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城市化进程加快导致环境对健康的影响日益突出.针对生活环境质量问题,应尽快出台环境与健康管理法规及条例,强化对生态环境保护的政策支持.通过开展健康城市建设项目,倡导环境保护,有效控制环境污染,坚持生态立市,加强环境质量监督管理及污染防治,提升人类生活质量和促进社会全面发展.  相似文献   

氟是人体必需的微量元素,但摄入过量能引起骨相系统损害。流行病学和动物实验结果表明,长期过量氟暴露还能损害中枢神经系统,从而损伤动物的学习记忆力和儿童的智商。自由基损伤伤学说可能是氟致脑损伤的机理之一。而硒也是人类必需的微量元素之一,动物实验结果表明,适量硒能拮抗氟致脑功能的损伤,其机理可能与硒的抗氧化性的生物学功能有关  相似文献   

战争是人类重要的社会卫生问题哈尔滨医科大学社会医学教研室(150001)赵锦辉人类健康受许多因素影响,战争是影响人类生存和健康的重要因素之一。战争对人类的危害是巨大的。战争对健康的影响一方面是直接的杀伤,另一方面是战争造成的对人类生存环境等的巨大破坏...  相似文献   

转基因技术安全性的生态伦理浅析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以转基因技术为基础的生物技术是本世纪最具影响力的高新技术产业带。转基因技术在农业、食品、医药、环保等方面有广泛应用,它给人类社会的发展带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益的同时,也存在着潜在危险,即有可能影响生态环境,危害人类健康。本文试图从生态伦理的角度来思考转基因技术的安全性问题。  相似文献   

本文从环境心理学的角度论述了环境污染可以通过作业环境、室内环境、生态环境对人的心理行为产生影响;也可以通过遗传变异导致出生缺陷,或直接损伤身体等原因对心理和行为产生影响,并且提出了心理干预的应对措施。  相似文献   

医学目的是什么?自从有了人类,就开始了和疾病抗争的过程,最基本医学目的因此确立:救死扶伤,防病治病.人类基因组的解密,基因调控转移技术的发展,人类甚至可以操纵自身,改造自身;现代医学创造的卓越成就,提高了人类健康水平,延长了生命.但医学只是以延长生命和改善健康为目的吗[1]?现代医学是否存在误区?我们有必要对医学的目的与作用重新思考.  相似文献   

在新医学模式指导下预防碘缺乏病   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
碘缺乏病严重危害人类健康,是最大的、可预防的智力损伤因素。通过“社会动员”,推动防治碘缺乏病(IDD)“轮子”运转,使我国消除IDD事业有了巨大进步。目前存在的问题可能会影响到该事业的可持续发展。对此,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

关于糖尿病的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
糖尿病及其并发症严重影响了人类的健康。随着科学技术的不断发展,人们对糖尿病 的认识逐步加深。目前关于糖尿病的命名、诊断分型标准和治疗原则在临床工作中逐渐显露 出其不足之处,这势必会影响人们对于糖尿病的进一步研究。本文从糖尿病的命名、诊断、 分型、治疗和糖尿病研究等方面发表了作者的看法,旨在引起大家的思考。  相似文献   

在人类社会的进步与发展中 ,健康的重要性怎么强调也不过分 ,健康 (同教育一样 )给予人们基本的发展能力并体现其生命的价值[1] 。在人类的生存与发展中 ,疾病、损伤与早死使对疾病的控制已经成为了世界各国的中心任务 ,而且已经将人类的健康作为人权中的基本条款铭记于国际法中[1,2 ] 。世界各国不同文化的传统与精髓都告诫我们 :“健康就是财富”[2 ] ,对个人或家庭来说 ,健康就是未来生存与发展的能力 ;对社会来说 ,健康是生产力的基础 ,学习与增长知识的基本条件 ,是体力与智力的载体 ;对经济发展来说 ,投资于健康 ,就是投资于生产力 ,…  相似文献   

时间在人类意识中的反映,保証了人类对经常变化着的外界条件有最完善的适应。时间的定向在人类的认识和实践活动中起着特殊的作用。因此,研究人类时间知觉的生理基础具有较大的理论和实际意义。时间条件反射是人类对现行的时间系统的一种基本的适应方式,它以时间在中枢神经系统中客观正确的反映  相似文献   

