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在当代西方哲学面临从意识哲学向后意识的身体哲学的理论转型之际,其也为我们重新认识中国传统哲学的理论范式提供了契机。一种对中西传统哲学的深入比较将使我们发现,与传统西方哲学不同,中国传统哲学与其说是坚持一种“反思”的取向,不如说是坚持一种“反身”的取向;与其说是具有一种“祛性”的特征,不如说是具有一种“尊性”的特征;与其说是以“还原论”为其原则,不如说是以“系谱学”为其原则。凡此种种,都使中国传统哲学在其理论范式上,更多地体现为一种身体性哲学而非意识性哲学。故我们看到,在中国传统哲学中,古人不仅坚持“即身而道在”把身体提升到“道”的高度,而且还使该“身道”一以贯之地贯彻在诸如宇宙论、伦理学以及宗教观等中国古代的理论之中,使之成为通向中国传统哲学文化精神的真正的不二法门。  相似文献   

对中国哲学“合法性”的追问,是一个关于哲学到底是什么,以及中国哲学到底是什么的“元问题”。哲学作为对形而上学或者说本体的追问,由于思维态势的不同,可以区分为“对本体”与“自本体”两大类型。这两大类型决定了中西哲学各有其不同的基本特征,即西方哲学的思考方式是主客“二分”的,中国哲学的思考方式是“天人合一”取向的;西方哲学借助于形式逻辑的三段论论证,中国哲学则强调“人同此心,心同此理”的主体间性;西方哲学运用定义精确的概念语言,中国哲学则采取含义丰富的“意像语言”。未来中国哲学学术范式的创新,应当充分考虑到中国哲学的特质,并在融会中西不同哲学范式的基础上才有可能。  相似文献   

中国哲学界对马克思辩证法的当代理解经历了四种范式 :“本体论的辩证法”、“认识论的辩证法”、“实践论的辩证法”和“生存论的辩证法”。我们要追问的是 :生存论转向作为现代西方哲学的一种趋向 ,为什么现代西方哲学在其中倾向于拒斥甚至否认辩证法 ,而我们却能够对马克思哲学作出生存论的辩证法解释 ?何以言说马克思哲学区别并超越于现代西方哲学 ?回答上述问题的关键是确认马克思视域中的“生活世界”概念 ,辨析马克思视域中的生活世界与现代西方哲学家视域中的生活世界的区别 ,澄清现实的生活世界与马克思辩证法的关系 ,追寻辩证法的…  相似文献   

儒释道三教皆以“道”为根本旨归,并立足自身本位来不断融会他者,最终形成了蔚为大观的“三教合一”思潮。但“三教合一”思潮的形成并没有泯灭三教之间的差异,反而促进了三教各自话语体系的构建。寻求同一性、自觉差异性、超越同异之辨,既是“三教合一”思潮得以形成的历史经验,也是当下中国哲学话语构建的现实路径。中国哲学话语体系的构建,应在对“哲学”保持觉解的基础之上,不断地与西方哲学进行视域融合:“求同”以为双方的深层对话提供场域;“存异”以为双方的相互激活提供可能;最终超越同异之辨,实现中国哲学的创造性转化与创新性发展。  相似文献   

聂锦芳 《哲学动态》2001,1(11):15-18
具有中国特色的哲学形态还在建构过程之中。就目前我国哲学研究的现状看 ,在队伍构成、研究视域和理论倾向等方面 ,基本上可以说是由中国传统哲学、西方哲学和马克思主义哲学研究组合而成的总体格局。虽不能说三者之间没有融通、会合 ,但融通、会合的程度还极为有限。审慎、客观地分析这种研究格局 ,甄别各自不同的特征与趋势 ,无疑是建构未来哲学形态的重要前提。中国传统哲学 :“复兴”梦幻与“原生”优势中国传统文化研究的热潮兴起于 2 0世纪 80年代中期。当时一个很重要的背景是 :作为世界现代化进程中特异现象的亚洲“四小龙”在经济…  相似文献   

在20世纪中国哲学史上,存在所谓"中国传统哲学的认知范式"现象,其包括唯物主义认知范式、科学主义认知范式、人文主义认知范式、逻辑主义认知范式、自我主义认知范式五种。此五种认知范式的实践,不仅是凸显中国传统哲学内容、性质及其优缺点的过程,也是西方哲学与中国传统哲学"情感磨合"的过程,从而成为分析西方哲学如何参与中国哲学现代化过程、中国哲学怎样选择与吸收西方哲学、中国现代哲学应确立怎样的基本形态等问题的独特视角。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,中国的马克思哲学研究比较集中地讨论了一些具有研究范式和创新路径意义的问题。这包括:马克思哲学的当代价值以及当代解释力;从本体论的根基看马克思哲学变革的性质;对马克思哲学观的探讨;“回到马克思”与“马克思是我们同时代人”的争论;文本学和解释学引发的马克思哲学的学术性与现实性的批评性话语;中国传统哲学、西方哲学、马克思主义哲学的对话与会通;西方马克思主义的基本问题和学术走向;马克思哲学与中国的现代性建构,等等。这些问题构成了一种前提性的批判,为提出建构中国当代形态的马克思主义哲学创造了条件,而建构中…  相似文献   

