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以维护伊斯兰教义学基本思想为使命的艾什尔里派和马图里迪派在伊斯兰教教义学派中占据着特殊地位,两派所倡导的教义学思想曾一度成为伊斯兰教的主流思想。两派根据伊斯兰教的精神性、灵活性,建构起了一个旨在论证和阐述伊斯兰教教义的学科体系,为多元的伊斯兰社会奠定了和谐的理论基础。本文通过对比研究,以深化对两派思想体系的认识。  相似文献   

本文以明末清初中国伊斯兰教汉文译著家马注的《清真指南》为切入点,全面论述了内涵丰富的伊斯兰教人道思想。文章提出,伊斯兰教是重视天道与人道的宗教,重视天道是为了坚定信仰(伊玛尼),重视人道是为了实践天道的思想和要求。在当今社会,中国穆斯林对伊斯兰教人道思想的实践,将更加促进穆斯林之间,以及中国各民族之间的和谐,全面实现社会的进步与繁荣。  相似文献   

马成明 《中国宗教》2019,(10):80-81
近年来,包括伊斯兰教在内的各宗教中国化成为各界关注和研究的热点。各界围绕宗教中国化义理、宗教中国化的历史经验、如何实践宗教中国化之路等话题展开全方位多层次讨论。对于宗教中国化的讨论,既是历史发展到特定时期的必然要求,也是对全球化加剧过程中社会思想相互交融的积极主动回应。2019年6月,高占福研究员和敏俊卿博士共同完成的《伊斯兰教与坚持中国化方向》一书由宗教文化出版社出版。全书近20万字,内容上在宏观概述了我国伊斯兰教坚持中国化方向的基础与实践后,从7个部分具体展开论述,包括:伊斯兰教中国化的历程、历代中央政府对伊斯兰事务的管理、伊斯兰教育和思想文化的中国化、伊斯兰建筑与礼仪习俗的中国化、新疆伊斯兰教的中国化、伊斯兰教中国化的经验以及新时期坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向的理论与实践等方面。显然,这是一本系统的伊斯兰教中国化论述著作,既总结历史,又立足当下,指引未来。  相似文献   

中道,即中正之道。中道是伊斯兰教所倡导的重要思想主张,是穆斯林宗教功修和社会生活中应该遵循的重要原则。《古兰经》、圣训中蕴含着大量中道思想的内容,体现了中道思想的丰富内涵。本文就中道的内涵、穆圣立法原则中的中道精神,以及中国伊斯兰教发展实践中的中道路径,对伊斯兰教的“中道”内涵与实践做一浅识。  相似文献   

伊儒会通是伊斯兰教主动接受中华优秀传统文化浸润的重要成果,也是以刘智为代表的伊斯兰教汉文译著家形成的具有鲜明特质的中国化宗教阐释传统和话语范式。马启西继承刘智建构的话语脉络,创新中国化宗教阐释路径,成为中国伊斯兰教话语谱系中的代表人物之一。这一话语内涵就是用中国哲学和中华文化阐述伊斯兰教,进而生成具有本土性的文本阐释与实践传统,为深入推进伊斯兰教中国化和构建当代中国伊斯兰教经学思想体系提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

在我国伊斯兰教育的现代化过程中,伊斯兰教著名教育实践家达浦生先生(1874-1965)占有十分重要的地位。作为我国20世纪著名的回族伊斯兰教育家之一,达浦生始终以振兴、弘扬伊斯兰教为己任,一生致力于我国伊斯兰教的教学实践和发展创新。达浦生作为中国伊斯兰教育实践家,其教育思想经过他数十年办学实践的印证;他的内容丰富的论著《伊斯兰六书》,对于教育思想也有较为具体的阐述。一、达浦生的主要教育实践达浦生的教育实践始于光绪二十三年(1899年),他创办了六合广益小学,该校是我国最早的新式回民学校之一。1898年北京发生戊戌变法,进步学者…  相似文献   

