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超常儿童心理与教育研究15年   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
查子秀 《心理学报》1994,27(4):337-346
中国超常儿童心理与教育的研究15年来收获如下:在理论方面:1.超常与常态儿童在不同的认知方面差异的显著性,认知构成的模式特点、及发展趋势均有不同。2.超常儿童的个性倾向和特征具有明显特点,但发展不平衡,表现为3种类型;个性特征与学习成绩相关密切。3.超常儿童的成长过程可概括为4种类型。4.超常儿童心理成分不限于高智力、创造力,还包括良好发展的个性倾向和特征。在应用方面:研究结果在鉴别和教育超常儿童等方面进行了应用和检验。  相似文献   

超常与常态儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
施建农  徐凡 《心理学报》1997,30(3):271-277
在超常儿童研究领域存在着许多争议的问题,超常儿童的智力与创造力的关系问题就是其中的一个。为了更好地解释超常儿童的创造力与智力的本质关系,我们曾提出了“创造性系统模型”。本研究的主要目的是进一步证实模型提出的假设。本研究以超常和常态儿童为被试对儿童的兴趣、动机与创造性思维的关系作了进一步的考察。结果发现:(1)超常儿童的图形、数字和实用创造性思维的流畅性和独创性成绩都明显高于常态儿童;(2)超常和常态儿童的创造性思维与兴趣、动机之间存在显著的相关;(3)兴趣和动机得分较高的被拭的创造性思维得分显著高于兴趣和动机得分较低的被试;(4)超常儿童中有相当部分处于低兴趣和低动机水平,而常态儿童中却有相当部分处于高兴趣和高动机水平。因此,本研究从一个侧面进一步支持了系统模型中提出的有关儿童创造性的假设  相似文献   

智力超常与常态学生技术创造性思维的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用“中—德技术创造跨文化研究”的创造性思维测验,对134名智力超常和常态学生作了集体测验,着重考察了超常与常态学生在创造性思维、思维的独创性(新颖性)、灵活性、流畅性和精细性,及心理折叠和问题解决等方面的反应差异。  相似文献   

3—6岁超常与常态儿童感知观察力的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张连云 《心理学报》1987,20(2):98-104
本实验是全国超常儿童研究协作组为鉴别超常儿童认知能力设计的一套实验之一。目的是探讨3—6岁常态儿童感知观察力在数量和质量两方面的水平与特点,为鉴别超常儿童的感知观察力取得参照指标。 实验是根据观察过程的特点进行设计的。实验的结果,经检验效度与信度较高,因此本实验对3—6岁儿童感知观察力的测量是有鉴别力的。 通过实验发现在3—6岁常态儿童之间观察能力的发展是不平衡的,3岁与4岁之间发展得快,在数量与质量两方面都比其它年龄阶段之间发展得幅度大。 通过超常儿童与常态儿童的比较研究,发现4岁超常儿童与常态儿童之间,在质量方面的差异比数量方面的差异更为显著。这一结果,对今后超常儿童研究工作的重点具有参考的价值。  相似文献   

超常儿童和常态儿童之间人格特征的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
超常儿童和常态儿童之间人格特征的比较研究李淑艳(佳木斯师专)1问题的提出近年来,对非智力因素探讨很受重视,对于超常儿童也不例外.国外有对超常儿童动机类型、独立性、情绪稳定性自我概念方面的研究等等.关于超常儿童和常态儿童在人格特征方面系统的对比研究则很...  相似文献   

超常儿童的创造力及其与智力的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
施建农  徐凡 《心理科学》1997,20(5):468-468,,477,
1问题提出在超常儿童研究领域中存在着许多有争议的问题,超常儿童的创造力(Creativity)与智力的关系问题就是其中的一个。一方面,越来越多的研究者认识到,创造力是儿童超常表现的一个重要方面,是构成超常特征的关键成份,是智力的一个维度。另一方面,许多相关性研究的结果却表明,智力超常儿童的创造力与其智力之间很少相关或相关很低.对此,通常有两种解释。一种是,当智力水平达到某一程度后(如IQ>120).创造力与智力可能表现为完全不同的两码事,或者说创造力是独立于智力的.另一种解释认为,目前的大多数创造力测验和智力…  相似文献   

