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叶丽群  谭欣  姚堃  丁玉珑 《心理科学进展》2022,30(12):2746-2763
选择性注意能够作用于视觉信息加工的不同阶段。各个注意阶段均受到老化过程的影响, 其中注意早期阶段的老化研究对于理解认知老化的发生机制有重要意义。本文系统地梳理了刺激前的注意预期阶段以及刺激后200 ms内的早期感知注意阶段的正常老年人和青年人ERP比较研究, 以探讨正常老化对视觉早期注意的影响。现有证据表明, 相对于青年人, 正常老年人:(1)多个早期ERP注意效应(包括注意预期ADAN, 早期空间注意N1, 以及特征注意SP和SN)在潜伏期上都存在显著延迟; (2)在振幅上, 不同ERP注意效应的老化表现存在差异:某些ERP成分(包括注意预期EDAN, 以及早期空间注意P1)的注意效应没有明显减弱, 而某些ERP成分(包括注意预期alpha, 早期空间注意N1, 以及特征注意SN)的注意效应受到老化调控; (3)一些注意效应(包括特征注意SP成分, 以及客体注意P1和N1成分)的目标增强机制保留, 而干扰抑制机制缺损。目前已有研究在老化对注意效应振幅的调控上还存在不一致, 这可能与研究的信噪比、任务难度、注意机制分离以及老年人的个体差异有关。未来研究应考虑这些因素以更好地探究正常老化对视觉早期注意的影响。  相似文献   

早期ERP效应与视觉注意空间等级的脑调节机制   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过事件相关电位(ERP)记录研究注意的空间等级的脑内时程动态变化。视觉搜索任务的目标受不同大小提示范围的启动。提示范围增大时,识别目标的反应时延长,P1波幅增大而N1波幅减小,该效应在短间隔条件下尤为明显。P1增大反映了促进目标识别时,适当注意范围的空间等级变化需要额外的运算资源。而N1波幅减小则可能扩散了空间注意倾斜。研究结果提供了以下电生理学证据:注意空间等级的改变调节了早期视皮层的神经活动,并激活了视觉搜索中至少2个时间重叠的ERP成分。  相似文献   

视觉空间注意是人的一种基本认知功能,对老年人的生活有重要影响。N2pc作为一种与注意选择相关的ERP成分,可以反映注意资源在空间上的分配,是研究视觉空间注意的一个良好指标。本文对此前基于N2pc成分的注意功能老化研究进行了综述。前人研究主要采用视觉搜索范式与空间线索范式。采用视觉搜索范式的研究发现,当目标周围有干扰子时,目标诱发的N2pc在老年人中振幅减小,潜伏期延迟,同时在行为上老年人与年轻人相比,正确率更低,反应时更长; 当目标周围无干扰子时,目标诱发的N2pc振幅老年人与年轻人相当或比年轻人更大,老年人的正确率与年轻人无显著差异。采用空间线索范式的研究发现,与目标无相同特征的线索奇异子(singleton cue)不会诱发N2pc,与目标有相同特征的线索奇异子诱发的N2pc未表现出年龄差异,差异体现在一种反映抑制的ERP成分—Pd上(年轻人有Pd而老年人没有),此时老年人在行为上表现出比年轻人更强的空间线索效应。这些研究共同说明,视觉空间注意功能的老化是一个复杂的过程,涉及到搜索目标时注意分配速度的减慢,对干扰子抑制能力的下降以及基于特征的注意捕获能力的良好保持。  相似文献   

固定位置区域提示下视觉注意范围等级的ERP研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究视觉空间注意中注意范围的脑内时程的动态变化。被试为 14名青年人 ,使用固定位置的、3种不同直径的线圈作为注意范围的区域性提示 ,祛除空间定位因素的影响 ,记录反应时和事件相关电位 (ERP)数据。结果显示 :提示范围由小到中等时 ,反应时延长 ,而由中等到大范围时 ,反应时缩短 ;提示物和靶刺激诱发ERP的早成分 (N1、P1)不受提示范围大小的调节 ,而其P2、N2的波幅与潜伏期均明显受到提示范围大小的影响。这些结果说明 :①视觉注意诱发的P1、N1成分 ,主要与空间定位信息的加工相关 ;②提示物诱发的P2、N2成分与注意范围相关 ;③在视觉信息加工过程中 ,空间位置的信息要早于其它信息被加工 ,支持视觉信息串行加工观点  相似文献   

