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薛婷  陈浩  乐国安  姚琦 《心理科学》2013,36(1):183-188
为探究社会认同、群际威胁和群体情绪如何同时影响内、外群体态度,本研究以中日撞船事件为考察蓝本向天津市431名大学生被试进行调查研究,结果发现:国家认同在认同威胁对两种群体态度的总影响和通过群体愤怒的间接影响中都起到负向的调节作用;群际威胁和群体情绪在社会认同与内、外群体态度之间具有显著中介作用。结论:国家认同在对群体态度的影响中起基础性作用,不同群际威胁与不同群体情绪相对应进而影响群体态度。  相似文献   

元刻板印象威胁是指消极元刻板印象所导致的群体成员的一种社会心理困境和认知不平衡状态,会诱发压力和害怕体验,进而损害其行为表现。基于群际焦虑模型,本研究拟考查元刻板印象、群际焦虑、自尊等因素对群际关系的影响,具体为贫困大学生消极元刻板印象对群际关系的影响及群际焦虑的中介作用、自尊的调节作用。研究以江苏省徐州市某高校的158名贫困大学生为被试,通过操控指导语的方式将其随机分为威胁组(消极元刻板印象激活组)和无威胁组(元刻板印象未激活组)。结果如下:(1)威胁组被试的群际焦虑水平显著高于无威胁组,群际关系水平显著低于无威胁组;(2)群际焦虑在元刻板印象威胁与群际关系间起中介作用,自尊在前半路径(元刻板印象和群际焦虑间)和后半路径(群际焦虑与群际关系间)均起调节作用。结论:激活贫困大学生消极元刻板印象会对群际关系产生威胁效应。  相似文献   

通过实验探究危机情境下组织回应策略对员工的负性情绪和行为倾向的影响。实验一采用被试间设计。探讨公众舆论危机情境下组织回应策略(机会解释,威胁解释)对员工情绪和行为倾向的影响。实验二采用2×2的被试间实验设计,探讨管理惩戒危机情境下利益相关性(主相关,他相关)和组织回应策略类型对员工情绪和行为倾向的影响。结果发现,威胁解释下被试的负性情绪更高;机会解释下的被试发生负性网络行为可能性高于威胁解释,但现实行为倾向水平均较低;员工利益主相关情境下,被试负性行为倾向更高,危机情境类型和组织回应策略类型交互作用显著。研究表明:机会解释对抑制员工的负性情绪更有效;威胁解释对抑制员工的负性网络行为倾向更有效;员工利益主相关的危机情境会使员工的负性情绪和负性行为水平更高。  相似文献   

为探讨社会认同理论框架下,身份认同与内隐群际攻击性的关系,并分析内隐集体自尊在身份认同对内隐群际攻击性影响的调节作用,采用内隐IAT测验和问卷调查相结合的方法对326名新生代农民工进行调查,结果发现:(1)内农外农型新生代农民工对内群体和外群体的内隐群际攻击性均高于内城外城型被试,内农外农型新生代农民工对内群体的内隐攻击性水平显著高于其对外群体和模糊群体的内隐攻击性水平,内城外城型新生代农民工的外群内隐攻击性显著高于内群内隐攻击性;(2)内隐集体自尊调节了内农外农型被试对内群体内隐攻击的影响,内隐集体自尊对内城外城型新生代农民工的群际攻击性不存在显著影响。研究结果揭示了内隐集体自尊在个体身份认同与内隐群际攻击性产生的调节作用,从而丰富了社会认同理论。  相似文献   

采用实验法考察高自尊威胁后个体防御和消极情绪的特点,并分别考察自尊水平和自我价值权变性对自尊威胁后防御和消极情绪的不同调节作用。结果表明:(1)与受到低自尊威胁的大学生被试相比,高自尊威胁后被试表现出了较高的防御和消极情绪。(2)自尊水平能够在自尊威胁和消极情绪之间起调节作用,具体表现在,高自尊被试在高威胁后表现出了较高的消极情绪,而在低威胁后消极情绪较低;对于低自尊被试,无论自尊威胁程度如何,他们都表现出了较高的消极情绪。(3)自我价值权变性能够在自尊威胁和防御之间起调节作用,具体表现在,高自我价值权变性的被试在高自尊威胁后表现出了较高的防御,而低自尊威胁后防御较低;而低自我价值权变性的被试在两种威胁后都表现出了较高的防御。  相似文献   

两个实验探索群际威胁情境下表达性和能动性自我肯定对个体自我评价的影响。实验一诱发群际威胁,操作表达性自我肯定,测量被试的自我评价水平。实验二与实验一采用相同的方法,诱发群际威胁,操作能动性自我肯定,之后测量自我评价水平。两个实验均发现,群际威胁组的自我评价显著低于控制组;在群际威胁情境下,表达性自我肯定组和能动性自我肯定组的自我评价显著高于无自我肯定组。研究表明,群际威胁虽然是群体水平的感知,但会对个体水平的自我评价产生消极影响,通过社会认知基本维度进行自我肯定能有效缓解群际威胁对自我评价的消极影响。自我肯定对群际威胁与自我评价之间关系的作用机制还需要进一步探讨。  相似文献   