王振宏 《心理科学》2022,45(6):1367-1374
儿童发展的环境敏感性模型是在整合素质-压力模型、差别易感性模型、优势敏感性模型、情境生物敏感性模型以及感觉加工敏感性模型理论观点的基础上提出来的一个关于个体与环境因素如何交互影响儿童发展的元理论框架。该模型认为儿童的环境敏感性即儿童感知和加工周围环境刺激信息的能力不同,其发展受到环境影响的大小就不同,高环境敏感性儿童受到环境影响大,低环境敏感性儿童受到环境影响小。儿童的环境敏感性是儿童携带的敏感基因与早期环境交互作用的结果,敏感基因与早期环境共同塑造了中枢神经系统功能的敏感性,从而导致儿童对环境刺激的心理、生理与行为反应不同。大量实证研究表明,存在基因多态性、神经生理与气质等不同的潜在环境敏感性因子。儿童发展的环境敏感性模型的提出,为从基因-神经生理-环境三项交互作用系统探讨儿童发展的多样性提供了理论框架。  相似文献   

空气污染的不良效应不仅限于生理健康损害,还涉及认知功能、情绪和行为等多方面的消极影响。针对空气污染不良效应的形成机制,以往研究提出了环境应激模型和社会-环境交互模型,这些理论模型强调空气污染的不良效应不仅涉及污染的直接暴露程度,也取决于个体的身心状况以及他对空气污染的主观评价。基于以往研究的不足,尤其是环境心理学介入空气污染研究的可行性,未来研究可着眼于改进空气污染的心理学研究方法,开展空气污染的环境应激和风险感知研究。  相似文献   

Attitudes toward industrial pollution, environmental-economic trade-offs, and endorsement of various strategies and activities to protect the environment were examined in a community sample. Environmental attitudes were measured using seven distinct factors organized around four cognitive themes: commercialist-expansionist-emphasizing industrial concerns even at the expense of environmental considerations; reformist-emphasizing the need and possibility of environmental quality; radical-emphasizing pessimism over the possibility of environmental quality, given the present economic and policital system; and finally, denial that the community has been harmed by pollution. Examination of the relationship between pollution attitudes and endorsement of the various proenvironmental activities yielded a pattern consistent with a cognitive, syllogistic model of the organization of attitudes. Those emphasizing a commercialist position neither favored nor regarded the various environmental activities as effective. Those who emphasized reform endorsed the various activities as both favorable and effective. Denial was associated with opposition to the various activities. Finally, those taking a radical position favored the various strategies but were not convinced of their efficacy.  相似文献   

The definition of mental health associates three fundamental variables: biological variables, psychological variables and environmental variables. In this article, we will focus on environmental variables that inhibit and facilitate cognitive and behavioural disorders in childhood and adolescence. Environmental psychology considers the interrelations between human and environment in its spatial, social and chronological dimensions and considers it as a characterized and undissociated system. We will bring to mind social and physical environmental variables with which children and adolescents interact frequently and, through a literature review, we will enlighten environmental variables that are susceptible to induce behavioural disorders and psychological variables that modulate children's and adolescent's relations to environment. We then suggest possible outcomes of this approach in clinical practice as well as in terms of therapeutic applications in child psychology and psychiatry. Finally, we evoke the necessity of taking in account neurobiological fields in order to outline a model of human development integrating the three variables that define mental health.  相似文献   

病原微生物能够影响宿主的大脑和行为, 甚至诱发精神疾患。肠道细菌可影响小鼠的神经系统发育和行为模式的发展。慢性胃肠病、慢性疲劳综合征等生理疾病中的行为改变与微生物有关; 肝性脑病、多发性硬化等中枢神经系统生理疾病也可能由微生态改变引起; 抑郁症、孤独症等精神疾病与肠道细菌状态和比例有关; 卫生假说支持上述观点。建立良好的共生微生物平衡有利于人类身心健康。可以预期, 共生微生物与身心健康的关系将是今后心理学研究的关注热点。  相似文献   

