似文献   


A model of psychosomatic mysticism (PM) is proposed that reintroduces the body into transpersonal psychology. The argument for PM develops links between transpersonal psychology and neuroimmunology and includes scientific notions of the mind as embodied not just in the brain but more widely throughout the body, as well as the comparative analyses of perspectives on the body in various spiritual traditions. PM is used to examine how transpersonal psychology can integrate the body, thus meeting the goals of the clinician, the standards of the researcher, and the emerging needs of psychosomatic medicine. The core principles of PM are explicated, such as: 1) decentralized consciousness, 2) structural phenomenological correlations between the psyche and the body, 3) in‐depth understanding of energy as intentionality, and 4) the possibility of actualizing cosmic awareness in the individual psyche. Examples of the clinical use of psychospiritual practices of PM show practical applications of these principles. It is concluded that the studies of the embodied consciousness and subtle energies through PM can help to develop both transpersonal theory and applications.  相似文献   

Retrospective analysis of definitions published over some 35 years suggests the major subject areas of the field can be summed up in three themes: beyond-ego psychology, integrative/holistic psychology, and psychology of transformation. Theme frequency analysis reveals that early emphasis on alternative states of consciousness has moderated into a broader approach to human transcendence, wholeness, and transformation. This expanded definition of transpersonal psychology suggests the field has much in common with integral psychology. As a comprehensive, historically based content summary, this tripartite definition contributes a small but vital piece to the foundation of a transpersonal vision that is spreading across the globe. While transpersonal psychology still needs to embody the inclusiveness and diversity that it represents, its vision is one of great relevance to the contemporary human condition.  相似文献   

This article reviews the trend in health care toward increasing levels of specialization and draws a distinction between specialization and reductionism. A theory of holistic counseling is derived from social learning and transpersonal psychology.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the transpersonal approach has emerged from mainstream psychology to address the effects of spirituality and consciousness on personal transformation and health and to explore the optimal levels of human functioning. Despite its increasing popularity, many mental health professionals lack basic knowledge of the transpersonal approach. This article provides an introduction to and overview of the historical development, scientific basis, philosophical stance, theoretical principles, and clinical methods of transpersonal psychology.  相似文献   


An overview of transpersonal psychology is provided with specific focus on a number of its central themes (nonduality, intrinsic health, self‐transcendence, and inclusivity) and practices (meditation, ritual, and inquiry). The relationship of transpersonal psychology to both mainstream psychology and spiritual wisdom traditions is discussed. The field's implications for diversity issues, research, and service applications are also considered.  相似文献   


Throughout its existence, transpersonal psychology has held a strong interest in exploring the implications of consciousness and spirituality for health, both physical and mental. This article provides a brief overview of the theoretical, empirical, and clinical contributions of transpersonal psychology to the understanding and facilitation of human health and well‐being. It also critiques the methodological basis of some of these contributions, concluding that transpersonal psychological studies of the relationship between spirituality and health are still in their infancy and that practitioners interested in using approaches based on these findings need to exercise caution as well as excitement about the interesting developments unfolding at an ever increasing rate.  相似文献   

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