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羧化不全骨钙素(ucOCN)是骨中成骨细胞分泌的特异性蛋白, 因其在调控神经发育、神经可塑性等中的重要角色而受到神经科学领域关注。“骨-脑”串联“对话”是骨内分泌-神经介导的应答系统, ucOCN透过血脑屏障后介导单胺类神经递质、神经内分泌、神经免疫、神经再生及基因表达等机制, 进而作用于海马CA3区、扣带回等脑区功能发挥来调节抑郁发生及改善。而ucOCN作为骨源性力学刺激敏感基因, 运动上调其表达后进入血液循环, 通过介导5-HT/GABA分泌、HPA轴功能、炎症反应、神经营养因子(BDNF等)表达或信号途径(如GSK3β/β-catenin、TLR4/miR-223/NLRP3等)激活等来实现“骨串联脑”, 发挥运动抗抑郁作用。通过对骨源性因子ucOCN介导脑区功能变化从而实现运动抗抑郁的作用机制进行探讨、梳理, 一方面有助于更深入了解骨内分泌功能, 另一方面为抑郁发生、改善和运动抗抑郁研究提供新的理论基础和研究思路。  相似文献   

人际运动同步是一种“社会胶粘剂”, 能促进儿童产生更多的亲社会行为。儿童的人际运动同步能力随着年龄的增长不断提升, 其同步表现受到运动方式、节奏刺激类型、同步对象等因素影响。在人际运动同步过程中, 时间感知、运动计划和运动执行三大认知因素参与其中, 既制约着个体同步能力的发展, 也影响个体同步的表现。孤独症作为一种神经发育性障碍, 孤独症儿童表现出异常的人际运动同步。未来的研究不仅要探讨孤独症儿童人际运动同步的异常机制, 还要更多关注人际运动同步训练在孤独症群体中的实际应用和干预效果。  相似文献   

孤独症神经结构研究中近来一个重要的发现是,孤独症生命早期存在脑过度生长的现象。进一步的探查表明,孤独症个体脑的过度生长主要由脑白质的过度生长造成,并且脑的过度生长又主要体现于那些较晚成熟的高级脑区。这一研究成果有助于孤独症儿童的早期发现和诊断,也提示孤独症并不是由单一的局部神经缺陷造成,其存在着广泛分布式的神经发展障碍  相似文献   

随着发展认知神经科学的兴起, 研究者借助脑成像等技术探讨了发展性障碍儿童的脑结构发育特点, 发展缺陷与脑功能损伤的关系以及障碍干预和脑功能改善的机制等, 这为揭示发展性障碍儿童异常神经机制的共性和特异性, 进而为早期诊断和干预提供了重要的生物学标记。针对儿童期常见的发展性障碍, 从脑结构损伤、脑激活异常、脑网络连接和脑功能康复等方面对相关研究进行了总结, 指出未来研究应拓展角度, 注重揭示各发展性障碍之间异常脑发育特点的共性和特异性的具体表现、病理机制及基因基础等; 临床工作者应注重将脑发育的异常和功能改善用于辅助各类障碍的早期识别和干预效果评估。  相似文献   

时间认知神经科学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
杨珍  黄希庭 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1506-1509
当前对时间认知的脑机制探讨有三个模型:特异化计时模型、分布网络模型和定域计时模型。在这些模型的框架下,时间认知的神经心理学研究集中探讨了小脑、基底神经节、前额叶在时间信息加工中的作用和大脑两半球在时间认知中的不对称性。小脑作为内部计时系统对时间控制具有重要作用,在周期性动作任务中,小脑对不连续动作计时具有特异性。基底神经节在时间加工任务中与小脑存在明显的作用分离,其具体机制还有待深入研究。前额叶的计时功能可能与注意和工作记忆对时间信息的获得、维持和组织有关。此外,还发现大脑右半球与时问信息的加工关系密切。  相似文献   