冯平 《哲学动态》2001,(5):8-11
自 1 978年思想解放运动以来 ,中国马克思主义哲学研究的发展在中国哲学的变革中一直扮演着主角。在“九五”期间 ,研究的最重要的特点是新的研究信念基本建立、新的研究范式基本形成。这些研究成果和 2 0世纪末对马克思主义哲学发展历程的反思 ,以及对 2 1世纪马克思主义哲学“应该的”发展前景的思考 ,都反映出经历了 2 0多年思想解放和与国际哲学界的对话 ,中国的马克思主义哲学研究范式的格式塔转换已经开始。一、“九五”中国马克思主义哲学研究的主要成果与研究特点“九五”期间 ,我国马克思主义哲学研究成果较为丰富。在《哲学研究》…  相似文献   

从冯友兰与陈荣捷看二十世纪中国哲学研究的方法论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对比冯友兰和陈荣捷研究中国哲学的不同路子,凸显在二十世纪研究中国哲学的两种方法论:一种用西方哲学来解释中国哲学,求中国哲学与西方哲学之同,另一种强调中国哲学的独特性,求中国哲学与西方哲学之异.冯是前一种方法的代表,而陈是后一种方法的代表.本文还讨论了这两种方法对新世纪中国哲学研究的意义.  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学、中国传统哲学与西方哲学的会通与融合,正在成为当前中国哲学界关注的热点问题。对此,我谈谈三点看法,抛砖引玉,以就教于方家。一问题的背景从1840年“鸦片战争”以后,中国逐步融入世界,开始启动现代化的进程。在思想界,介绍传播西方思想与哲学成为时尚,首先是达尔文的进化论,进而是培根、笛卡尔以来的近代西方经验主义和理性主义,然后是追本溯源,从古希腊苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德到德国古典哲学家康德、黑格尔等人的整个西方哲学思想经典,在中国都得到介绍与研究。1917年俄国“十月革命”胜利以后,马克思主义哲学作为…  相似文献   

Pengbo Liu 《Metaphilosophy》2020,51(2-3):187-205
The ancient Chinese text the Zhuangzi raises a mix of epistemological, psychological, and conceptual challenges against the value and usefulness of philosophical disputation. But instead of advocating the elimination of philosophy, it implicitly embraces a broader conception of philosophy, the goal of which is to engage us to reflect on our limitations, question things we take for granted, and better appreciate alternative perspectives and possibilities. Philosophy thus understood is compatible with a variety of methods and approaches: fictions, jokes, paradoxes, spiritual exercises, argument, disputation, and so on. Philosophical practices, on this view, also pave the way for an open-minded, adaptive and flexible way of living that is at the core of the Zhuangist good life.  相似文献   

The research programme of the philosophy of information (PI) proposed in 2002 made it an independent area or discipline in philosophical research. The scientific concept of ‘information’ is formally accepted in philosophical inquiry. Hence a new and tool-driven philosophical discipline of PI with its interdisciplinary nature has been established. Philosophy of information is an ‘orientative’ rather than ‘cognitive’ philosophy. When PI is under consideration in the history of Western philosophy, it can be regarded as a shift of large tradition. There are three large traditions at large, known as Platonic, Kantian and Leibniz-Russellian. In the discussion of the position of the possible worlds, we have modal Platonism and modal realism, but both of the theories are made in the framework of Western philosophy. In this essay, it is argued that possible worlds could be seen as worlds in information, which is then an interpretation of modal information theory (MIT). Our interpretation is made on the basis of Leibniz’s lifelong connection with China, a fact often overlooked by the Western philosophers. Possible world theory was influenced by the Neo-Confucianism flourishing since the Song Dynasty of China, the foundation of which is Yijing. It could be argued that Leibniz’s possible world theory was formulated in respect to the impact of the thoughts reflected in Yijing, in that one of the prominent features is the model-theoretic construction of theories. There are two approaches to theory construction, i.e., axiom-theoretic and model-theoretic. The origin of the former is from ancient Greece and the latter from ancient China. And they determined the different features of theoretic structures between the oriental and occidental traditions of science and technology. The tendency of the future development of science and technology is changing from the axiom-theoretic to the model-theoretic orientation, at least the two approaches being complementary each other. To some extent, this means the retrospective of tradition in the turning point of history, and some of the China’s cultural traditions might become the starting points in formulating the future Chinese philosophy of science and technology.  相似文献   

