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现行法律、法规规定,无过错输血感染的法律责任采取过错责任归责原则,意味着当医患双方均无过错而又造成输血感染的损害后果时,完全由患者承担损害后果,这种规定无法体现公平、公正的法律精神.无过错输血感染法律责任应当规定为公平责任,这样才能更好地既保护医方利益又保护患方利益.  相似文献   

医疗过失的法律责任   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
引起医疗纠纷的事实可分为应由医方承担责任的事实和不应由医方承担责任的事实,只有医方符合法律责任的构成要件-即医疗行为的主体是医疗单位、主体有过失或违反义务的行为、有损害后果、而且主体的行为与损害后果之间有因果关系,才需承担法律责任,以消除只有损害后果医方就要承担法律责任和只有鉴定为医疗事故的才承担法律责任等方面的误区。  相似文献   

病人的权力与维护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1医疗侵权行为及其产生的原因 医疗侵权行为是指医务人员在治疗、护理过程中侵害了患者的非合同权利或受法律所保护的利益,它不仅包括医疗事故,还包括因诊疗、护理过失使患者病情加重,受到死亡、残废、功能障碍以外的一般损伤及痛苦的医疗差错,以及既不属于医疗事故和医疗差错的一般侵权行为.医疗侵权的范围是相当广泛的.只要是医务人员侵犯了患者受法律保护的权利或利益,造成损害后果的,在具备主观过错和因果关系时,便可能构成医疗侵权.  相似文献   

马思萍  舒峰 《学海》2004,(6):163-167
网络金融的发展使电子支付成为现代金融的核心。电子支付过程因涉及银行、客户、网络服务商等众多当事人,形成了新型的法律关系,呈现出新特征。本文分析了电子支付法律关系的性质、构成及其法律责任,认为电子支付法律关系性质属合同法律关系,其构成是一组合同群,最基本的仍是银行与客户之间的权利与义务关系;电子支付中的归责原则可确定为公平原则和中性原则,在具体法律责任承担上应倾向于对消费者的保护。  相似文献   

"基因编辑婴儿"事件的发生反映了伦理调节的失灵和法律规范的缺位。从权利角度分析,此次事件伤害了被"编辑"的婴儿和后代人两类权利主体,包括他们的生命健康权、自主权、平等权等。同时,现行法律赋予两类权利主体的权利救济路径有限,导致维权困境的出现。为保护利益相关者的合法权利,法律应当结合技术的快速发展做出及时、恰当的回应和调整,相关权利保护法律体系应当实现合理构建和完善,法律责任的配置应当得到进一步加强和优化。  相似文献   

《老年人权益保障法》十月起施行“禁止歧视、侮辱、虐待或者遗弃老人”──中国人的这一传统道德规范今天正式成为法律条文。总则规定:“国家保护老年人依法享有的权益。”“保障老年人合法权益是全社会的共同责任。”损害老年人合法权益将受到什么样的处罚?“法律责任...  相似文献   

在侵权责任归责原则二元结构体系下,无过错责任有其独立的存在价值。但无过错责任和过错责任之间并非泾渭分明,如在高度危险责任中,危险行为人存在过错时,被侵权人既可依无过错责任,也可依过错责任要求加害人承担侵权责任,形成过错责任与无过错责任的竞合。由于侵权法中存在赔偿责任限额、过失相抵、特殊诉讼时效等特殊制度,使得适用不同的归责原则会对当事人双方权利义务产生不同的影响。因此,从保护被侵权人利益的角度出发,在归责原则竞合时被侵权人对归责原则的适用享有选择权。  相似文献   

仲裁案件中的申请财产保全问题戴洁现行仲裁规则和民诉法及权威法律解释部门最高人民法院在《关于适用民诉法若干问题意见》中所作的规定,其内容均不够严谨,有疏漏,致使当事人有空子可钻,利用财产保全措施达到其损害当事人另一方的合法权利,而无须承担法律责任,并使...  相似文献   