孤独症是起始于婴幼儿时期的由脑功能障碍引起的长期发展性障碍,有3种典型的症状:社会交往与言语沟通障碍及出现刻板僵化行为.孤独症的病因复杂,镜像神经元的发现和研究,使得研究者有望揭开孤独症症状背后的神经机制,并为孤独症的诊断和治疗予以新的启发.  相似文献   

关于孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)个体探测生物运动(biological motion)的能力是否受损,已有行为研究尚存分歧。导致分歧的原因可能源于实验刺激、实验任务和测量指标存在差异。然而,神经研究却一致证实其潜在的神经机制存在异常。领域特殊性观点认为该障碍可能是基于后侧颞上沟功能异常也可能是基于镜像神经元功能异常,而领域一般性观点认为该障碍可能是基于背侧视觉流功能异常的视运动知觉障碍也可能基于脑功能联结异常的弱中央统合障碍。据此,本文将从研究范式、行为表现及潜在机制三个方面梳理相关研究,以期为后续研究提供新方向。  相似文献   

孙岩  房林  王亭予  崔丽 《心理科学进展》2018,26(8):1450-1464
自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)是一种起源于儿童期的神经发育障碍, ASD的重复刻板行为与其抑制控制发展有密切关系。使用Go/No-go、Flanker及Stroop等范式的研究发现, ASD者抑制控制受损主要表现为反应抑制和干扰抑制能力存在缺陷; 其主要影响因素是任务状态、被试年龄及取样; 涉及的脑区和脑网络集中在前额皮层、前扣带回和基底神经节; 涉及的基因集中在谷氨酸盐、γ-氨基丁酸与5-羟色胺三种神经递质。未来应从脑机制研究入手, 综合考虑任务状态、个体特征对研究结果造成的影响, 并着力开发更有效的干预模式。  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)儿童的早期识别及早期干预对其发育结果至关重要。发声是指儿童学会说话之前发出的声音。已有研究表明, 非类言语和类言语发声异常是ASD儿童2岁前的潜在识别标志。ASD儿童发声异常的理论解释主要有动机导向、神经运动导向、感知觉导向和社会反馈导向理论。未来研究可考虑探讨发声异常作为ASD儿童独特的早期识别标志的可能性, 加强哭声在ASD儿童早期筛查中的研究, 探索基于最具预测性声学参数集的自动学习分类模型, 探究内在动机与社会动机对ASD儿童类言语发声的影响和进一步探究ASD儿童类言语发声异常的神经机制。从而为ASD儿童的早期识别及早期干预提供更加客观的理论依据。  相似文献   

标量计时模型中的神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标量计时模型中各阶段的神经机制有重叠也有分离。从当今认知神经科学的研究结果看,与内部时钟有关的神经结构有小脑、基底神经节、前额皮质、前运动辅助皮质及顶叶下回皮质等;与记忆阶段有关的神经结构有基底神经节、背外侧前额皮质、右侧额下皮质及外侧前运动皮质等;与决策阶段有关的神经结构有背外侧前额皮质、前扣带回、高级颞叶皮质和基底神经节等。文章还从神经机制角度论证了计时的标量特性,讨论了今后研究值得注意的三个问题,即研究结果的确定性、研究手段的局限性以及该模型的适用性  相似文献   

Analyses were conducted in order to investigate motor development in younger siblings of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Infants at familial risk and low risk of developing ASD were tested longitudinally between the ages of 7 and 36 months. Data were analysed from motor scales on the Mullen Scales of Early Learning and the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales at each age point. Significantly lower motor scores in at-risk infants were evident from the age of 7 months compared to the low-risk group. Infants who were later diagnosed with ASD demonstrated significantly poorer Fine Motor skills at 36 months than at-risk infants without any developmental difficulties. In addition, Gross Motor scores were highly correlated across the two measures for low-risk infants and infants who later developed ASD. Early motor difficulties may be an early indicator of a number of neurodevelopmental disorders, including ASD.  相似文献   

Sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) was introduced in 1980s in the field of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Studies indicate that symptoms of SCT are separate from symptoms of ADHD and independently associated with multiple domains of functioning in clinical groups and in typical development. We assessed whether similar pattern would apply to higher functioning autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Children with higher functioning ASD (N = 55; 5?15 years) were divided into the ASD+High SCT (n = 17), the ASD+Medium SCT (n = 18) and the ASD+Low SCT (n = 20) groups based on parent‐rated daydreaming and slowness on the Five to Fifteen questionnaire (FTF). The groups were compared on SCT‐related impairments found in previous studies: social skills, academic functioning, psychiatric symptoms, and processing speed. Assessment methods were the FTF, the Development and Well‐Being Assessment, and the Coding subtest of the WISC‐III. The ADHD symptoms were statistically controlled due to the overlap between SCT and ADHD. The ASD+High SCT and ASD+Medium SCT groups were significantly more likely to have the most pronounced social impairments, and the ASD+High SCT group had significantly higher rate of internalizing disorders compared to the ASD+Low SCT group. Our results suggest that children with higher functioning ASD and high or medium levels of SCT symptoms could be at higher risk for psychosocial impairments than children with higher functioning ASD with low levels of SCT symptoms. Co‐occurring ADHD symptoms do not explain the finding. Recognizing SCT symptoms in higher functioning ASD would be important to targeting preventive support.  相似文献   

Motor symptomatology in autism is currently poorly understood, and still not included in the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnostic criteria, although some studies suggest the presence of motor disturbances in this syndrome. We provide here a literature review on early motor symptoms in autism, focusing on studies on psychomotor issues (tone, postural control, manual dexterity, handedness, praxis). The approach adopted in research to study altered motor behaviors is generally global and there is no detailed semiology of the motor or neuromotor disorders observed in people with ASD. This global approach does not enable understanding of the neuro-developmental mechanisms involved in ASD. Identification of clinical neuro-psychomotor profiles in reference to a standard would help to better understand the origin and the nature of the disorders encountered in ASD, and would thus give new directions for treatment.  相似文献   

语言功能异常是孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)的典型症状之一。1957年,斯金纳从行为学角度提出"言语行为",认为人们获得表达和理解语言的能力与学会走路、跳舞等行为的原理相同。2001年,海斯等人在斯金纳的基础上提出关于人类语言和认知的新视角——关系框架理论(Relational Frame Theory,RFT),澄清了语言的推衍性实质,认为言语行为是将一个刺激与其他刺激建立关系框架的过程。研究表明基于RFT的多范例训练可以提升ASD患者的推衍关系反应水平,且推衍关系反应与语言和认知功能的发展高相关。未来RFT的研究可以探索如何通过推衍关系反应训练修复ASD患者的语言和认知功能缺陷。  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is challenging and can result in elevated levels of parenting stress. This study investigated the relationship between parent-ratings of their child’s ASD symptoms and two conceptually different measures of parenting stress: One specific to the ASD context and the other a general stress measure applicable to the broader caregiving context. Additionally, the influence of coping style on the relationship between child’s ASD symptoms and parenting stress was investigated.

Design and Methods: Using an internet survey, parents (N?=?178) caring for a child with ASD reported on coping strategies, completed two measures of parenting stress, and assessed their child’s ASD symptoms.

Results: Parenting stress increased with severity of the child’s ASD symptoms, but the strength of this relationship depended on whether a general or disorder-specific measure of parenting stress was used. Regression analyses indicated that some coping strategies moderated the impact of ASD symptom severity on the parent’s care-related stress, but moderation depended on how stress was conceptualized.