<正>伊斯兰教自从传入中国,就开始了中国化的实践。今天研究和实践伊斯兰教中国化方向,顺应了伊斯兰教在中国发展的时代要求,符合中国伊斯兰教继续健康发展的内在愿望。一、伊斯兰教中国化,就其本质来说,就是依据时代要求和实践需要,研究伊斯兰教基本原理,适应中国穆斯林面临的实际问题,寻求和不断开拓有中国特色的伊斯兰教发展道路,由此将会赋予中国伊斯兰教更强大的生命力。要认识到伊斯兰教发展的时代性,穆斯林信仰的社会价值。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教认为,维护自然环境的生态实践不仅反映了穆斯林“认主独一”世界观的信仰过程,而且呈现了人类作为真主代治者的社会善功价值.本文通过呈现中国伊斯兰教三大教派之一的西道堂的生态实践,试图阐释在伊斯兰教信仰体系中真主、人、社区和自然之间复杂、多重的互惠关系.本文认为,穆斯林的生态实践不仅基于对真主的信仰表述,而且透过宗教仪式赋予其神圣性和文化意义,并产生实际的生态效应,展示出伊斯兰教“两世并重”的生命本质.  相似文献   

<正>《菲格亥·艾克伯尔》是艾布·哈尼法(700—767)论述伊斯兰教义学的大纲,在伊斯兰世界流传了上千年的教义学文献。全书也是一部对伊斯兰教义学上的一系列问题,作出了符合伊斯兰教信仰原则的回答,也是他本人创制教法的思想和实践的指导。一、《菲格亥·艾克伯尔》的主要内容艾布·哈尼法所处的时代是公元7-8世纪,后来哈乃斐派的学者满俩·阿里·嘎里(?--1001)专门撰写了一本注释,全面系统地评注和介绍了《菲格亥·艾克伯尔》的思想内容。我国伊斯兰教经堂  相似文献   

伊斯兰经济思想是伊斯兰各学科中直接关乎人类生产、生活和社会发展的思想体系。本文根据伊斯兰教学者对伊斯兰经济思想的阐释,对伊斯兰经济思想内涵、特点作了进一步的分析。  相似文献   

Public support for government welfare programs is grounded in two potentially conflicting factors: a belief in individualism which undermines support for welfare assistance and the capacity for empathy which potentially enhances support. However, empathy is an expensive psychological commodity subject to pervasive up- and down-regulation. This article examines the degree to which a belief in individualism affects the expression of compassionate support for a person in need among those with the capacity for empathy. In two online survey experiments, empathic ability powerfully increases support for a welfare recipient and social welfare policies when it does not conflict with individualism. But, empathic ability decreases compassion and support for government welfare among strong individualists. Evidence that individualists down-regulate empathy for someone in need of government assistance is consistent with the conservative view that welfare promotes dependency and undermines individual agency. In contrast, charitable assistance is not associated with long-term dependency, and we find that empathy is up-regulated by strong individualists to generate charitable support for the same individual to whom they denied government assistance. The up- and down-regulation of empathy in response to someone in need of government welfare helps illuminate the sharp divisions over social welfare policy among the American public.  相似文献   

This paper examines the associations among stressful life events, social support, and depressive symptoms in a sample of 580 first-time welfare recipients. Self-reported number of depressive symptoms was greater than in corresponding community samples. Stressors and social supports made independent main effect contributions to depressive symptoms in a multiple regression analysis. Women with transportation barriers to employment, those experiencing greater numbers of stressful life events, and those who were less satisfied with their housing situation reported greater numbers of depressive symptoms. In contrast, women who were more satisfied with their social support and those with higher attendance at religious services reported fewer depressive symptoms. Implications for welfare reform policy and programs are discussed.  相似文献   

从社会心理学的角度探索社会保障感受与不道德行为的关系,及焦虑在其中的作用。用三个实验对假设进行检验,实验1和实验2探索社会保障感受对不道德行为的影响; 实验3则进一步探索焦虑在其中的作用。回归分析表明,社会保障感受可显著预测人们的不道德行为,社会保障感受越低人们的不道德行为越多; 焦虑在其中起中介作用,低社会保障感受会促进焦虑的产生,继而增加不道德行为。研究从社会心理学角度探索并证实了社会保障感受引发不道德行为的微观心理机制,拓宽了社会保障的伦理道德价值研究视域,为未来从社会心理学的角度研究社会保障与伦理道德的关系提供了可资借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

本文依据效率与伦理两个基本标准探讨了福利经济学对于经济运行体系的伦理选择问题。首先分别讨论了福利经济学参照两个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行伦理选择的具体情况。其次分析了福利经济学在参照第二个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行伦理选择时所遇到的理论困难及其原因,即仅仅依据功利主义伦理基础的狭窄理论框架与包含道义主义伦理学在内的广阔的价值世界之间的矛盾。最后指出:通过引入道义主义伦理学作为福利经济学的伦理基础之一,特别是通过引入伦理妥协的方法解决经济学的功利主义基础与道义主义基础之间的矛盾,便可以扩展福利经济学的理论框架,消除福利经济学在参照第二个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行伦理选择时所遇到的理论困难,使福利经济学能够在新的意义上同时参照两个基本标准对于经济运行体系进行有效的伦理选择。  相似文献   

