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疼痛共情是指个体对他人疼痛的感知、判断和情绪反应。它受到疼痛者因素、观察者因素和二者之间关系的影响。疼痛共情的认知模型主要有知觉-动作模型、疼痛共情认知模型、早期评估模型与后期评估模型。未来研究的方向在于进一步深入探讨疼痛共情的认知机制, 探索情绪因素对疼痛共情的影响和扩展研究方法。  相似文献   

积极共情指个体对他人积极情绪状态的理解和间接分享过程。虽然它与消极共情在产生过程中都依赖于镜像神经系统和心理理论系统的活动, 但是两者在产生难度上不同。对于积极共情情感如何在大脑中表征的, 不同的研究者观点各异:一些认为与消极共情一致, 都集中在脑岛及其相关脑区; 而另一些则认为是大脑的愉悦系统。关于积极共情影响因素的研究主要集中于共情主体和客体的关系方面。今后需要进一步了解积极共情在产生机制和情感表征上的特点, 拓展其影响因素的研究并展开对特质积极共情神经基础的探讨。  相似文献   

范方  耿富磊  张岚  朱清 《心理学报》2011,43(12):1398-1407
创伤后应激障碍是灾难后常见的心理病理问题, 灾后继发负性生活事件和社会支持是影响创伤后应激障碍症状的重要因素。该研究采用追踪设计, 历时2年对汶川地震后都江堰地区1573名青少年进行3次测查, 考察震后继发负性生活事件、不同类型社会支持与创伤后应激障碍症状之间的相互作用关系。研究发现:不同类型的社会支持与震后继发负性生活事件、创伤后应激障碍症状存在不同的作用关系; 震后继发负性生活事件不仅直接影响个体的心理健康还对个体的社会支持系统有损害; 震后负性生活事件、主观支持与创伤后应激障碍症状存在联动效应, 即三者中任一方面的变化都可能引起其他方面的变化。  相似文献   

“创伤后成长”是积极心理学的一个新概念,指个体在与创伤性事件或情境进行抗争后体验到的心理上的正性变化。研究发现癌症患者在经历苦难的同时,也会产生创伤后成长,表现在对新的可能性、与他人关系、生活感恩、个人优势等方面的新感知和精神领域的改变。创伤后成长与患者年龄及心理痛苦水平负相关,与受教育水平、家庭收入、积极应对方式、情绪表达和社会支持正相关。这些结果给临床护理的提示是,重视患者的内在潜能,鼓励患者以积极的应对方式、外化的情绪表达来缓解心理痛苦,通过提供充分的社会支持促进其成长,提高患者抗癌的内在力量。  相似文献   

宽恕干预研究述评——宽恕在心理治疗中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗培  白晋荣 《心理科学进展》2009,17(5):1010-1015
宽恕能帮助受害者消除愤怒、减轻痛苦,修复心理创伤。在西方,宽恕已被当作干预目标应用于临床和教育领域。结果表明,宽恕干预能明显减少来访者的愤怒、抑郁、焦虑等消极的情绪体验,增加积极的心理体验,如希望和自尊。宽恕过程模型以及REACH宽恕模型是目前最具代表性的两个宽恕干预理论模型。这两个理论模型均由若干环节构成。在这些环节中,定义宽恕、回忆伤害事件、建立共情、知觉到对他人的伤害、承诺宽恕以及克服阻碍宽恕的因素是促进个体宽恕的重要环节,是在宽恕干预过程中应特别注意的地方。  相似文献   

该研究追踪调查汶川地震后1573名青少年,考查心理弹性、生活事件和抑郁症状的关系,以探讨幸存者的心理修复过程。结果表明:(1)心理弹性既能直接预测抑郁症状,也能通过抑郁症状间接影响生活事件;(2)生活事件既能直接预测心理弹性,也能通过抑郁症状间接预测心理弹性;(3)抑郁症状既能直接影响心理弹性,也能通过生活事件间接影响心理弹性。结论:灾后不同特征的青少年心理修复过程不同,存在"钢化效应"和"敏化效应"。  相似文献   

共情是人类社会的一种普遍现象,同时也是心理学、社会学等领域中的一个重要研究主题。共情能促使个体产生亲社会行为并维持和谐的社会秩序(Hoffinan,2001),因此对他人准确地共情就显得十分重要。共情鸿沟作为影响共情准确性和情感预测准确性的重要因素,对共情鸿沟影响因素与机制的研究正逐渐成为热点。如何消除共情鸿沟,使个体在评估他人感受时更加准确,从而引发更多的共情与亲社会行为,就显得十分重要。本文依次介绍了共情鸿沟的内涵、共情鸿沟的种类、共情鸿沟的研究方法、共情鸿沟的影响因素与内在机制,最后提出了未来研究展望,希望能为研究者提供一定的借鉴指导。  相似文献   