Conclusion: This study reinforces the importance of identifying the coping strategies of parents of children with developmental disorders, and highlights the consequences of using different conceptual approaches to measure parenting stress.  相似文献   

Anxiety is a common co-occurring problem among young people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Characterized by deficits in social interaction, communication problems, and stereotyped behavior and restricted interests, this group of disorders is more prevalent than previously realized. When present, anxiety may compound the social deficits of young people with ASD. Given the additional disability and common co-occurrence of anxiety in ASD, we developed a manual-based cognitive-behavioral treatment program to target anxiety symptoms as well as social skill deficits in adolescents with ASD [Multimodal Anxiety and Social Skills Intervention: MASSI]. In this paper, we describe the foundation, content, and development of MASSI. We also summarize data on treatment feasibility based on a pilot study that implemented the intervention.  相似文献   

Empirical support exists for parent training/education (PT/PE) interventions for children with disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). While the models share common roots, current approaches have largely developed independently and the research findings have been disseminated in two different literature traditions: mental health and developmental disabilities. Given that these populations often have overlapping clinical needs and are likely to receive services in similar settings, efforts to integrate the knowledge gained in the disparate literature may be beneficial. This article provides a systematic overview of the current (1995–2005) empirical research on PT/PE for children with DBD and ASD; attending to factors for cross-fertilization. Twenty-two ASD and 38 DBD studies were coded for review. Literature was compared in three main areas: (1) research methodology, (2) focus of PT/PE intervention, and (3) PT/PE procedures. There was no overlap in publication outlets between the studies for the two populations. Results indicate that there are opportunities for cross-fertilization in the areas of (1) research methodology, (2) intervention targets, and (3) format of parenting interventions. The practical implications of integrating these two highly related areas of research are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)早期识别有助于早期诊断和早期干预的实施, 对于改善ASD儿童发育结果至关重要。高风险前瞻性纵向研究以高风险婴儿(ASD儿童的年幼同胞, 入组年龄小于12个月)作为主要研究对象, 通过对ASD高风险婴儿(24至36个月之间诊断为ASD的高风险婴儿)的早期发育轨迹的描绘和核心症状早期表现的识别, 为ASD早期识别提供了重要依据。未来可以增加被试数量、延长观察时间并密集观察时间点、关注伴发障碍、综合考虑遗传、环境和文化因素影响, 并结合早期干预研究进行深入探索。未来在中国开展相关研究具有重要的科学价值和临床意义。  相似文献   

The dramatic rise in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) has resulted in a significant explosion in visibility and a substantial increase in the understanding of this complex group of disorders. Over the last decade, what was once defined only as “autism” has become a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders, with variable presentations and levels of impairment that requires an equally broad continuum of care. A wealth of research has not discovered a single “cause” for ASDs, but rather has found a range of genetic/genomic variations that likely play a significant role in the etiology of these disorders. Routine screening for autism is becoming more common, allowing for more timely diagnosis, and hopefully for earlier entry into appropriate and effective treatment. Although there remains no single ‘‘cure’’, there are treatments available that can improve overall functioning and decrease problematic or interfering symptoms across the full spectrum of this disorder. The wide spectrum of ASD presentations complicates treatment planning, with overall ASD severity a factor in determining type, intensity, and duration of interventions and services. This article presents a two-dimensional model of “ASD severity” that considers both the level of specific ASD symptoms/deficits and the level of cognitive resources/limitations as a framework for understanding needs, challenges, and potentially effective interventions for individuals across the ASD spectrum.  相似文献   

苏怡 《心理科学进展》2018,26(3):391-399
学龄前孤独谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorders; ASD)儿童对语言的习得程度是决定ASD儿童早期科学干预效果和最终预后水平的关键。以往ASD儿童语言研究多局限于英语ASD儿童, 较少有研究探讨不同语种ASD儿童语言习得的普遍机制。本研究拟结合汉语独特的语法属性, 通过多通道优先注视范式眼动实验考察2~5岁ASD儿童汉语核心语法的理解程度, 通过共同注意游戏评估ASD儿童的社会交流能力, 同时分析ASD儿童语言环境中相关语法结构的输入频率。研究旨在通过探讨学龄前ASD儿童的语法习得, 进一步探索人类语言习得的深层机制, 包括探索人类特有的语言机能对包括ASD儿童语言习得在内的人类语言习得的作用, 同时考察社会交流障碍与语言环境对人类语言习得过程的影响。  相似文献   

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