In the situation where subjects independently rank order a fixed set of items, the idea of a consensus ordering of the items is defined and employed as a parameter in a class of probability models for rankings. In the context of such models, which generalize those of Mallows, posterior probabilities may be easily formed about the population consensus ordering. An example of rankings obtained by the Graduate Record Examination Board is presented to demonstrate the adequacy of these generalized Mallows' models for describing actual data sets of rankings and to illustrate convenient summaries of the posterior probabilities for the consensus ordering.The authors thank Leann Birch for permission to refer to her experiment on cracker preferences, and the Graduate Record Examination Board for permission to use primary data from the Pike Report in our example. We also thank the referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

Solidarity as a social phenomenon means a sharing of feelings, interests, risks and responsibilities. The Western-European Welfare State can be seen as an organized system of solidarity, historically grown from group solidarity among workers, later between workers and employers, moving towards solidarity between larger social groups: between healthy people and the sick, between the young and the elderly, between the employed and the unemployed. This sharing of risks at a societal level however, has revealed the risks of sharing. In the postwar development of the welfare state, solidarity has been organized mainly in administrative forms, run by anonymous bureaucracies and giving way to free riders and calculative citizens. This article describes this development and provides arguments for a reorientation of the welfare state and for the re-allocation of rights, risks and responsibilities.  相似文献   

Using the 2008 National Politics Study, the present study indicates that while African Americans are more likely than whites to hear sermons about poverty and other political issues, hearing such sermons more consistently associates with support for anti‐poverty government programs among non‐Hispanic whites than among both African Americans and Hispanics. The racially/ethnically marginalized status of blacks and Hispanics may contribute to these groups being more receptive than whites to religious messages emphasizing social inequality. The contrasting racial experiences of dominance and marginalization may also help explain why hearing politicized sermons is more meaningful to the progressive social welfare attitudes of whites than to African Americans and Hispanics. This expectation is rooted in the heightened variability of perspectives among whites and their religious organizations regarding the government's role in aiding the economically disadvantaged. Conversely, the vast majority of blacks and Hispanics support the government helping individuals who fallen upon hard times. The greater variability in opinion among whites may also allow for greater differences in opinion to emerge between whites who attend relative to those outside of religious congregations led by clergy emphasizing spiritual and political solidarity with the poor than is the case for African Americans and Hispanics.  相似文献   

Developments in social gerontology have led to an increased awareness of the relationship between political economy, culture, and personal narrative as influences on social identity in later life. Central to this debate has been a growing interest in lifestyle choice as evidence of a change from modern to postmodern forms of aging. A key component of this process has been the erosion of a predictable framework for an aging identity, previously supplied by the welfare state. It is argued that, alongside the emergence of no-care zones in health and welfare, postmodern ideas on consumerism and the body have led to an assault on identity in old age. As a result, we may be seeing the emergence of no-identity zones which fail to sustain an authentic framework for supporting experiences in old age. A critical gerontology should include the study of identity as central to understanding the disjunction between aging from within and aging within society.  相似文献   

In the current climate of welfare reform, it is important to understand how perceptions of the poor affect policy decisions. This paper examines how people distinguish between the undeserving poor and the deserving poor, and how this differentiation affects policy decisions. Survey respondents rated each policy in a set of hypothetical policies on a liberal-conservative continuum. Analyses were then conducted to explore differences in the respondents' likelihood of recommending the most liberal and the most conservative of these policies. Study 1 demonstrated that liberal policies were more likely to be recommended and conservative policies were less likely to be recommended when the target group was perceived to be deserving rather than undeserving. Study 2 replicated this effect of perceived deservingness and demonstrated an effect of attribution of responsibility. That is, liberal policies were more likely to be recommended and conservative policies were less likely to be recommended when the responsibility for the target's poverty was attributed to society rather than to the individual.  相似文献   

Samuel Torvend 《Dialog》2013,52(1):19-28
Abstract : Martin Luther's theological and sacramental convictions shaped his commitments to social reform, especially the reform of social welfare and the distribution of money and goods in early modern northern Europe. His early critique of merchant capitalism, political lobbyists, and global economic monopolies prompts contemporary questions about the just distribution of wealth in a world where too many have too little.  相似文献   

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