这是一项对初中二年级超常与常态儿童学业情感态度的研究,其特点是详细考察学生对于学习课程(特别是数学课程)的情绪感受范围和层次。从得到的结果使我们看出,超常(高智力)班学生对学业内容有着比常态班学生更积极的情感态度;而超常班学生情感态度测量与学习成绩较低相关是出于他们的智力水平;另外,性别差异上女生突出的现象是由于青春期起始阶段。本研究显示,学业儿童的学习成绩不仅基于较高的智力,儿童积极的学业情感是重要的心理因素,应引起教育者的注意。  相似文献   

十岁儿童创造倾向特点分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本研采用林幸台修订的威廉斯创造倾向量表,对十岁超常与常态儿童进行了创造倾向的测试,结果表明:在创造倾向的好奇性方面,北京地区的超常儿童优于常态儿童,差异显着;在想象力方面男生优于女生,差异非常显着.另外研究了北京、上海地区十岁儿童在创造倾向方面的差异,在挑战性方面北京儿童优于上海儿童,差异显着.上海地区在好奇性方面,男生优于女生,差异非常显着.再次,分析了创造倾向与学业成绩(语文、数学)关系,得出初步的结果.  相似文献   

7岁超常和常态儿童的信息加工速度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邹枝玲  施建农  恽梅  方平 《心理学报》2003,35(4):527-534
该研究以超常和常态儿童各25名(平均年龄分别为6岁10个月和6岁11个月)为被试,以选择反应、图形匹配、心理旋转、和抽象匹配为基本认知任务,对超常和常态儿童的信息加工速度作了比较研究。研究者对被试的正确率和反应时作了分析。结果表明:(1)超常儿童基本信息加工能力显著优于普通儿童,具体表现在反应时更短,或正确率更高。(2)超常儿童与常态儿童信息、加工的差异与任务难度有关,在选择反应和图形匹配任务中,超常儿童的反应时显著短于常态儿童。而且,在图形匹配任务中,任务难度越大,差异越显著。而在心里旋转和抽象匹配任务中,超常儿童的正确率显著高于常态儿童。(3)任务的难度无论对超常组被试还是常态组被试的反应时及反应正确率都有影响,但影响方式不太一样。在反应时上,随着任务难度的增加,两组被试的反应时都明显延长;但在正确率上,则随着任务难度的增加,常态组被试的正确率降低,而超常组被试的正确率基本稳定在一个较高的水平上,即任务难度问的差异不显著。  相似文献   

从中德儿童技术创造性跨文化研究结果看性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
施建农  徐凡  周林  查子秀 《心理学报》1999,32(4):428-434
研究者通过对中德儿童技术创造性跨文化研究结果的综合分析,着重讨论了在差异心理学领域一直十分受人关注的性别差异问题。结果发现,无论是中国儿童还是德国儿童,无论是超常儿童还是常态儿童,性别差异具有基本稳定的趋势,而且,在不同的方面具有不完全一致的表现形式。具体表现为:(1)在数字、图形和实用创造性思维方面,在中国和德国儿童中都没有发现创造性思维方面的性别差异;(2)在心理折叠、学习爱好、技术问题理解和  相似文献   

Two parallel, but independent, literatures have grown out of observations that individual differences in information processing speed, as expressed in performance on choice reaction time (C RT) tasks, modestly correlate with individual differences in age and IQ test performance. These associations have prompted theories that individual differences in information processing speed functionally determine individual differences in performance of all cognitive skills by people of different general intellectual ability (Eysenck, 1986; Jensen, 1985) or age (Salthouse, 1982, 1985).

The experiments on which this literature has been based suffer from methodological weaknesses, such that comparisons have only been made very early in practice and have only concerned mean latencies for correct responses. An experiment compared 90 volunteers aged from 50 through 79 years who were grouped in terms of their performance on the AH 4 (Heim, 1968) IQ test. It explored the joint and independent effects of individual differences in age and in IQ test score and the effects of practice on mean latencies (C RTs) on the shapes of distributions of correct and incorrect responses and on the limiting speeds with which accurate responses can be made (speed/error trade-off functions). We suggest that a plausible explanation for the results is that individual differences in age and in general ability influence C RTs mainly because they affect the efficiency with which responses can be controlled to maximize speed while maintaining accuracy.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to examine cultural differences in the development of speed of information processing. Four samples of US children (= 509) and four samples of East Asian children (= 661) completed psychometric measures of processing speed on two occasions. Analyses of the longitudinal data indicated that, although processing speed was comparable among US and East Asian children at the youngest age (~4.5 years), it developed more rapidly in some but not all of the East Asian samples. Results are discussed in terms of factors that may promote more rapid development of processing speed in some East Asian cultures.  相似文献   