本研究运用三水平元分析技术系统探讨儿童期创伤与共情的关系及其调节因素。通过文献检索与筛选,获得46项研究和352个效应量,共包含23039名被试。元分析结果发现,儿童期创伤与共情存在显著负相关(r=-0.076)。儿童期创伤类型存在调节作用,躯体忽视(r=-0.095)与情感忽视(r=-0.128)均与共情显著负相关,而躯体虐待(r=0.005)、情感虐待(r=-0.051)和性虐待(r=-0.058)均与共情相关不显著。共情成分存在调节作用,在认知共情中,儿童期创伤与观点采择(r=-0.127)显著负相关,而与幻想(r=-0.044)相关不显著;在情感共情中,儿童期创伤与共情关注(r=-0.148)显著负相关,而与个人痛苦(r=0.153)显著正相关。本研究首次系统比较了不同类型儿童期创伤与共情的关系以及儿童期创伤在共情各成分上的效应,并提出了培养共情的建议。  相似文献   

情境对共情的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共情指的是个体在与人交往的过程中共享并理解他人的情绪状态的倾向, 包括认知共情和情绪共情两种成分。现实生活中的共情总是发生在一定的具体情境中, 受到情境因素的影响。其中, 情境的公开性或私密性、意义性等均在不同程度上影响了共情的产生或共情反应的强烈程度。共情对象在特定情境中与共情主体之间的群际关系、人际关系等也是重要的情境因素, 共情主体对于和自己属于同一群体或拥有较亲密人际关系的他人更容易产生共情。情境对共情的影响通过自上而下和自下而上两种方式实现。有关情境对共情的影响研究虽然取得了一定的成果, 但仍然有进一步拓展的空间, 未来的研究需要在情境因素的内涵上进行深入挖掘, 从认知加工的角度对情境影响共情的机制做更为细致、微观地解析, 还可以从共情主体的视角明确个体差异如何调节了情境对共情的影响作用。  相似文献   

急性应激障碍和创伤后应激障碍是近些年创伤后研究的重要内容.为了更加全面地评估遭遇创伤事件患者的情况,本文将从年龄、性别、种族和文化因素、生理与心理共病、过去受伤史、攻击行为、自伤和自杀行为7个方面阐述影响应激障碍的因素,以期在影响应激治疗因素层面为临床治疗提供依据.  相似文献   

采用Maslach工作倦怠量表对263名企业员工在一年时间内的三个等距时间点(T1,T2,T3)的工作倦怠进行测量,纵向研究中国文化背景下工作倦怠的发展规律,并比较工作倦怠发展的六种因果模型。研究结果表明,去人性化影响成就感降低,且这种影响具有跨时间一致性;但是情绪衰竭和去人性化相互影响的跨时间一致性较低,如T1情绪衰竭影响T2去人性化,但是T2情绪衰竭对T3去人性化的影响不显著;T1去人性化对T2情绪衰竭的影响不显著,但是T2去人性化影响T3情绪衰竭。去人性化在工作倦怠的发展中具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠量表编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
殷小川  薛祖梅 《心理学报》2009,41(6):545-556
从竞技运动项目教练员工作特点和工作倦怠主题入手,以文献研究和已有相关问卷、量表为基础,结合半结构问卷调查和访谈所获得资料,编制竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠问卷。对514名竞技运动项目教练员进行了施测,并对测试数据进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。探索性因素分析的结果表明,竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠主要表现在情绪衰竭、去个性化、个人成就感低、知识枯竭感4个方面;验证性因素分析结果表明,所提取的4个因素与构想模型拟合较好,编制的竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠量表的信度、效度均达到心理测量学上的要求,可以作为今后测量竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠状况的工具。  相似文献   

This study investigated cognitive performance in patients with burnout, in relation to the flexibility of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Clinical cases with work stress-induced burnout (n = 65), and demographically matched, healthy reference subjects (n = 65), were given six neuropsychological tests and a self-rating scale for cognitive problems. Diurnal salivary cortisol was measured among burnout cases and an external reference group (n = 174), including a dexamethasone suppression test (DST) among burnout cases. Compared with referents, the burnout group under-performed in a cognitive speed test (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Digit Symbol), but not in any other test of sustained attention, episodic memory, or vocabulary. Burnout cases had considerably more subjective cognitive problems, but ratings were unrelated to test performance. Compared with referents, burnout cases had similar morning salivary cortisol levels and similar awakening response, but lower evening cortisol. Among burnout cases, lower diurnal cortisol variability was related to slower performance in several tests. The DST response showed no consistent relationship with any cognitive parameter. Hence, despite considerable subjective cognitive problems, the burnout group showed only a partial, mild deviation in cognitive performance. A flatter diurnal cortisol profile was related to lower cognitive processing speed, but diurnal cortisol pattern and DST response were normal, suggesting a maintained HPA axis flexibility.  相似文献   

