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段文杰 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1616-1627
正念是当代临床健康心理学领域出现的一个新概念, 尽管其应用在临床领域取得了瞩目的成绩, 但对于正念的理论研究却亟待加强。在对正念的三阶段概念演进过程及四种取向的测量工具进行了系统梳理与评价后, 发现目前对正念的理论研究存在两大问题。一是概念不够清晰, 它可以指代一种行为(冥想)、心理状态、心理过程, 甚至是一种人格或类人格特质; 二是测量过于多元, 有状态取向、能力取向、认知取向和特质取向。两大问题的核心在于如何理解正念。基于对问题的分析及以往实证研究, 建议可以借鉴价值实践分类体系(Values In Action Classification), 以类特质为取向, 采用兼顾文化共同性和特殊性的方法, 深入挖掘其独特的核心内涵, 在命名、测量上突显个体对当下经验留心的基本特点。  相似文献   

张彦  胡俊 《道德与文明》2020,(3):103-108
榜样示范作为品格教育的重要教学策略,在教育哲学意义上主要存在两类问题,即"如何激发教育对象模仿行为"的方法论问题和"榜样示范教育应教什么"的实质性道德问题。"模仿"是"榜样示范"中的核心概念,亚里士多德将其视为一种蕴含情感、意动、认知及行为要素的情感美德。因此,在品格教育"榜样示范"的过程中,要避免仅止于对榜样的行为模仿及类推性实践的方法论问题;更要重视所要学习模仿的道德品质独立性问题,化解"模仿者"对榜样无知顺从的困境。从实践角度看,应从多方面审视和改善品格教育的"榜样示范"问题:加强教师对于自身作为行为榜样的反思;要确认榜样必须具有真实性特质;从"道德成熟"标准确保榜样与学生存在的德性位势差,强化德性内驱;创设道德情境,加强学生对榜样的心理认同感;培养道德能动性,促进学生道德层面的知行转化。  相似文献   

A型人格、自我价值感对中学生不同情境应对方式的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈红  黄希庭 《心理科学》2001,24(3):350-351
应对方式的研究存在两种不同的取向,即过程取向和特质取向。过程取向重点研究特定生活事件中个体的应对过程,探讨各类特殊事件下特定个体的应对方式特点,较少考虑人格因素的影响。目前国内外对应对方式的研究大多仍倾向于过程取向。特质取向强调个体差异或人格变量的影响。该取向研究个体是否存在个性倾向性的、相对稳定的和习惯化了的应对风格或特质。  相似文献   

社会人格取向的成人依恋研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
侯珂  邹泓  蒋索 《心理科学进展》2005,13(5):640-650
国外有关成人依恋的研究大致可以分为两大类:发展临床取向和社会人格取向,文章简要概述了两种取向的差异,并重点从社会人格取向的角度介绍了有关成人依恋的内部工作模型表征的社会认知研究和情绪调节策略的依恋类型差异的研究,以及成人依恋对亲密人际关系中目标信念、沟通和自我表露、归因和冲突解决、支持寻求和照顾行为等的影响研究。最后展望了该领域未来研究的趋势和方向。  相似文献   

抑郁的人际模式——人格、人际情境与抑郁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
国外对人格中的两种引起抑郁的特质:依赖和自我批评的研究已经持续了十几年。本文首先对这些研究进行了回顾。抑郁素质论者把这两种特质从人格中分离出来,之后抑郁认知理论提出导致抑郁的认知图式。但这两种理论都孤立了情境来研究人格与抑郁的关系。目前流行的抑郁人际模式把人际情境引入到人格和抑郁的关系研究中。本文比较了人际模式中的调节模式和中介模式,并探讨了对两种模式整合的趋势,最后,提出将来抑郁研究的展望。  相似文献   

焦丽颖  许燕  田一  郭震  赵锦哲 《心理学报》2022,54(7):850-866
善恶问题是人们在社会生活中的重要话题, 在对他人进行知觉时, 人们首先关心的信息是什么, 是否会对不同类型善恶特质有所权衡?研究基于人格心理学视角, 通过4个研究对该问题进行了探讨。研究首先探究了人格的道德概念激活时善恶的差异, 并以代表性、好恶度、特质度和重要性为衡量指标分别考察了不同类型善恶特质的核心程度差异。结果发现, 善恶人格的特质差序体现在两个方面:(1)善恶人格间的差序, 在人格的道德范畴中, 存在善人格的优先效应; (2)善恶人格内的差序, “善”的核心由内到外为尽责诚信、仁爱友善与包容大度、利他奉献; “恶”的核心由内到外为凶恶残忍、背信弃义与污蔑陷害、虚假伪善。研究有助于进一步理解中国人的善恶观, 为善恶领域的探究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