A previous study reported that children with poor motor skills, classified as having motor difficulties (MD) or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), produced more errors in a motor response inhibition task compared to typically developing (TD) children but did not differ in verbal inhibition errors. The present study investigated whether these groups differed in the length of time they took to respond in order to achieve these levels of accuracy, and whether any differences in response speed could be explained by generally slow information processing in children with poor motor skills. Timing data from the Verbal Inhibition Motor Inhibition test were analyzed to identify differences in performance between the groups on verbal and motor inhibition, as well as on processing speed measures from standardized batteries. Although children with MD and DCD produced more errors in the motor inhibition task than TD children, the current analyses found that they did not take longer to complete the task. Children with DCD were slower at inhibiting verbal responses than TD children, while the MD group seemed to perform at an intermediate level between the other groups in terms of verbal inhibition speed. Slow processing speed did not account for these group differences. Results extended previous research into response inhibition in children with poor motor skills by explicitly comparing motor and verbal responses, and suggesting that slow performance, even when accurate, may be attributable to an inefficient way of inhibiting responses, rather than slow information processing speed per se.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is a subcortical structure in the medial temporal lobe involved in cognitive functions such as spatial navigation and reorientation, episodic memory, and associative learning. While much is understood about the role of hippocampal function in learning and memory in adults, less is known about the relations between the hippocampus and the development of these cognitive skills in young children due to the limitations of using standard methods (e.g., MRI) to examine brain structure and function in developing populations. This study used hippocampal‐dependent trace eyeblink conditioning (EBC) as a feasible approach to examine individual differences in hippocampal functioning as they relate to spatial reorientation and episodic memory performance in young children. Three‐ to six‐year‐old children (N = 50) completed tasks that measured EBC, spatial reorientation, and episodic memory, as well as non‐hippocampal‐dependent processing speed abilities. Results revealed that when age was held constant, individual differences in EBC performance were significantly related to individual differences in performance on the spatial reorientation test, but not on the episodic memory or processing speed tests. When the relations between hippocampal‐dependent EBC and different reorientation strategies were explored, it was found that individual differences in hippocampal function predicted the use of geometric information for reorienting in space as opposed to a combined strategy that uses both geometric information and salient visual cues. The utilization of eyeblink conditioning to examine hippocampal function in young populations and its implications for understanding the dissociation between spatial reorientation and episodic memory development are discussed.  相似文献   

The perceptual and cognitive functioning of children with intelligence quotients greater than 135 was examined with the Rorschach Inkblot Test. A criterion measure, the Child Behavior Checklist, was also administered so as to determine whether deviations for Rorschach variables from age-appropriate norms indicated the presence of psychopathology or were evidence of nonentrenched, novel, or creative styles of encoding and processing information. Rorschach variables indicative of intellectual sophistication, nonentrenched thinking or inaccurate reality perception, and cognitive slippage were reliably elevated for this sample versus norms. Results for the Child Behavior Checklist demonstrated that the incidence of psychopathology in the intellectually superior and average samples were comparable. There was a lack of covariance between Rorschach makers of inaccurate reality perception, cognitive slippages, and schizophrenia, and the sum of behavior problems on the Child Behavior Checklist. Results for the Rorschach and Child Behavior Checklist variables were comparable for children with intelligence quotients greater than 150 versus between 136 and 140. It was concluded that the intellectually superior children did process the Rorschach stimuli in a manner that was nonentrenched and reliably different from norms, but that these differences should not routinely be considered as indications of psychopathology.  相似文献   

Rehearsal speed has traditionally been seen to be the prime determinant of individual differences in memory span. Recent studies, in the main using young children as the participant population, have suggested other contributors to span performance. In the present research, we used structural equation modeling to explore, at the construct level, individual differences in immediate serial recall with respect to rehearsal, search, phonological coding, and speed of access to lexical memory. We replicated standard short-term phenomena; we showed that the variables that influence children's span performance influence adult performance in the same way; and we showed that speed of access to lexical memory and facility with phonological codes appear to be more potent sources of individual differences in immediate memory than is either rehearsal speed or search factors.  相似文献   

