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当今中国竞技体育中假球、黑哨、暴力等现象严重损害了人民和社会的利益,危及当代竞技体育的健康发展.通过总结中国竞技体育中出现各种反伦理现象的成因并针对当前部分人道德及价值观迷失和“唯利是图”倾向严重的现象,运用我国传统伦理义利观思想,从“义与利的认识、行为、修身”三个角度,对体育事业中的扭曲现象加以审视.目的是在市场经济的大环境下,倡导“以义为上,以义导利”的优良传统,抑制中国当代竞技体育中的负面倾向,进行了竞技体育中的伦理优化探究.  相似文献   

20世纪中期以后,竞技体育以其独有的文化内涵和形式在世界范围内获得了迅速发展,不断地朝着职业化、商业化、政治化、功利化的方向发展,与此同时竞技体育也在逐渐背离其原有的价值取向而出现异化。对竞技体育的概念、异化的表现及原因进行分析,并在此基础上提出对竞技体育进行伦理矫治的具体路径,才能推动竞技体育的健康发展。  相似文献   

"黑哨"现象已经成为现代体育运动,特别是高水平体育运动与竞赛中的毒瘤,它的肆虐与横行,严重阻碍了竞技体育的健康发展.对竞技体育中的"黑哨"现象,除通过法律进行遏制外,还必须对之进行伦理道德上的谴责.  相似文献   

中国体育因其蕴含独特的伦理价值诉求而与西方体育具有显著差异。受中国传统伦理思想、特别是儒家伦理思想的深刻影响,中国体育除了强调以体育强身健体的基本伦理价值目标之外,比西方体育更多地倡导身心和谐、维护人际关系和谐等伦理价值取向,也不像西方体育那样强调竞技性和竞争性。在体育全球化时代,中国体育既应该批判地吸取西方体育伦理精神,也应该保持自身内含的传统伦理精神。  相似文献   

王根 《伦理学研究》2013,(1):114-118
竞技体育作为体育的重要组成部分,不仅能够提升人们自身的生理素质,而且也深刻地影响着人们的道德生活.竞技体育对社会伦理道德的影响是双重的,为此,一方面要加强竞技体育的道德教育,提高参与者的道德素质,另一方面要不断改革和完善竞技体育制度,发挥竞技体育的优势,避免竞技体育带给人们的消极影响,从而促进人的全面发展和推动社会的和谐进步.  相似文献   

在市场经济环境中,受商业化和职业化冲击、竞技体育管理机制存在缺陷、体育法规制度建设滞后等因素影响,我国竞技体育存在着兴奋剂泛滥、篡改运动员真实年龄、假球黑哨、赛场不文明行为等道德失范现象.这些问题若不及时加以治理,不仅会严重制约我国竞技体育的健康发展,还会影响到社会的安定与和谐.只有在加强竞技体育事业从业人员体育道德教育的同时,逐步完善我国竞技体育事业的法制建设,才能有效遏制我国竞技体育道德失范现象的进一步蔓延.  相似文献   

科技在一定程度上促进了体育的发展,但是现在竞技运动过多地依靠了科技,使竞技运动的发展出现了部分异化的现象和存在了违反道德(体育价值)的现象。道德作为一种价值引领了竞技运动的健康发展。本文在肯定科技对体育发展的功绩的同时,提出科技过多作用于竞技运动所带来的竞技运动发展困境。为了解决科技在竞技运动发展中的困境,指出科技运用于竞技运动需要做到与道德的协调。  相似文献   

论体育伦理问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育伦理是一个具有自己鲜明特性的伦理学研究领域,其根本原因在于体育的身体性和比赛性。体育的这些特性与其他社会因素相结合,导致体育领域出现许多不同寻常的伦理现象,提出了许多的具有体育特色的伦理问题。这些问题主要集中于与体育相关的道德观念和人与自身、与社会及与自然的三类基本关系中。对体育伦理问题的研究不仅有助于深化对体育道德的理解,应对实践中的体育道德问题,而且有助于丰富伦理学自身的理论。  相似文献   