攻击行为一般模式述评   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
范春林 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1182-1184
攻击行为一般模式从社会认知取向分析了特定情境下攻击行为的发生过程,即,人的因素和情境因素两个输入变量通过影响个体当时的内在状态和后继的评价与决策过程而产生攻击行为;同时,它还阐释了攻击性人格的形成和发展过程,即,生物因素与社会环境的相互作用影响个体的知识结构和知识结构中的情感要素,与攻击性相关的知识结构的发展、自动化和强化。对个体会产生长期的影响,从而改变个体的人格。该模式代表了攻击行为认知研究取向最新的理论进展。  相似文献   

吉利根对道德认知发展理论的修正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
道德认知发展理论要点之一是“公正”是个体道德思维的唯一取向。吉利根对此提出责疑,指出其在理论假设和研究方法上的问题,并从对已有研究材料、伦理哲学文献的考察和实证研究两方面指出人类社会和个体存在着“公正”和“关怀”两种道德取向及其与性别的关系。这是对已有理论的重大修正,也提出了新的研究课题。  相似文献   

“亲亲相隐”是一桩饱受争议的道德公案,实证考察其中的道德认知机制有助于深入理解中国人的道德结构。研究1直接验证了道德决策中“亲亲相隐”现象的存在,研究2进一步考察了道德判断与决策的差序效应及个体社会价值取向的调节作用,研究3探究了道德义务感的中介作用。整个研究表明,“亲亲相隐”根植于中国人“应然”和“实然”两个层面的道德认知中,不同社会关系下所感知到的人际道德义务差异在其中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

《人类合作与道德起源》一文载自人格与社会心理学杂志,作者Michael Tomasello和Amrisha Vaish,通过与动物比较,分析了人类合作的道德起源问题。通过解读,发现该文中个体主义以及集体主义研究取向体现较为明显,现试图通过两种视角下的剖析,还原作者的研究思想,也寻找心理学科研的取向。  相似文献   

Abstract— This article presents a social-cognitive analysts of cross-situational coherence in personality functioning. Social-cognitive analyses are contrasted with those of trait approaches in personality psychology. Rather than attributing coherence to high-level constructs that correspond directly to observed patterns of social behavior, social-cognitive theory pursues a "bottom-up" analytic strategy in which coherence derives from interactions among multiple underlying causal mechanisms, no one of which corresponds directly to a broad set of responses. Research investigating social and self-knowledge underlying cross-situational coherence in a central social-cognitive mechanism, perceived self-efficacy, is presented. Idiographic analyses revealed that individuals' schematic self-knowledge and situational beliefs give rise to patterns of high and low self-efficacy appraisal across diverse, idiosyncratic sets of situations that do not, in general, correspond to traditional high-level trait categories Bottom-up analyses in personality psychology are related to other disciplines' analyses of organization in complex, adaptive systems.  相似文献   

“大五”与五因素模型:两种不同的人格结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着词汇学取向的“大五”结构和理论取向的五因素模型的出现,人格研究者就人格分类系统的问题达成了初步的共识。“大五”结构和五因素模型在形式和内容上有很多相似之处,但二者在历史渊源、内容形式、基本性质、研究走向等方面都存在一定的差异。文章试图从以上方面明确二者的差异,以澄清相关的混淆和误解,并在文章结语部分对两种取向研究对中国人人格结构研究的启示进行了详细的分析  相似文献   

This paper addresses conceptual strategies in the assessment of intra-individual personality architecture, including the assessment of those social-cognitive structures and dynamics that contribute to personality coherence. The paper also relates social-cognitive analyses of intra-individual personality architecture to trait-theoretic analyses of inter-individual differences in the population. An overarching theme is that these alternative research traditions should be understood as approaches to different scientific problems. Unlike, for example, the lexical Big Five tradition of personality research, social-cognitive theories are concerned fundamentally with mental structures and dynamics that causally contribute to personality functioning and coherence, and with understanding how these cognitive and affective systems develop and function in interaction with the social environment. As has been explained by Lamiell (2003) and others, inter-individual analyses cannot substitute for the study of intra-individual personality dynamics and dispositions.  相似文献   

道德敏感性是对情境的道德含意的领悟和解释能力,是道德行为产生过程中逻辑上的初始心理成分。道德敏感性与个体对情境的自动化加工及其伴随着的直觉情绪有着密切的关系。情境的背景与特征,个体的角色卷入、道德图式以及人格特点等因素都可能影响个体的道德敏感性。道德敏感性研究已在儿童早期发展、职业伦理以及测验方法等领域取得一定成果,但其理论构建仍需进一步完善、深化,与教育干预密切相关的发展研究有待加强,研究方法也需拓展和改进  相似文献   