The idea that information processing speed is related to cognitive ability has a long history. Much evidence has been amassed in its support, with respect to both individual differences in general intelligence and developmental trajectories. Two so-called elementary cognitive tasks, reaction time and inspection time, have been used to compile this evidence, but most studies have used either one or the other. Relations between speed and fluid intelligence have tended to be stronger than those between speed and crystallized intelligence, but studies testing this have confounded verbal abilities with crystallized intelligence and spatial/perceptual abilities with fluid intelligence. Questions have also been raised regarding whether speed contributes directly to general intelligence or to more specific cognitive abilities to which general intelligence also contributes. We used 18 ability and speed measures in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936, assessed at approximately age 70, to construct alternative versions of the Verbal-Perceptual-Image Rotation (Johnson & Bouchard, 2005a) model of cognitive ability to test different hypotheses regarding these issues. Though differences in the extents to which our models fit the data were relatively small, they suggested that reaction and inspection time tasks were comparable indicators of information processing speed with respect to general intelligence, that verbal and spatial abilities were similarly related to information processing speed, and that spatial, verbal, and perceptual speed abilities were more directly related to information processing speed than was general intelligence. We discuss the theoretical implications of these results.  相似文献   

The perceptual and cognitive functioning of children with intelligence quotients > 135 was examined with the Rorschach Inkblot Test. A criterion measure, the Child Behavior Checklist, was also administered so as to determine whether deviations for Rorschach variables from age-appropriate norms indicated the presence of psychopathology or were evidence of nonentrenched, novel, or creative styles of encoding and processing information. Rorschach variables indicative of intellectual sophistication, nonentrenched thinking or inaccurate testily perception, and cognitive slippage were reliably elevated for this sample versus norms. Results for the Child Behavior Checklist demonstrated that the incidence of psychopathology in the intellectually superior and average samples were comparable. There was a lack of covariance between Rorschach markers of inaccurate reality perception, cognitive slippages, and schizophrenia, and the sum of behavior problems on the Child Behavior Checklist. Results for the Rorschach and Child Behavior Checklist variables were comparable for children with intelligence quotients > 150 versus between 136 and 140. It was concluded that the intellectually superior children did process the Rorschach stimuli in a manner that was nonentrenched and reliably different from norms, but that these differences should not routinely be considered as indications of psychopathology.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to explore extraversion-related differences in the psychological refractory period (PRP). PRP refers to a bottleneck of information processing that becomes evident when participants are required to respond to two signals (S1 and S2) presented in rapid succession. If this capacity limit of premotor information processing is essential for differences in speed of information processing between introverts and extraverts, magnitude of the PRP effect should vary as a function of extraversion. Due to the failure of previous attempts to establish extraversion-related differences in the PRP effect, we also obtained lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs). For this purpose, 63 introverted and 63 extraverted female participants were tested with a standard PRP design. Extraverts responded faster to S2 and exhibited shorter stimulus-locked LRP latencies compared to introverts. Although a general PRP effect could be shown at the behavioral and psychophysiological level, there was no indication for any extraversion-related differences in PRP. Thus, extraversion-related differences in speed of information processing at the premotor level appear unlikely to originate from individual differences in the capacity limits underlying the PRP phenomenon. Furthermore, our findings provide converging evidence for the notion that extraversion-related individual differences in processing speed depend on specific task demands.  相似文献   

Impulsivity and speed-accuracy tradeoffs in information processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite its theoretical importance for such areas of research as reflection-impulsivity (Kagan, 1966), there is little evidence to support the assumption that individual differences in the personality trait of impulsivity are associated with differences in the willingness to sacrifice accuracy for speed of information processing. The present studies explored this association further. In Experiment 1, high, medium, and low impulsives (identified by self-report) performed a visual-comparison task under conditions differing in the monetary payoff for speed relative to accuracy. High impulsives were consistently faster and less accurate than other subjects. However, an analysis based on Sternberg's (1969) additive-factor method indicated that high impulsives performed at least one stage of information processing as slowly and accurately as other subjects. In Experiment 2, it was found that high impulsives were actually more accurate than low impulsives when all subjects were required to process information extremely rapidly. Experiment 3 identified the response execution stage as one that high impulsives carry out just as slowly and accurately as other individuals. The data from these experiments pose problems for a simple speed-accuracy tradeoff model of impulsive cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

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