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Watanabe K  Sato TR  Shimojo S 《Perception》2003,32(5):545-559
Perceived positions of flashed stimuli can be altered by motion signals in the visual field-position capture (Whitney and Cavanagh, 2000 Nature Neuroscience 3 954-959). We examined whether position capture of flashed stimuli depends on the spatial relationship between moving and flashed stimuli, and whether the phenomenal permanence of a moving object behind an occluding surface (tunnel effect; Michotte 1950 Acta Psychologica 7 293-322) can produce position capture. Observers saw two objects (circles) moving vertically in opposite directions, one in each visual hemifield. Two horizontal bars were simultaneously flashed at horizontally collinear positions with the fixation point at various timings. When the movement of the object was fully visible, the flashed bar appeared shifted in the motion direction of the circle. But this position-capture effect occurred only when the bar was presented ahead of or on the moving circle. Even when the motion trajectory was covered by an opaque surface and the bar was flashed after complete occlusion of the circle, the position-capture effect was still observed, though the positional asymmetry was less clear. These results show that movements of both visible and 'hidden' objects can modulate the perception of positions of flashed stimuli and suggest that a high-level representation of 'objects in motion' plays an important role in the position-capture effect.  相似文献   

Perceptual localization of visual stimuli flashed during saccades   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Subjects were asked to make a saccade to a visual target flashed in the dark during a prior primary saccade, and to report its apparent position by moving an adjustable light spot to that position. When targets were presented at the beginning of the primary saccade, subjects perceptually mislocated them in the direction of the saccade, whereas when targets were presented immediately before the end of the primary saccade, the flashed targets were mislocated in the opposite direction. The perceptually localized position of the target was primarily determined by its retinal position. However, at all actual and retinal positions of the target, the localized position shifted from the position that would be predicted if the location of the target was determined only by its retinal position to the prior primary saccade direction. The results were discussed in relation to extraretinal eye position signals. Subjects moved their eyes not to the actual position of the target, but to its apparent position. In some trials, there was a discrepancy between perceptual and oculomotor localization, which was interpreted as having been caused by the imprecise localization ability of the oculomotor system.  相似文献   

The perceived position of an object is determined not only by the retinal location of the object but also by gaze direction, eye movements, and the motion of the object itself. Recent evidence further suggests that the motion of one object can alter the perceived positions of stationary objects in remote regions of visual space (Whitney & Cavanagh, 2000). This indicates that there is an influence of motion on perceived position, and that this influence can extend over large areas of the visual field. Yet, it remains unclear whether the motion of one object shifts the perceived positions of other moving stimuli. To test this we measured two well-known visual illusions, the Fröhlich effect and representational momentum, in the presence of extraneous surrounding motion. We found that the magnitude of these mislocalizations was altered depending on the direction and speed of the surrounding motion. The results indicate that the positions assigned to stationary and moving objects are affected by motion signals over large areas of space and that both types of stimuli may be assigned positions by a common mechanism.  相似文献   

Sasaki H 《Perception》2007,36(3):471-474
A novel grouping and interpolation effect induced by flickering stimuli is described: a matrix of flickering elements forms stick-like clusters, then the clusters gradually dissociate back into the discrete elements within a few seconds. On continuous viewing, this flicker-induced grouping and interpolation repeatedly disappeared and reappeared. The perceived strength of this phenomenon peaked when the luminance of the flickering elements was alternately darker and lighter than the background; thus, the reversal of the luminance contrast polarity was responsible for flicker-induced grouping. The temporal dynamics of flicker-induced grouping showed the stochastic nature of perceptual alternation, which depended on the global structure of the stimulus. From these results, it is concluded that flicker-induced grouping reflects multiple stages of visual processing.  相似文献   

Apparent common behavior of contours with respect to a property for which each contour is ambiguous (in this case direction of rotary motion in depth) was used as a criterion of the unitary processing of the contours or “grouping.” Grouping was found to decrease as a monotonic function of the difference in line orientation and, for fixed orientations, to decrease as a monotonic function of line separation. These results are tentatively attributed to the distribution of line detectors in the projection area.  相似文献   

In the current study, we tested whether search for a visual motion singleton presented among several coherently moving distractors can be more efficient than search for a motion stimulus presented with a single distractor. Under a variety of conditions, multiple spatially distributed and coherently moving distractors facilitated search for a uniquely moving target relative to a single-motion-distractor condition (Experiments 1, 3, and 4). Color coherencies among static distractors were not equally effective (Experiments 1 and 2). These results confirm that humans are highly sensitive to antagonistically directed motion signals in backgrounds compared with spatially more confined regions of visual images.  相似文献   