对89名大学生被试在自我威胁条件下的归因与情绪模式进行了实验室研究。结果发现:(1)自我威胁条件下,脆弱高自尊个体会产生即刻的强烈羞愧情绪,之后通过外归因将这种向内的羞愧转换为向外的高敌意;(2)低自尊个体在自我威胁条件下,也会产生即刻的强烈羞愧感,但其外归因和敌意情绪均保持在较低水平,未出现归因与情绪转换。研究结果支持自我威胁后的归因与情绪转换假设。  相似文献   

社会偏见与群际威胁在群际冲突发生过程中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙连荣  杨治良 《心理科学》2013,36(4):949-955
研究以“医患冲突”为载体,采用竞争反应时范式(CRT)和故事补全范式(SCP),探讨社会偏见和群际威胁在群际冲突发生过程中的作用。结果表明:(1)“医生”被试中,社会偏见在CRT和SCP两个指标上均具显著主效应,而“患者”被试中,社会偏见仅在CRT范式“惩罚持续时间”指标上主效应显著;(2)群际威胁在CRT和SCP指标上的主效应均显著。研究发现,在群际冲突发生过程中,社会偏见的作用具有“方向效应”,而群际威胁变量发挥着显著而直接的影响。  相似文献   

采用2(自恋故事vs.中性故事)×2(威胁情境vs.表扬情境)的被试间设计对162名大学生的状态自恋与攻击行为的关系及其机制进行考察。结果发现:(1)与中性故事组相比,自恋故事能够显著激活被试的状态自恋水平;(2)与表扬情境相比,威胁情境中自恋激活组个体的攻击意向显著高于中性故事组,说明状态自恋激活能够显著增加个体的攻击行为;(3)状态自恋通过知觉到的威胁、愤怒情绪和敌意归因偏差间接预测攻击行为;(4)从总体上来说,知觉到的威胁既可显著直接预测攻击行为,也可通过愤怒情绪间接预测攻击行为。对自恋激活组,状态自恋可以通过影响愤怒情绪和敌意归因偏差间接影响攻击行为;对中性控制组来说,这种关系则不存在。本研究结果证实,状态自恋的激活能够显著增加个体面对消极反馈时攻击行为产生的认知情绪机制。  相似文献   

为了从性别差异视角探讨男性和女性外来务工人员的主观社会阶层、刻板印象威胁以及认同管理策略,通过整群抽样和滚雪球抽样方式选取了275名外来务工人员作为被试,讨论了外来务工群体在性别差异中的典型差异性。结果表明:(1)外来务工群体的主观社会阶层影响认同管理策略的选择,相较于客观社会阶层指标,主观社会阶层与认同管理策略和刻板印象威胁之间具有更高的相关性,其中性别具有一定的调节作用。(2)不同性别外来务工群体主观社会阶层与刻板印象威胁具有典型差异性,群际接触存在性别差异。(3)该群体的群际接触数量、接触质量与刻板印象威胁存在相关。  相似文献   

Established theories have acknowledged that intergroup threat is one of the key determinants of intergroup attitudes and behaviours, but how intergroup threat can affect consumer behaviour remains unclear. Here, four preregistered studies (total N = 988) examined the effect of intergroup threat (manipulated in terms of realistic and symbolic threats) on consumers’ willingness to purchase ingroup and outgroup products. In the context of China–West relations, we measured Chinese consumers’ willingness to purchase Chinese (ingroup) and Western (outgroup) products. These studies together revealed that realistic and symbolic threats (versus control) increased willingness to purchase ingroup products and decreased willingness to purchase outgroup products, regardless of the product category. Studies 3a and 3b also measured knowledge of the outgroup as a potential moderator, revealing that realistic threat (versus control) reduced willingness to purchase outgroup products only among individuals who had less knowledge of the outgroup. Furthermore, Study 3b showed that the intergroup threat manipulation indirectly influenced consumers’ willingness to purchase ingroup/outgroup products through increased anger and decreased hope. We discussed the contributions to the intergroup relations and consumer behaviour literature and the implications for transnational marketing practices, as well as the limitations of this research.  相似文献   

This research demonstrates a common psychology of outgroup hostility driven by perceived intergroup threat among three groups and seven cultural contexts: non‐Muslim Westerners, Muslims in Western societies, and Muslims in the Middle East. In Study 1, symbolic, but not realistic and terroristic threats, predicted non‐Muslim Norwegians' intentions to join anti‐Islamic movements. In Study 2, symbolic and realistic, but not terroristic threat, predicted non‐Muslim Americans' willingness to persecute Muslims. In Studies 3 and 4, symbolic threat predicted support and behavioral intentions against the West among Swedish and Turkish Muslims. Finally, in Study 5, a comparison demonstrated that symbolic and realistic threats had the same effects on violent intentions among non‐Muslim and Muslim Danes, and Muslims in Afghanistan. Meta‐analysis showed that symbolic threat was most strongly associated with intergroup hostility. Across studies, participants with high religious group identification experienced higher levels of threat. Implications for intergroup research and prejudice reduction are discussed.  相似文献   