王根 《伦理学研究》2017,(5):123-127
竞技体育主体从广义上来说包括竞技体育所有的参与者;从狭义上来说,则主要指竞技体育的直接参与者——运动员。竞技体育主体的道德需要是其作为人的本质规定性所决定的,这种道德需要体现为主体内在的道德素养和运动外在的道德规范。竞技体育主体的道德需要对竞技体育主体具有重要作用,主要通过提高主体的道德能力和完善体育制度来实现。  相似文献   

随着体育产业化的不断深入,体育产业出现发展水平非均衡化、评价标准过度市场化和体育异化等诸多不良现象,这是对体育本质的背离,对体育精神的违背及对体育伦理的背离。社会呼唤体育伦理回归,要坚持以人为本和公平的基本原则,加强体育伦理制度建设,加强参与者的道德自律,促进体育可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide an ethical assessment of the shooting of animals for sport. In particular, it discusses the use of partridges and pheasants for shooting. While opposition to hunting and shooting large wild mammals is strong, game birds have often taken a back seat in everyday animal welfare concerns. However, the practice of raising game birds for sport poses significant ethical issues. Most birds shot are raised in factory-farming conditions, and there is a considerable amount of evidence to show that these birds endure extensive suffering on these farms. Considering the fact that birds do have interests, including interests in life and not suffering, what are the ethical implications of using them for blood sports? Indeed, in the light of the suffering that game birds endure in factory farms, it may be that shooting such birds for sport is more morally problematic than other types of hunting and shooting which many people are often fiercely opposed to, for while it seems plausible to say that some animals may be harmed more by death than others (due to, say, their greater capacities), there may be harms that are worse than death (such as a life of intolerable suffering). The objective of this paper is to assess the ethics of shooting animals for sport, and in particular the practice of raising game birds for use in blood sports, by applying principles commonly used in ethics; specifically the principle of non-maleficence and equal consideration of (like) interests.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to defend the position that aesthetics and ethics in sport are not two separate domains or aspects. In sport, the aesthetic and the ethical both arise from sport’s (aesthetic) attractiveness or from the pleasure sport offers to its activists and consumers. To think about sport philosophically, we should find a link and a principle beyond this division as a source of both the aesthetic and the ethical in sport. The philosophy and philosophical sociology of Jean-Marie Guyau is presented as a response to this problem. Two points of fundamental importance are considered critically here: his criticism of any reductionism, and life or the idea of life as key principle of a philosophical system which puts ethics and aesthetics together.  相似文献   

Whilst the relationship between money and success in elite sport is acknowledged, the exact nature, extent and implications of this relationship is one that has not been carefully examined. In this paper, we have three main aims. Firstly, to provide empirical evidence of the extent that money buys success in the English Premier League. Secondly, to evaluate this evidence from a sports ethics perspective, and finally, to discuss potential solutions to the problem. We argue that the evident performance advantage teams gain through financial investments is contrary to the spirit of sport as it undermines athletic excellence and the ‘sweet tension of uncertainty of outcome’ that is central to good competition. Consequently, financial investments in elite football ought to be regulated and controlled. We argue, however, that current attempts to do so (via Financial Fair Play Regulations) are inadequate as they focus on issues concerning financial health, rather than the health of the game in terms of spirit and fairness.  相似文献   


The names of two major Gulf airlines, Qatar Airways and Emirates, have saturated the European football scene for many years, sponsoring some of the most prominent European teams and FIFA itself. These state-backed airlines are also active in motorsports, rugby, cycling, tennis, golf, cricket, and equestrian sport, while several prominent Gulf elites and royal family members have recently taken over major sports franchises in Europe and elsewhere. How should we understand these far-reaching sponsorship agendas in the Gulf? What can they tell us about the politics and ethics of international sport on the Arabian Peninsula? Moving beyond the general readings of Gulf sport sponsorship as an exercise in ‘soft power,’ this article shows how these deals are strategic nodes for diverse actors in the Gulf and in the international sporting community to advance various interests: personal, political, financial, and otherwise. Informed by a critical geopolitics lens that questions the coherence of the ‘state’ as an actor, I ask what it means to say that ‘the Gulf’ sponsors sport, and more specifically investigate the relevant actors behind these sponsorship deals. To do so, this article examines regional and global political economy through a focus on three Gulf airline sponsors, Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar Airways, and three elite sports sponsors—the UAE’s Sheik Mansour, Qatar’s Nasser bin Ghanim Al-Khelaïfi, and Sheikh Nasser of Bahrain. By decentering ‘soft power’ approaches to sport that unduly emphasize the ‘state’ as an actor, this article suggests a more grounded approach to the geopolitics of sport in the Arabian Peninsula, which simultaneously acknowledges the complicity of Western actors and institutions in the rise of Gulf sports sponsorship deals in the past decade.  相似文献   