Perceptual organization is thought to involve an analysis of bothtextural discontinuities andperceptual grouping. In earlier work, we found that textural discontinuities were detected normally even when visual attention was engaged elsewhere. Here we report how perceptual grouping is affected when visual attention is engaged by a concurrent visual task. To elicit perceptual grouping, we used the Gestalt demonstrations of grouping on the basis of proximity and of similarity. Four tasks were investigated, some requiring the observer to discriminate between horizontal and vertical grouping, and some requiring the observer to merely detect the presence or absence of grouping. Visual attention was engaged at the center of the display by a form identification task. The detection of a textural discontinuity served as a control task. Concurrent form identification conflicted with all four grouping tasks, resulting in a significant reduction of grouping performance in each case. No performance reduction was observed when either form identification or grouping discrimination was combined with the detection of a textural discontinuity. These results suggest that perceptual grouping and form identification compete for visual attention, whereas the detection of a textural discontinuity does not.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments required subjects to memorise for immediate recall lists of nine items, presented visually and grouped by threes. As each item followed the previous one in the same spatial location, it must have been temporarily stored until the whole group had arrived. In one experiment the items were digits; grouping could be detected by the fact that recall of the last two items in a group was heavily contingent upon recall of the first item. In the second experiment the items were letters, and some of the lists were made up of meaningful triplets of letters such as UNO. Grouping could be detected by the size of the difference between these lists and the meaningless ones. In each experiment, the extent of grouping was just as great if the subjects were asked to repeat an irrelevant sequence of sounds while memorising; although the recall under both conditions was of course depressed.It appears therefore that the temporary memory, in which the items are held before grouping, is not impaired by articulatory suppression; nor in these conditions could it have been a sensory store. The result is supportive evidence for the existence of an abstract, non-sensory, non-motor, working memory.Both authors are employed, and their research supported, by the Medical Research Council  相似文献   

Perceptual organization is thought to involve an analysis of both textural discontinuities and perceptual grouping. In earlier work, we found that textural discontinuities were detected normally even when visual attention was engaged elsewhere. Here we report how perceptual grouping is affected when visual attention is engaged by a concurrent visual task. To elicit perceptual grouping, we used the Gestalt demonstrations of grouping on the basis of proximity and of similarity. Four tasks were investigated, some requiring the observer to discriminate between horizontal and vertical grouping, and some requiring the observer to merely detect the presence or absence of grouping. Visual attention was engaged at the center of the display by a form identification task. The detection of a textural discontinuity served as a control task. Concurrent form identification conflicted with all four grouping tasks, resulting in a significant reduction of grouping performance in each case. No performance reduction was observed when either form identification or grouping discrimination was combined with the detection of a textural discontinuity. These results suggest that perceptual grouping and form identification compete for visual attention, whereas the detection of a textural discontinuity does not.  相似文献   

G G Denton 《Perception》1977,6(6):711-718
Visual motion aftereffect characteristics comparable to those associated with rotary and translatory movement of a test field are demonstrated for simulated rectilinear motion of the observer. The intensity and time duration of the phenomenon are shown to be positively correlated. The implications of this for individual observers are considered. The results of this experiment are correlated with those for adaptation and for recovery from adaptation that were obtained from the same group of observers. The findings are shown to support the hypothesis that visual motion affereffect is a manifestation of the adaptation recovery function of velocity sensitive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary A 4×4 matrix of dots was presented by a tachistoscope. The first and the third columns of the stimulus pattern were presented first for 20 ms and then the second and the fourth columns were presented for 20 ms with SOAs of 0 to 170 ms. Luminous dots on a dark background, black dots on a white background, and black dots and small outline circles on a white background were used in Experiments I, II, and III, respectively. In each experiment, 5 Ss were asked to report whether the stimulus dots were seen as 4 horizontal rows or 4 vertical columns, and whether they were seen simultaneously or successively. The experimental results showed that the time range of successive grouping was nearly the same as that of perceptual simultaneity in Experiments I and II, but was much greater than the latter in Experiment III where the similarity factor favored successive grouping. Successive grouping generally occurred in the same time range with visual masking of dot patterns by random dots, temporal organization of patterns from successive stimulus elements. But the time range was generally wider than those of contrast reduction caused by temporal luminance summation, metacontrast, and apparent movement.A part of this study was conducted during the junior author's stay at Chiba University and presented by him at the 20th International Congress of Psychology at Tokyo, August 13–19, 1972 (Yamada and Oyama, 1972)  相似文献   