情绪对认知加工的影响:事件相关脑电位系列研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为探讨情绪与认知的相互作用关系及其脑机制,建立了情境图片、面孔、汉字和声音四个系列组成的中国情感刺激材料库,并通过ERP实验对情绪与注意、工作记忆的关系以及特质焦虑者的认知特点进行了研究。结果发现:⑴ 负性情绪刺激在信息加工过程中至少在注意、评价及反应准备这几个阶段具有某种优先权,注意偏向也可在内隐任务下发生,负性刺激对注意资源不足具有某种补偿作用;⑵ 威胁性视觉提示对其后的视觉加工具有调节作用,高焦虑个体对这类性刺激投入了更多的视觉加工资源,而且威胁性刺激对注意的影响可以跨通道进行,威胁性的视觉刺激可以影响触觉注意;⑶ 在情绪对工作记忆的影响方面,负性情绪下空间工作记忆任务引起的P300波幅减小,这种效应可能是基于情绪对顶叶注意系统的调节作用,而在词语工作记忆任务中这种效应消失  相似文献   

张明  王爱君 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1899-1907
注意是对有关信息的选择及对无关信息的抑制, 工作记忆是对有关信息的保持以及对无关信息的抑制, 两者在一定程度上都体现了选择性地指向与当前任务有关的刺激并同时抑制无关刺激。在系统地回顾已有研究的基础上结合新近的ERP研究, 从视觉搜索中基于工作记忆内容的注意捕获与注意抑制两个角度综述了视觉工作记忆与视觉选择性注意的相关研究。研究者们主要从两方面对该领域的问题进行了探讨:(1)视觉工作记忆内容对视觉选择性注意的导向作用; (2)视觉工作记忆内容对视觉选择性注意产生导向作用的条件。文章对以往的研究进行了总结, 指出了无论保持在视觉工作记忆的内容是捕获注意还是受到抑制, 都存在着自上而下和自下而上两种加工机制。  相似文献   

鉴于阅读起始于基础视觉加工阶段, 越来越多的研究者开始关注阅读障碍者的视觉空间注意加工能力。视觉空间注意是指个体对视觉刺激的空间位置的注意, 可通过线索提示、视觉搜索和视觉注意广度等视觉任务来考察。大量国内外研究发现, 发展性阅读障碍者在视觉空间注意任务下表现出行为和神经活动方面的异常。其中的神经机制问题不仅反映在与视觉空间注意有关的顶叶区域激活异常, 还存在于脑区间功能连接异常(如顶叶区域与字形加工区的功能连接)。未来研究还需利用横断和追踪研究探讨阅读障碍与视觉空间注意能力发展关系的内在机制, 以及探究语言特性对阅读障碍者视觉空间注意缺陷的可能调节作用。  相似文献   

潘毅  许百华  陈晓芬 《心理科学》2006,29(2):323-326
传统上只是从单方面讨论了选择性注意与视觉空间工作记忆之间的关系,即认为注意选择有限信息以进入工作记忆。近期的一些研究发现,视觉空间工作记忆的内容影响选择性注意的分配,注意选择工作记忆中保持的空间或物体表征,选择性注意对于正确保持空间或物体信息是必需的认知调节。文章最后指出,关于选择性注意与视觉空间工作记忆交互作用的研究为将来进一步揭示基于空间与基于物体的注意选择之间的交互作用关系提供了一个很好的途径。  相似文献   

位置提示下视觉注意范围的调控机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究视觉空间注意中不同注意范围引起脑内加工时程的动态变化。使用固定位置的、三种不同直径的线圈作为注意范围的位置性提示,祛除空间定位因素的影响,记录反应时和事件相关电位(ERP)数据。结果显示:在同等注意范围时,随着刺激位置远离视野中心,反应时延长,靶刺激诱发的P1、N1不受刺激位置的影响,而其前部N2的波幅明显受到刺激位置的影响;在靶刺激位置相同时,随着注意范围的扩大,反应时缩短,靶刺激诱发的P1、N1不受提示范围大小的影响,而其前部P2的波幅明显受到注意范围的影响。结果说明:①视觉注意范围信息加工与靶刺激诱发的P2成分相关;②视觉注意诱发的P1、N1成分,主要与注意方位相关,而与注意范围大小无关;③注意范围变化引起注意集中度的调节是在一定范围内进行的。  相似文献   

跨通道的内源性选择注意   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
赵晨  杨华海  张侃 《心理学报》1999,32(2):148-153
该实验利用空间线索技术研究跨视觉和听觉通道的内源性选择性注意,实验结果表明视觉中央线索能可靠地引导出内源性视觉选择性注意,听觉中央线索在较长的SOA(至少500ms)条件下也能引导出内源性视觉选择性注意,支持视觉和听觉具有特异性的注意加工通道,但两者之间存在相互连接的假说。  相似文献   