In the context of Hindu–Muslim relations in India, the present study (N = 87) utilized Integrated Threat Theory (Stephan & Stephan, 2000 ) to examine the mediating roles of intergroup anxiety, realistic and symbolic threats and the moderating role of group membership (Hindu vs. Muslim) in the relationships between cross‐community contact, relative in‐group status and prejudice. Overall, intergroup anxiety and realistic, but not symbolic, threat emerged as proximal predictors of prejudice and partial mediators between the predictor and criterion variables. But these findings were qualified by majority (Hindu) versus minority (Muslim) group membership. As predicted, while symbolic threat was a predictor of prejudice for Hindus, realistic threat was a paramount predictor for Muslims. In‐group status was as a significant predictor for low‐status minority group only. The results are discussed with reference to their potential implications for future research and interventions aimed at improving intergroup relations. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two studies tested predictions from intergroup threat theory concerning emotional responses to intergroup threat. Study 1 employed threatening video clips of the 9/11/01 World Trade Center attacks. Study 2 employed video clips of a threatening “opponent” in a competition. Facial electromyography (EMG) was employed to capture emotion‐related muscle activity. As participants viewed videos in Study 1, they were instructed to consider Americans' reactions or their personal reactions. In Study 2, an “opponent” presented individually directed or group‐directed stereotype threat. Both studies provide support for the theory: Participants experiencing individual threats displayed greater EMG activity in muscles corresponding to inwardly directed emotions (fear), while participants experiencing group threats displayed greater EMG activity in muscles corresponding to outwardly directed emotions (anger).  相似文献   

群际威胁的分类及其对群体偏见的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群际威胁是指在社会群体情境中,一个群体所具有的资源、信念和价值观等各种特征对另一个群体的存在、发展和目标产生的威胁。这种感知到的威胁会导致人们对外群体产生消极的态度和行为。根据群际威胁的理论来源和内容可以将群际威胁分为现实威胁、文化威胁和认同威胁三类。目前群际威胁对群体偏见影响的理论模型已从最初的单一模型发展到各类威胁共同作用的整合模型。未来的研究应将重点放在对各类威胁间相互关系的探究、群际威胁与群体偏见关系模型的修正和补充,以及发展适合中国本土情况的群际理论上  相似文献   

This set of two studies employed the integrated threat theory to examine attitudes toward affirmative action (AA). The first study found that opposition to the policy of AA was predicted by realistic threats, symbolic threats, and personal relevance; while attitudes toward the beneficiaries of AA were predicted by three of the four threat variables (symbolic threats, intergroup anxiety, and negative stereotypes), and in‐group identity. The second study replicated and expanded on the first study and found that the effects of several individual‐difference variables (racism, anti‐Black affect, and political conservatism) on opposition to AA were mediated by three of the threats in the integrated threat theory (realistic threats, symbolic threats, and negative stereotypes). The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

We tested a model which examined the relationship between contact quantity and quality, relative ingroup status, and intergroup attitudes in Northern Ireland. Intergroup anxiety was considered an individual-level mediator and realistic and symbolic threat as group-level mediators in the model. We examined the idea that the strength of ingroup identification moderates the predictive power of individual- versus group-level variables. Both contact and relative ingroup status predicted anxiety and perceived threats to the ingroup, which were significant mediators in the model. Our results also suggest that while anxiety predicts attitudes for low but not high identifiers, symbolic threats to the ingroup are more important for high than for low identifiers. There was also some evidence indicating that status perceptions moderate contact effects. We discuss these results in terms of their implications for intergroup relations in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Just as with threats to personal identity, people defend against social identity threats. In the context of intergroup injustice, such defensiveness undercuts collective guilt and its prosocial consequences. The current research examines whether group affirmation allows perpetrator groups to disarm threat without undermining guilt. In Study 1, men accepted greater guilt for gender inequality after affirming the ingroup. Given the distinction between collective guilt and collective shame, Studies 2-4 assessed both emotions and revealed that Canadians accepted greater guilt and shame over the mistreatment of Aboriginals following group affirmation. In Study 3, group affirmation also moderated the relation of each emotion with reparatory attitudes. When controlling for each other, collective shame predicted compensation in a nonaffirmation control condition whereas guilt predicted compensation once identity threat had been disarmed by group affirmation. In Study 4, the effect of group affirmation on the collective emotions was mediated by defensive appraisals of the injustice.  相似文献   

In two studies we assessed the role of distinctiveness threat, group‐based emotions (angst, fear, and anger), and prejudice on people's willingness to engage in collective action against immigrant groups. In Study 1 (N = 222) White British participants were either informed that in the next 40 years the proportion of immigrants in the UK is unlikely to change (control condition) or that there will be more immigrants than White British people living in Britain (threat condition). We obtained support for a sequential multiple mediator model in which threat predicted British people's willingness to engage in collective action via the emotions first and then prejudice. This finding was replicated in Study 2 with an Italian sample (N = 283). These results enhance understanding of when and why advantaged groups undertake collective action against disadvantaged groups by demonstrating that distinctiveness threats and emotions promote such actions.  相似文献   

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