One of the major transformations in religion in contemporary societies has been the decline of church institutions and their reconstruction within a diverse network of associations, therapies, markets and other unconventional spiritual services. Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork on religious behaviours and dynamics in sports contexts, and taking the similarities between sport and religion as the point of departure, this paper analyses, reflects on and theorises about the symbolic affinities of these two contemporary social institutions. The results show that symbolism converges in the religious element, tending to improve aspects related to sports ethics and establishing affective experiences among participants, with positive results for their physical and mental wellbeing. The findings indicate that a symbolic analysis of the various facets of sport is a useful approach for gaining a better understanding of this phenomenon, since besides being biological, diseases are also cultural and social, and thus, disease, religion and ritual are emotionally related.  相似文献   

This study examined associations between level of sport participation, goal and sportspersonship orientations, and moral reasoning in sport and nonsport situations and orientation by sport participation interactions. Participants were individuals with elite (n = 176), high school (n = 183), and youth sport (n = 78) participation. When judging sport situations, individuals who participated in elite sports demonstrated poorer moral reasoning than those who participated in high school and youth sports. At low levels of sportspersonship, individuals who participated in youth sports demonstrated higher moral reasoning than those who participated in high school and elite sports. When judging nonsport situations, moral reasoning was positively related to positive sportspersonship and negatively related to ego orientation but did not differ by sport participation. Within sport, sport participation and goal and sportspersonship orientations play a critical role in moral reasoning. However, these orientations may be more important than sport participation in moral reasoning beyond the sport context.  相似文献   

The role of the ‘enforcer’ in elite-level sports contests is a familiar one. Simply, the role involves establishing or restoring a ‘moral balance’ to the sporting encounter when it is absent – usually when match officials are thought to be failing to apply the laws/rules of the game. How the enforcer secures this outcome is more morally contentious as it may involve deliberate violations of the laws/rules of the sport. In this paper we consider the role of the enforcer in rugby union. First we interrogate some of the extant sports ethics literature and explore the notion of ‘fairness’ in the well-played game, including the role of the enforcer. Second, we illustrate conceptually how the ethos of elite sport as a moral discourse creates a theoretical platform from which to assess the intervention of an enforcer. Third, we address the role of match officials as members of the practice community from an institutional sense (what the international governing body for rugby union makes explicit) and from an empirical sense (what actually occurs or might occur) in the circumstances that precipitate the intervention of ‘enforcers’. We conclude that the conceptual tension between the laws and the spirit (ethos) of the game is reflected in the choices facing players when playing the game.  相似文献   

This article examines and defends the claim that whether or not to cheat can be a genuine moral dilemma within the ethics of team sports. That is, although there is always something morally wrong in cheating there may also be moral reasons in its favour and thus some (and perhaps an overriding) duty to cheat. This is based on the duty that players have of not letting down their teammates by failing to make sufficient effort to achieve victory. In considering the normative limits to such efforts, it is argued that players could reasonably be morally criticised for not cheating where this is of a kind commonly practised in their sport. Evidence is found in the attitudes to cheating of those connected with sport to suggest that some of it is regarded as part of the game, though in a sense that does not undermine its status as genuine cheating. In conclusion a brief consideration is given to the implications for the education, training and character of players, given a belief in there being moral reasons for cheating.  相似文献   

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