Involuntary listening aids seeing: evidence from human electrophysiology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is well known that sensory events of one modality can influence judgments of sensory events in other modalities. For example, people respond more quickly to a target appearing at the location of a previous cue than to a target appearing at another location, even when the two stimuli are from different modalities. Such cross-modal interactions suggest that involuntary spatial attention mechanisms are not entirely modality-specific. In the present study, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded to elucidate the neural basis and timing of involuntary, cross-modal spatial attention effects. We found that orienting spatial attention to an irrelevant sound modulates the ERP to a subsequent visual target over modality-specific, extrastriate visual cortex, but only after the initial stages of sensory processing are completed. These findings are consistent with the proposal that involuntary spatial attention orienting to auditory and visual stimuli involves shared, or at least linked, brain mechanisms.  相似文献   

情景线索效应是指个体在视觉搜索过程中通过学习重复不变的情景信息提高搜索效率的现象。本文从情景线索效应相关行为特征、眼动特征及大脑神经活动等三个方面探讨了情景线索效应与选择性注意机制的交互作用,发现现有研究中存在着许多互相冲突的现象,增加了理解注意机制的难度。未来研究应结合认知神经科学技术寻找更多的实证数据,探索注意机制对情景线索效应的影响,以进一步完善情景线索效应中的注意机制理论。  相似文献   

The current study examined the contribution of brain areas affected by Parkinson's disease (PD) to sequence learning, with a specific focus on response-related processes, spatial attentional control, and executive functioning. Patients with mild PD, patients with moderate PD, and healthy age-matched participants performed three tasks-a sequence learning task with a spatial pattern that was incidental to response selection, a spatial cuing task, and neuropsychological tests of executive function. Whereas moderate PD patients failed to show significant sequence learning, mild PD patients performed comparably with controls. Neither group of PD patients was impaired in the control of spatial attention. Sequence learning was correlated with neuropsychological measures of executive function but not with the ability to control spatial attention. These results suggest that the contribution of the brain areas affected by PD to sequence learning extends beyond motor learning to include the learning of perceptual patterns and involves executive function, including cognitive flexibility and set shifting.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent findings on working memory, attention and eye movements. We discuss the research that shows that many phenomena related to visual attention taking place when selecting relevant information from the environment are similar to processes needed to keep information active in working memory. We discuss new data that show that when retrieving information from working memory, people may allocate visual spatial attention to the empty location in space that used to contain the information that has to be retrieved. Moreover, we show that maintaining a location in working memory not only may involve attention rehearsal, but might also recruit the oculomotor system. Recent findings seem to suggest that remembering a location may involve attention-based rehearsal in higher brain areas, while at the same time there is inhibition of specific motor programs at lower brain areas. We discuss the possibility that working memory functions do not reside at a special area in the brain, but emerge from the selective recruitment of brain areas that are typically involved in spatial attention and motor control.  相似文献   

Traditional studies of spatial attention consider only a single sensory modality at a time (e.g. just vision, or just audition). In daily life, however, our spatial attention often has to be coordinated across several modalities. This is a non-trivial problem, given that each modality initially codes space in entirely different ways. In the last five years, there has been a spate of studies on crossmodal attention. These have demonstrated numerous crossmodal links in spatial attention, such that attending to a particular location in one modality tends to produce corresponding shifts of attention in other modalities. The spatial coordinates of these crossmodal links illustrate that the internal representation of external space depends on extensive crossmodal integration. Recent neuroscience studies are discussed that suggest possible brain mechanisms for the crossmodal links in spatial attention.  相似文献   

李恒 《心理科学进展》2013,21(4):637-642
空间偏向意指人们在注意刺激物时普遍具有方向上的偏好.对其成因,目前主要存在“大脑说”和“文化说”两派观点.前者认为大脑的不对称性是决定因素,而后者则认为阅读和书写习惯等文化因素是主要成因.本文在综述空间偏向研究后指出,以上两派学说在解释力上各有得失,但并非完全对立,将二者结合起来的“大脑-文化说”才能更好地解释空间偏向现象.  相似文献   