中国民族群几千年凝聚不散的根本原因,在于优秀文化传统的核心是保护民众的生存利益。"以人为本"公平分配是治政的优良传统,公平地占有生产资料才能保证分配公平,分配不公损害国家的稳定和安全。保障粮食充足、物资充足,保障国家安全,普及仁德的教育是分配公平的保障条件。让民众有稳定的"经产",抑富济贫救灾,调剂民用,养孤老贫弱,抚恤烈士,让民众占有生产资料土地,给予百姓生存的环境条件,就能稳固而长治久安。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济中的社会公平问题张书琛社会主义市场经济首先是一种横向的分权经济。在此体制中,市场和国家都不是万能的。市场主要着眼于功能、机制、效率,因而它突出有利于发挥功能、增强机制、提高效率的原则上的平等。政府则在保证市场正常运行的前提下,解决市场解决不了的问题,其中主要是社会供求、公众利益、社会平等问题,因而它比较关注有利于平衡社会供求、协调各方利益、促进社会平等的事实上的平等。社会主义市场经济又是一种横向的法制经济。在此体制中,不论是市场的活动还是国家的行为,都必须在法律规定的范围内进行。因此,要实现社会公平必须具备市场、国家和法律这三方面的相关条件。第一,要建立高效公平的社会主义市场经济新体制。我们的公平目标是最终实现共同富裕,而社会主义市场经济是高效率发展生产力的经济体制,是增加社会财富总量、达到共同富裕的公平目标的必由之路,是实现社会公平的基础性条件。第二,建立与市场经济相适应的国家宏观调控体系。首先要适当抑强扶弱;其次要搞好社会统筹;再次要利用分配杠杆,以有利于效率的提高为前提,解决收入差距过大的问题。第三,建立保证市场经济正常运行的经济法律体系。市场经济是以法律为边界的经“济。法律要根据分权  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2023,2023(178):7-12
Despite the appearance from the Mesopotamian era of medical responsibility, an apparent impunity of the doctor will be in place until the 19th century. In France, it will be necessary to wait for the Napoleonic codes of 1804 and 1810 in order to clearly dissociate the civil and criminal responsibilities of the doctor. If liability for fault remains the rule in medical matters today, the concept of liability without fault introduced by the industrial revolution and the legislation on industrial accidents was taken up by the Kouchner law of 2002. It definitively opens the way to a statutory and legal compensation for non-faulty medical accidents under national solidarity via the National Office for Compensation for Medical Accidents (ONIAM) and the Conciliation and Compensation Commissions (CCI). Expertise in medical liability is now the backbone of the victim compensation process. It guides the magistrate in the recognition of faulty or non-faulty medical liability and helps him to set the amount of compensation allocated with regard to bodily injury.  相似文献   

Qualified immunity from civil liability exists for acts of disaster mental health (DMH) practitioners responding to disasters or acts of terrorism. This article reviews current legal regimens dictating civil liability for potentially wrongful acts of DMH professionals and volunteers responding to disasters. Criteria are proposed to inform determinations of civil liability for DMH workers in disaster response, given current legal parameters and established tort law in relevant areas. Specific considerations are examined that potentially implicate direct liability of DMH professionals and volunteers, and vicarious liability of DMH supervisors for actions of volunteer subordinates. The relevance of pre-event DMH planning and operationalization of the plan post-event is linked to considerations of liability. This article concludes with recommendations to minimize liability exposure for DMH workers in response efforts.  相似文献   

Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death, accounting for almost 30,000 deaths each year in the United States. The loss of a patient to suicide is the most feared outcome among mental health professionals, while the fear of litigation and liability after such suicide may be a close second. This article will familiarize mental health professionals with the legal issues of professional negligence in suicide cases. We begin with an introduction to malpractice liability for suicidal patients, followed by an explanation of the essential elements of professional negligence and relevant legal terminology. We then discuss general theories of liability involving suicide, and provide illustrative legal case examples. We conclude with a discussion of risk management procedures that can substantially reduce one's exposure to malpractice liability.  相似文献   

