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生命的张力———有性无性各千秋白求恩医科大学311办公室(长春130021)干与·韩羽士巴刘培生生殖是使生物生命在子代体上得以延续和发展的方法,它可以是无性的,也可以是有性的。从无性到有性生殖是个进化过程。各样的有性现象在生命发展的历程上,出现有性生...  相似文献   

从严峻的人口形势和生育方式的现状论述了节制生育、控制人口恶性膨胀是人类转入可持续发展轨道的首要条件,生殖调节成为生殖健康的核心问题,提出改进生育方式是21世纪的医学面临的一项重大挑战。  相似文献   

大学生内隐性倾向的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑希付 《心理科学》2002,25(3):290-292
我们通过实验的方式研究了大学生的内隐性倾向,实验分两个部分,一是使用配对图片的快速呈现研究其对性信息图片和无性信息图片的选择的差异;二是使用快速呈现和快速选择的方式研究其对有性信息词语和无性信息词语之间的选择差异。实验严格控制了空间误差和时间误差,通过科学设计的控制程序完成。结果发现,这两种情况下,大学生都表现出突出的选择和保存性信息刺激的倾向性,这种倾向不存在性别差异。  相似文献   

中国古代生育心理思想研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从生育动机、生育目的、生育意愿和新生人口心理素质的遗传等问题探讨了中国古代生育心理思想.揭示出古代社会居于主导地位的生育动机、生育目的和相互对立的生育意愿;分析了它们对今天人口控制的影响;概括并评价了古代关于新生人口的心理素质遗传性的理论。  相似文献   

本研究旨在从人们的生育态度中探讨中国人思维方式对传统性与现代性有何影响。研究分两部分:第一部分用相关研究的方法探讨思维方式与中国人的传统性与现代性的关系;第二部分设计了一个能够反映中国人传统性和现代性的情境问卷,通过测量人们的生育态度,来进一步证实思维方式对传统性和现代性的影响。通过对257名被试问卷调查结果的分析发现:思维方式和中国人的传统性与现代性之间有着密切的关系,对情境问卷的进一步分析发现思维方式和情境因素一起影响人们的生育态度。研究结果对我们理解中国人思维方式的影响有着重要的理论和实际价值。  相似文献   

生育意愿研究及其现实意义——兼以江苏调查为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要回顾了生育意愿研究在国内外的发展及其在不同人口发展阶段的实用意义,介绍了从生育意愿到生育行为的决策过程,并以江苏群众生育意愿和生育行为调查结果为例,讨论了在低生育率地区符合二孩政策夫妇的生育意愿、生育计划及其向生育行为的转化.作者认为,理想子女数、生育意愿和生育计划是逐步接近现实的三个层次,每个层次在数量上逐级递减,具有明确的数量和时间的生育计划更有可能转化为生育行为.而这三个指标随时间变动的稳定性也是逐级递减的,理想子女数最为稳定,生育计划短期改变的可能性更大.与理想子女数相比,生育意愿和生育计划更具有政策相关性和实用价值.  相似文献   

本文阐述了人的尊严的来源及其各种含义,并在此基础上探讨了"人类增强"是否可能侵犯或威胁人的尊严。人类物种的尊严植根于人的本质,即人类物种所典型具有的一系列潜力,它是其他层面的人的尊严的基础。人类个体的尊严分为普遍尊严和获得性尊严。个体的普遍尊严直接来自于物种的尊严,是每个人因其作为人类物种一员的身份而平等拥有的一种至高的道德地位。因为人类增强不会分裂人的本质,所以不会造成人类物种之道德地位的区分,从而个体的普遍尊严不会因增强技术的应用而受到侵犯。获得性尊严是通过发展人的本质中所包含的典型人类潜力而获得的受尊重的性质。人类增强可能通过破坏主体间性,给个体发展各种人类的典型潜力设置障碍,从而对人的获得性尊严构成威胁。  相似文献   

人类生育选择有以“善”为核心和以“正当”为核心的两类价值定位 ,因而 ,对现代生育伦理问题的理论解释 ,不能只是其中的任何一种思维路向 ,而应当是两种思维路向的合理整合。  相似文献   

人的尊严是生命伦理学的核心概念。康德的人性公式在很大程度上塑造了当代生命伦理研究中的尊严观。由于对人性公式的片面理解,生命伦理学中的"康德主义"否定人类尊严的平等性,遮蔽了康德的尊严概念本应具有的重要理论功能。人性公式论述的是尊严的道德要求,而非尊严的基础。构建康德的尊严观,需要超越人性公式之外对康德的尊严理论进行阐释。通过分析人性、人格和道德自主等康德哲学中的重要概念,可以得出以下推论:人类个体的尊严并非来自于个体自主选择的能力,而是来自于个体对人类整体尊严的分享;人类整体的尊严来自人类道德自主的潜力,而非已表现出的能力。这样的尊严观恰恰认可并论证了尊严概念在当代生命伦理研究中所承担的不同于以往的功能,并有助于解决当代生物医学技术的应用所带来的伦理困境。  相似文献   