Studies of object-based attention have demonstrated poorer performance in dividing attention between two objects in a scene than in focusing attention on a single object. However, objects often are composed of several parts, and parts are central to theories of object recognition. Are parts also important for visual attention? That is, can attention be limited in the number of parts processed simultaneously? We addressed this question in four experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants reported two attributes that appeared on the same part or on different parts of a single multipart object. Participants were more accurate in reporting the attributes on the same part than attributes on different parts. This part-based effect was not influenced by the spatial distance between the parts, ruling out a simple spatial attention interpretation of our results. A control study demonstrated that our spatial manipulation was sufficient to observe shifts of spatial attention. This study revealed an effect of spatial distance, indicating that our spatial manipulation was adequate for observing spatial attention. The absence of a distance effect in Experiments 1 and 2 suggests that part-based attention may not rely entirely on simple shifts of spatial attention. Finally, in Experiment 4 we found evidence for part-based attention, using stimuli controlled for the distance between the parts of an object. The results of these experiments indicate that visual attention can selectively process the parts of an object. We discuss the relationship between parts and objects and the locus of part-based attentional selection.  相似文献   

In the last decade, cognitive neuroscience in China has advanced in at least four aspects: first, specialized research institutes and bodies have been set up throughout the nation; second, more and more high‐tech research facilities and approaches have been adopted by domestic researchers; third, international conferences on cognitive neuroscience have been held in Mainland China; and finally, publications relating cognitive processes to neural activation and functioning have increased. This paper selectively reviews research on perception and face recognition, attention, language, memory, and disorders in cognitive brain functions carried out by scientists in Mainland China. For visual perception, some excellent work has been carried out to investigate the neural mechanisms of perceptual priming, perceptual grouping, and perception of global/local properties in compound stimuli. For attention, much work is on issues such as the time course of brain activation in selective attention, the patterns of event‐related potentials in visual and auditory selective attention, and the effect of pre‐cueing on spatial attention. Because the Chinese language has many unique characteristics in phonological and syntactic systems and in the writing system, much research carried out in China takes advantage of these characteristics, trying to separate the universal and language‐specific aspects of language processing and their neural correlates. Memory research is mainly at neuropsychological and neurobiological levels. Disorders of cognitive functioning and their underlying impairments in the brain are attracting more and more attention. The paper concludes that as the Chinese economy is growing fast, more resources will be poured into basic research. Thus, systematic research in various fields of cognitive neuroscience by Chinese scientists is no longer a dream. It is reasonable to expect that research in this field will be accelerated in China and become an important force in the world in the near future.  相似文献   

The study of sex differences in cognition has often focused on differences in spatial processing. Recently, sex differences in selective attention have been observed by Bayliss, di Pellegrino, and Tipper (2005), showing that women are more influenced than men by irrelevant spatial cues. The current study elaborates on this finding and tests whether sex differences in the processing of irrelevant information also occur in a simpler task, in which there is no need to redirect visual attention and no need to remember multiple spatial stimulus–response associations. Here, attention is studied using a novel combination of a go/no-go task and a flanker task. A total of 80 neurotypical participants were studied, and it was found that responses in women were more strongly affected by flanker information than were responses in men. This suggests that these sex differences were not due to difficulties with spatial reorientation, or remembering spatial stimulus–response relationships. The findings are discussed in the context of the hunter–gatherer theory of sex differences.  相似文献   

How does the brain learn to recognize an object from multiple viewpoints while scanning a scene with eye movements? How does the brain avoid the problem of erroneously classifying parts of different objects together? How are attention and eye movements intelligently coordinated to facilitate object learning? A neural model provides a unified mechanistic explanation of how spatial and object attention work together to search a scene and learn what is in it. The ARTSCAN model predicts how an object's surface representation generates a form-fitting distribution of spatial attention, or "attentional shroud". All surface representations dynamically compete for spatial attention to form a shroud. The winning shroud persists during active scanning of the object. The shroud maintains sustained activity of an emerging view-invariant category representation while multiple view-specific category representations are learned and are linked through associative learning to the view-invariant object category. The shroud also helps to restrict scanning eye movements to salient features on the attended object. Object attention plays a role in controlling and stabilizing the learning of view-specific object categories. Spatial attention hereby coordinates the deployment of object attention during object category learning. Shroud collapse releases a reset signal that inhibits the active view-invariant category in the What cortical processing stream. Then a new shroud, corresponding to a different object, forms in the Where cortical processing stream, and search using attention shifts and eye movements continues to learn new objects throughout a scene. The model mechanistically clarifies basic properties of attention shifts (engage, move, disengage) and inhibition of return. It simulates human reaction time data about object-based spatial attention shifts, and learns with 98.1% accuracy and a compression of 430 on a letter database whose letters vary in size, position, and orientation. The model provides a powerful framework for unifying many data about spatial and object attention, and their interactions during perception, cognition, and action.  相似文献   

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