Mather G  Murdoch L 《Perception》1998,27(7):761-767
Recent research indicates that the early stages of visual-motion analysis involve two parallel neural pathways, one conveying information from luminance-defined (first-order) image features, the other conveying information from texture-defined (second-order) features. It is still not clear whether these two pathways converge during later stages of global motion integration. According to one account they remain segregated, and feed separate global analyses. In the alternative account, all responses feed a common stage of global analysis. Two perceptual phenomena are universally held to result from interactions between detector responses during global motion integration--direction repulsion and motion capture. We conducted two psychophysical experiments on these phenomena to test for segregation of first-order and second-order responses during integration. Stimuli contained two components, either two random-block patterns transparently drifting in different directions (repulsion measurements), or a drifting square-wave grating superimposed on an incoherent random-block pattern (capture measurements). Repulsion and capture effects were measured when both stimulus components were the same order, and when one component was first order and the other was second order. Both effects were obtained for all combinations of first-order and second-order patterns. Repulsion effects were stronger with first-order inducing patterns, and capture effects were stronger with second-order inducers. The presence of perceptual interactions regardless of stimulus order strongly suggests that responses in first-order and second-order pathways interact during global motion analysis.  相似文献   

The flash-lag effect is a visual illusion wherein intermittently flashed, stationary stimuli seem to trail after a moving visual stimulus despite being flashed synchronously. We tested hypotheses that the flash-lag effect is due to spatial extrapolation, shortened perceptual lags, or accelerated acquisition of moving stimuli, all of which call for an earlier awareness of moving visual stimuli over stationary ones. Participants judged synchrony of a click either to a stationary flash of light or to a series of adjacent flashes that seemingly bounced off or bumped into the edge of the visual display. To be judged synchronous with a stationary flash, audio clicks had to be presented earlier--not later--than clicks that went with events, like a simulated bounce (Experiment 1) or crash (Experiments 2-4), of a moving visual target. Click synchrony to the initial appearance of a moving stimulus was no different than to a flash, but clicks had to be delayed by 30-40 ms to seem synchronous with the final (crash) positions (Experiment 2). The temporal difference was constant over a wide range of motion velocity (Experiment 3). Interrupting the apparent motion by omitting two illumination positions before the last one did not alter subjective synchrony, nor did their occlusion, so the shift in subjective synchrony seems not to be due to brightness contrast (Experiment 4). Click synchrony to the offset of a long duration stationary illumination was also delayed relative to its onset (Experiment 5). Visual stimuli in motion enter awareness no sooner than do stationary flashes, so motion extrapolation, latency difference, and motion acceleration cannot explain the flash-lag effect.  相似文献   

If a pair of dots, diametrically opposed to each other, is flashed in perfect alignment with another pair of dots rotating about the visual fixation point, most observers perceive the rotating dots as being ahead of the flashing dots (flash-lag effect). This psychophysical effect was first interpreted as the result of a perceptual extrapolation of the position of the moving dots. Also, it has been conceived as the result of differential visual latencies between flashing and moving stimuli, arising from purely sensory factors and/or expressing the contribution of attentional mechanisms as well. In a series of two experiments, we had observers judge the relative position between rotating and static dots at the moment a temporal marker was presented in the visual field. In experiment 1 we manipulated the nature of the temporal marker used to prompt the alignment judgment. This resulted in three main findings: (i) the flash-lag effect was observed to depend on the visual eccentricity of the flashing dots; (ii) the magnitude of the flash-lag effect was not dependent on the offset of the flashing dot; and (iii) the moving stimulus, when suddenly turned off, was perceived as lagging behind its disappearance location. Taken altogether, these results suggest that neither visible persistence nor motion extrapolation can account for the perceptual flash-lag phenomenon. The participation of attentional mechanisms was investigated in experiment 2, where the magnitude of the flash-lag effect was measured under both higher and lower predictability of the location of the flashing dot. Since the magnitude of the flash-lag effect significantly increased with decreasing predictability, we conclude that the observer's attentional set can modulate the differential latencies determining this perceptual effect. The flash-lag phenomenon can thus be conceived as arising from differential visual latencies which are determined not only by the physical attributes of the stimulus, such as its luminance or eccentricity, but also by attentional mechanisms influencing the delays involved in the perceptual processing.  相似文献   