Using the example of air pollution, I criticize a restricted utilitarian view of environmental risks. It is likely that damage to health due to environmental pollution in Western countries is relatively modest in quantitative terms (especially when considering cancer and comparing such damage to the effects of some life-style exposures). However, a strictly quantitative approach, which ranks priorities according to the burden of disease attributable to single causes, is questionable because it does not consider such aspects as inequalities in the distribution of risks. Secondly, the ability of epidemiological research to identify some health effects is limited. Third, the environment has symbolic and aesthetic components that overcome a strict evaluation of damage based on the impairment of human health. It is not acceptable that priorities be set just balancing the burden of disease caused by pollution in the environment against economic constraints. As an example of a computation that inherently includes economic analysis, I refer to the proposal of an estimator of mortality in coal mining, i.e., a rate which puts deaths in the numerator and tons of coal extracted in the denominator. According to this estimator, mortality due to accidents decreased from 1.15 to 0.42 in the period 1950–1970 in the United States, for each million tons of coal extracted. However, considering the steep decline in the workforce in the same period, the traditional mortality rate (deaths over persons-time) actually increased. The proposal of a measure of mortality based on the amount of coal extracted is just one example of the attempts to influence decisions by including an economic element (productivity) in risk assessment. This paper has three purposes: One, to describe empirical research concerning the health effects of environmental pollutants; two, to discuss the scientific principles and methods used in the identification of environmental hazards; and three, to critically discuss some of the ethical principles which are applied in medicine and in the assessment and management of risk.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(3):191-206
Our article presents the results of three studies carried out to develop and validate a scale to measure satisfaction with the work environment (ESET). Environmental satisfaction refers to the way people evaluate their workplace and has become a central concept in environmental psychology. However, so far, it has been little explored in an organizational framework. Our study aims to fill that gap by drawing up a French scale of environmental satisfaction at work based on an overall view of satisfaction toward the work environment. A systemic approach needs to be taken, covering the different spaces that make up these work environments, including the work-station, the office space, the working area and the external environment. Participants were 143 office workers in different job sectors. Confirmatory analysis showed that our environmental satisfaction at work questionnaire had good psychometric qualities.  相似文献   

In addition to good medical services, all aspects of an economy must work together to ensure a high level of public health. However, the abundant economies of the North are contributing heavily to global environmental disaster, with increasing concomitant damage to human health. Environmental health problems result from toxicity (i.e., pollution), scarcity (i.e., poverty), and energy degradation (i.e., entropy). Common to these three factors in environmental demise are the limits of the Earth. Production has evolved to a point where the Earth is no longer safe from radical depletion. Therefore, simple living is a necessary feature of global public health. Rarely do readers of this journal see these limits first hand, but they are real. Our limited perceptions and efforts hinder our ability to understand how to reduce the impact of production on natural ecosystems. Contrary to standard media portrayals, growth and technology cannot solve our public health problems, because they are unequally distributed across the world and neither can they solve the problem of limits. The need for modest consumption in developed nations is an essential and almost completely ignored element of the answer to environmental and associated health problems. A radical and rapid change to public health is needed in order to avoid abysmal global health consequences during the next century. These changes involve a restructuring of our economy, including the health care industry. In the short run, this is an ethical demand. In the long run, this is an inevitability. The actual and appropriate role of bioethicists in championing these changes is unclear. (Abstract by Bruce R. Smith)  相似文献   

Recent medical evidence indicates that marijuana is more harmful than had previously been suspected. A review of recent research in the following areas is presented: tolerance and persistence, reproductive system, respiratory system, immune system, central nervous system, genetic and chromosomal effects, and behavioral effects. Implications for mental health professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

Research advances have led to three methods for selectively activating one half of the autonomic nervous system in humans. The first method is an ancient yogic technique called unilateral forced nostril breathing (UFNB) that employs forced breathing through only one nostril while closing off the other. The second method works by stimulation of an autonomic reflex point on the fifth intercostal space near the axilla. The most recent method employs unilateral vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) via the mid-inferior cervical branch and requires surgical implantation of a wire and pacemaker. UFNB is non-invasive and seems to selectively activate the ipsilateral branch of the sympathetic nervous system with a possible compensation effect leading to contralateral VNS. UFNB and VNS have been employed to treat psychiatric disorders. While UFNB has been studied for its potential effects on the endogenous ultradian rhythms of the autonomic and central nervous system, and their tightly coupled correlates, VNS has yet to be studied in this regard. This article reviews these three methods and discusses their similarities, putative mechanisms, their studied effects on the endogenous autonomic nervous system and central nervous system rhythms, and their implications for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

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