The United States Supreme Court recently held that while psychological harm or injury is not a prerequisite to proof of liability in employment discrimination lawsuits, such harm or injury may be considered in determining employer liability. Other recent legal developments have also greatly expanded the opportunity for psychologists and other mental health professionals to contribute to determinations of both liability and damages in this legal context. This article briefly examines some of the aspects of workplace claims that evaluating mental health experts We need to address. Then the article focuses on the role of psychodiagnostic testing in the context of legal decisionmaking. Finally, the article points to gaps in knowledge regarding the role of psychodiagnostic testing in employment cases and suggests areas for future research on this timely but understudied topic.  相似文献   

In contrast to theoretical discussions about potential professional liability of clinical ethicists, this report gives the results of empirical data gathered in a national survey of clinical medical ethicists. The report assesses the types of activities of clinical ethicists, the extent and types of their professional liability coverage, and the influence that concerns about legal liability has on how they function as clinical ethicists. In addition demographic data on age, sex, educational background, etc. are reported. The results show that while nearly one third (28.9%) of the ethicists regularly make recommendations about patient care, only 10.8% of them regularly make entries in the medical record; only approximately half (53.0%) of them are covered by professional liability (malpractice) insurance; and the vast majority (84.3%) of them say that concerns about legal liability do not influence the way they function as clinical ethicists.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2020,2020(160):16-20
Anonymity is one of the four ethical pillars of transfusion, according with a voluntary, non-remunerated donation in a non-profit organization. This requirement of anonymity is rooted in the very principle of the donation, without which the donation would create a debt for the recipient. Its scope is actually wider than the other principles because it goes beyond the realm of donation to assert itself as an immutable principle of the act of transfusion, with no identification link between a donor and his recipient. This article will study, in a French context, the different basements and issues of anonymity as well as the associated means to match this principle with safety and liability obligations.  相似文献   

药物产品责任的伦理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对药物产品责任的监管与立法必须与药物的特殊性相吻合。在药物的产品责任伦理上,社会公益至上是首要的;药物的产品责任伦理应该以安全性为基础,又必须对这种安全性的相对性予以确认,来确立对药物风险和危害的监管与控制,探讨了建设我国药物产品责任伦理与法制的举措。  相似文献   

Despite the recent focus on the problem of the recruitment and use of child soldiers, there is still no clarity on the criminal liability of child soldiers who participate in conflict. In this article, we analyze the criminal liability of child soldiers against the historical background child soldiers. This aritle reports on its prevalence, and discusses the international legal framework liability. We pose the question whether the dual status of child soldiers as victims and perpetrators negatively impacts their criminal liability and whether it may in fact hamper the attainment of justice.  相似文献   

The paper examines some aspects of today’s debate on trust and e-trust and, more specifically, issues of legal responsibility for the production and use of robots. Their impact on human-to-human interaction has produced new problems both in the fields of contractual and extra-contractual liability in that robots negotiate, enter into contracts, establish rights and obligations between humans, while reshaping matters of responsibility and risk in trust relations. Whether or not robotrust concerns human-to-robot or even robot-to-robot relations, there is a new generation of cases involving human-to-human contractual and extra-contractual liability for robots’ behaviour because, for the first time, legal systems hold you responsible for what an artificial system autonomously decides to do.  相似文献   

There is currently a stalemate over the correct approach to legal liability. To take a prominent example, it remains a point of contention whether land owners should be held liable for injuries to trespassers. Many of those who insist that land owners should be held liable for injuries to trespassers maintain this for purely economic or pragmatic reasons. In contrast, those on the other side frequently defend their view on the grounds that, in such trespass cases, owners are not morally responsible for the injuries. We maintain that the best way forward for all parties in this debate is to recognize the existence of “morally responsible liability”—of cases where owners qua owners are morally responsible for damages caused by their property. Once this is recognized, the debate can be framed in terms of whether there are economic or pragmatic reasons for legal liability to diverge from morally responsible liability. Unfortunately, there is no good account of morally responsible liability in the literature. Taking lessons from the failings of the few extant accounts, we draw on the work of A. M. Honoré and Jeremy Waldron to develop an account of our own. We argue that owners are morally responsible for damages caused by their property when and because their taking ownership of something leads to increased risk to others. We explain how and why such increases in risk come about, and how our account captures our intuitions concerning various cases, including those concerning injuries to trespassers.  相似文献   

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