Edward Slingerland 《Dao》2011,10(1):1-30
Western scholarship on early Chinese thought has tended to either dismiss the foundational role of metaphor or to see it as a uniquely Chinese mode of apprehending the world. This article argues that, while human cognition is in fact profoundly dependent on imagistic conceptual structures, such dependence is by no means a unique feature of Chinese thought. The article reviews empirical evidence supporting the claims that human thought is fundamentally imagistic; that sensorimotor schemas are often used to structure our understanding of abstract concepts; that these schemas can be selectively combined to result in novel structures; and that there are inextricable connections between body, emotion, and thought in both everyday and philosophical cognition. It also provides a review of a recent trend where, explicitly or not, scholars from a variety of backgrounds have begun to take metaphor more seriously as a foundational bearer of philosophical meaning in early China.  相似文献   

Moti Mizrahi 《Axiomathes》2016,26(2):205-218
In this paper, I sketch an answer to the question “Why be an intellectually humble philosopher?” I argue that, as far as philosophical argumentation is concerned, the historical record of Western Philosophy provides a straightforward answer to this question. That is, the historical record of philosophical argumentation, which is a track record that is marked by an abundance of alternative theories and serious problems for those theories, can teach us important lessons about the limits of philosophical argumentation. These lessons, in turn, show why philosophers should argue with humility.  相似文献   

Tao Jiang 《Dao》2016,15(1):35-55
This essay looks into a particular aspect of Sinological challenge to the modern project of Chinese philosophy within the Western academy through the lens of authorship, using the Zhuangzi 莊子 as a case study. It explores philosophical implications for texts whose authorship is in doubt and develops a new heuristic model of authorship and textuality, so that a more robust intellectual space for the philosophical discourse on Chinese classics can be carved out from the dominant historicist Sinological discourse. It argues that philosophical and Sinological approaches to Chinese classics have divergent scholarly objectives and follow different disciplinary norms. To clarify such divergence, it proposes a heuristic model to distinguish two sets of scholarly objects operative in Sinology and philosophy respectively, namely original text versus inherited text, historical author versus textual author, and authorial intent versus textual intent. These two sets of scholarly objects are related, at times overlapping but often irreducibly distinct, with the former in the pairs belonging to Sinologists and the latter to philosophers.  相似文献   

Globalization was just emerging but did not really take shape during Karl Marx’s time. In fact, both Karl Marx and Engels predicted the trend of globalization but did not really live in such a time. Therefore, globalization is still a new issue and a new research area for Marxist philosophy today. Based on the distinctions between some important concepts such as globalization and modernization, this paper probes the problems concerning the development of modernity theory, social morphology and civilization theory, and the Marxist theory of values raised in the process of globalization. The paper also explores some theoretical issues concerning the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics in the Marxist philosophy, and contemplates possible research areas, angles and methods of Marxist philosophical research in the global era. __________ Translated from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Studies), 2005 (9) by Ouyang Kang, Liu Yumei, Zhu Lingling  相似文献   

维特根斯坦的哲学观   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈嘉映 《现代哲学》2006,(5):90-102
该文介绍了后期维特根斯坦对哲学的看法。其要点是:哲学的核心工作是概念考察;所考察的是自然概念,用以考察的也是自然概念;因此,哲学工作和实证科学是在两个层面上展开的;哲学的目标不是建构理论;哲学的任务是治疗由误解哲学语法所造成的智性扭曲。文章最后粗略讨论了观念和概念的关系。  相似文献   

语言转向是西方哲学自我批判的产物,对西方心理学摆脱“康德式难题”具有重要意义。该文以西方哲学语言转向的内在逻辑为理论背景,分析了由此引发的西方心理学研究主题、线索和路径变迁。分析哲学、解释学和结构主义是语言转向的三种方式,共同实现了20世纪的语言转向,影响心理学理论和研究的变迁,推动心理学关注语言建构和文本陈述,激发新的心理学理论和研究。  相似文献   

本论文的目的在于运用“关系范畴”说明朱熹的宇宙本体论。近代以后对宋明理学的研究受到西方一些思想的影响 ,而以西方的思维模式来说明理学的范畴 ,最终丧失了理学本来所具有的哲学意义。因此 ,本论文要论证冯友兰先生所主张的“共相”和“殊相”不能说明朱熹理学的本来意义。本论文试图用“阴阳 ,动静关系”范畴来说明朱熹的宇宙本体论 ,说明阴阳两个体一方面保存自己的个体性 ,而另一方面也维持相生的整体性 ,并进一步说明个体必须以整体为依归 ,整体必须以个体为前提。  相似文献   

This is a rejoinder to Susan Mendus'How Androcentric is Western Philosophy? a Reply', The Philosophical Quarterly , 46 (1996), pp. 60–6, which addresses my 'How Androcentric is Western Philosophy?', ib ., pp. 48–59. The viability of the distinction between pervasive and non-pervasive androcentrism is defended, but I claim that most claims in the original paper do not presuppose it. Moreover, the original paper does not presuppose that there is a clear demarcation line between pervasive and non-pervasive androcentrism. I argue further that one can make use of some parts of philosophical systems while rejecting others, that Gilligan does see ethics as pervasively androcentric, and that Rawls' theory is not a good example of pervasive androcentrism.  相似文献   

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