Drawing on the classic model of balanced affect, the Francis Burnout Inventory (FBI) conceptualises good work-related psychological health among clergy in terms of negative affect being balanced by positive affect. In a random sample of 744 clergy (539 clergymen and 205 clergywomen) serving in The Presbyterian Church (USA), negative affect was assessed by the Scale of Emotional Exhaustion in Ministry (SEEM) and positive affect was assessed by the Satisfaction in Ministry Scale (SIMS). At the same time, burnout was independently assessed using self-report measures of overall health and burnout, and by the extraversion and neuroticism scales of Eysenck’s dimensional model of personality. These independent measures of burnout indicated higher burnout among those who were emotionally exhausted and lower burnout among those who had high levels of satisfaction with their ministry. Crucially for proving the idea of balanced affect, there was a significant interaction between the effects of SEEM and SIMS scores on these independent measures of burnout, showing that the mitigating effects of positive affect on burnout increased with increasing levels of negative affect.  相似文献   

This study aimed at the assessment of psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI-Ita) in a sample of Italian teachers and the analysis of burnout profiles based on a model that includes four dimensions: Enthusiasm toward job, Psychological exhaustion, Indolence, and Guilt. A self-reported questionnaire was filled out by 689 Italian teachers. Data analyses performed Multi-sample Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Results confirmed the hypothesized four-factor structure and the discriminant role of Guilt in differentiating clusters. Results highlights the reliability of the SBI-Ita in the assessment of teachers’ burnout. Furthermore, results evidence for a new typology of burnout that differentiate guilty from non-guilty professionals.  相似文献   


For behavioral health professionals working with traumatized clients, continuous and prolonged exposure to the stress of working with the myriad of trauma-related stressors experienced by their clients can lead to various responses including burnout, compassion fatigue, and compassion satisfaction. The present study investigates the impact of using evidence-based practices on compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in a random, national sample of self-identified trauma specialists (N=532). The 30-item Professional Quality of Life Scale (Stamm, 2005) and the 19-item Trauma Practices Questionnaire (Craig & Sprang, 2009) were included in a survey to licensed social workers and psychologists from professional membership rosters. Age and years of experience proved to be powerful predictors of only two of the three criterion variables, with younger professionals reporting higher levels of burnout and more experienced providers endorsing higher levels of compassion satisfaction. The utilization of evidence-based practices predicted statistically significant decreases in compassion fatigue and burnout, and increases in compassion satisfaction. The utility of these findings in understanding the process of trauma transmission between therapist and client as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Conservation of Resources (COR) model of burnout (Hobfoll & Freedy, 1993) suggests that resources are differentially related to burnout dimensions. In this paper, I provide a meta-analysis of the social support and burnout literature, finding that social support, as a resource, did not yield different relationships across the 3 burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment), challenging the COR model. However, when considering the source of the social support (work vs. nonwork) as a moderator, I found that work-related sources of social support, because of their more direct relationship to work demands, were more closely associated with exhaustion than depersonalization or personal accomplishment; the opposite pattern was found with nonwork sources of support. I discuss the implications of this finding in relation to the COR model and suggest future research directions to clarify the relationship between resources and burnout dimensions.  相似文献   

Participants at a June 2002 conference about the September 11th attacks were tested for compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and burnout. The sample consisted of 343 clergy, including 97 chaplains. A total of 149 (43.4%) of the participants had responded as disaster-relief workers following the September 11th attacks. The number of hours clergy worked with trauma victims each week was directly related to compassion fatigue among responders and non-responders. Compassion fatigue also was positively related to the number of days that responders worked at Ground Zero, while disaster-relief work with the American Red Cross reduced compassion fatigue and burnout. Clinical Pastoral Education tended to decrease compassion fatigue and burnout and increase compassion satisfaction in both responders and non-responders. Burnout was inversely related to age in both groups.  相似文献   

This study aimed to better understand the psychological mechanisms, referred to in the job demands–resources model as the energetic and motivational processes, that can explain relationships between job demands (role overload and ambiguity), job resources (job control and social support), and burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment). Drawing on self-determination theory, we examined whether psychological resources (perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness) act as specific mediators between particular job demands and burnout as well as between job resources and burnout. Participants were 356 school board employees. Results of the structural equation analyses provide support for our hypothesized model, which proposes that certain job demands and resources are involved in both the energetic and motivational processes—given their relationships with psychological resources—and that they distinctively predict burnout components. Implications for burnout research and management practices are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The purpose of the present research was to test a model on the role of passion for work in professional burnout. This model posits that obsessive passion produces conflict between work and other life activities because the person cannot let go of the work activity. Conversely, harmonious passion is expected to prevent conflict while positively contributing to work satisfaction. Finally, conflict is expected to contribute to burnout, whereas work satisfaction should prevent its occurrence. This model was tested in 2 studies with nurses in 2 cultures. Using a cross-sectional design, Study 1 ( n =97) provided support for the model with nurses from France. In Study 2 ( n =258), a prospective design was used to further test the model with nurses from the Province of Quebec over a 6-month period. Results provided support for the model. Specifically, harmonious passion predicted an increase in work satisfaction and a decrease in conflict. Conversely, obsessive passion predicted an increase of conflict. In turn, work satisfaction and conflict predicted decreases and increases in burnout changes that took place over time. The results have important implications for theory and research on passion as well as burnout.  相似文献   

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