People's conceptions of different types of moral exemplarity were examined in an attempt to augment the current emphasis on moral rationality with a fuller understanding of moral personality. In Study 1 (with 805 adults), a free-listing procedure was used to generate the attributes of 3 types of moral exemplars (just, brave, and caring). In Study 2 (with 401 undergraduates), prototypicality- and personality-rating procedures were used to generate a personality profile for each type of moral exemplar and to examine the relations among them. In Study 3 (with 240 undergraduates), a similarity-sorting procedure was used to identify the typologies implicit in people's understanding of these different types of moral exemplarity. The findings indicate that moral excellence can be exemplified in rather divergent ways and that understanding of moral functioning would be enhanced by attention to this wider range of moral virtues.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Personality moderating variables act to qualify the relationship between a personality trait measure and a relevant behavioral criterion. Two data analytic techniques that can be used to test for significant moderating effects are the "median split" (MS) approach and the "moderated multiple regression" (MMR) approach. The goals of the present research were ( a ) to apply the MS approach to computer-simulated data in which the moderator and trait extremity are confounded, to determine the extent of artifact, and ( b ) to compare the performance (Type I and Type II error rates) of the two approaches when applied to confounded and nonconfounded data. It was found that when the MS approach was applied to confounded data in which no real moderating effect existed, this approach produced an alarming rate of apparent, but spurious, moderating effects. When the MMR approach was applied to the same data, the rate of spurious effects was reduced to that expected by chance. When both approaches were applied to simulated data which contained genuine moderating effects, the MMR approach consistently resulted in more correct detections of these effects than the MS approach. We conclude that researchers should always employ the MMR rather than the MS approach when testing for personality moderator variable effects.  相似文献   

When are perceivers guided more by implicit social-cognitive theories of personality and when more by trait theories? As perceivers become more familiar with a person they infer relatively more psychological mediating variables (e.g., construals, goals) that underlie the person's behavior and relatively fewer broad, uncontextualized traits such as aggressive or friendly (Study 1). The effects of familiarity are moderated by the importance of the target to perceivers (Study 2). Specifically, perceivers make relatively more inferences using mediating variables and fewer inferences with traits as the target becomes more familiar, if and only if the target plays an important role in their lives. The findings indicate that psychological mediating variables play a significant role in lay perceptions of people and specify conditions in which perceiver's function like implicit social-cognitive theorists, namely, when the perceived is familiar and important to the perceiver.  相似文献   

李芮  夏凌翔 《心理学报》2021,53(7):788-797
特质愤怒是影响反应性攻击的重要人格因素, 反应性攻击的提出是基于攻击动机, 但是特质愤怒影响反应性攻击的动机机制尚不清楚。本研究假设特质愤怒可以通过增强反应性攻击的特异性动机(即敌意性动机)以及反应性攻击与主动性攻击的共同性动机(即道德准许动机)来纵向预测反应性攻击。为了检验该假设, 对5个省市共1007名大学生的特质愤怒、敌意归因偏向(代表敌意性动机)和道德推脱(代表道德准许动机)、反应性攻击与主动性攻击进行了3次追踪调查。结果显示:(1)在控制性别后, 第一个时间点的特质愤怒可以通过第二个时间点的敌意归因偏向和道德推脱预测第三个时间点的反应性攻击; (2)敌意归因偏向只能纵向预测反应性攻击, 而不能跨时间预测主动性攻击; (3)道德推脱可以纵向预测反应性攻击和主动性攻击。这一结果支持了特质愤怒影响反应性攻击的动机模型, 发展了人格与攻击关系的理论与研究, 对于揭示反应性攻击形成的动机机制具有积极作用。  相似文献   

Inspired by the liberation psychologist Martin‐Baró who provocatively defined personality as that of which individuals can be robbed in conditions of social injustice and research psychologists in training whose appreciation of the possibilities of personality psychology has been limited by the dominance of trait approaches, this paper claims that we need and can practice a critical personality psychology. Conceptual and methodological tools for such an enterprise are identified in two arenas of current research: the study of narratives and new forms of history in personality psychology. Within critical personality psychology, personality is understood to be an expression of (i) a multifaceted organization that includes individual, interpersonal, social, cultural, and political contexts; (ii) individual and social change; and (iii) the moral dimensions of human psychology. Notes on future directions draw on areas of inquiry within and outside personality psychology to insure a place under the critical psychology umbrella.  相似文献   

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