辅助生育技术的发展及其哲学思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1978年 7月 2 5日世界上首例经体外受精—胚胎移植 (invitrofertilization -embryotransfer,IVF -ET)形成的试管婴儿—LouiseBrown的诞生为人类生殖的自我调控树立了新的里程碑。近 2 3年来 ,辅助生育技术 (assistedreproductivetechnology ,ART)经历了飞速发展的阶段 ,由IVF -ET派生出许多新的ART已形成人类生殖科技新的发展态势 ,尤其是克隆技术及胚胎干细胞培养技术的突破 ,在生命科学史上具有划时代意义。与此同时 ,也面临着人类生殖技术…  相似文献   

A total of 442 ninth-grade, black, inner city adolescents participated in a survey of their knowledge of human reproduction, level of self-esteem, and attitudes toward birth control and sexual intercourse. Ninety-two percent of the females and 33% of the males responded that they or they and their partner were responsible for using birth control. The 148 males perceiving contraceptive responsibility as belonging to their partner or no one were most accepting of sexual intercourse and agreed that teenage parenthood is an index of adulthood. Girls were nearly unanimous in their low level of acceptance of sexual intercourse. Annual birth statistics from their high school indicate, however, that a minimum of 13% of these ninth-grade girls will become pregnant in the ensuing academic year. The apparent contradictions of young adolescents' knowledge of and attitudes toward sexuality are discussed in the context of developmental theory.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between adolescent after school and weekend employment and sexual intercourse behavior in a cross-sectional sample of public high school students in South Carolina. The CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey was used to secure usable data from 4,800 subjects. Thirty-nine percent of the sample worked at a job for pay during the academic year of the study. The majority of all race/gender groups reported having sexual intercourse in their lifetime and during the past 3 months prior, with the exception of Caucasian females. For Caucasian males employment ranging from 1-5 to 31+ hours per week was associated with sexual risk-taking. Caucasian female employment was associated with sexual risk-taking at 16-20 and 21-25 hours of work per week. For African American males, the relationship between employment and sexual risk-taking was evidenced at the 1-5 and 26-30 hours of work per week levels. Similar trends were determined for Caucasians (males and females) regarding sexual intercourse in the past 3 months prior and working for pay during the academic year. Youth working above 10 hours per week during high school may have an increased risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.  相似文献   

We investigated the sexual risk-taking behaviors of adolescents with severe emotional disturbance (SED). Subjects (N = 70) were clients of the South Carolina Continuum of Care. Information on sexual intercourse, sexual risk-taking, aggressive behaviors, substance use, and suicidal behavior was gathered using a modified version of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention self-report Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Forty-two percent of each race-gender group reported first intercourse before age 13, except for African American females at 63%. Seventy-five to 79% of all race-gender groups reported first sexual intercourse by age 18. Drinking alcohol before age 13 and carrying a weapon in the past 30 days were associated with first intercourse before age 13. Youth reporting first intercourse between ages 13 and 18 were about 12 times more likely to report suicide ideation than those youth who reported never having sexual intercourse. Youth with SED reporting first intercourse before age 13 appear to have an increased risk for unintended pregnancy and for contracting a sexually transmitted disease compared to youth with SED reporting first intercourse after age 13.  相似文献   

Child abuse survivors often exhibit long-standing maladaptive beliefs. Sexual risk-taking could contribute to the maintenance of such beliefs by reinforcing cognitions that originally resulted from child abuse. In this study, 64 community women, most with elevated posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, completed measures of childhood abuse, sexual risk-taking, and posttraumatic cognitions. Age of first consensual sexual intercourse mediated the relationship between childhood physical abuse and maladaptive posttraumatic cognitions in adulthood. Thus, age of sexual intercourse initiation might play an important role in women's recovery from childhood physical abuse. Clinicians should consider the possible impact of women's sexual history when challenging their cognitions during trauma-based cognitive behavioral therapy. Further, decreasing risky sexual behavior might partially protect against the negative effects of trauma.  相似文献   