In dynamic environments in which many stimulus elements are in motion, visual search may depend upon specific characteristics of target motion that are known in advance. When stimulus elements move in various directions but each element can move in only one direction, prior knowledge of the target's direction of motion reduces search time.  相似文献   

Broadbent (1956) reports that two lists of digits, each presented to one ear separately so that the items in the two series coincide in time, are grouped together according to the ear-of-arrival, and that these two lists are accordingly recalled separately, one after the other. To ascertain whether such a tendency reflected some built-in mechanism or whether it was due to an optional tactic, adopted through success in making sense of message sequences in other situations, an experiment was designed in which a meaningful message would emerge for the subject if the ear-of-arrival cue was ignored. In this experiment, words broken up into syllables, and phrases broken up into their monosyllabic constituent words were presented to the subject, with the constituents alternating between the two ears. At the same time lists of digits were presented to whichever ear was unoccupied. The results show that recall by meaning rather than by ear-of-arrival, when these are in conflict, can occur and is no less efficient.  相似文献   

S J Leat  J M Woodhouse 《Perception》1984,13(3):351-357
Two measures of sensory ocular dominance were compared. Both involved dichoptic presentation of orthogonal gratings--a situation which results in binocular rivalry. The gratings were presently briefly in experiment 1 and continuously in experiment 2 and by the predominance of one grating over the other a quantitative estimation of ocular dominance was obtained in both cases. Comparison of the results showed that (a) binocular rivalry suppression was present for exposures of 250 ms and (b) the briefly presented gratings were a more sensitive test for ocular dominance than conventional continuously presented stimuli. The variation of dominance over the horizontal meridian of the visual field was considered. For many subjects a consistent different in the ocular dominance in the two halves of the visual field, and therefore of the cortex, was found. Some showed dominance of the ipsilateral eye in each hemisphere while others showed dominance of the contralateral eye. It was found that there is, in fact, a continuum of types of dominance pattern amongst individuals.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental issues in the study of animal cognition concerns categorization. Although domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) are on the brink to become one of the model animals in animal psychology, their categorization abilities are unknown. This is probably largely due to the absence of an adequate method for testing dogs’ ability to discriminate between large sets of pictures in the absence of human cueing. Here we present a computer-automated touch-screen testing procedure, which enabled us to test visual discrimination in dogs while social cueing was ruled out. Using a simultaneous discrimination procedure, we first trained dogs (N = 4) to differentiate between a set of dog pictures (N = 40) and an equally large set of landscape pictures. All subjects learned to discriminate between the two sets and showed successful transfer to novel pictures. Interestingly, presentation of pictures providing contradictive information (novel dog pictures mounted on familiar landscape pictures) did not disrupt performance, which suggests that the dogs made use of a category-based response rule with classification being coupled to category-relevant features (of the dog) rather than to item-specific features (of the background). We conclude that dogs are able to classify photographs of natural stimuli by means of a perceptual response rule using a newly established touch-screen procedure. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Mitsudo H  Nakamizo S 《Perception》2010,39(12):1591-1605
A new motion illusion is reported in which saccadic eye movements can produce a perceived jump of a static stimulus presented dichoptically. In three experiments, observers made saccades while viewing a stationary stimulus consisting of a disk and random dots presented separately to the two eyes. In experiments 1 and 2, by measuring the strength of the perceived motion and the velocity of binocular eye movements, we found that (a) motion ratings were high for the stimulus that contained a large interocular difference in luminance, and (b) the saccadic strategy of the observer was virtually identical across different stimulus conditions. In experiment 3, by measuring the detectability of a short temporal gap introduced into the stimulus around saccades, we found that saccadic suppression was normal in the dichoptic presentation. We discuss possible mechanisms underlying the illusory motion.  相似文献   

M Kitazaki  S Shimojo 《Perception》1998,27(10):1153-1176
The visual system perceptually decomposes retinal image motion into three basic components that are ecologically significant for the human observer: object depth, object motion, and self motion. Using this conceptual framework, we explored the relationship between them by examining perception of objects' depth order and relative motion during self motion. We found that the visual system obeyed what we call the parallax-sign constraint, but in different ways depending on whether the retinal image motion contained velocity discontinuity or not. When velocity discontinuity existed (e.g. in dynamic occlusion, transparent motion), the subject perceptually interpreted image motion as relative motion between surfaces with stable depth order. When velocity discontinuity did not exist, he/she perceived depth-order reversal but no relative motion. The results suggest that the existence of surface discontinuity or of multiple surfaces indexed by velocity discontinuity inhibits the reversal of global depth order.  相似文献   

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