Using anatomical dolls, the play behaviors of nine sexually abused preschool children (five males, four females), ranging in age from 3 to 5 years, were compared with nine preschool children for whom there was no suspicion of sexual abuse and who were matched on the basis of age, gender, race, family status, and socioeconomic status. There was no significant difference between the two groups on explicit sexual behavior (vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse with thrusting motions between the dolls or between the child and the dolls and masturbation by the child). The groups were significantly [t(8)=2.19, p <.05; Wilcoxon W=6, p <.05) different when behaviors with suspicious sexual implication were combined with explicit sexual behaviors. There were no differences between the groups on measures of nonsexual behavior. The occurrence of the suspicious sexual behaviors is discussed and reviews of previous doll research and physical evidence of child sexual abuse are provided.This project was supported in part by a grant from The Graduate College of Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.  相似文献   

A 15-session sex education program was delivered by teachers to 586 10th graders using techniques based on social learning theory, including modeling, in-class and out-of-class practice of skills for abstaining from sexual intercourse, and for contraception. Knowledge about reproduction and birth control, intentions to use skills to avoid pregnancy, and communication with parents about pregnancy prevention were significantly greater at posttest and 6-month follow-up for the trained group than for the control group. Members of the trained group tended to use birth control more often, especially those who started to have sexual intercourse subsequent to the program. No differences in the frequency of sexual intercourse, pregnancy scares, or pregnancies were found. Satisfaction with the program was high. Although skill training by itself may not be sufficient to significantly prevent pregnancies, this program offers promise of being a useful component of combined school, home, and community activities to prevent pregnancy.  相似文献   

This study examines how religious activity is associated with risk behaviors, concurrently and developmentally among urban African American adolescents. Seven hundred and five African American youths were interviewed annually during high school. Retention rates for the study exceeded 90%. Frequency of religious activity, sexual intercourse, and alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use were assessed at each wave. Growth curve analyses found negative concurrent associations between religious activity and each of the four risk behaviors. The developmental effects of religious activity varied by gender. Higher levels of religious activity in 9th grade predicted smaller increases in marijuana use among males and cigarette use among females. In addition, larger decreases in religious activity during high school were associated with greater increases in alcohol use among males and sexual intercourse among females. During high school, religious activity limits the development of certain types of risk behavior among African American youth, even after controlling for reciprocal effects.  相似文献   

This study implemented a prospective design to explore the relationship between college men's perceived likelihood to perpetrate sexual aggression and their perpetration of sexual aggression over a three-month interim (N = 414). Compared to men's report of their likelihood to use physical force to obtain sex play or sexual intercourse, college men reported higher levels of perceived likelihood to use arguments or pressure to obtain sex play or sexual intercourse as well as drugs and alcohol to obtain sexual intercourse. Prospective analyses revealed that the majority of men who perpetrated sexual aggression over the follow-up period indicated that they were at some risk to do so at the pretest assessment. Implications for sexual assault prevention programming are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that drinking establishments are often antecedent to sexual aggression outcomes. In this study, male participants were randomly selected from public houses (i.e., "pubs") and asked to imagine themselves in a hypothetical intimate encounter in which the female in the scenario stops consenting to sexual contact. Participants were given the option to continue making sexual advances up to and including sexual intercourse against the woman's will. It was hypothesized based on Alcohol Myopia Theory that participant blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels would be associated with hypothetical sexual aggression when stereotypical cues of a woman's sexual availability (revealing clothing and alcohol use) were present in the scenario. Men's engagement in hypothetical sexual aggression was associated with BAC levels, but only when the woman was wearing revealing clothing. The sobriety of the female actor was not associated with sexual aggression. Results indicate that Alcohol Myopia Theory generalizes to a field setting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate consumption patterns of gay‐oriented sexually explicit media (SEM) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Norway, with a particular emphasis on a possible relationship between gay SEM consumption and HIV risk behavior. Participants included 529 MSM living in Norway recruited online to complete a SEM consumption and sexual risk survey. Of the 507 participants who responded to the all items measuring exposure to SEM, 19% reported unprotected anal intercourse with a casual partner (UAI) in last 90 days, and 14% reported having had sero‐discordant UAI. Among those with UAI experience, 23% reported receptive anal intercourse (R‐UAI) and 37% reported insertive anal intercourse (I‐UAI). SEM consumption was found to be significantly associated with sexual risk behaviors. Participants with increased consumption of bareback SEM reported higher odds of UAI and I‐UAI after adjusting for other factors using multivariable statistics. MSM who started using SEM at a later age reported lower odds of UAI and I‐UAI than MSM who started earlier. Future research should aim at understanding how MSM develop and maintain SEM preferences and the relationship between developmental and maintenance factors and HIV sexual risk behavior.  相似文献   

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